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so many years into the game, can you elaborate how it is urgent now?

a new localization is not a one and done but requires constant maintenance going forward, are there enough players that would pick up the game and spent in significant amounts only with a localization for this to be a worthwhile investment for anet? it is a buisness decision and wasting resources at it would cost the game in other areas, so it has to be made very carefully.

Edited by bq pd.2148
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1 minute ago, bq pd.2148 said:

so many years into the game, can you elaborate how it is urgent now?

a new localization is not a one and done but requires constant maintenance going forward, are there enough players that would pick up the game and spent in significant amounts only with a localization for this to be a worthwhile investment for anet? it is a buisness decision and wasting resources at it would cost the game in other areas, so it has to be made very carefully.

They seem to be having a hard time maintaining German and French localisations as far as I can tell. (I only play in English so I haven't confirmed for myself.) 

However, is it true the Spanish version doesn't have any voice over? If they were to do another language I wouldn't be surprised to see that's the route taken for it.

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50 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

ANet is already cutting costs on Voice Acting by making all SotO characters refer to PC as They/Them in 3rd person, and You think They gonna add in whole language support?

I miss being "he/him." The change is jarring. The lack of consistency is aweful, especially if you consider that the last time the NPCs refer to the player by a binary-gendered pronoun, it was in Gyala Delve.

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2 hours ago, Kiki.9450 said:

I miss being "he/him." The change is jarring. The lack of consistency is aweful, especially if you consider that the last time the NPCs refer to the player by a binary-gendered pronoun, it was in Gyala Delve.

Yeah, I am that type of player who like to immerse himself into the story, so it hurt my ears so much to hear charcters like Zojja, that know PC for years and was always refering to us using binary-gendered prounounce, to refer to us as they/them all of the sudden. 

As much as I know it's grammaticly correct (even tho I never met anyone using it irl, it just sound so wrong), it really hurt my ears, and I cringe each time I hear this. Such a cheap way to cut costs on VA.

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6 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Yeah, I am that type of player who like to immerse himself into the story, so it hurt my ears so much to hear charcters like Zojja, that know PC for years and was always refering to us using binary-gendered prounounce, to refer to us as they/them all of the sudden. 

As much as I know it's grammaticly correct (even tho I never met anyone using it irl, it just sound so wrong), it really hurt my ears, and I cringe each time I hear this. Such a cheap way to cut costs on VA.

I love the people that respond to this sort of criticism with "it doesn't matter, it's just pronouns." To me, the consistency issue is like if the NPCs started referencing your "lovely blue skin" all the time... but you play an ordinary-looking human or charr character. Nothing blue about your character, just "here's a giant inconsistency with prior writing that makes no sense and we're bringing it up now for no reason." It's just odd, and as you mentioned, cheap. If Anet didn't want to do lines twice for "his" and "hers" they should have just not written the dialog to reference the character's gender in any way. I really hope they revert to prior writting practices in this regards for whatever's after SotO.

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On 1/24/2024 at 2:34 PM, Biziut.3594 said:

ANet is already cutting costs on Voice Acting by making all SotO characters refer to PC as They/Them in 3rd person, and You think They gonna add in whole language support?

I'm fairly sure this wasn't a cost cutting measure, considering how verbose Zojja's dialogue is during Convergences.

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1 hour ago, Shining One.1635 said:

I'm fairly sure this wasn't a cost cutting measure, considering how verbose Zojja's dialogue is during Convergences.

What do You mean? I have read through the whole dialogue section. Zojja is not speaking about us in 3rd person there, she speaks directly with us, so not really a chance for Her to even use They/Them, He/Him, She/Her pronounce.

You can mostly catch it during story chapters when npc is speaking with another npc about PC.

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2 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

What do You mean? I have read through the whole dialogue section. Zojja is not speaking about us in 3rd person there, she speaks directly with us, so not really a chance for Her to even use They/Them, He/Him, She/Her pronounce.

My point was that if they were trying to save money by cutting down on voice lines, why did they make her so verbose in Convergences?

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9 hours ago, Shining One.1635 said:

My point was that if they were trying to save money by cutting down on voice lines, why did they make her so verbose in Convergences?

You are joking right?

Apart from Her mostly just repeating same lines, they can't just let all characters go mute suddenly.

You do not understand that many lines had to be recorded twice to refer to both genders. They cutted this gender referencing dialogues by recording it just once, each time there is a line that should reference Your PC by your gender, it used to look like this:

He have a bag of candy


She have a bag of candy

Now You get this for both genders:

They have a bag of candy.

See? Two lines of immersive text made into one grammaticly correct but wierd sounding unimmersive one (like who after years of calling You normally He/She, now suddenly starts to call You They, especially npc's that already know You for a long time). And all of that becouse... reasons.

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9 hours ago, Shining One.1635 said:

My point was that if they were trying to save money by cutting down on voice lines, why did they make her so verbose in Convergences?

Maybe by not having to record every line where the player character is referred to in the 3rd person twice (once with he/him and once with she/her) they were able to allocate that time/money to recording a greater variety of voice lines?

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On 1/23/2024 at 5:19 PM, sequelado.7534 said:
This nation has a lot of representation and little recognition, 
due to the time and number of players it is more than time to have
a translation into our language... (¬.¬)'

This request seems to pop up every once in a while, and the assertion is always that there are so many players in Brazil that they need/deserve a localization. Has anyone ever actually shown that this assertion has any merit, or is it just an unsubstantiated claim?

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1 hour ago, Zohane.7208 said:

This request seems to pop up every once in a while, and the assertion is always that there are so many players in Brazil that they need/deserve a localization. Has anyone ever actually shown that this assertion has any merit, or is it just an unsubstantiated claim?

I agree, this comes up every so often but as far as I know it's been ignored by Anet, which makes me think they aren't convinced there's enough demand to make it worthwhile, so adding some numbers might help convince them.

I don't think it's possible for players to get accurate numbers in each country, but maybe they could use something like the number of guilds which use Brazilian Portuguese, and the number of players in each one. (I assume there's guilds, I know there's a lot for unsupported languages on EU servers, especially Polish, Italian and Dutch. I've heard there's at least 1 Japanese guild as well.)

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It's not been ignored.  Well, more recently I suppose you could say, but they have already stated that they will not be adding any additional language support.

This has been requested quite a few times and a simple forums search would have found the answer.


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