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Help with Juvenile Brown Bear [Merged]

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I am a returning player. I had to get a new account because aNET thinks I should have a receipt in my wallet from 10 years ago.  I play WvW support druid. I need a brown bear for condi removal. The juvenile brown bear in EBG doesn't respond to "charm" efforts. As far as I can tell, there are only 2 in Tyria. Both have a meter under their avatar stating "occurs when defiance is broken".

I have asked Anet support for help. each time the tech reads "pet" and "ranger" and replies with the standard mechanics for charming a pet.  YES my current pet is stowed.  YES I attempted to interact. NO I don't currently own a brown bear.  Any help as to what "when the defiance is broken" means would be greatly appreciated.


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You don't have to have your current pet stowed, and all you need to do is run up to the juvenile animal to make the Charm option pop up. Like the others said, there are three Tyria maps where you can find them (I just got one on an alt in Gendarran Fields).

As for the bar/meter under their name plate, it appears under all pets. It's just a normal defiance bar, like what most champions have, but it doesn't actually do anything because pets don't have defiance mechanics, as far as I know.

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4 minutes ago, katherine.1359 said:

I need a juvenile brown bear. I literally cannot continue playing with out one.  I only play WvW support druid. Brown bear is a requirement for  condi removal

1. I am a returning player I know the mechanics involved in charming a pet.   (Anet wanted the receipt from 10 years ago. It wasn't in my wallet.) I had to start over.

2, there are (as far as I know) 3 brown bears available. 1 in Ascalon , 1 in Kyrta and 1 in EBG

3. The bears in Ascalon and Kryta seem to be tied to an event. There is a meter underneath them that says, "Occurs when the defiance is broken". when I try to interact with them.  It's not the typical meter under an npc. Screen shot attached.   I don't know what event this refers to or how to complete it. Anyone familiar?

4. The bear in EBG doesn't react at all when I try to interact.  I don't already have a bear. It doesn't belong to another player (screen shot attached). It's just bugged and, as in all things WvW, Anet's "give-a-f**K" is busted.


No core pets are tied to events.

To attack a screenshot go to site like imgur.com upload it and post the link to it here.

Edited by Linken.6345
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You need a Juvenile Brown Bear - the ones with their name in green text which aren't aggessive, not the normal Bears which have red names and will attack when you get close.

Once you've found one all you need to do is get close on your ranger and press F (or whatever your interact key is) to tame them. The only reason the option wouldn't appear is if it's not a tamable Juvenile animal, or if you've already got one. Sometimes you can also get the prompt to tame an animal on another ranger's pet, but that won't work.

Here's an example (luckily I have a ranger without a bear pet): https://i.imgur.com/dWF8XNU.png?1

This was taken at Talajian Piedmont in western Gendarran Fields, as you can see there's several Juvenile Brown Bears there, as well as several agressive Bears, and as soon as I get close to one the Charm option appears. At that point you just have to push the button and the bear is charmed instantly.

If you don't get the option I strongly recommend checking you haven't already got a bear. It's one of the starter pets for norn and human rangers, so a lot of players will have it without ever taming one.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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35 minutes ago, katherine.1359 said:

3. The bears in Ascalon and Kryta seem to be tied to an event. There is a meter underneath them that says, "Occurs when the defiance is broken". when I try to interact with them.  It's not the typical meter under an npc. Screen shot attached.   I don't know what event this refers to or how to complete it. Anyone familiar?

This made me wonder if you were just clicking on the bear instead of pushing the Interact key to tame them, but I just tried and found out that double-clicking one also works. I had to be close enough for the Charm prompt to appear, but when I was I double clicked the bear and the notification appeared to say I'd tamed it: https://i.imgur.com/0UT7rB1.jpg

(On a related note though text under NPC names is not an event, it's a description of their abilities. In this case it's telling you that the bear pet has a definance bar and the fact that it's greyed out means it's not currently possible to break it. Events are shown in orange text on the map and on the right side of the screen, they can include special NPCs but the event instructions will never be hidden in an NPC's description.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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50 minutes ago, katherine.1359 said:

I need a juvenile brown bear. I literally cannot continue playing with out one.  I only play WvW support druid. Brown bear is a requirement for  condi removal

1. I am a returning player I know the mechanics involved in charming a pet.   (Anet wanted the receipt from 10 years ago. It wasn't in my wallet.) I had to start over.

2, there are (as far as I know) 3 brown bears available. 1 in Ascalon , 1 in Kyrta and 1 in EBG

3. The bears in Ascalon and Kryta seem to be tied to an event. There is a meter underneath them that says, "Occurs when the defiance is broken". when I try to interact with them.  It's not the typical meter under an npc. Screen shot attached.   I don't know what event this refers to or how to complete it. Anyone familiar?

4. The bear in EBG doesn't react at all when I try to interact.  I don't already have a bear. It doesn't belong to another player (screen shot attached). It's just bugged and, as in all things WvW, Anet's "give-a-f**K" is busted.


Make sure you're trying to tame a juvenille brown bear, not an adult. It will say juvenile brown bear. It will be green and not attack you. Walk up to it and press f.

I know it's all the rage to yell at Anet, but this really isn't Anet's fault. You don't remember the mechanic, because the entire mechanic is walking up to a junvenile and hitting f. It has nothing to do with an event, and it has nothing to do with a break bar.

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You got plenty of helpful information in your first thread, including a link to the wiki that shows exactly where the juvenile brown bears are located. They are not gated by any events. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juvenile_Brown_Bear#Locations

I know you say you know how to tame pets, but just in case . . . You don't have to have your current pet stowed, and all you need to do is run up to the juvenile animal to make the Charm option pop up.

As for the bar/meter under their name plate, it appears under all pets. It's just a normal defiance bar, like what most champions have, but it doesn't actually do anything because pets don't have defiance mechanics, as far as I know.

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Not tied to any event.  You just go up to a juvenile brown bear and push F.  

What pet do you currently have....unless it's just the starting pet...how did you obtain it? 

Are you sure you don't already have one tamed and you just need to go into your pet panel and select it?   Just check for fun.  

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Find a juvenile pet that you haven't charmed.

It cannot be a pet that has already been charmed. By default, the name is not changed. Each player has to do that for each pet.

Kill hostiles, if needed.

Walk up to it and charm it.

All there is to it.

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56 minutes ago, katherine.1359 said:

I think my questions aren't clear.

Please just tell me what this means. That's all I get when I try to interact.  https://i.imgur.com/2cX5Lqy.jpg


When you say you "try to interact" what specifically do you mean? What buttons do you push? What do you click?

All you need to do to tame a pet is get close to them and then push the Interact key (which is F by default) or double-click the left mouse button on them. There is nothing more to it, and it doesn't matter at all that they have a defiance bar (which all tamable pets have).

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We're saying that doesn't matter. 

From the wiki:

As rangers venture into the world, they will find new pets for them to tame. Any friendly animal (green nameplate) whose name begins with Juvenile can be tamed (charmed) by the ranger, unless they already belong to another ranger, by approaching them and using F or double-clicking them. After a short conversation, with a description written by the mysterious Acht, the pet will join the ranger. Nearly every area in the game, including cities, contains a number of juvenile pets to tame. The list of pet locations has the location of all pets for rangers wishing to charm them all without having to search for them.


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23 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I strongly recommend checking you haven't already got a bear. It's one of the starter pets for norn and human rangers, so a lot of players will have it without ever taming one.

One would hope that a missing pet chosen at the character creation as "standard equipment" would be noticeable at some point: I ordered a Ranger with the high end stereo, cruise control and a Brown Bear. I got the tunes and the cruise, but WHERE is the BEAR?

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39 minutes ago, katherine.1359 said:

 This is what I'm referring to @RoseofGilead.8907https://imgur.com/2cX5Lqy


1. Ignore that.

2. Walk up to the bear.

3. Press F.

The defiance bar does not matter. It has nothing at all to do with taming a pet. It will not stop you. It will not help you. It is irrelevant.

I really don't know how we can make this any clearer.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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Alternatively if you still can't get it working just make a human or norn ranger: they can choose a brown bear as their starter pet, so then you don't need to tame one at all, you just need to click on the picture of a bear in step 5 of character creation.

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i just went to these locations in-game with a ranger to test, and they are broken. there's simply no interaction prompt even if you don't have the pet. i was able to tame other pets just fine however, so it seems to be the brown bear only?

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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59 minutes ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

i just went to these locations in-game with a ranger to test, and they are broken. there's simply no interaction prompt even if you don't have the pet. i was able to tame other pets just fine however, so it seems to be the brown bear only?

If it is bugged, it's not universal because I did the same thing on a brand new norn Ranger yesterday, and I was able to see the Charm option pop up on the ones in Kryta and in Ascalon.

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8 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

i just went to these locations in-game with a ranger to test, and they are broken. there's simply no interaction prompt even if you don't have the pet. i was able to tame other pets just fine however, so it seems to be the brown bear only?

I tamed one yesterday at Talajian Piedmont in western Gendarran Fields. I was trying to work out what the OP meant by the defiance bar being all they get when they 'interact' with a bear, so I tried double clicking one and got the notification that I'd tamed it. (I've since found out that 'double click to interact' and 'right click to interact' are settings in the options menu, I'm not sure if they're on by default.)

Did you try the ones in Eternal Battlegrounds? I think that's where the OP has been going. If so it might be specifically those ones.

I might be able to try in about 4 hours, assuming I can get there on a new ranger without being killed.

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