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Prestige mode for Titles: 1, 2, 3, 25, 100, 250

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Every pvp season you get a marker on w/e title you get (if you get one). Once you hit the 5th marker, you get a colored band around your title (or simply make the text colored, depending on what everyone prefers).

  • First tier: Bronze colored band/text
  • Second tier: Silver
  • Third tier: Gold
  • Etc... etc...

There are no new titles or rewards in pvp. This is also an attempt of a long-term title progression system to farm, for veteran/casual players. Yes, it would also take a very long time to reach Gold prestige, let alone Plat and Legendary but other games have a similar PvP prestige mode for others to instantly see, if they want it to be seen.


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the actual issue with PvP is a shrinking population, I can't see how this does anything at all to address that so nope.

I shouldn't have the same players shuffled around for 10 games in a row.... that's actually a dead game experience.

realistically, anet need to make new players not start with 1200 rating, buff rewards in unranked, and actually advertise the gamemode on steam and with streamers. the system needs to not feed people to gold and plat players on their first games of ranked, then it needs to try an actually get more players. no one will be retained by the current state so not even worth advertising until it's sorted.

the game needs a large injection of low skill players, but it also needs to match them with other low skill players and give them peepo happy rewards to keep em happy.

new title bling for top 250, while cool really does nothing for the growth of the scene...

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Never forget in the very start of automated tournaments we had top players who are still around today on the top spots straight up banned for match manipulation and it is known that match manipulation still happens. Let's just enjoy GW2 combat gameplay while it still exists and leave it at that, Anet has given up on it since Esports failed and they shouldn't pick up on it if anything remotely targeted towards "competitive" would be their choice to update the mode.

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17 minutes ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

the actual issue with PvP is a shrinking population, I can't see how this does anything at all to address that so nope.

I shouldn't have the same players shuffled around for 10 games in a row.... that's actually a dead game experience.

realistically, anet need to make new players not start with 1200 rating, buff rewards in unranked, and actually advertise the gamemode on steam and with streamers. the system needs to not feed people to gold and plat players on their first games of ranked, then it needs to try an actually get more players. no one will be retained by the current state so not even worth advertising until it's sorted.

the game needs a large injection of low skill players, but it also needs to match them with other low skill players and give them peepo happy rewards to keep em happy.

new title bling for top 250, while cool really does nothing for the growth of the scene...

I don't see anything you listed as growing the player base. Adding more newbies to a veteran gamemode doesn't retain said newbies. This has been shown over and over at every expansion the game has ever had.

In fact, there isn't really anything retaining veteran players at all.... which is 99% of what this thread is about.

This game's pvp population has been dwindling year after year with the exception of expansion releases where we get a small surge of players. If you really want to address the issue with pvp population shrinking.... address the average or below average playerbase. Perhaps start a new thread about that but this thread isnt it.

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Only if decay isn't reversible would this work.  As too many sit in decay until the last moment then play a few games and end up back on the leaderboard.  

Would also need to obviously remove duo q to mostly solve the alt carry/boosting problem.  

Then to fully solve alt issue, need to remove any alts from the leaderboard, new account or no.  Only one account can be registered to the leaderboards.

Otherwise, nothing grows and discussion on the matter is rather pointless.  

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3 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

I don't see anything you listed as growing the player base. Adding more newbies to a veteran gamemode doesn't retain said newbies. This has been shown over and over at every expansion the game has ever had.

In fact, there isn't really anything retaining veteran players at all.... which is 99% of what this thread is about.

This game's pvp population has been dwindling year after year with the exception of expansion releases where we get a small surge of players. If you really want to address the issue with pvp population shrinking.... address the average or below average playerbase. Perhaps start a new thread about that but this thread isnt it.

where do you think average and veteran player come from? they are just newbie players who have been retained. the focus should always be new players and keeping them around.

you already have the same team USA people winning gizmos and filling the leaderboard with alts. I mean sure add more titles and more of them will play more alts for more leaderboard spots. I guess maybe a few players will stick around to grind them, but like I really feel like the title grinders aren't going to dramatically grow the population.

feel like another gamemode would be big. something to break up the monotonous same old same old. anet promoting daily AT could even be big. idk, feel like there are more appealing things than titles for Humperdinks alts, but w/e

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16 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

I like the Idea, it Would Make wintrade wars even More Epic seeing 10 Guys Hardcore wintrading for r1 to have it in Gold. 


Outside of that, there is nothing agianst that

Yea that's great because: you can report multipble of these at once. They get double as fast banned as before and out of the game for atleast some time depending on how much they gotten already 

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On 1/23/2024 at 5:55 PM, Bunbury.8472 said:

feel like another gamemode would be big. something to break up the monotonous same old same old. anet promoting daily AT could even be big. idk, feel like there are more appealing things than titles for Humperdinks alts, but w/e

Oh I definitely know where you are coming from and I actually agree but, I feel we're long past another gamemode considering that Stronghold horrifically failed. Stronghold got to the point that Anet Devs are in an awkward spot with it. It's beyond their comfort zone and it's why they haven't changed the map layout or added anything extra to it. Because they know it's a huge waste of dev resources for something that doesn't guarantee a retention of players. But I still agree with you. Anet should have been adding SOMETHING different between mini seasons instead of simply alternating 2v2/3v3.

Half the reason I'm pushing "new" rewards onto something we already have is because it doesn't cost anything to implement for one. So the chances of it actually happening is high. Secondly, it's not going to change what's already happening in the top 100 Leaderboards.... players will continue to queue dodge each other and continue to play minimum games, along with other rating manipulating strategies. That top 100 minigame within 5v5 conquest isn't going anywhere.

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