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Why Do People AFK? Story Time

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I have wondered for decades why people go AFK in sPVP. What could motivate them to do something so heinous that would make even the worst Disney villains blush before accidentally offing themself so that the hero can remain morally pure? Then one day, I figured it out...

Me, a Cor Engineer, and Reaper were going to retake home from a Deadeye and Mez. I was on my Chad Gunzerker becuz hell yeah I was. The Deadeye was using a rifle and I don't remember what the Mez had since I introduced them to my friend Ben, last name Dover, with my 69k Gunflame crits and downed them faster than Tower 7. To no one's surprise, our Engi also went down like a goof.

Using my supernova galaxy brain, I knew it would be best to try and rez the Engi while the Reaper either killed the Mez or helped me rez our lil homie. But no, the Reaper was chasing around the Deadeye who was doing his best John Cena "You can't see me!" impression while shooting me and the Engi. I wanted to type in chat to tell the Reaper what a potato-brain horker he was, but there was no time.

Eventually, Gunflame was back up and I stopped rezzing the Engi and popped a cap on the Mez to finish him off like I was putting down Ol' Yeller but without the crying and sad music. The Engi got back up and we won the fight... NOT. The Engi didn't even hit the Mez once so he was still down and died instantly from the Deadeye like those scrubs that play unranked.

I then turned to introduce the Deadeye to Ben but I was low on health and got shot like  JFK and went down. I figured that the Reaper might rub his last two brain cells together and use that ice AOE BS to at least give me time to use Rally and get back up. But no, if they were smart enough to do that, they would have done it already. Deadeye does that stealth stomp crap and I died in disgrace to my ancestors. The Deadeye then casually finishes off the Reaper of Lost Braincells who's still swinging his scythe around in thin air like a blindfolded bloke swinging at a pinata that isn't even there because you tricked them and removed it while they were blindfolded to make them look like a doofus.

And that's why people go AFK.

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they afk for many reasons, but cool thing is you get rewards even when you lose. the time/effort ratio is amazing in pvp. a bot can keep me queued, accepted, and dingling while i watch the latest episodes of HoD. YAY, and the person who made that possible formerly worked at the company who developed the game

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13 minutes ago, Madam Pussycat.6153 said:

Considering I had 4 matches in a row with at least 1 afker in each  one of them I'd say they are not punished at all and that is why ppl afk...no punishment

NA now there're 2 players you know they going to afk once 1 thing goes wrong, a DH and a DE, not even sure if that's not the DH that lost his 3rd account, cuz they behave exactly the same

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3 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

NA now there're 2 players you know they going to afk once 1 thing goes wrong, a DH and a DE, not even sure if that's not the DH that lost his 3rd account, cuz they behave exactly the same

Mine was a scrapper who went afk 2 times in a row and another time I saw him few days ago, a mesmer and a  core guard who goes afk every time I see him. But there's so many afkers it's hard to keep up with them all.  The core guard has been afking almost every match for many years now so you know he isn't getting punished if he's been around doing it for that long.

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Why do people AFK?

  • Toilet.
  • Snack/drink.
  • Falling asleep.
  • Baby crying.
  • Kid got hurt.
  • Kid unleashed it's "artistic talent" at home.
  • Kid need some scolding.
  • Kid want to watch something specific on TV.
  • Hungry kid.
  • Phone (95% of the time it's someone trying to sell something).
  • Someone ringing the doorbell (95% of the time it's someone trying to sell something).
  • Boss wondering if it's employee is doing it's job.
  • Colleagues coming to ask something.
  • Customer bringing some work time.
  • ... etc.
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Take a player who plays pvp not for fun and glory but to gain something. 

Be it AP, gold or other rewards. 

For them, only winning matters, as that is the only time they gain something. 

Match starts, midfight lost. 

This means the game is lost. So why bother? 

You already wasting 15min for nothing. Why fight and make it longer? 


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19 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Take a player who plays pvp not for fun and glory but to gain something. 

Be it AP, gold or other rewards. 

For them, only winning matters, as that is the only time they gain something. 

Match starts, midfight lost. 

This means the game is lost. So why bother? 

You already wasting 15min for nothing. Why fight and make it longer? 

At least this is honest.
Give someone something for doing nothing and they will do nothing again. There's the real #1 reason people AFK.

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quite simple, the mathmaking is not balanced and ANET also allows duoq that makes it even worse and the "rush cap the point" is just bad gameplay in in this game. I do go afk everytime i see monkey team

Edited by AIex.4105
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