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Never thought I'd enjoy ranger

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As a rule, I hate pet classes and prefer melee play styles and while this being GW2 there's no reason you have to adhere to a play style you don't like, ranger has always been haunted by that bearbow image for me.  In any event, I recently started playing the class and found that the melee bruiser style of Untamed really suits me!  So, I thought now that I'm feeling comfortable with it I might share my progress with my open world build as I seem to have gone a bit of a different route than SC or Hizen have with their open world builds.  Here's a quick video clip with a full build link in the comments.


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4 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

As a rule, I hate pet classes and prefer melee play styles and while this being GW2 there's no reason you have to adhere to a play style you don't like, ranger has always been haunted by that bearbow image for me.  In any event, I recently started playing the class and found that the melee bruiser style of Untamed really suits me!  So, I thought now that I'm feeling comfortable with it I might share my progress with my open world build as I seem to have gone a bit of a different route than SC or Hizen have with their open world builds.  Here's a quick video clip with a full build link in the comments.


Yeah i use sword as well. Does far better than having 2 maces in mainhand imo. 

Its really fun to use. Especially due to the leaps of sword and having access to the burst of power builds while still being tanky.

Its really nice to have a good power open world build for once instead of always cele or trailblazers.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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36 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Interesting. Hadn't thought of separating the maces.  I like the flow of sword/axe, mace/mace but that could be good, too.

Yeah I mean i mostly use it like that because of personal preferance.
Mainhand mace just has a mini jump on skill 3 but mainhand sword has 2 big jumps on 2 and 3, so i use offhand axe on mainhand mace to pull enemies because sword doesnt really need it.

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Let me ask you two....which of the two builds shines? I like the more dps of Op's build but the sustain in the other me likes as well, i dont like dying. Reckon I will try both maybe and see how I go!  😉

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2 hours ago, Joxer.6024 said:

Let me ask you two....which of the two builds shines? I like the more dps of Op's build but the sustain in the other me likes as well, i dont like dying. Reckon I will try both maybe and see how I go!  😉

Sustain on wilderness survival is a bit less effort as it's baked right into your rotation on every CC.  On the other hand, marksman can just swap one trait to gain similar sustain by dropping ferocious symbiosis for restorative strikes.  And when you don't need it (probably most of the time!) You get better damage.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Situations where I hate being meele:

1) When someone drops blue boss' puddle in middle when fighting OLC strike mission.

2) when the chak gerent refuses to move out of its glowy blue expanding donut poop.

3) when enemy target moves out when you're in axe5 or the game mechanic forces you to cancel axe5

4) when someone triggers deimos black expanding decay and u have to throw axes while other ranged condi dps players happily keep their condi ticking

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1 hour ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

Is this build as difficult as most build sites say?

I don't see anything difficult about it.  The old condi untamed with that broken trait that made it so your cooldowns were like nothing was.  But this?  Pretty much just your basic ranger with the unleashed mechanic tacked on.  You can also play a high sustain version of it that's tanky like cele builds but using berserker gear by swapping out marksmanship for wilderness survival and taking the carnivore trait.

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On 5/18/2024 at 4:38 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

Yeah, well, even as a ranger main this really peeves me!

Now imagine, u groupedup some enemies with raptor engage skill and a spellbreaker warrior comes in and uses hammer4... The berserker warriors used to cast "wild blow" on those situations before March patch... Was so annoying... It's kind of feels okay that rangers can knockback only one target

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8 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Now imagine, u groupedup some enemies with raptor engage skill and a spellbreaker warrior comes in and uses hammer4... The berserker warriors used to cast "wild blow" on those situations before March patch... Was so annoying... It's kind of feels okay that rangers can knockback only one target

Neither example is a sign of effective ranger play.  /shrug

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