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Jade bots should have more module slots

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In my personal opinion, I find the current jade bot module system to be a bit anti-fun and lacking meaning choices.

The second slot (sensory array) has Mount Energy Booster (imo the fun choice), Recycler (passive bag management choice), Scavenger protocol (a thief of your own wallet if you don't slot this chip) and turtle siege enhancer (a boring +20% passive siege turtle damage bonus, will only make the smallest impact in where it's used which is destroying walls/rubble). My issue with this one is Scavenger protocol is in almost all cases the vastly superior choice and only Mount energy booster can compete in niche situations for example in race events or exploration. It's not a fun choice to either pick money or utility. (Edit: this is basicly the same choice as in vanilla Gw2 where you could pick either magic find on your gear or get all slots to be combat stats).

The third slot (service chips) has Gliding booster (fun utility choice), Rescue Protocol Recharge (fairly decent choice for the inverse of downstate enjoyers), Skiff supercharger (seems like this is only useful for dedicated fishing characters), Treasure hunter protocol (this is my default, would miss so many chests if I didnt have it) and Turtle pilot booster (basicly the same as turtle siege enhancer, a boring meaningless option that will have minimum impact in wherever it's used).

What I would suggest is add a few more module slots and have several modules compete with each other in a meaningful way. I would suggest something like this:

Slot 1: Jade bot core

Slot 2: Recycler / Scavenger protocol compete for this slot. (this is your financial value slot)

Slot 3: Mount Energy booster / Gliding booster.  (This would be a horizontal vs vertical traveling choice, which imo would be a meaningful one)

Slot 4: Rescue Protocol Recharge / Treasure Hunter protocol / A new module which generates 1 jade charge for traveling 10-30k units of distance, can change this number into whatever is reasonable /  Skiff Supercharger / A new module that reduces the time for fish to bite when fishing / A new module that slightly increases either the speed or size of the player controlled bar while doing to fishing mini-game without increasing fishing power itself. (I think this would be a reasonable combination of choices for modules, skiff/fishing modules could have their own slot I guess)

Slot 5: Turtle Siege Enhancer (change this to increase damage done by turtle slam depending on the altitude the turtle dropped, generate more ammo the more dmg slam does) / Turtle Pilot Booster (Add a turtle spin attack to the skill bar that deals siege dmg and allows the turtle to swiftly change the direction of their movement, remove bonus ammo generation) / A new module to charge up the skyscale fireball to consume 2 ammo, does double the dmg of 1 ammo charge and can blast apart kryptis turrets in defense mode / A new module for a second skyscale siege attack, a flamethrower style breathe attack on a 30s/1m cooldown.


Edited by Setz.9675
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6 minutes ago, Setz.9675 said:

and lacking meaning choices

Disagreed, jade bot has strong effects and having limited slots is what makes those choices meaningful. Otherwise you just max out chips and use them at the same time.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Disagreed, jade bot has strong effects and having limited choices is what makes those choices meaningful. Otherwise you just max out chips and use them at the same time.

And I disagree with that, in WvW and fractals most modules aren't even active so you pick scavenger or recycler by default. When using the skiff supercharger you don't benefit from a jade bot gliding module or mount energy booster.

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7 minutes ago, Setz.9675 said:

And I disagree with that, in WvW and fractals most modules aren't even active so you pick scavenger or recycler by default. When using the skiff supercharger you don't benefit from a jade bot gliding module or mount energy booster.

Good, I don't see why they should be active in wvw or fractals. Not like modules are the only things behaving like this either.

7 minutes ago, Setz.9675 said:

When using the skiff supercharger you don't benefit from a jade bot gliding module or mount energy booster.

Yes, that's the point of making meaningful choice.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

While it would be fun, you can't have it all.  Two is enough, even when those can be tough choices, and you can switch them out as needed.  

There is no tough choice with 2 slots thats the entire problem.

Am I going to pick turtle siege enhancer  to deal more damage to Heithor's gate or do I pick scavenger protocol which gives more potential loot on every kill, this is not a choice when 1 option is vastly superior over the other.

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5 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

Fascinating how quickly some people frustrate when people don't just immediately agree with their idea. 

This isn't about agreeing or not but the absolute unwillingness to read past the thread title. I see no point in conversing with people that do not bring forth any semblance of an argument.

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I agree that it's frustrating that Mount Energy Boost looks like a lot of fun, but it feels like you can't pick it, because it competes with the Scavenger Protocol which gives you free 3.3s in materials every minute or so. Maybe I'm the problem, and maybe I should be willing to forego ~2g of profits per hour to have slightly more fun.

Maybe if it was easy to change out these chips, it wouldn't be a problem. But as it is, you need to go to town (and not just any town) to change out the chip. They've very intentionally made it hard to change out chips as needed while playing.

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I’m not against more slots. I think the Jade bot system is a bit weird anyway, so I’d be for anything to give it a bit more weight. Perhaps we could open slots through gameplay though like collections. I’d suggest more slots through masteries, but that ship sailed. Maybe if we return to Cantha

Or perhaps ditch the chips and make it a quick change system through the UI like traits. Then it would be worth changing and be more consistent with other features in the game. The workbench is unintuitive and part of the problem

Edited by Randulf.7614
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I just wish that the jade bot upgrades that we bothered to unlock were account bound, and that they were easy to switch between. As it is, you need to buy / upgrade parts for multiple characters, you need to keep the chips in your inventory, and you need to go to town to switch them. All of those are a bad user experience.

I really like how the jade bot mastery gives us choices. It's almost like an additional traitline, where you get some set bonuses, and then you select from several options a few times. I love the great user experience of swapping out traits. I wish jade bot mastery was more like that.

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39 minutes ago, Setz.9675 said:

There is no tough choice with 2 slots thats the entire problem.

Am I going to pick turtle siege enhancer  to deal more damage to Heithor's gate or do I pick scavenger protocol which gives more potential loot on every kill, this is not a choice when 1 option is vastly superior over the other.

I disagree.  If someone is running a siege turtle daily or leading metas that utilize it, it might make sense to them.  I personally like mount boost and treasure hunter.  Not really concerned about optimizing profits.  I do enjoy finding chests and it reminds me to loot them after metas lol.  

An extra slot would be great, but at this stage it's very unlikely to happen.  It's meant to be a compliment to your existing masteries, not to be a bot of all trades.  It's like an extra, mostly forgettable, perk from EoD, which is a little controversial for some players as is.  People would complain it makes it too unfair for players with the jade bot.  

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33 minutes ago, Setz.9675 said:

This isn't about agreeing or not but the absolute unwillingness to read past the thread title. I see no point in conversing with people that do not bring forth any semblance of an argument.

But I did bring it, the current version does mean you have to make the meaningful choice. Your version just wants to stack more at the same time.
Your last response ("When using the skiff supercharger you don't benefit from a jade bot gliding module or mount energy booster.") changed nothing about it, you just restated that "when you pick something, you can't pick more". This is not a new information, this is the very basis of making a choice.

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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But I did bring it, the current version does mean you have to make the meaningful choice. Your version just wants to stack more at the same time.
Your last response ("When using the skiff supercharger you don't benefit from a jade bot gliding module or mount energy booster.") changed nothing about it, you just restated that "when you pick something, you can't pick more". This is not a new information, this is the very basis of making a choice.

But I think OP makes a good point about putting scavenger protocols in the same category as the gameplay focused ones is similar to having gear prefixes that provided magic find in the same slot as combat stats. I think there's an important difference in that choosing profits over QoL will not ruin your gameplay capabilities or bring your team down in the same way as choosing profits over combat stats. It's still a feels-bad situation, though.

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12 minutes ago, frazazel.7501 said:

But I think OP makes a good point about putting scavenger protocols in the same category as the gameplay focused ones is similar to having gear prefixes that provided magic find in the same slot as combat stats. I think there's an important difference in that choosing profits over QoL will not ruin your gameplay capabilities or bring your team down in the same way as choosing profits over combat stats. It's still a feels-bad situation, though.

Ok -and I don't have much against reclassifying mount energy booster and turtle siege enhancer as service chips. Doesn't that solve it?
I'd say that's a significantly different proposal than OP's "make 5 slots".

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok -and I don't have much against reclassifying mount energy booster and turtle siege enhancer as service chips. Doesn't that solve it?
I'd say that's significantly different proposal than OP's "make 5 slots".

Yeah, I think that would be a great option, and it feels like that solves my own personal issues with this one. I actually think maybe they should be switched around, so the fun ones are available with level 1 jade cores, and you need a level 6 jade core to unlock the ones that make you extra coin. And maybe the treasure-hunter one that identifies chests on your minimap needs to move over the coin-making category, too.

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2 minutes ago, frazazel.7501 said:

And maybe the treasure-hunter one that identifies chests on your minimap needs to move over the coin-making category, too.

True, that could fit there better.

No opinion on the core level requirements, I'm fine with how it is 🤷‍♂️

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They need to make the jadebot do more things. Like the skiff and siege turtle they seem like abandoned concepts.  Pretty ridiculous that we got all these skins and barely any place where they're needed.  Sure u get buffs from jadebot and can rez and occasionally you use it for a waypoint in meta fights but outside of cantha its not used anywhere. 

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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5 minutes ago, frazazel.7501 said:

But I think OP makes a good point about putting scavenger protocols in the same category as the gameplay focused ones is similar to having gear prefixes that provided magic find in the same slot as combat stats. I think there's an important difference in that choosing profits over QoL will not ruin your gameplay capabilities or bring your team down in the same way as choosing profits over combat stats. It's still a feels-bad situation, though.

Basicly this. I find it strange that 10 years ago, magic find on gear was removed because people that used such gear performed less but gained more. In this same vain of thought, people that use the Turtle Siege enhancer do more to progress an event which require the siege turtle but gain less than people with scavenger protocol.

28 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But I did bring it, the current version does mean you have to make the meaningful choice. Your version just wants to stack more at the same time.
Your last response ("When using the skiff supercharger you don't benefit from a jade bot gliding module or mount energy booster.") changed nothing about it, you just restated that "when you pick something, you can't pick more". This is not a new information, this is the very basis of making a choice.

A player goes fishing: Gliding booster ZERO VALUE, rescue protocol recharge ZERO VALUE, Skiff Supercharger ONE VALUE, treasure hunter protocol ZERO VALUE, Turtle Pilot booster ZERO VALUE. You see when you go fishing you only get value from the Skiff supercharger and nothing else. So for fishing I have 4 options with ZERO VALUE and 1 option with value. The very basis of making a choice happens when you miss out on something when you pick the other option. A good example are the trait lines we have with our characters. Really feeling it when you pick 1 thing over the other. That doesn't happen with jade bot modules because half of them are extremely niche or bad picks.

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20 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok -and I don't have much against reclassifying mount energy booster and turtle siege enhancer as service chips. Doesn't that solve it?
I'd say that's a significantly different proposal than OP's "make 5 slots".

Can agree with this.

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7 minutes ago, Setz.9675 said:

A player goes fishing: Gliding booster ZERO VALUE, rescue protocol recharge ZERO VALUE, Skiff Supercharger ONE VALUE, treasure hunter protocol ZERO VALUE, Turtle Pilot booster ZERO VALUE. You see when you go fishing you only get value from the Skiff supercharger and nothing else.

Then you equip what you "need" for that ONE particular thing you want to grind. It's not like players specifically always ONLY RIDE MOUNTS or ONLY GLIDE or ONLY FISH or....
That's where you make a choice, not where you hyper-optimize for one thing. It's as if you'd try to say that whole build system doesn't offer any choice because in the end you CAN hyper-focus on just doing SINGLE THING THE BEST. If that's what you choose to do then keep optimizing for that ONE thing, it doesn't somehow mean choices aren't available for majority of situations in the game.

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Just now, Setz.9675 said:

Loving all the confused icons btw, just going to assume the people using them have the reading comprehension of a 4 year old with the absolute inability to ask others to elaborate on their viewpoints.

Nah, confused icons are the downvotes on this forum. Those people don't like your idea.

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