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Battle Royal - GW2 style PvP (discussion)

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Perhaps unpopular opinion but I wouldn't mind a version of Battle Royal, GW2 style.

- Loot chests, complete map specific objectives to earn gear/items.
- Player kills & creatures give currency + trait points to make your spec.
- Use Currency "at the vendor" to buy upgrades for your gear pieces.
- Gear that drops is 100% RNG. You may get lucky and find a few Berserker gear pieces, or just 1 peice. Or a mix of power/condi/healing gear. This incentivizes players to either change their traits to optimize their current gear, or risk trying a "meta" build in hopes of collecting the right gear for it.

Average game lasting 15m (or faster if you, uh.. die sooner).

Edit: Had a comment on GW2 Discord that maybe 100% RNG wouldn't be fun. Instead, what if map objectives tells you to kill a creature that guarantees a specific item/items drop? So you can choose which objectives to go after.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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Same situations as with stronghold. 
It's too late and no one is interested in the subgenre.
They don't have ability to make core pvp good. Why do you think they can make it good with additional variables?
Even if we will get this most people will drop it after 2 weeks.

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16 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

this already exists
it's called southsun survival

how long have u people been around


That mode is an abomination.


15 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

Same situations as with stronghold. 
It's too late and no one is interested in the subgenre.
They don't have ability to make core pvp good. Why do you think they can make it good with additional variables?

They made a gamemode with only 10% of what the community asked for. They released a map with no progressive system, no advance map rotation mechanics and very little objectives. They even added a treb on the map... that's how disconnected the devs were when designing that map. NO ONE uses treb in Battle of Kyhlo, except for maybe a quick fire when leaving spawn.

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At least in PvE these have never ended well.  Aforementioned Southsun Survival, whatever the Halloween PvP mode is called (Lunatic Inquisition?), etc. just kind of become stale as they are mostly underdeveloped and are quite buggy.

Have a feeling a BR mode would be like Super Adventure Box in that it would be one dev's passion, but from out of the gate just so out of scope nothing gets done.  The number of resources to make a functioning BR is astronomical.  If they were to do that, they'd be better off working from a WvW shell instead of a sPvP one anyway....as BR usually like 100 players at a time.

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