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PvP Discussion: Rewards

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Ithilwen.1529 said:

@Jiyu.8310 said:

@bluri.2653 said:On the topic itself, weapons awesome idea same goes with "upgrading" or fixing the look for the armor to make it look more prestigeous.

We're working on another version of the Glorious armor. I'm specifically aiming to have the tournament version look noticeably different than the League version. It will basically be a paint over/effect treatment on the current armor. Some work has been done, but it's still a ways out.

Ben just for clarity, do you intend to update the existing ardent glorious(aka league version) and glorious hero(aka tournament version) armor (inlcuding updating the skins for peopel that already own pieces of these armors) or replace them with the overhauled skins and turn the old ones into legacy skins? I think u meant just updating the skins but just wanna be sure.

They will be a new skin and a new set of armor that you have to earn.

I'd love to play for
Mastery Points.
I'd even be willing to do a multi reward track grind for them, ( within reason.) Some of those masteries are even tougher than GW1 masteries which is saying something. I
"strongly dislike" jumping puzzles and timed puzzle tasks for mastery points.

Mastery points were something that we discussed quite a while ago. The number of mastery points is very carefully controlled. In the end, we decided against using them as a reward mechanism in PvP.

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@Kain Francois.4328 said:Question: Will the Glorious Armor be left alone in regards to crafting a Legendary PvP Helmet? Will the recipe change?

Ps. Just want to say that the weapon set changing on based on your team color is one of the best ideas you've made in awhile.

The recipes for upgrading the PvP Ascended armor into legendary will remain the same. Though, new recipes for upgrading the new armors, when they are done, may be added. We haven't decided this fully yet.

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@Xibalbar.7459 said:

@Sihmm.9236 said:I get that it was a little
easy to get ascended armor in season 5, but it seemed to help bring a lot of new players to PvP and was great for someone like me who can't cope with the rigmarole of getting it through PvE.

I'm not suggesting we go back to season 5 levels of availability, but perhaps we could at least earn more grandmaster marks each season - say, one per repeatable byzantium chest, or make grandmaster marks be purchasable for ascended shards (or even regular shards)?

Why? It should be a long term goal for you. I played 8 of 9 seasons and i crafted yesterday my legendary armor. I improved, i learned all classes, i did my way to plat.2. I grabbed myself into every meta. This is the way you needs to play pvp, not the system for loot. One grandmaster mark is okey! Why should we create a farmtrain in pvp?

1) You're falsely equating increasing the number of grandmaster marks with legendary armour not being a 'long term goal'.1a) The true long-term requirement on legendary PvP armour is tickets, which are hardcapped in how fast you can earn them. Grandmaster marks are limited only by gold.1b) Not all of us want legendary armour. Arguably the main use of grandmaster marks is to make PvP ascended gear; legendary is a bonus, long-term step up from that.

2) You seem to be implying that the way you play PvP is the way everyone should play. I see no reason this should be the case.

3) Rewards have been a part of PvP forever, and the quantity and quality of rewards have been adjusted both up and down over time. This is what we're discussing. Some people play because PvP is fun, some people play because they want to get a high ranking, some people play because they want the rewards. Some of us for all three reasons. I play mostly because PvP is fun, but I enjoyed attaining my platinum 2 ranking also, thank you, and the many rewards I've gained in the process make everything more fun.

4) PvP would be no more of a 'farmtrain' if grandmaster marks were more easily available. Presently the only way for pure PvPers to get extra Grandmaster marks is to farm the gold to buy them with the repeatable Byzantium reward chest, so arguably if your goal is ascended gear you'd actually have to farm less if, say, you also got one grandmaster mark per chest.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Felipe.1807 said:Not sure if have been answered allready, but anyway....its new PvP armor gonna be just a retex from the one we allready have or its gonna be a whole new set?? Asking cause in my opinion the PvP armor that we have now is really ugly...i dont think is worth the effort to try to get just a retex armor.

The 2.5 armor is going to be reskin/effect treatment.

We'd love to get a new PvP armor set as well, but those things take a lot of time to make. Armorsets are one of the most expensive/time consuming reward items to make. But hopefully eventually!

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:Other rewards?We’d love to hear your thoughts on rewards and what you’d like to see. Keep in mind, some things like armor sets and weapon sets are very resource intensive and have a very long lead time.

I play for lands and titles. Maybe nodes for your home instance? Home instance connected to PvP lobby? I like unique titles too for a bit of showing off. Also, maybe a little badge on the character nameplate that lasts in between seasons, similar to where the league indicator and world completion indicator are now.

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Would it be possible to where I don't have to play inventory tetris every time you win anything in pvp? I personally don't care how you do it, but anything that gives a flat gold amount or something in terms of currency that isn't an armor piece would be a godsend. Your current system is beyond cluttered.

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  1. Please NO to PvE-only related stuff (e.g. Mount Skins/Mastery/Hero Points, Infusions, etc);
  2. PvE-only related stuff as PvP rewars feels silly;
  3. Skins are great - It's Fashion Wars btw;
  4. Titles are great - they represent acomplishments;
  5. Suggestion: Exclusive Titles paired with Gear Skins for Top Stat roles (and other PvP contributions);
  6. Top Stats are silly but can contribute if properly incentivized (at least way better than just playing without compromise);
  7. Exclusive Set + ranking Title tied to achievement progression over a specific Top Stat are more likely to lure players into learning a role, experimenting and collaborating to the match rather than just repetition without compromise (also directly rewards players that already do so naturally);
  8. Moves behavior/mentality from "I don't care I only play for the skin." to _"I need to get better at this role if I want the skin."

I've read a lot of requests asking for PvE stuff like Mount skins, Mastery/Hero Points and such as PvP Rewards. IMO it seems foolish to add such and I can just hope they are considered out of question for the sake of us all. Stuff like mounts, mastery, hero points, infusions or any kind of PvE-only related stuff must be kept away from from PvP as they are not related to it by any means.

Skins & Gear are great RewardsGear (exotic/ascended/legendary) are great rewards for PvP even though sPvP itself is not gear-based. The reason for this is because if you enjoy PvP it is likely you also enjoy WvW or at least go in there to test/improve/learn your skills by dueling or roaming. The majority of PvP players (myself included) refrain from gear grinding in PvE. Also, we usually don't have a "main", but multiple characters in order to play different classes, which brings them very hard to gear properly for WvW since different builds require different gear and you're not full of ascended/legendary like a normal PvE player due to lack of Fractals/RAIDs/Dungeons.

In addition, skins are what defines what kind of content you usually do on the game (being it Fashion Wars) so having exclusive PvP gear is the one thing that can give you something to thrive for.

TitlesTitles are meant to indicate something you have accomplished in-game. And they do it in an easy, simple and straight way. Titles are always amazing since they are related to pride and status, even though in a not-so-fancy way. Titles for winning tournaments, becoming a top player in seasons or accomplishing various tasks in PvP matches are aways welcome.

Suggestion: Exclusive Titles & Gear/Skins for Top Stats (and certain actions)Now imagine combining both of the above statements into a single reward, tied to something more than just winning matches, but to your contribution to them. Most importantly: tied to the ROLE that suits your efforts.

The game already supports a system that rewards players by role, like 'Top Revives/Healing/Damage/Kills' and so on. Problem is it feels lacking and we all know that Top Stats are NOT - anywhere near - an indicator of a good player, but we all must agree that they are an indicator that that particular player is at least trying to do its job somehow. It's an effort nonetheless and even though it may fire backwards (with really bad players posing as pros just because of them) it's a good opportunity to reward players for trying their role at their best.

Today, we have +1 pip reward for each but that's all. They are currently more of a bad excuse than anything else. With the right rewards, they can be more. If you picture a category of achievement related to every single Top Stat, you should be able to create an armor skin related to that role. Each tier of the achievement granting a piece of the specific armor and a crescent ranking title related to it. At the top tier, the player would have the full set and the highest rank of the role-related title; something like "War Surgeon" or "Divine Healer" for the Top Healer Top Stat for example.

Skins should match the idea of the role played, so players would be able to chase what suits their preference, like a medic suit for healing or an infantry-like vest for Offense. The title ranks + the skin pieces would be a nice addition to incite players into playing different roles and trying different types of classes, builds and gameplays.

Also, other roles could be tied not to the Top Stats but to certain collaborating actions that are not currently accounted like decapping points (which is a great indicator of a good Thief/Mesmer for example), stomping enemies, rallying allies and such.

Of course that can backfire with players running around trying to get kills or stomping/ressing in stupid situations but any kind of reward system can result in such scenarios. The truckload of PvE players in PvP for 'The Ascension' and Glorious skins are just examples. But rewarding players for doing somehow good at a specific role of their choice might bring a better result than just rewarding people from playing over and over again, even if they are ruining/trolling other people's games. At least they'll put some effort into it. PvP players that are already found to a role will have the opportunity of being rewarded for it with something that will not everyone be easily achieved by everyone else.

I see this as a reward that will require proper training and learning of a specific kind of gameplay, rather than just clicking to find a match and not caring at all about the odds and results. One that can not only gratify dedicated players for being great at what they do but that can also incite others to try and test new classes and builds, experimenting more of what PvP is. One that can give a better direction to new players that are not found of PvP but want the skins as they'll trace a learning curve and aim to become better and better with each role instead of just clicking to find matches without any concern about others or the game itself.

That's my 2 cents.

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@"Felipe.1807" said:Not sure if have been answered allready, but anyway....its new PvP armor gonna be just a retex from the one we allready have or its gonna be a whole new set?? Asking cause in my opinion the PvP armor that we have now is really ugly...i dont think is worth the effort to try to get just a retex armor.

The 2.5 armor is going to be reskin/effect treatment.

We'd love to get a new PvP armor set as well, but those things take a lot of time to make. Armorsets are one of the most expensive/time consuming reward items to make. But hopefully eventually!

This sounds like "we are not going to waste time drawing skins to spvp".

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@breno.5423 said:

@"Felipe.1807" said:Not sure if have been answered allready, but anyway....its new PvP armor gonna be just a retex from the one we allready have or its gonna be a whole new set?? Asking cause in my opinion the PvP armor that we have now is really ugly...i dont think is worth the effort to try to get just a retex armor.

The 2.5 armor is going to be reskin/effect treatment.

We'd love to get a new PvP armor set as well, but those things take a lot of time to make. Armorsets are one of the most expensive/time consuming reward items to make. But hopefully eventually!

This sounds like "we are not going to waste time drawing skins to spvp".

We could work with a backpiece; that would be good enough. Then... hopefully eventually a full armor set if the Gods are still on our side.

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A general suggestion:Please make ascended gear a bit easier to get for PvErs. While you will get a lot of flack from PvP purists complaining about the influx of PvErs, it's what the game mode needs. It needs a higher population and it simply won't happen unless PvErs have an incentive to play the game mode.

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I would like to a path to legendary trinkets, rings, and an amulet WITHOUT fancy effects, but stat switching. I know some feel this is pointless and silly, but I feel it allows for easy entry into pve and wvw content as it would eliminate the grind for gear to do raids, fractals, or wvw.

I really liked the design of the backpack collection, and would like to see similar progressions.

Oh, and finishers are a great quick reward.

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@Mysticjedi.6053 said:I would like to a path to legendary trinkets, rings, and an amulet WITHOUT fancy effects, but stat switching. I know some feel this is pointless and silly, but I feel it allows for easy entry into pve and wvw content as it would eliminate the grind for gear to do raids, fractals, or wvw.

I really liked the design of the backpack collection, and would like to see similar progressions.

Oh, and finishers are a great quick reward.

I would like legendary trinkets. I’m sure it would have to be a path that unlocks another path that unlocks another path....etc. But I would love stat swappable trinkets. I could care less about fancy effects. I just want to be able to swap stats.

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  • AT-mAT rewards for guilds. I like the idea you had to share the obsidian weapons in wvw and pvp, maybe you can give to the guild that win mAT some kind of reward in wvw, like golden banners on the towers/castels they conquer or something like that, just something to incentivate the guild play in pvp (that right now is wroth nothing)
  • new AT-mAT titles like "champion class", I like the idea to give a new title for the people that play a lot of tournaments, and if you give a tick of "tournament champion class" each time someone WIN a tournament then this title will be really exclusive

and a minor thing you can add is annoucements in the chat of the winners of AT and mAT (like HA winners back in gw1).last minor change, instad of the crown/moon to the mAT winners give something like that but with a toggle like the actual league badge, so people can decide to show or hide it. Maybe change it to something less sofisticated should be nicer for the winners to keep it always on.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@"montecristo.1324" said:

  • new AT-mAT titles like "champion class", I like the idea to give a new title for the people that play a lot of tournaments, and if you give a tick of "tournament champion class" each time someone WIN a tournament then this title will be really exclusive

I like this idea. The only complaints I can see from people is encouraging them to play classes they don't like to get the titles.

and a minor thing you can add is annoucements in the chat of the winners of AT and mAT (like HA winners back in gw1).

This was part of the original design and got cut for time. I've been wanting to get it added for a while though.

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@"montecristo.1324" said:
  • new AT-mAT titles like "champion
    ", I like the idea to give a new title for the people that play a lot of tournaments, and if you give a tick of "tournament champion
    " each time someone
    a tournament then this title will be really exclusive

I like this idea. The only complaints I can see from people is encouraging them to play classes they don't like to get the titles.

and a minor thing you can add is annoucements in the chat of the winners of AT and mAT (like HA winners back in gw1).

This was part of the original design and got cut for time. I've been wanting to get it added for a while though.

The complaints can be avoided with the adding of another title more generic like "tournament champion" not bind to a single class, less rewarding to get for people that don't multiclass, but that needs more ticks than the class-bind one.

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As a PvP-player i mostly enjoy this content so creating new loot for pvp shoud be only cosmetic or to don´t punish me for playing too long this mode, so i need to work from 0 on other modes.

Don´t need much rewards, the only thing that woud be nice is to get easyer to the other gamemodes: let me lvl my new specs for PvE/WvW, let me lvl my new PvE content skills (like the mounts/ HoT stuff), let me get some wvw stuff.

Oh and i dont want to have 7k or more of spiritshards that i need to use for having something from that^^.

Thats it^^.

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@Darek.1836 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Unique finishers for monthly AT/PvP Season similar to the WTS ones. I also think you could add ascended shards/leauge tickets into AT's and the top in the ranked leauge. Other "maybe" rewards could be clovers or some sort of way to create legendary weapons. Similar to
but a PvP version of it.

Have you discussed anything regarding enabling infusions for PvP? Theres a lot of people who play all game modes and have very expensive infusions who might want to see them but they do not work in PvP. Could also lead to potential reward in PvP from Leauge/AT's.

Unique mounts for AT's/Leauge

So you want to bring gear grind to sPvP? The only thing that could make this worse is make them available in the gemstore only.

Where have I mentioned "Grind"? I'm talking obviously as a prize of placing highly on the leaderboard/mAT's. I personally don't care about what rewards are given as grind

kitten you seriously want infusions to work in pvp am I reading that right?

Yes? They are adding standard models on teammates anyway so it will just be you seeing them, so why not?

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@Ashyri.5426 said:
Remove pip rewards for defeats from ranked match during the seasons.
This will end afk/botting pips farming, people actually have to play to in order to win the game. Also it might increase the match quality on low tiers and newcomers to pvp might actually enjoy and learn enough of it to stay playing PvP.

I'm against removing pip rewards for losing. People need to be rewarded for their time, even if they weren't successful. And it makes the process of learning the game mode more rewarding.

The better solution to botters is just to find them and punish them. It's not always easy for us to find them, but CS has been doing botter ban waves. Chris even posted about it lately.

I believe the damage made by afkers/botters and the toxicity it creates on low tiers is one of the highest entry barriers to PvP here for new players, thus something must be done.I understand GW2 isn't a competitive game and the amount of effort to handle cheaters is huge and never-ending, therefore I'm being realistic considering anet hasn't done anything about our reports or cheating in PvP thru the last year (although botting/hacking only seem to increase) by suggesting an easy way to definitely address the issue (you can't pip farm defeats so you must play to win and the only reason to do so is for the rewards). Also, not only it's hard to believe they're all of sudden banning bots, but also afking is a much bigger problem.

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