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wvw 5 maps is to much

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i wish they remove the server marge and fix the maps in wvw i think one big map like dubble EB size or little more is enough 

the fights well never end

for now its very very very rare to find good fights in wvw 

and if the q time is high ppl well just go to other server with low population

and about the lag ' well its wvw after all the lag is big part of it it well never fixed at least we well have good fights 

thats all thank u 

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There's going to be a threshold with lag where the show will slow to a crawl so the player limit is never going to be satisfying. Organized guilds who can have their people on earlier than most will fill that up. There kind of has to be a selection of maps. The problem that kind of has me agreeing with you is you really have to like roaming as it is right now if you can't get into the map that's lit up at the moment, but tertiary WvW activities are a poor substitute for legit open world. So, of course most people are going to want to link up with the big action or at least have a chance to stalk it, especially if you don't have a lot of time to play after work or whatever. 

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49 minutes ago, squall.4691 said:

i wish they remove the server marge and fix the maps in wvw i think one big map like dubble EB size or little more is enough 

the fights well never end

for now its very very very rare to find good fights in wvw 

and if the q time is high ppl well just go to other server with low population

and about the lag ' well its wvw after all the lag is big part of it it well never fixed at least we well have good fights 

thats all thank u 

WR is hoping to address the issue so you should have enough for maps to be active on all sides.

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There's a threshold at which the game becomes unplayable. And it's pretty much at the server player limit now. At a full borderland 3 way fight the skills just become unresponsive. Anything beyond is unplayable. 

There is nothing wrong with having some low populated maps. People play wvw in many different ways and even if some just want to ppt in piece on empty border, that is completely fine. 

What kind of fights are you looking for? If you're looking for squad fights I would highly recommend joining a guild. It's possible there are fights happening on a map but you don't know about it because the squad is running under a hidden tag. In any case, whatever kind of content you prefer, it's more fun with a guild. Just ask your favourite commander or in /t chat or your server discord for recruitments. 

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I think a problem with a single big map is whatever server happens to have the most players online at that time will pretty much own that map.

That happens now, but that server has to choose what map they want to own.  If the zerg moves off EBG and onto a borderland, then other servers start poaching on the less well protected EBG map.  If that zerg wants to hold everything in EBG and the zerg stays there, then most likely the borderland maps will be open for taking some targets.

I don't think a single big map will really improve anything - it might makes things worse if you hop onto the map, see that another server owns 75% of it, and there are various enemies keeping an eye out on your spawn point - at which point, folks may just log off to try at some other time.


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There's a reason people avoid Desert BL like the plague.

It's too big. The answer isn't bigger maps. Heck it isn't even unique objectives on a map.

It's for Anet to have an arena....for people to 24/7 fight in with no objectives. Some sorta Sanctum /shrug.

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On 6/6/2024 at 6:16 PM, squall.4691 said:

i wish they remove the server marge and fix the maps in wvw i think one big map like dubble EB size or little more is enough 

the fights well never end

for now its very very very rare to find good fights in wvw 

and if the q time is high ppl well just go to other server with low population

and about the lag ' well its wvw after all the lag is big part of it it well never fixed at least we well have good fights 

thats all thank u 

So regarding one big EBG:

There are technical limitations to size. The current maps are already very close to that upper limit of both size and number of players it can host at the same time. We already can and do get severe enough lag that many consider the game to be unplayable in those situations.

Even if they increased the map "Map-Size" but not the actual "Max-Players", that would still drain more resources for the server to keep track of things over a larger area, and would be a marginal increase in "resource strain". Short version, we'd get slightly more lag, but probably not much.

If instead they increased the "Max-Players" but not the "Map-Size", well that would create a lot more calculations and things for the server to keep track off, and we've seen this a few times in the past when they've experimented with the "Max-Players" limit, and the short version is that it goes badly. For example, if you wanted to up the "Max-Players" from the ~80 or so we currently have per side, to the double, the game would be unplayable unless ANet went and redesigned the entire combat into Turn Based.

There will always be some things they could do with technology to improve their code that would help a bit. But the basic problem is one of physical limitations and distances.


On the other hand, if the goal is to have "the fight never end" there are simpler ways to do that:

* Put EBG in EotM
* Enable full rewards/pip/mount/glider

That would satisfy the majority of WvW players in general, and would probably make the remaining maps/modes abandoned, except for the usual hardcore wvw veterans and other forumites.


But to analyse it down a bit more:

The reason EBG is so popular is because the map feels smaller than the other maps, no matter where you are on the map, you're close to something/somewhere that is likely going to become active at any given time. Less "dead-space", less "effective" distance between any given point, and the whole map works very well to "funnel" players towards usual activity hot-spots.

You could actually make a smaller map that would "feel" larger if you tried. DesertBL actually does a lot of this, which makes it feel larger even if it's about same size.

And thus it would probably work better to make a "smaller feeling map" rather than a larger one. Because it's that "feeling of smaller" that makes it feel like you always run into other players or objectives with activity. As an example, they could probably have removed 1/3 of the EBG map total, and just repacked a few things, and players wouldn't have noticed much of a difference.

So how to create a map that encourages high activity ?

I've suggested one idea in the past, that I think would be popular with certain groups of players. Basically make a map that's a ring, so each team has 2 fronts, close off each part of the ring with keep and tower walls, so players has to siege through (and take) objectives to get further. That way players can always just pick a direction from spawn and run until they encounter one of the 2 fronts, and the map will thus funnel all players from all 3 teams into 3 "hot spots" on the map wherever the current battle-lines are located. This sort of map doesn't have to be big at all, as the walls and objectives as well as the siege of such creates a own pacing.


That's enough rambling for one day I guess.

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