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Add 5 man queue

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As title states. I don’t PvP much anymore because logging on and playing at most a duo (and usually solo) just got boring. People sandbagging, salt, etc. It would be nice to be able to run a pre made with some of my guild ones for PvP on a nightly basis and not have to deal with all toxicity and pathetic behavior that crops up when playing with randoms.

Furthermore, it’s a 5 man game mode that doesn’t allow a 5 man queue? That literally makes no sense. If you want to progress you can at most influence 2/5 of your team with coordination, build synergy, etc? Why have it be 5 man then?

Im sure plenty will disagree, that’s just my thoughts 🤷‍♂️

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23 minutes ago, Eurantien.4632 said:

Do an AT?

As far as I agree, I also disagree 

I made the experience playing with my rl friends at, they wanted to get back and they we're most of the time not happy how at's where going

You see the enemy team names and either know that you are winning or loosing, than you have the long breaks between the games aaaand you are forced to play 3 games at least, and hell was sometimes the mood going down after loosing the first 2 games. 

5man q makes not at high lvl q sense because 1 team would farm everything but in lower lvls, to form groups/teams and to practice more than against the 4 same teams in at's where 1 is beating every team 500:0 feels like a 0 improvement 

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Best solution would be making ranked full man que and playing at-s also affecting your rating. Than just remove unranked and make it this type of solo que/random arena where you can stay in team after win. Also changing score in this new unranked to 300 so its more fast paced. Add title for this solo que/random arena (old unranked) and make each win in a row do additional +1 point for title something like guild wars one random arena used to be. Boom you can play with friends for ranked and in random arena you still can stay with team so you have some choice over randoms in solo que. Sometimes just having 2 decent players and 2 being avarage but not toxic will make you stick. This will also make conversation in random teams meaningfull because you stay there longer and can actually rally on ppl taking their roles seriously after 1 win.

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11 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

As title states. I don’t PvP much anymore because logging on and playing at most a duo (and usually solo) just got boring. People sandbagging, salt, etc. It would be nice to be able to run a pre made with some of my guild ones for PvP on a nightly basis and not have to deal with all toxicity and pathetic behavior that crops up when playing with randoms.

Furthermore, it’s a 5 man game mode that doesn’t allow a 5 man queue? That literally makes no sense. If you want to progress you can at most influence 2/5 of your team with coordination, build synergy, etc? Why have it be 5 man then?

Im sure plenty will disagree, that’s just my thoughts 🤷‍♂️

Sure... but everyone who q's should have a button to say whether they accept to be placed in a q against a team with more members than they have in theirs.  Ie. solo q can specify they only want solo q opponents.  If you go in with 5, you are facing anyone else who is 5, or groups of folk lower who have said they're OK getting matched against larger groups.   

Then you'd of course get the issue of 5 guys going in on their alts and their mains at the same time and just racking up rank.

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16 hours ago, Eurantien.4632 said:

Do an AT?

And if I’m playing when there isn’t an AT? Or just want to do a couple rounds for 20-40 minutes with some friends? The AT format isn’t really conducive of people with restricted time or seeking a more casual but still competitive PvP format that isn’t the absolute cluster that is solo PvP. This is part of why Valorant and Apex and Overwatch were all so big. Ranked play can be engaged with and digested in an hour or less on a continuous basis. At least imo. 

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8 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

Unranked allows 5 q. You can still get your dailies and weeklies done in that at least

And if I want to compete in an actually semi-competitive format with a 5 man? Why don’t you solo queue in unranked instead of ranked? Why would those same reasons not apply to playing the team team size the format is literally designed for and the mode is balanced around? 

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5 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

Sure... but everyone who q's should have a button to say whether they accept to be placed in a q against a team with more members than they have in theirs.  Ie. solo q can specify they only want solo q opponents.  If you go in with 5, you are facing anyone else who is 5, or groups of folk lower who have said they're OK getting matched against larger groups.   

Then you'd of course get the issue of 5 guys going in on their alts and their mains at the same time and just racking up rank.

That’s fair, removing duo and going solo or 5 man and having segregated queues for them would make a lot of sense I think. It certainly would be difficult going in solos against a dedicated 5 man and, vice versa, with how often the average PvP player sandbags or refuses to leave spawn, probably boring when people throw fights as the 5 man even more so than it already is when people throw fights against you. 

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Even tho i support you mate, i wouldn't hold my breath.
We've been asking for a true, separated solo-Q & full premade ranking since the release and we never got a single reply on the topic.

Fingers crossed that GW3 will have these features instead of duo-boosting-Q that we got now.

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