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Quality-of-Life Requests and Suggestions (New for 2024)

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Can we get an option to put in the spear art work to replace the normal button artwork for *all* weapon skills? Under an accessibility menu?

Two reasons:

1. i play all 9 professions, ~20ish of the elite specs across them. Remembering exactly which one is a cc on an arbitrary spec/weapon/build combo is a bit too much for my memory. Having a "simple icons for stupid people like me that can't remember ~1000 weapon skills" would be awesome. I'm such a casual newb 😛

2. I'm also quite visually impaired and so having large, easily readable icons would be of great help. My retinas are turning into Swiss cheese - and i don't mean they have holes like Swiss cheese (even though they 100% do). I mean someone seems to have reached in and replaced my retinas with something a bit less functional than Swiss cheese is at detecting light.

I definitely appreciate the time and effort that the artists have put into all the artwork in GW2. But I just need a little assist in my high APM holo/zerker/chrono/firebrand/weaver builds.


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Some stuff here is likely a repeat of a few other things:

  • Let us pick between Rescue Protocol and Bandage Self. I once got embarrassingly downed by a trash mob in the open world, but I died in just the right spot that the mob (who was a ranged enemy) stopped aggroing me and ran back to their original position. No other enemies around, no allies to help, so I had to use Rescue Protocol. A few minutes later, I joined a Bounty train in Elona, got downed... and when I needed RP the most (I was caught in the AoE poison pool that some bounty targets have), I was stuck with Bandage instead, and nobody could run in to help res me!
  • Add cycle-tooltips for a buncha skills in the game like Engineer Kits and Warrior's Rampage. Like how with the Berserker Elite Spec, you can right click on the "Primal Rage" trait to cycle through all the different new Bursts you get. Let us preview our various "kit" skills without having to swap to that skill and equip it (less egregious on kits with no cooldown, but more egregious for transform skills like Rampage or Norn Transforms -- yes I know nobody really uses those, but it'd be a good QoL anyways)
  • Quartz Crystals consumed from the bank as well as the inventory when charging them. Please 😭

My biggest thing I'd like to see is a big change to the Boon/Condition "rows" on the HUD. As it stands, there's a Boon Row, a Condi Row, and then a "Misc" row where everything else gets tossed. That third row can get stupidly long, especially with things that aren't always relevant. Something like this might be better for readability:

  • Boon Row: All the standard Boons go here (Might, Swift, etc.)
  • Condi Row: All the standard condis go here (Bleed, Cripple, etc.) as well as daze, stun, etc.
  • Combat-Related Row: Put non-standard "Boons" here, like Stances, Signet Passives, Relics, Soldier's Focus, etc. as well as any equipped traits with an internal cooldown. Show the icon grayed-out when not active (rather than removing it entirely, so the bar isn't shifting) and have the little white "clock timer" effect that you see on standard Boons/Condis so you know when that trait/ability/etc. will be active again (like Shrug it Off, Heightened Focus, Defy Pain) (I'm a Warrior main so apologies for the warrior-centric examples). Knowing when certain traits will come off cooldown will help immensely.
  • General Buffs Row: Things like Boosters, Food/Util effects, Well Rested, Jade Bot Recyclers, Rescue Protocol -- stuff that's important but currently are put alongside a lot of the things from the bullet point above.
  • Misc Row: The weird stuff that doesn't fit, like hyperspecific condis/boons that you get during certain heart quests, story steps, strikes/raids, and so on.
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20 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

There's this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack

You can find most tracks on SoundCloud: 


Cool, but I rather have it as an option ingame tbh, so the battlemusic can still take over. A lot of older MMO's still fiddle with their music (even EVE online has a few nice options), and GW2 has one of the best soundtracks out there. Would be a shame to never thouch the music ever again and just rehash older music for new expansions.  A "dynamic music" option would be a nice addition (or whatever the marketing department will call it lol).

Edited by Hemi.5267
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There are a few things that must be added to the game. These will both make it easier for players to take and edit their own pictures and make them more useful..Green screen is one of them. Even a green room added to any area will provide this, players can even make movies, a simple green screen will allow the game to advertise for free.I haven't played the game for ten years, I'm still new and I just learned that there is no green screen in GW2.This is a very urgent and important issue. In fact, I was surprised that there was nothing here that could simply be added to the game. I was planning to make videos with my character in GW2, but using in-game footage, I learned that there is no green wall, let alone a green room.I previously wrote a post asking for Reddit GW2 character models to be allowed to be downloaded in 3D for use by players, and I was immediately banned.So, I wanted to make a movie about the game using my GW2 character, so I wanted to do it, but I got banned. I also researched the green screen issue or the green room issue, because I thought I could do it using in-game videos. It's quite surprising, I mean, what company would want to prevent their players from creating things related to the game? ?Why wouldn't he want to advertise?In the picture below, I have a character that I can easily edit and remove the background when it does not have an aura. Anyone who knows this job knows that when there is a translucent aura or effect, it is very difficult and sometimes impossible to remove it.For this reason, it is completely removed and re-added. Editing even a simple image can take up to 30 minutes for this reason.If I create a digital painting from scratch or create a manga page, it may take between five and thirty minutes, depending on the quality of the image or the quality of the material.For this reason, doing something nice about the game and publishing it is very difficult and requires patience.A green room should be added to the game, which any designer can do in five minutes, so that such things can be quicker, easier and more common.Let's assume that I am shooting a video, it consists of 30 images per second, and I need to edit each image one by one to remove the background. If I spend an average of 20 minutes on one image, I need to spend 600 minutes for just one second of video. But if there is a green screen, this decreases to five minutes.I would understand if it was difficult to add this to the game, but we are talking about an empty room. Let me do it for free, if there is no one to do it.


I wanted to use gw2 characters for the videos in the link below, but I was banned from Reit. I wanted to make a video in the game, there is no green room. Why are you trying to make such things difficult?


Edited by eriniy.8607
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In order to motivate people to collect more combat-data from the beta-events, can you make an achievement-chain?

Let us say a meta-achievement with different tiers, as you have done before. Participating in regular events and meta-events grants different levels of progress. As well as doing activities in sPvP and WvW. The different reward-tiers grant stuff on our real account like:
- containers with expansion map-currency
- scrolls with expansion mastery-exp
- skins
- a title
- a gizmo/portal scroll

Not too expensive stuff, just some shinies *_* and ofc some solid AP to collect.

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this game is fashion wars, it would be great to have a real photo mode...

and not just like a jade bot to take screenshots but actual tools like focusing lens and blurring background or tuning the lighting bc sometimes the map lighting do be very weird or makes things too shiny and reflective or etc. also like using diff weapon or skills poses and being able to freeze frame on an action, so basically a good photo mode from other games

I feel this goes hand in hand with how gw2 is approaching homesteads with the amount of thought and care and features in the housing system, paving the way for an even better lifestyle kind of direction as we have end game content more and more bolstered

as an MMO, we often have need for photos, group photos, memories, showing off fashion etc. I think it fits right into gw2 and it's a basic feature in a variety of games and we are years in anyway

Edited by keyokku.5412
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Any chance we could have an "adjustment kit" added?

Either as a free feature from an NPC, a not too expensive gold cost, or a very low gem/lion statuette cost. I'm talking like 1 statuette/10-25 gems.

The difference between this and the Total Makeover Kit/Hair Kit would be that it'd grant access to all character sliders, and nothing else. It feels hard to justify blowing an entire Total Makeover Kit if all you want to do is make your character taller/shorter, change the size of the nose or ears, change the spacing of the eyes, adjust the jaw, etc. It'd be nice to have a cheaper option that lets you fine-adjust your character if you're already happy with all the choices for them, and only want to make some minor tweaks with the sliders.

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