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WvW is in the WORST State ever

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7 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Cannot believe this thread is still going on, no one has provided a clue as to why WvW is at it's worst, Vote to close the thread its taking up valuable real estate on the forum.

Sweet, is it? 🙂 What is your take and the why?

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6 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

WvW is at its worst because:

- Burst damage sources are more reliable now (Holosmith)

- Boons last forever (almost +100% boon duration is easily attainable)

- Boonrips can only deal with above mentioned boons when chained with other players. Meaning it is purely combo meta where fights end super fast.

-Quickness (and alacrity) are easy to access boosting damage further (Alac will be adressed in next patch).

- AoE superspeed upkeep makes fights too easy to start in addition to skill ranges and radii too small compared to their original design.

- Any competitive scenes are dead because objective auras. Interrupting duels and defending are too easy. You simply cannot find competitive timezone, because that competitiveness is tied to location. Example: 1vs1s have 20% damage swings against same opponent with same build depending on who owns nearby objective. It is impossible to be considered the best because 2nd best player or guild is at most 5% worse than you.

- Any meaningful communication has difficulties to develop due to how often the server changes: Links, Transfers, Language issues. Find a good timezone? It will be gone in maximum month because all servers change noticeably.


How to fix it is quite simple: Nerf holosmith, nerf boon duration stat, nerf AoE quickness applications, nerf superspeed applications, replace objective aura stats with something that doesn't affect combat and return monoserver system. There are quite a few other things wrong with WvW as well before it can be considered scene with any longetivity, but these are the main ones to adress.

Riba, so do these outpace your normal defense buffs issues?

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4 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

WvW's worse possible state was when HoT first came out and all three borderland maps were the original desert bl. Barricades, oasis event, and no gliding. Rock walls in earth keep, air blast traps in air keep, more lava in fire keep. May not even be necessary to explain the skills back then either. People have short memories on the cc and lack of stab and pirate shipping back then.

I don't know Chaba. I think I personally would have to go with when we had just two maps. They grew boring rather fast as a Warhammer player used to so many map options. But I agree that's a personal opinion so not saying wrong. Just couldn't +1 you there myself.

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On 2/17/2024 at 11:23 AM, Burnfall.9573 said:

Am I understanding you correctly?

You stated that its so dangerous for Anet getting feedbacks, so why did those 99.99% leave?

I'll tell you why

"What you permit, you promote. What you allow, you encourage. What you condone, you own. What you tolerate, you deserve.”

Just like Toxic Work Culture being the #1 Factor driving people to resign their workplace, Toxic Gaming Culture is #1 factor driving players to leave the game 

For 12 years, Anet has Permitted, Promoted, Allowed And Encouraged Toxic Gaming Culture For The Players

So they leave


-Signs of Toxic Gaming Culture-

1. Unfair treatment

2.  Exclusionary behavior or cliques

3.  Lack of trust and support amoung concern players

4. Poor communication and lack of transparency

5. High levels of stress and burnout

6. Constant dysfunction and confusion

7. Core values are non-existent

8. Does not follow core values

9. Hard work and effort are not rewarded

10. No acknowledgement to the Community concerns

11. No motivation to play

12. Lack of confidence in leadership

13. Rewarding Bad Behaviors

14. There's no willingless to grow and change

15. Lack of respect and care to the Community inputs, feelings and concerns

16. Promoting and encouraging favoritism, bias 

17. Cutthroat competition-creating an environment that is unhealthy, detrimental and undermining to the players experiences

18. Allowing Abusive, bullying, harassment, trolling and stalking to be part of game feature design

19. Normalizing and encouraging harmful, destructive behaviors

20. Lack of consequences, accountability and responsibility to create a healthy competitive gaming experience for the players

Wow...This is so on point!🤨

To me it seems like a loot of this craziness is just pure pettiness and spite. Like someone can't hold their temper and is stuck on a revenge trip, especially in the wvw game mode. 

Disclaimer: Just expressing my experiences in game, and what I hear in the chats and the forums. Hope my emoji don't earn me another point.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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4 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I don't know Chaba. I think I personally would have to go with when we had just two maps. They grew boring rather fast as a Warhammer player used to so many map options. But I agree that's a personal opinion so not saying wrong. Just couldn't +1 you there myself.

EBG plus desert bl without alpine is also still just 2 maps. And one of which many hated. Oasis event felt like an annoying chore that was punishing if you ignored it.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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5 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:
12 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

WvW is at its worst because:

- Burst damage sources are more reliable now (Holosmith)

- Boons last forever (almost +100% boon duration is easily attainable)

- Boonrips can only deal with above mentioned boons when chained with other players. Meaning it is purely combo meta where fights end super fast.

-Quickness (and alacrity) are easy to access boosting damage further (Alac will be adressed in next patch).

- AoE superspeed upkeep makes fights too easy to start in addition to skill ranges and radii too small compared to their original design.

- Any competitive scenes are dead because objective auras. Interrupting duels and defending are too easy. You simply cannot find competitive timezone, because that competitiveness is tied to location. Example: 1vs1s have 20% damage swings against same opponent with same build depending on who owns nearby objective. It is impossible to be considered the best because 2nd best player or guild is at most 5% worse than you.

- Any meaningful communication has difficulties to develop due to how often the server changes: Links, Transfers, Language issues. Find a good timezone? It will be gone in maximum month because all servers change noticeably.


How to fix it is quite simple: Nerf holosmith, nerf boon duration stat, nerf AoE quickness applications, nerf superspeed applications, replace objective aura stats with something that doesn't affect combat and return monoserver system. There are quite a few other things wrong with WvW as well before it can be considered scene with any longetivity, but these are the main ones to adress.

Riba, so do these outpace your normal defense buffs issues?

? Defense stat buffs are in the list for killing competitive scene (Dueling, top guilds, iconic blob commanders). But do not misunderstand, I have been also advocating for defending siege to do something and defenders having more time to gather up. So it is mostly promoting active defences, that require attention from both sides, and long-term sieges over passive defences, that no one can interact with, and lord room rushing.

Edited by Riba.3271
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I think it is right to make a somewhat detached remark on this debate. Granted that players come and go in our mode. That has been the case and will continue to be so. That said, when we had the last beta event, where we redistributed all the players better, what did you see? If we are honest, 12 years later there was a lack of organisation or there was a lack of collaboration because everyone goes their own way, but there was certainly no shortage of players.

Let's just say we're lucky, because GW2 is a great game, and when we ask Anet for a change or update, it's often technical and subtle details. without taking anything away from the suggestions, because they are always useful.

Many of us have been here for a long time, so we get pretentious (myself included), because we always want more. But try to think about the player who enters WVW for the first time. If he likes confrontation and if he likes PvP, he'll be over the moon and tell you it's crazy cool.

Do you still remember your first week of play? Well, then you know what I'm talking about.

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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5 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

EBG plus desert bl without alpine is also still just 2 maps. And one of which many hated. Oasis event felt like an annoying chore that was punishing if you ignored it.

Agree any given 2 maps grow stale overtime. Any given week would prefer that we don't know what maps we get till the week starts. By now had hoped we would have enough maps that it was a random pull on what any given map would be up for play. Comms and players would need to adjust their tactics for a given map. Still HBLs, but in name only, and all maps would be three way maps so there was less of the EBG vs HBL back and fourths. But, was not to be. 


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