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Elf in key art gallery shared by anet

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Those aren't elves. Those are the outdated and since replaced concepts for Sylvari.

The commando was a joke profession announced on April Fools some time before GW2 release.

Edited by Zera.9435
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The Commandos are still one of the best April Fools jokes they've done, and the one time I genuinely fell off my chair laughing. I read the announcement about a Commando preview mission in GW1 and went to Embark Beach to see how many people were confused looking for the helicopter, then discovered there actually was a helicopter, and a commando, and a real mission to do, although of course it wasn't a preview of a GW2 profession.

The background is that every time they reveleaed a GW2 profession, including the very first one and all the ones that were just updated versions of GW1 professions they had people raging about how obviously over-powered they were and how they'd dominate the entire game and no one would ever play anything else. I think partially because the preview clips always ended with the enemies dying, and some people thought it was accurately showing a real battle instead of just showing off how the skills worked, so they thought you'd actually be able to one-shot multiple enemies with every skill. (I suspect a lot of them were using fake versions of enemies with 1 hit point.) So then they announced the Commando profession, which actually would be stupidly over-powered.

And yeah, sylvari started off looking a lot more like humans, or elves. There's a really interesting blog by Kristen Perry about re-designing them from scratch because all the existing fantasy concepts basically fell into two camps - 'human/elf wearing leaf themed clothes and/or body paint' and 'bipedal tree monster' whereas they wanted something genuinely in the middle, unmistakably a plant but looking human.

You can still make a sylvari with long, pointed ears like an elf (although not as extreme as some versions of elves), you can even make one that sort-of looks almost human by picking a brown or beige skin colour and the least leafy face and hair options, although for me that always falls more into the uncanny valley than making them look more plant-like.

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