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Rev sword 3


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Would it be too much to ask if rev sword 3 tracked stealth targets if you cast it on them before they enter stealth? Doesnt have to reveal them.. but that would be a nice feature. Right now the skill just cancels mid animation and it's kind of silly. 

Edited by Kyraios.8954
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Why would this be a "nice nice" feature? sw3 needs a target, and you lost your target....


A much nicer approach would be to instead allow you to keep the evade frames for the remaining cast instead of fulling canceling <- This interaction is already possible by stepping out of range.

Edited by vilesoldier.9826
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16 minutes ago, vilesoldier.9826 said:

Why would this be a "nice nice" feature? sw3 needs a target, and you lost your target....


A much nicer approach would be to instead allow you to keep the evade frames for the remaining cast instead of fulling canceling <- This interaction is already possible by stepping out of range.

There are plenty of skills that track a person after theyve enetered stealth even though they require a target to cast. I'm mainly annoyed that Sword 3 cancels the animation entirely. 

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Literally just take Smoke Assault and copy paste its properties onto Sword 3. Sword 3 has so much unnecessary clunk.
I don't care for stealth tracking, I just want the skill to not have such a high rate of failure. 


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15 minutes ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Smoke assault is a much weaker version of UA though.

UA rev

SA ranger


In what way is it weaker if we aren't looking at numbers, but how it mechanically works???

And also not counting the cd, because 1 is a pet as addition and the other is a weapon skill for main skills.

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5 hours ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Sword 2 used to track targets in stealth back then, it was kinda fun. Still, sword 3 is okay the way it is now, the only thing that I wish that it was less buggy.

  Is more than just that...

  Unrelenting Aassault (sword #3) used to have like 7 hits and track enemies in stealth if they were visible after the first hit. Then the hits were reduced to 5, the "stealth chasing" removed and the damage nerfed.

  At the same time, Chilling Isolation (sword #2) used to cast up to 5 projectiles which tracked targets in stealth (even at the start of the animation) and chilled. It was replaced by an AoE hit.

   Also, staff's Warding Rift (#3) used to cast projectiles which tracked and blinded on hit emenies on stealth. Now only blind enemies in front of you and only if they remain in front at the end of the amination.

   You see a pattern? In competitive game modes stealth is the strongest feature in GW2: disables damage from any skill which requires target, makes hard to predict where to place AoEs to hit the enemy and gives perfect agency to the player in stealth over when to land a burst, or a chain of stuns, or just to fly away if the things go wrong. But instead of delivering tools to deal with stealth ANet has consistently provided to stealth classes the upper hand and removed abilities to counterplay (at least for Thief, which has been meta at PvP for almost forever). They even gave Deadeye the ability to REMOVE the effect of reveal skills from enemies. Albeit must be said that outside PvP/WvW roaming Thieves didn't have much love in the game.

  The thing is, we at least got the Spear of Archimoñas; which is a much better version of Chilling Isolation: better damage, much better range (despite both were nerfed) and still track foes in stealth if were visible at the cast time.

   And that is also one of the reasons I can bother myself to even touch the swords in Rev, depite having Bolt and The Shinning Blade: I REMEMBER the times when those didn't suck, and how fun and functional the class was. Or why I can't play Herald: in PvP/WvW is like seen an older good fiend decimated by the drugs. 

   Gosh I don't care about the spear, but I hope none of the skills would provide stealth to Rev. That would be sad...

Edited by Buran.3796
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6 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

  Is more than just that...

  Unrelenting Aassault (sword #3) used to have like 7 hits and track enemies in stealth if they were visible after the first hit. Then the hits were reduced to 5, the "stealth chasing" removed and the damage nerfed.

  At the same time, Chilling Isolation (sword #2) used to cast up to 5 projectiles which tracked targets in stealth (even at the start of the animation) and chilled. It was replaced by an AoE hit.

   Also, staff's Warding Rift (#3) used to cast projectiles which tracked and blinded on hit emenies on stealth. Now only blind enemies in front of you and only if they remain in front at the end of the amination.

   You see a pattern? In competitive game modes stealth is the strongest feature in GW2: disables damage from any skill which requires target, makes hard to predict where to place AoEs to hit the enemy and gives perfect agency to the player in stealth over when to land a burst, or a chain of stuns, or just to fly away if the things go wrong. But instead of delivering tools to deal with stealth ANet has consistently provided to stealth classes the upper hand and removed abilities to counterplay (at least for Thief, which has been meta at PvP for almost forever). They even gave Deadeye the ability to REMOVE the effect of reveal skills from enemies. Albeit must be said that outside PvP/WvW roaming Thieves didn't have much love in the game.

  The thing is, we at least got the Spear of Archimoñas; which is a much better version of Chilling Isolation: better damage, much better range (despite both were nerfed) and still track foes in stealth if were visible at the cast time.

   And that is also one of the reasons I can bother myself to even touch the swords in Rev, depite having Bolt and The Shinning Blade: I REMEMBER the times when those didn't suck, and how fun and functional the class was. Or why I can't play Herald: in PvP/WvW is like seen an older good fiend decimated by the drugs. 

   Gosh I don't care about the spear, but I hope none of the skills would provide stealth to Rev. That would be sad...

Well, at least Hammer's 4 still does that while being one of the best options for fighting 5>2 spam and DE specs. Then there is Nomad's Advance. If you manage to use it before the thief enters stealth again, there is a very high chance you'll eat a chunk of their face.

I grew to hate Herald with passion over the years since HoT, so I can't relate. I liked Rev, but I never liked that elite spec, it has always been a noob stomper/+1 spec, and fighting other dueling specs that have at least some competence was always annoying.

And we both know once stealth is given to rev it's all over for some rev haters lmao

8 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

UA rev

SA ranger


In what way is it weaker if we aren't looking at numbers, but how it mechanically works???

And also not counting the cd, because 1 is a pet as addition and the other is a weapon skill for main skills.

Weaker base damage and somewhat lower coefficient. UA is still strong with right conditions (with more potential than SB too) and the delay it has still allows you to port with cocky thieves and other shadowstepping kitten wagons of hit and run specs in pvp/wvw. Actually, I don't even remember pulling the same stuff on SB that I do with sword's 3 on my rev, so the delay may actually good in some situations lol

Can't have both without people crying for revenant's nerfs again.
UA could be instant and less buggy. S4 could have an animation reduction. S2 could have wider arc, and the second S5 attack could be slightly faster, but lots of things were put there as bandaids for "overperforming" class. Are you willing to sacrifice other things in order to make sword stronger though?

EDIT: Also if sword's port had longer range it'd absolutely be poggers for mobility and outplays with Y axis in this game lmao

Edited by Vasdamas Anklast.1607
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2 hours ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Well, at least Hammer's 4 still does that while being one of the best options for fighting 5>2 spam and DE specs. Then there is Nomad's Advance. If you manage to use it before the thief enters stealth again, there is a very high chance you'll eat a chunk of their face.

I grew to hate Herald with passion over the years since HoT, so I can't relate. I liked Rev, but I never liked that elite spec, it has always been a noob stomper/+1 spec, and fighting other dueling specs that have at least some competence was always annoying.

And we both know once stealth is given to rev it's all over for some rev haters lmao

Weaker base damage and somewhat lower coefficient. UA is still strong with right conditions (with more potential than SB too) and the delay it has still allows you to port with cocky thieves and other shadowstepping kitten wagons of hit and run specs in pvp/wvw. Actually, I don't even remember pulling the same stuff on SB that I do with sword's 3 on my rev, so the delay may actually good in some situations lol

Can't have both without people crying for revenant's nerfs again.
UA could be instant and less buggy. S4 could have an animation reduction. S2 could have wider arc, and the second S5 attack could be slightly faster, but lots of things were put there as bandaids for "overperforming" class. Are you willing to sacrifice other things in order to make sword stronger though?

EDIT: Also if sword's port had longer range it'd absolutely be poggers for mobility and outplays with Y axis in this game lmao

oke so you didn't say anything that makes sword 3 by then smoke assault aside numbers. SA is a pet ability, side abiltity and not a weapon ability that is stronger.

And a delay by casting compared to saying instant is not better???? That doesn't makes sense, it can be interupted and the other one isn't. SA has more controll, instant on need to cast when it's most needed.

Rev swords overall are far from good anymore aside big pve single target numbers which is meaningless because everything can be buffed up in numbers to make it good

And giving rev stealth is dumbest thing they could add, would be OP

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15 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

oke so you didn't say anything that makes sword 3 by then smoke assault aside numbers. SA is a pet ability, side abiltity and not a weapon ability that is stronger.

And a delay by casting compared to saying instant is not better???? That doesn't makes sense, it can be interupted and the other one isn't. SA has more controll, instant on need to cast when it's most needed.

Rev swords overall are far from good anymore aside big pve single target numbers which is meaningless because everything can be buffed up in numbers to make it good

And giving rev stealth is dumbest thing they could add, would be OP

I honestly don't get it, what else was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to agree with you and act like an NPC by default? Why does pet skill matter? Aren't we talking about SB's merge skill?
It's not only weaker, but it doesn't play as well with the rest of the loadout compared to Revenant, which, from a game design point of view, MATTERS and is probably the very reason why they made it instant in the first place. The only time I ever felt pressured by it was when a very good sb played it with glass stats. Oh and yeah, UA is also pretty kitten great at making people waste their dodges, thanks to its animation too.

If it doesn't make any sense, then read my post again. I am mostly a roamer and I fight thieves A LOT, and so far UA has better chances of countering thieves's (and not just them) attempts to OOC than smoke scale's merge skill ever did, and I suspect that's because they may be working a bit differently, so at times UA has an advantage. Or maybe I am just used to being D/P daycare central and have good muscle memory for fighting thieves, being the Ultimate Revered that I am.

Actually, scratch that. Swords is still my favorite pick after GS. I actually enjoy swords a lot and, at times, feel they are op the way I play them. Not any worse than Willbender's swords that's for sure. A weapon capable of delieving pressure, that offers both mobility and survivability. It's the best thing ever god kitten.

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21 minutes ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

I honestly don't get it, what else was I supposed to say? 

Yes, because the 2 abilities I linked directly from the website says that UA has zero bigger advantage over SA. That's showing proof black on white and then delibaterly saying, that's not true. Not going to argue further over facts that's I litarly just linked lmfao

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20 hours ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

and the delay it has still allows you to port with cocky thieves and other shadowstepping kitten wagons of hit and run specs in pvp/wvw. Actually, I don't even remember pulling the same stuff on SB that I do with sword's 3 on my rev, so the delay may actually good in some situations lol

The delay is what makes it break on literally anyone with Swiftness as you cast it. 

Sword 3 has a storied history of needing to constantly check the tracking range of the first strike during it's extremely long windup which often makes anyone who just runs really fast out of its initial 450 cast range will break the skill putting it into full cooldown. It constantly checks for enemies with a static attack rate per strike unlike Smoke Assault (which makes Quickness useless for this portion of the skill by the way) so that is what allows it to track shadowstepping enemies, not because it has a really long windup. 

Sword 3 needs either increased casting range (up to 750, like Smoke Assault) or no more wind up. The skill itself when it actually succeeds in casting is fine, it just needs to not have such a higher than normal rate of failure. I've played WvW for half a decade now and this skill has broken so many times that I pretty much anticipate it breaking when I'm fighting more mobile enemies or enemies with pocket Invis that disjoints it only after it has finished its initiating cast, making me lose fights because the skill has baked in clunk. I will forever not understand people who argue against ironing out jank in a skill when it is in no way beneficial to how the skill functions. 

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On 6/19/2024 at 4:26 PM, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Sword 2 used to track targets in stealth back then, it was kinda fun. Still, sword 3 is okay the way it is now, the only thing that I wish that it was less buggy.


Also tracks pixeis and supply deppot and walls, posts lamps, stairs.. and underground pixeis...  unreleable assault should be the name of the sword 3 skilll.

Atack an enemy in pvp/wvw all atacks sometimes would fail since tracks way to many things and would not hit the target...lol


Anet: Working as intended so my favourite classes can win.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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