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Charr is the Ultimate

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On 7/3/2024 at 1:57 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

They had problems with humans because, first, Khan-Ur got assassinated by noone knows who shortly before the onset of the war (and Charr splintered into warring camps), and, second, because humans wielded high magic (they received from their gods), and Charr didn't. Once Charr received their own high magic from Abaddon (via Titans), they immediately started pushing back humans at every front even though humans at this point were still way more organized.

Now, that makes far less sense  after GW2 retcon to magic and the role of the human gods in Tyria, but that's what happens when you retcon stuff without considering all consequences.

Ecologically speaking, a similar amount and quality of land should also be able to sustain far more humans than charr, so even without the magical advantage they probably had a numerical one before the Searing.

The magic retcons don't really change the relationship - it was always part of the lore that magic was granted to everyone, but humans still had a massive leg up because they were taught how to use it. Even with the help of the titans, most charr magic in GW1 tended to be towards the crude brute force end compared to what was available to players.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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13 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

The magic retcons don't really change the relationship - it was always part of the lore that magic was granted to everyone, but humans still had a massive leg up because they were taught how to use it. Even with the help of the titans, most charr magic in GW1 tended to be towards the crude brute force end compared to what was available to players.

That's not exactly true. Remember, that when Abaddon fell (due to the events of the Nightfall campaing), the flame Legion shamans' magic mostly went away. They had to make a compact with Destroyers just to get it back. If it was just about knowledge about how to use magic better, all that knowledge would not have disappeared just because the contracted entity that granted them the power went away.

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On 7/1/2024 at 4:04 PM, Zera.9435 said:

Meh, they're ok. It's why I only have one out of my 26 characters as a charr.

3 out of 24 of mine… and I don’t see myself making a 4th even when ai do get around to getting 3 more character slots to make a Virtuoso, Untamed, and Mechanist… 

Asura master race!!!


I try to pair races and elite specs that feel thematically correct…

my three Charr are Scrapper, Renegade, & Deadeye… the only other espec that I’d consider making a Charr with currently is Berserker, but that’s currently a Norn… maybe if we see a spirit warrior type of Warrior eSpec in the future I may change it…  and they are also my least played characters… when I do get on to play one of them I’m on them for like an hour and then switch to literally any other character for the entire rest of the day… Charr are just unbearable to play… their movement induces motion sickness, and you can’t even really see where they are actually standing when in motion making jumping puzzles an absolute nightmare… I can’t tell you how many times I have overshot or undershot a jump because of not being able to tell when I was at the edge of the platform due to their animations…


Edited by Panda.1967
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23 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

3 out of 24 of mine… and I don’t see myself making a 4th even when ai do get around to getting 3 more character slots to make a Virtuoso, Untamed, and Mechanist… 

Asura master race!!!


I try to pair races and elite specs that feel thematically correct…

my three Charr are Scrapper, Renegade, & Deadeye… the only other espec that I’d consider making a Charr with currently is Berserker, but that’s currently a Norn… maybe if we see a spirit warrior type of Warrior eSpec in the future I may change it…  and they are also my least played characters… when I do get on to play one of them I’m on them for like an hour and then switch to literally any other character for the entire rest of the day… Charr are just unbearable to play… their movement induces motion sickness, and you can’t even really see where they are actually standing when in motion making jumping puzzles an absolute nightmare… I can’t tell you how many times I have overshot or undershot a jump because of not being able to tell when I was at the edge of the platform due to their animations…


Yeah jumping puzzles are harder on a charr. I try to avoid themes for characters based on playable race. I have 0 asura mostly because they're just kinda ugly and I don't really like looking at them. I used to have one, but no matter what I did I just couldn't get them to look in a way that was pleasing to my eye. I tried to like them, but ultimately couldn't. Majority of my characters are human, followed by norn and some sylvari sprinkled in.

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3 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

I have 0 asura mostly because they're just kinda ugly and I don't really like looking at them. I used to have one, but no matter what I did I just couldn't get them to look in a way that was pleasing to my eye. I tried to like them, but ultimately couldn't.

Nothing wrong with that… honestly its a similar story for me with Charr… I want to like them… but I just can’t make them look appealing… armor looks horrible on them… and their animations make them hard to play… 

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On 7/5/2024 at 11:23 AM, DeanBB.4268 said:

Their movement triggers my motion sickness. I created a charr day 1, but he's been doomed to open the same chest for all of eternity.

Oh ouch.  I also easily get motion sick.  But charr aren't an issue.  So just checking, have you turned off camera shake and anything else that would make your view bounce up and down with your character, and maxed your zoom out?  I have done both of those and the charr's just a wiggly one or two inch blob in the center of my screen.  I only zoom in when standing still.  (This does make jp's difficult, being far above and behind the character, especially on a charr who doesn't land where their hind feet visually are anyway).

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14 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Oh ouch.  I also easily get motion sick.  But charr aren't an issue.  So just checking, have you turned off camera shake and anything else that would make your view bounce up and down with your character, and maxed your zoom out?  I have done both of those and the charr's just a wiggly one or two inch blob in the center of my screen.  I only zoom in when standing still.  (This does make jp's difficult, being far above and behind the character, especially on a charr who doesn't land where their hind feet visually are anyway).

Not worth it. I play mostly humans, with a few sylvari, asura and minimal sized norn.

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From the Asuran Primary School Scientific Library:

Vikka S., Eyzza F. , Minnt, R., et al: Studies on the Population of Tyria (14th Edition,  Page 1335, Paragraph 2)

CHARR (Front Note Extract):

Furry, horned subjects with an unfounded, highly inflated ego, still walking on all fours, proudly vegetating on a corroded scrap heap of stolen, ridiculously ancient pre-technology they call the "Citadel". Suitable to be shown in kindergarten as a cautionary tale to illustrate what happens when a subject runs on a rudimentary brain whose main funtion is the release of aggression hormones. The form of government is a warlord tribal culture.

Edited by Puppeteer.7893
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