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I know, I know, the news post said that it would be discussed later but I want to get in here now. For the new PvP mode PLEASE give us Capture the Flag. It's classic, it's timeless, it's fun as hell, and I want to see all the creative runner builds for people to grab that...whatever you want to use and dash it back to home.

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Posted (edited)

I'd prefer to see something really new - not just a 5 vs 5 with slightly different mechanics. 10-20 vs 10-20. And maybe requiring to split into smaller groups on the team. Not sure if capture the flag is the way to go. They already tried a bit like that with Spirit Watch in the 5 vs 5 conquest and  instead of trying for real capture the flag ... they butchered it by not only keeping conquest (making the orb only side mechanic) but also making the orb pretty weak compared to the conquest mechanic. People did not like the team play I guess. (When some professions were better at carrying the orb. At the very beginning when - if I remember correctly - more stuff was allowed while carrying.)

Stronghold totally seems to have failed. I'd rather have them trying something totally now. From what I have heard (never played it myself) in GW1 some modes (Jade Quarry, Aspenwood) were popular. And had different stuff mixed in.

"Runner build" lol 😄 what runner build? They'd have you non-stealthed (stealth not working), invulnerabilty not working + speed slowed down. That is what they'd do. (Personally I would find it fun if you actually could have a mode with flag thingy + being able to stealth and use super speed and ports. Would lead to tons of people to complain - more communication required. Not each class balanced and being able to to the same - more team work and team composition that would be relevant. I would prefer it. Do "pros" prefer it? No certainly not. For them it is all about keyboard acrobatis showing off their lerned rotations in combat - they don't want just someone running away from them with a flag. 😄)

Well ... maybe ArenaNet will actually try to make something fun + leaving it for the people that enjoy it. (Giving other some other stuff instead of nerfing/removing the fun stuff cause of some complaints ... and then turning it unfun so everyine will stay with conquest instead.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Wait, what? New pvp mode!? I never belived this would happen. Awesome.

WSG is a great map in wow. The other ctf map wasnt that good in random matches though, too big imo. People like to fight in pvp modes and if the map has too many paths they tend to ignore the flag.

CTF and similar modes with runners and roles really shines when organised and on voice. Than its one of the best modes.

I do hope we get 10vs10 or 15v15 BG like maps.

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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

"Runner build" lol 😄 what runner build? They'd have you non-stealthed (stealth not working), invulnerabilty not working + speed slowed down. That is what they'd do. (Personally I would find it fun if you actually could have a mode with flag thingy + being able to stealth and use super speed and ports. Would lead to tons of people to complain - more communication required. Not each class balanced and being able to to the same - more team work and team composition that would be relevant. I would prefer it. Do "pros" prefer it? No certainly not. For them it is all about keyboard acrobatis showing off their lerned rotations in combat - they don't want just someone running away from them with a flag. 😄)

I'm gonna show my age here but I'm gonna go waaaaaaaaaay back to Guild Wars 1. Back in my day, we had people called Runners: people who would run you from city to city so you could port between them. Simple concept but it resulted in a group of dedicated builds just for that. I think it would be cool to revive that. We have Power DPS, we have Condi DPS, we've got Qheal and Aheal, I'd love to see runner builds show up again, but they need a reason to show up again.

You are probably right though. They probably would disable a bunch of things that would just result in instant death once you picked up the flag.

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On 6/5/2024 at 12:03 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Don't we have spirits run in PvP already? Why so hyped about cap the flag? We have cap the orb. Only difference here is... Orb is neutral until someone picks it up

Well that's just it. Capture the flag is simple: You have a flag in your home, they have a flag in their home. You have to get there, infiltrate, grab it, and return, and we don't have that yet. It COULD be fun. Or, it could be a boring slog where no one ever wins because no one tries  and just camps their own flag. i don't know, but I want to see them try.

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Posted (edited)

I don't know about the game mode, but it should be the 15v15 map they had finished in 2020 that's being used. It was the only thing on this list that wasn't implemented. No idea if they are going to keep the same format, but it would be nice.

They are also making improvements to the Djinn's Dominion secondary map objective and the associated special action skills, on July 16th.
There are three other low cost improvements they could add in the near future.
The long promised rework of Spirit Watch and its inclusion in the ranked rotation.
The end of duo queue, or separating it from solo queue.
Making Stronghold a 8v8 mode, creating two additional maps (that could be themed around EoD and SotO), and putting it on the mini-seasons rotation.

These would improve sPvP greatly, and wouldn't consume too many resources.

Edited by Cait Sith.4650
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