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A First Look at Homesteads: Exclusive Preview from PC Gamer [Merged]

Rubi Bayer.8493

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I'm not the kind of player that would care about housing. I was always in the "I would prefer to spend resources elsewhere" camp (unless bookshelves).

But you did very well, way beyond my expectations. This system will bring you money and longevity, because it's not just housing, players will go into the world and try to get assets just to display them in their home. And you really included everything possible (with bookshelves).

Now I do hope you market this properly. This has the potential to bring a whole new home decorating wars players. Let's be honest your first expansion trailer was just plain bad. Don't do that again, you want hype for this expansion and for this system (and bookshelves).

I only missed detail information on my bookshelves but you won't forget it next update, right? Right!?(!)

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14 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I'm not the kind of player that would care about housing. I was always in the "I would prefer to spend resources elsewhere" camp (unless bookshelves).

But you did very well, way beyond my expectations. This system will bring you money and longevity, because it's not just housing, players will go into the world and try to get assets just to display them in their home. And you really included everything possible (with bookshelves).

Now I do hope you market this properly. This has the potential to bring a whole new home decorating wars players. Let's be honest your first expansion trailer was just plain bad. Don't do that again, you want hype for this expansion and for this system (and bookshelves).

I only missed detail information on my bookshelves but you won't forget it next update, right? Right!?(!)

And if said bookshelves are cosmetic only how would that make you feel?

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Can we have weather please like rain? Can I have the library maybe be able to collect all the books from Guild Wars 2? Can I have something from the Hall of Monuments? yeah, know Guild Wars 1. Say having a portal or gate guild Wars 1 hall of your old Hall of Monuments with all your trophies would be cool.

Edited by rohan king of gods.4238
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21 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

it was not a if there will be bookshelves.

More like if they will be only for looks or interactable to put all the lore books into like people have been asking for over the years.

OO I really want this, but im still liking the homestead. Im getting a rift feel hopefully they will add different types of homes later on. But the decorating looks great and all my mounts and alts there, thats a plus

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