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[Feature Request] Ability to Disable Chest Armor


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  • 3 weeks later...

@"Gryphon.2875" said:I've just started playing with my character's shirt off. The stat difference is barely noticeable, at least in PvE, and in PvP, gear is irrelevant anyway. ?

Losing that sixth rune bonus hurts, though.

On topic: I never understood how whenever something like this is suggested, the "think of the children" argument comes up, meanwhile kids are constantly exposed to extreme violence in all media. Even if GW2 doesn't have blood, name one problem solved without killing, in some cases its excessive like when we kill people just for stealing, if you're lucky they turn green instead of dying.

There's reference the jails and the like and we even see a few but for the most part justice in Tyria seems to be served by indiscriminate murder from overpowered adventurers. The game is actually very violent (and pro-alcohol use) if you take a closer look at it.

But no blood or nudity so its okay.

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@Maria Murtor.7253 said:The community asked for a toogle off abillity for Footwear since release. Now we are punished with Treasure Mushrooms and a sadistic drop rate for Invisible Boots. More than 2,000 shrooms slayed unsuccessful - I lost hope Long time ago.

They could give us the toggle option on all armor and replace the invisible footware with something equally rare and coveted. Ideas?

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