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Help with Juvenile Brown Bear [Merged]

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13 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Alternatively if you still can't get it working just make a human or norn ranger: they can choose a brown bear as their starter pet, so then you don't need to tame one at all, you just need to click on the picture of a bear in step 5 of character creation.

This is the best suggestion if it is bugged, just make a human or norn.  

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It worked for me just now. I went to Speldan Clearcut in Eternal Battlegrounds, since that's where I think the OP has been going. I had to do it on a newly created ranger since I didn't have another one which doesn't have a bear (I deliberately made them a sylvari so you know I didn't have a bear from character creation). I decided to try it at level 4, just in case there is a level restriction like someone mentioned earlier in the thread. (Luckily WvW is very quiet right now and everyone was busy fighting in Stonemist.)

I found the Juvenile Brown Bear, which interestingly doesn't have the defiance bar like the ones in PvE maps do, and was able to tame it. (I also tamed a black bear, whiptail devourer and a boar since they were in the area.)

Here's 3 screenshots, edited together for simplicity, showing my character next to the bear, with the charm option, the notification that I'd tamed it, and the tamed bear afterwards: https://i.imgur.com/1f1YnR2.png

Here's the screenshots from yesterday when I charmed a Juvenile Brown Bear in Gendarren Fields:

So it's worked twice for me, on two different accounts, one on NA and in a PvE map and one on EU and in WvW. If it's bugged it's either under very specific circumstances (and I'm not sure what) or it's intermitent. If it was just the OP I'd say either they've already got a bear and don't realise or they're doing something other than pushing the Interact key, since they keep saying the defiance bar is what they get when they try to interact and that's nothing to do with interacting with a pet (or any NPC) it's just always under their nameplate. But @SoftFootpaws.9134 had the same problem.

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Ok.  @RoseofGilead.8907, thank you for actually checking. This would have been a lot easier in the beginning had I known how to add a screenshot. Thank you @Linken.6345 for

teaching me how.  I'm sorry I got frustrated .Looking back, it would have been helpful to tell you I had tamed other pets prior.  I know the brown bear is pretty much the standard for support druid condi removal. Suggestions as to what to replace it with?

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I went to each location. My interact was bound to mouse 3 so I changed back to F.  I tried right click, left click and F. Final screen shot shows my pet mgmt so you can see I don't already have the bear. . Maybe its the server I'm on. I don't know.  Ill look for an alternate to the bear for condi removal   https://imgur.com/hxr8wDh


Edited by katherine.1359
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36 minutes ago, katherine.1359 said:

I went to each location. My interact was bound to mouse 3 so I changed back to F.  I tried right click, left click and F. Final screen shot shows my pet mgmt so you can see I don't already have the bear. . Maybe its the server I'm on. I don't know.  Ill look for an alternate to the bear for condi removal   https://imgur.com/hxr8wDh


You need to be closer then that to tame try standing inside of it.


And have no idea wha tyou mean with final screenshot show your pet managment since there is only one you standing  not to close to a bear bud.

Edited by Linken.6345
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23 minutes ago, katherine.1359 said:

I went to each location. My interact was bound to mouse 3 so I changed back to F.  I tried right click, left click and F. Final screen shot shows my pet mgmt so you can see I don't already have the bear. . Maybe its the server I'm on. I don't know.  Ill look for an alternate to the bear for condi removal   https://imgur.com/hxr8wDh


Which starter pet did you pick?

I don't know why it would make a difference but it's weird that this is so inconsistent and hard to replicate, so I'm looking at all the variables.

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heres that combined screeen shot.  I didn't realize that you couldn't type after adding a link.  Some show me at a distance.  I was next to the bear when I tried to interact. Bear just wandered while I was hunting keys.  Stupid bear    I was unable to get a shot of the WvW bear today.  He was on the opposite side of the map in enemy territory.  Each time I tried, Red used me for traction.   I fooled them tho....I bled on their boots    https://imgur.com/fxcSRG8


Edited by katherine.1359
autocorrect did it's thing ..... again
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23 minutes ago, katherine.1359 said:

heres that combined screeen shot.  I didn't realize that you couldn't type after adding a link.  Some show me at a distance.  I was next to the bear when I tried to interact. Bear just wandered while I was hunting keys.  Stupid bear    I was unable to get a shot of the WvW bear today.  He was on the opposite side of the map in enemy territory.  Each time I tried, Red used me for traction.   I fooled them tho....I bled on their boots    https://imgur.com/fxcSRG8


It could very well just be a weird bug affecting just some players and certain characters. But just make sure you've checked to see if you already have that pet. Click the little triangle above the pet icons on the Pet Management menu to see all the pets.

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1) Verify if u have the brown bear already charmed by you by clicking on the pet face just above the skills slot  Pet Management

2) You'll get a charm option if u haven't charmed the pet b4.. once u charm the pet, U'll get a popup

3) If u Equip the pet you just charmed, It's face gets updated above the skill slot


Hope this helps... though I believe u already have teh brownbear but didnt equip it when u charmed it and u arent aware of the pet management popup small upward arrow to choose currrent pet among previously charmed ones

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17 hours ago, katherine.1359 said:

Ok.  @RoseofGilead.8907, thank you for actually checking. This would have been a lot easier in the beginning had I known how to add a screenshot. Thank you @Linken.6345 for

teaching me how.  I'm sorry I got frustrated .Looking back, it would have been helpful to tell you I had tamed other pets prior.  I know the brown bear is pretty much the standard for support druid condi removal. Suggestions as to what to replace it with?

Fernhound, Turtle, white moa, blue moa, white tiger.

Brown bears 2 condi removals aren't necessary, druid has plenty of cleanse.

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