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We need this event type back in the future!

Want this event type to exist in the future?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC49Dl-EPpU | Want this event type to exist in the future?

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Would be fun but doesn't gel well with the community. Also it looks like alot of work for either a one time/once a year event and if so, which map woupd you sacrifice if you didn't want to design a new one? Open world PvP needs to live in WvW land and gimmicky PvP needs to live in festival county, sry m8.

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Sounds PvP-ish, so I'd likely avoid it at all costs, personally. I don't like PvP, I'd rather work with other players, or work solo, to take down imaginary monsters.

However, maybe they can implement something of a similar vibe into WvW? Or, just keep this to activities like Southsun Survival or Lunatic Inquisition.

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I'm not gonna lie, a HoT map with a random 'event' that would have turned the majority of Sylvari hostile/into Mordrem would've been kinda dope. Or if you died in Elona around Awakened you could've become Awakened and fought for Joko. Cool in concept, but I can already taste the pve-er salt from here. Shame I wasn't around for this to participate, it looked super fun as a 'finale' to the beta.

Edited by Caitmonster.9036
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