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Fractal CM daily priority & weekly

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Currently, fractal CMs are pure dailies and I think it would be beneficial if they got a similar treatment that strikes got.

  • Daily priority fractal CM (randomly one fractal CM)
  • Weekly fractal CM (do each fractal CM once).

It would reward either fractal relic or pristine fractal relic up to ArenaNet.

Those who farm CM every day would get a bit more out of it.
Those who can't farm them or don't like farming them all every day would get more out of doing them sparsely.
People who are not as good at doing them get a little extra for pushing to complete a few of them.

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I like how they royally screwed up post-EoD content and hastily recycled Silent Surf from a Strike into a Fractal, and then kinda rolled with that stupid Strike-lite design continuing forward with Lonely Tower.

And now players are more confused than ever what’s even a Fractal and what’s a Strike. 

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15 hours ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

Currently, fractal CMs are pure dailies and I think it would be beneficial if they got a similar treatment that strikes got.

  • Daily priority fractal CM (randomly one fractal CM)
  • Weekly fractal CM (do each fractal CM once).

It would reward either fractal relic or pristine fractal relic up to ArenaNet.

Those who farm CM every day would get a bit more out of it.
Those who can't farm them or don't like farming them all every day would get more out of doing them sparsely.
People who are not as good at doing them get a little extra for pushing to complete a few of them.

There is absolutely no way in hell that a weekly reward would be implemented which compensated 7 days of fractal CMs. You are beyond mental if you believe such a reward were in any way justified, not insanely out of wack, or balance able.

Sure in a world where fractals were as profitable (or rather lack of profitable as raids and strikes maybe) that might be the case (think of the baseline daily reward for them, not the current weekly reward given we are talking of converting current daily rewards into weekly). FYI, the reason strike and raid weekly rewards are "noticeable" at the low amount they reward is especially because their daily rewards are kitten.

The only way to implement this would be to massively reduce fractal CM rewards while shuffeling them to a weekly reward, which is not in the players favor (it might be in the games though).

Maybe actually do the math on what 7 days of 4 CMs (5-1=4 CMs daily lost, so 28 CMs to compensate for) actually reward. We are looking at a minimum of 28 stabilized fractal matrixes, 2,800+ relics, 28+ pristine relics, etc. 

That's before looking at Karma, gold, fractal chests, individual loot per fractal, additinal fractal relics per fractal, infusion drop chances, etc.

Suffice to say, to properly compensate for a weeks worth of fractal CMs the reward needed would dwarf anything this game offers in any content, by a mile. It would put raids weekly and strike weekly rewards to shame and the most likely outcome would be for the developers to simply decide to cut and reduce the reward instead.


Here I'll make this really simple, fast farming community puts the CMs at 41 gold per hour or 21g profit (https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily-fractals). That's the equivalent of 32.8 gold per hour or 16.8 gold profit. To compensate the weekly would thus have to reward 7x32.8=229.6 gold per hour or 7x16.8=117.6 gold profit.

That is NEVER happening.

EDIT 2: actually the numbers for CMs on fast farming are already given for 4 CMs. No adjustment needed given we now have 5 CMs. Meaning the weekly reward would need to compensate for the loss 286g per hour or easier put: 147g profit.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Having 5 CMs is not the issue of doing fractals daily as they were intended by design, it's just the fact that 99 and 100 are not proper fractals which makes it a chore. Note how 99 is just "OK", "Doable", "you can get used to it" and 100 is straight up skipped more than even Sunqua during release.

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On 7/18/2024 at 1:32 PM, Kulvar.1239 said:

Currently, fractal CMs are pure dailies and I think it would be beneficial if they got a similar treatment that strikes got.

  • Daily priority fractal CM (randomly one fractal CM)
  • Weekly fractal CM (do each fractal CM once).

It would reward either fractal relic or pristine fractal relic up to ArenaNet.

Those who farm CM every day would get a bit more out of it.
Those who can't farm them or don't like farming them all every day would get more out of doing them sparsely.
People who are not as good at doing them get a little extra for pushing to complete a few of them.

I dunno why people are giving you **** for this suggestion.

They really should do something like you said here.

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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I dunno why people are giving you **** for this suggestion.

They really should do something like you said here.

you dont know why...?

this suggestion would basically kill instanced content that has probably highest engagement level across all pve modes. its not just bad idea, its straight up very stupid idea.

no one forces you to do fractals every day just like no one forces you to do every meta-event everyday. let players chose what they want to play, dont put silly limitations because you cant get over fomo.

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41 minutes ago, Nimris.3781 said:

you dont know why...?

this suggestion would basically kill instanced content that has probably highest engagement level across all pve modes. its not just bad idea, its straight up very stupid idea.

no one forces you to do fractals every day just like no one forces you to do every meta-event everyday. let players chose what they want to play, dont put silly limitations because you cant get over fomo.

What in the hell are you talking about?

His suggestion would encourage more fractal participation, particularly CMs.

We need more people to want to learn CMs.

Not a single thing he said is over the line or "too many rewards" or disturbing in any way to what is already happening day to day. It would simply be a small increase in encouragement to get more people to want to participate in end-game content.

I don't know from where you are thinking this would "kill instanced content" but I'd certainly like to hear you explain how and why. Maybe you should actually read this guy's suggestion before responding, because everything you've said in this response here, actually doesn't make sense.

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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I don't know from where you are thinking this would "kill instanced content" but I'd certainly like to hear you explain how and why. Maybe you should actually read this guy's suggestion before responding, because everything you've said in this response here, actually doesn't make sense.

The same reason fractals are more popular than strikes or raids:

1. They offer far higher rewards, which with this suggestion would be reduced (unless you actually believe that a weekly system would mirror the daily rewards we see now, guaranteed not)

2. It lowers engegemant with the content. This belief that less reason to play content somehow leads to more engegemant is "interesting" and not refelcted in the instanced content we have now

There is an issue of "to many" CMs, but there are other solutions which would not undermine the integrity of the content in this way.

Moving the majority of the reward to a weekly here, if we were to assume that the weekly were implemented to cover the loss of daily rewards, would shift the priority for players to complete the weekly first and foremost and run dailies less. That should be rather obvious given the nature of reward versus time optimization.

Do you need an explanation of how 1 CM per day would lead to more issues in grouping versus the current design?

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

The same reason fractals are more popular than strikes or raids:

1. They offer far higher rewards, which with this suggestion would be reduced (unless you actually believe that a weekly system would mirror the daily rewards we see now, guaranteed not)

2. It lowers engegemant with the content. This belief that less reason to play content somehow leads to more engegemant is "interesting" and not refelcted in the instanced content we have now

There is an issue of "to many" CMs, but there are other solutions which would not undermine the integrity of the content in this way.

Moving the majority of the reward to a weekly here, if we were to assume that the weekly were implemented to cover the loss of daily rewards, would shift the priority for players to complete the weekly first and foremost and run dailies less. That should be rather obvious given the nature of reward versus time optimization.

Do you need an explanation of how 1 CM per day would lead to more issues in grouping versus the current design?

OK either you guys are looking way too deep into this for reasons to shut down the start of a good idea or maybe I didn't look deeply enough. His OP statement didn't say anything about reducing any rewards. It only mentioned adding weekly rewards.

This was very simple for me. Based off the catalyst idea he threw out, with a bit of adjustment, here is what I imagined:

  1. Keep daily resets/rewards exactly the same that they are now.
  2. Add a new panel of weekly fractal achievements on top of it, based around CMs.

The thought I derived from his suggestion ^ wouldn't create any problems. The weekly achievements based on CM completions "however it may be arranged" could simply reward a bit of extra pristine relics, pages, stabilizing matrix, ect ect. The mode could use something like this, because working towards Fractal God isn't exactly practical for most people, even when they've ran fractals nearly every day for years and years on end.

When I say Fractal God isn't practical, I don't mean "time restraints" or "it takes too long". I mean currency preservation from fractals to ever actually save up for those titles, is plainly impractical. I'm saying this and I'm the type of player who figures out how to clear original Lonely Tower CM just days into its release, I made the only CM Guide that was posted pre-nerf for it, and I was spending a lot of time in the community trying to teach/help groups get their clear. The amount of time I've invested into fractals over the years is enormous. Yet I've only ever progressed to Fractal Savant. This is because if you are a player who actually plays all 9 classes in all modes, all of those characters having several templates, whenever Arenanet throws an upending patch that rearranges the metas "which happens often", then you need to overhaul all your templates if you want performance value. Whenever those patches hit, players start digging into w/e resources they have to overhaul gear. This includes ascended shards from pvp, all the currencies from wvw, and yeah definitely pristine fractal relics & pages, for the purpose of overhauling ascended gear setups. If you want your characters to have performance value, you have to keep up with this stuff. And this generally results in just never really saving currencies like that. It's like the only way to seriously save up fractal currency for Fractal God, would be if you were a person who only had one character with maybe only 2 or 3 templates to maintain, and you only ever played just fractals, nothing else.

Point being: They could afford to throw in a weekly reward system that very specifically targets rewards to help progress those fractal titles. That was my thought when he mentioned weekly rewards.

I've often also thought that they should give us some kind of Cosmic Essence conversion options as well. I mean I'm sitting on some unbelievable massive amount of cosmic essence from CMs that I can't use. Would be awesome if there were a panel that allowed players to turn that into pristine relics/pages at the least.

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48 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

OK either you guys are looking way too deep into this for reasons to shut down the start of a good idea or maybe I didn't look deeply enough. His OP statement didn't say anything about reducing any rewards. It only mentioned adding weekly rewards.

True, but there is a very slim chance that there is ANY reward changes to this content without adjustments.



This was very simple for me. Based off the catalyst idea he threw out, with a bit of adjustment, here is what I imagined:

  1. Keep daily resets/rewards exactly the same that they are now.
  2. Add a new panel of weekly fractal achievements on top of it, based around CMs.

The thought I derived from his suggestion ^ wouldn't create any problems. The weekly achievements based on CM completions "however it may be arranged" could simply reward a bit of extra pristine relics, pages, stabilizing matrix, ect ect. The mode could use something like this, because working towards Fractal God isn't exactly practical for most people, even when they've ran fractals nearly every day for years and years on end.


There is already weekly rewards doing just that, but yes, if we are talking ONLY adding more rewards there would be no issue. Again, that is highly unlikely.


When I say Fractal God isn't practical, I don't mean "time restraints" or "it takes too long". I mean currency preservation from fractals to ever actually save up for those titles, is plainly impractical.

Lonely Tower was solved day 1. The first logs on Wingman appeared as early as June 6th. You were the first to post a "guide" video on the forums not even aware of some of the bugs you were abusing. Some players have higher standards when creating guides than just "we completed it".

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm9KTxP1jmI uploaded June 4th, release day of the CM. Not a guide because not all mechanics or strategies were optimized. FYI, that is a title kill too meaning the first kill for that group was likely earlier.


When I say Fractal God isn't practical, I don't mean "time restraints" or "it takes too long". I mean currency preservation from fractals to ever actually save up for those titles, is plainly impractical.

Sorry but you are vastly overestimating your involvement in fractals. Most fractal players have been doing everything you stated here AND have had Fractal God for years by now (depending on when the player started playing fractals seriously). I've been FG for over 5 years now and I wasn't even hardcore grinding it. I had over 10 characters with multiple builds each with full infusions (not stat infusions granted) on full ascended (I had 70+ full ascended armor sets spread on over 35 characters at the time before legendary armory was released) and buying fractal bags for those 35+ (by now close to 50) characters and I QUIT regular fractals years ago.

You want serious fractal players? UFE of 100k or above atm, heck make it at least 50k or above so I don't look to puny with my 36k.

You have a tendency to overestimate and over-represent your game play (we've been down this road in other threads where your logs where pretty spot on for a mid level player). It gets difficult to distinguish between you padding or simply spicing up your posts, or if you actually believe your claims.



Point being: They could afford to throw in a weekly reward system that very specifically targets rewards to help progress those fractal titles. That was my thought when he mentioned weekly rewards.

I've often also thought that they should give us some kind of Cosmic Essence conversion options as well. I mean I'm sitting on some unbelievable massive amount of cosmic essence from CMs that I can't use. Would be awesome if there were a panel that allowed players to turn that into pristine relics/pages at the least.


Fractals do indeed need reward reworks and maybe the developers will come around to that at some point if they ever put fractals back on their priority list. It is doubtful that rewards would get increased though given how this is some of the, if not the, most rewarding instanced content currently.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Lonely Tower was solved day 1. The first logs on Wingman appeared as early as June 6th.

Yup I watched the initial clears.

I didn't claim to be the first person to clear it. I said I was the only one who took the time to make a CM Guide on it when it was new, and that is true.

2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You were the first to post a "guide" video on the forums not even aware of some of the bugs you were abusing.

Clearly I knew about the bugs, which is why I explain and talk about the bugs in the guide.

2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Some players have higher standards when creating guides than just "we completed it"

First of all, I am not a commercial streamer/youtuber. I don't care about any of that. I make videos for FUN not for money, and for general participation in the community via the forum for discussions, or sometimes when the commercial streamers are for w/e reason not covering something.

Secondly, I made that guide because literally no one else was covering the content at all, and we had a lot of people who were wanting to complete the content. At that point we had no idea what Arenanet was going to do, or when, or if anything would be done at all. This small group of guys I had, we figured it out, recorded it, I made a guide for it, and then we went in-game and started teaching others and helping them get their KE. It was a very good-hearted positive thing we did with the community and everyone had a lot of fun while doing it.

But yeah, you've got this unnecessary Ebeneezer "bah hum bug" Grinch-like demeanor, where you feel the need to be condescending towards everyone, and I don't think anyone appreciates it. You need to relax.

2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Sorry but you are vastly overestimating your involvement in fractals.

No, I'm not. I'd personally like to see an actual Arenanet server log from the past 10 years of how many times I have completed every fractal including the CMs. I'm probably in the top 5% of players who have done that content more than anyone else.

You are greatly underestimating how much resources normal people who don't have admin functions have to go through while running build tests patch to patch, to optimize something like a wvw roaming build for maximum performance. It's like I said, if you ONLY run fractals every day and only have a character or two to worry about, the currency adds up. But if you are a person who seriously does build-craft at every patch, particularly for wvw, we are talking an enormous amount of ascended gear purchasing and/or resetting to achieve good results, especially if you're playing with all 9 classes. Is it mandatory to do? No it's not, but it's something I like to do, and that is why I never progressed past Fractal Savant. It's not an argument. It was a simple statement that is true.

Tossing such a "bah hum bug" statement at what I did there, is just dismissive in a completely condescending way at best.

2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You have a tendency to overestimate and over-represent your game play

My account was created on day 1 release in 2012.

Typing in /age right now, I have across all characters 22,770 hours over 4,344 days.

Make of it what you want but I can tell you this, I wasn't farming Queensdale this whole time.

2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

(we've been down this road in other threads where your logs where pretty spot on for a mid level player). It gets difficult to distinguish between you padding or simply spicing up your posts, or if you actually believe your claims.

I cannot stand forum users who hide behind their aggressive insulting nature by tip toeing around the TOS while acting smart.

You know what guy? Since all you do is look for reasons to throw condescending remarks and act like you're better than everyone, how about this. Let's do an in-game challenge. You can pick w/e it is that you want it to be, pvp, wvw, pve, I don't care. We'll go in-game and record it to show factual data of who was more knowledgeable/better at it. And don't have your elite buddies account share either. You need to do it yourself on that account that you keep posting from.

If you can prove you're better than I am, which seems to be all you're ever concerned with, well then it can be cemented forever.

But if you can't or are too afraid to show up to this challenge, you need to start watching your mouth on how you word things.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

If you can prove you're better than I am, which seems to be all you're ever concerned with, well then it can be cemented forever.

But if you can't or are too afraid to show up to this challenge, you need to start watching your mouth on how you word things.

GW2 Wingman logs are there for everyone to see Feel free to compare your performance to mine any time. I provided logs last time I criticized your take, multiple in fact.

I do not need to hide behind anything, you're PvE performance is mediocre and the logs of you show just that.  While doing so, realize that I am no where near the pinnacle of PvE performance, I am well aware of that. I am just beyond your level and I know how much further up it goes because I actually do follow top tier players and play with some of them occasionally.

I can't speak for WvW, though I do have my 10,000 WvW ranks and thousands of hours, I don't follow WvW as closely the last few years. The only thing I got there was you showing off your ranger to not much success in a recent thread.


No, I'm not. I'd personally like to see an actual Arenanet server log from the past 10 years of how many times I have completed every fractal including the CMs. I'm probably in the top 5% of players who have done that content more than anyone else.

Cheap cop outs. Go to GW2 efficiency and check your life time fractal relics or pristine relics or UFE. Any of those can directly place you in a ballpark of how many fractals you have run. I've given you numbers which I consider high or meaningful for dedicated fractal players, especially ones that run CMs regularly. If you are in that ballpark, then you can consider yourself someone who plays the content in a dedicated way.



My account was created on day 1 release in 2012.

Typing in /age right now, I have across all characters 22,770 hours over 4,344 days.

Make of it what you want but I can tell you this, I wasn't farming Queensdale this whole time.


Here is my account: https://killproof.me/proof/rLDW/strikes

I'm confident enough that as far as meaningful PvE content, you are no where close. Again, can't talk about WvW, have not been active there for a while but if your bravado is the same as for PvE, I know where to place you there too.

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5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

GW2 Wingman logs are there for everyone to see Feel free to compare your performance to mine any time. I provided logs last time I criticized your take, multiple in fact.

I spend most of my time purposely playing in LFGs, because I enjoy teaching/helping players. I don't often run with elite groups because I've been there done that for years and years now, and it's kind of boring doing the same thing every night. But when I do, I'm the kind of guy that clears initial Eparch CM release and then teaches the rest of the community how to do it. Do you have any idea how many people in this community have their KE titles because of our group going in-game and teaching them directly? What have you contributed?

Aside from that, the challenge I am referencing isn't based on "logs" comparing your try-hard static runs to me running LFGs and teaching people how to CM. It's actually embarrassing that you'd try to cop out like that. I'm talking about "who's better at the game" not "who avoids new players and only plays with elite groups".

Do you seriously think I couldn't grab a group of guys, go practice speed runs on some given boss, and the record/post some amazing result like everyone else?

Come on now. You're smarter than that.

5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I do not need to hide behind anything

You hide your strange manic need to be as insulting & aggressive as possible, behind this tip toeing around the TOS and acting smart, to get away with your behavior. Arenanet ought to be removing your posts more often to set an example that "It isn't ok to be a jerk just because you smile at someone and act smart while doing it".

You're also hiding from the challenge. You're doing that because you know I am a competitive player and I'll make sure that I win no matter what it is that you select. In this case, your best play is to hide behind the forum and continue to throw condescending remarks, which is exactly what you're doing now.

5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

you're PvE performance is mediocre and the logs of you show just that.  While doing so, realize that I am no where near the pinnacle of PvE performance, I am well aware of that. I am just beyond your level and I know how much further up it goes because I actually do follow top tier players and play with some of them occasionally.

words words - condescending remarks - ok ok

5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I can't speak for WvW, though I do have my 10,000 WvW ranks and thousands of hours, I don't follow WvW as closely the last few years. The only thing I got there was you showing off your ranger to not much success in a recent thread.

That's just taking everything out of context. What happened there was a demonstration of trying to oneshot a cele build. When we actually did Ranger vs. Ranger "which we both main" later in an actual 1v1, I pushed him all over the place and he had to retreat 100% of the time to survive. He has the VODS of it. So you can hop off that train of disinformation right now.

5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Cheap cop outs. Go to GW2 efficiency and check your life time fractal relics or pristine relics or UFE

Yeah gw2 efficiency isn't really telling me much. It wants me to pay 1 dollar a month for further history, which I'm not going to do.

All it's telling me pertaining to pristine relics is this https://imgur.com/dAUqW1L whatever that means, you tell me.

The KP site is telling I've made 11985 UFE as of today.

5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I'm confident enough that as far as meaningful PvE content, you are no where close. Again, can't talk about WvW, have not been active there for a while but if your bravado is the same as for PvE, I know where to place you there too.

Oh please, any seasoned gamer is well aware of those players who grind some content 100 times, who reach their personal skill cap and then never really improve. They are also aware of the fact that this does not make them better than a stronger gamer who can equal or surpass their performance value by running that same content only 10 times. It's true and you know it is.

You'll keep on dodging my challenge because you'd rather hide behind a wall of numbers that proves nothing aside from how much time you've been willing to shove into the game. I've known and played with these top ranked accounts who have the APs & KPs for years and years and let me tell you, no offense to them, but most are rather mediocre, despite the insane amount of time they have chosen to invest into this game for the sake of numbers on gw2efficiency.

I mean I've given you an open challenge for you to choose and met on your own terms, if you're so willing to chase your condescending agenda, but when things get real, you go and hide behind that wall of time investment. Listen to this because you know it's true. If I had posted some screen of slightly higher KPs than you had, you'd have said the same exact thing to me, that "Grinding forever doesn't prove that you're good" so just INB4 your bull****.

It's real simple, either show up and claim your right to ****post on me, or get off my back.

The worst thing about your forum conduct & content, is that you have absolutely no gauge or regard for when to toss a bit of respect towards people or at the very least, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. You dug into this and insulted me, trying to find ways to discredit me, over a simple statement about "weekly rewards for fractals would be cool". Was it even necessary to do? I mean really read back through it from a neutral standpoint and you just might see that what you did there was aggressive and unnecessary. Normal people would just say "eh I disagree, here's why" and then move on. They wouldn't take the time to highlight a bunch of off-topic stuff and toss condescending wise-guy remarks, while dancing around the TOS and acting smart & calm so they can get away with what they know they are doing, which is being as assy as possible about it.

Then in the light of the effort my group and I made to create that LT CM Guide and go in-game to help many other people get their KEs, not only do you completely disrespect our initiative to do so, but you also tell me that "I am vastly overestimating my involvement in fractals" like, lol what? Where were you when we were teaching everyone how to run Eparch CM? What we did there was worth at least a head nod of acknowledgement from any decent person who understands the initiative behind community cohesion. The fact that you can only speak bad about such a thing, says a lot about your character.

~ Anyway, cheers man. Let me know when you're ready to take that challenge.





Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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43 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


Lots of excuses as to why the performance is not reflected in any actual performance displaying metrics.

Lots of assumptions to cope with the fact that others are unable to show performance in said metrics.

You are the stereotype of person who finds excuses as to justify  WHY they are amazing even if having nothing to show for it. I really don't care, what ever you need to keep your ego going. If you ever decide to actually improve, you'll eventually have to confront your mediocrity but that is a you problem, not mine.

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On 7/18/2024 at 2:10 PM, Aaron Forestman.4758 said:

Please no. Any intersection between fractals and strikes is a mistake (see Silent Surf). Fractals are meant to be daily content. Doing them sparsely if you don't like doing them every day is fine, you still get plenty of rewards for the days you do complete.

This ship sailed long ago. Anet ruined fractals, and didn't increase their rewards at all. So now you get harder content, with the same rewards.

Drizzlewood is better.

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On 7/19/2024 at 1:33 AM, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

I like how they royally screwed up post-EoD content and hastily recycled Silent Surf from a Strike into a Fractal, and then kinda rolled with that stupid Strike-lite design continuing forward with Lonely Tower.

It's not what this post is about. It's about reward system structuration, not gameplay/boss design

On 7/19/2024 at 2:54 AM, Cyninja.2954 said:

There is absolutely no way in hell that a weekly reward would be implemented which compensated 7 days of fractal CMs. You are beyond mental if you believe such a reward were in any way justified, not insanely out of wack, or balance able.

As said in my first post, it would be on top of the existing rewards, not in place of them.

Let's say 50 fractal relic for doing the daily priority fractal CM, and extra 100 fractal relic for doing all of them in the week.
So if you only do each fractal CM once a week when they're priority, you would get 800 fractal relic instead of 500 fractal relic.
If you do every CM every day for a week, you would get 3950 fractal relic instead of 3500 fractal relic.

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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You are the stereotype of person who finds excuses as to justify  WHY they are amazing even if having nothing to show for it

I love how you are the one who started all this, attacking my credentials acting like you were better than me, and then turn around and act like I was the one with the superiority complex.

My friend you are the stereotype of a "Karen"

But since you want to claim that I have nothing to show, let's use your own metric of total KPs as a measurement for how good someone is and/or how valid their opinions should be in the forum. Could you please go ahead and explain what the metrics mean here in this screenshot: https://imgur.com/dAUqW1L because it kind of looks like it's saying I'm in the top 1% of accounts that has farmed the most pristine fractal relics, ever.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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51 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I love how you are the one who started all this, attacking my credentials acting like you were better than me, and then turn around and act like I was the one with the superiority complex.

My friend you are the stereotype of a "Karen"

But since you want to claim that I have nothing to show, let's use your own metric of total KPs as a measurement for how good someone is and/or how valid their opinions should be in the forum. Could you please go ahead and explain what the metrics mean here in this screenshot: https://imgur.com/dAUqW1L because it kind of looks like it's saying I'm in the top 1% of accounts that has farmed the most pristine fractal relics, ever.

Would be impressive if that had any value. I'm in the top 1% and I haven't been running fractals seriously or regularly in over 5 years but you are correct, I did say you can check pristine fractal relics, so you have run a decent amount of fractals compared to the entire player base of gw2efficiency.

I went over your logs on wingman again, your groups clear times are consistently below the median value on every single fight by around 30% in time (Aka on Arkk you need on average 3 minutes, median is 2m25, on Kanaxai you need around 7-8m [your best was 6:30], median is 6m. I stopped after 6 daily runs because there was 0 improvement or deviation. You are consistent in clearing in below median time. This applies to every single CM). I hope you can understand 30% slower than median performance on every single fight.

I'm done indulging your ego. There are players that are amazing and performance wise in the top 1%, and they at least occasionally have performance to show for it.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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23 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I went over your logs on wingman again, your groups clear times are consistently below the median value on every single fight by around 30% in time (Aka on Arkk you need on average 3 minutes, median is 2m25, on Kanaxai you need around 7-8m [your best was 6:30], median is 6m. I stopped after 6 daily runs because there was 0 improvement or deviation. You are consistent in clearing in below median time. This applies to every single CM). I hope you can understand 30% slower than median performance on every single fight.


What did you not understand the first time I said this:

3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I spend most of my time purposely playing in LFGs, because I enjoy teaching/helping players. I don't often run with elite groups because I've been there done that for years and years now, and it's kind of boring doing the same thing every night. But when I do, I'm the kind of guy that clears initial Eparch CM release and then teaches the rest of the community how to do it.

But since you don't know when to stop or admit when you've wrongly condemned someone, the next thing I'm going to do is I am going to record myself solo clearing every fractal including the CMs. I'll do it on several different build structures and set a community speed run record for "solo all fractals including CMs". This is the kind of thing that is competitive & fun for people to try and beat.

I'll make sure you know when it is complete & posted. You are so competitive in proving your own self value that you are willing to try and tear others down to maintain it. I should expect that you of all people, will take up the challenge and post your own solo complete of every fractal including the CMs. And if you do not, I will assume that you were unable to do it or too afraid to try. Either way, it would be disappointing after all of your big talk.

~ Cheers, until then.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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Looks like i missed party, ah weekends... where should i start, there is so many things here.

11 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

My account was created on day 1 release in 2012.

Typing in /age right now, I have across all characters 22,770 hours over 4,344 days.

13 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Yet I've only ever progressed to Fractal Savant

6 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

The KP site is telling I've made 11985 UFE as of today.

i have seen people that had fractal god with less than 1k ufe, just trying to learn nightmare or shattered cm, but despite that they clearly did thousands of fractals to get there.

also i have seen people that have fractal god with well over 100k ufe, out-dpsing average pug by a mile, avoiding every dodgable mechanic there is, clearly they also did thousands of fractals.

you are neither of these, fractal titles are only limited by fractal relics, this has nothing to do with ascends that you claim had big impact on your currency. the only real way to "waste" fractal relics is buying mystic clovers for 1500 a week and even than it will just slow you down, unless you barely do fractals/cms

in fact in my eyes you are barely past novice, thinking you know everything, so full of yourself, yet cannot see past your own nose. 

13 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I mean I'm sitting on some unbelievable massive amount of cosmic essence from CMs that I can't use. Would be awesome if there were a panel that allowed players to turn that into pristine relics/pages at the least.

no, you are not, ~12k ufe is nowhere near "unbelievable massive amount". not even close.


11 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Let's do an in-game challenge. You can pick w/e it is that you want it to be, pvp, wvw, pve, I don't care. We'll go in-game and record it to show factual data of who was more knowledgeable/better at it. And don't have your elite buddies account share either. You need to do it yourself on that account that you keep posting from.

6 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You're also hiding from the challenge. You're doing that because you know I am a competitive player and I'll make sure that I win no matter what it is that you select.

6 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I mean I've given you an open challenge for you to choose and met on your own terms, if you're so willing to chase your condescending agenda, but when things get real, you go and hide behind that wall of time investment.

6 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

It's real simple, either show up and claim your right to ****post on me, or get off my back.

this part is laughable, reminds me of kids that duel anyone right away to show off, or because they have nothing to back up their claims. thats least respectable way of solving issues/disputes. not much to add here


6 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Oh please, any seasoned gamer is well aware of those players who grind some content 100 times, who reach their personal skill cap and then never really improve. They are also aware of the fact that this does not make them better than a stronger gamer who can equal or surpass their performance value by running that same content only 10 times. It's true and you know it is.

you are dismissing experience, because you simply lack it. there is very noticible difference between 5k, 10k, 30k or 50k+ players (with each subsequent bracket showing big increase in performance)

the difference is so insane that 10k group can wipe due to worse instabs or silly mistakes, while 50k group can easy 4-man destroy boss when their 5th is deadweight. but you have never seen the real peak of the mountain, because you dont do fractals much and if you do, than you teach/help people while remaining ignorant of everything else.

in fact its you, who hit personal skill cap. you never improve because you just remain in safe zone teaching worse players how to do cms. no one can improve in such enviorment.


there is plenty more but i cant sit here and pin point every silly stuff you said, i have better things to do.


13 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This was very simple for me. Based off the catalyst idea he threw out, with a bit of adjustment, here is what I imagined:

  1. Keep daily resets/rewards exactly the same that they are now.
  2. Add a new panel of weekly fractal achievements on top of it, based around CMs.

no one here was crazy enough to understand OP in a way that he wants to slap even more rewards to fractals... well, almost no one...

cm's provide you with plenty of currency especially if you do 4 cms (96-99) everyday. i am far past time when i cared about fractal relics, but it should be ~600-700 fractal relic for cm+t4 per day and this is your main limiting currency. pages - just do rec from time to time and you will have plenty,  pristine relics - you get more than you need,  stabilized matrice - salvage ascended rings and dont sell it? besides you get more integrated fractal matrices than you need for titles, just you know, dont waste them. this all shows your lack of knowledge/experience with fractals


fractals have decent reward structure, dont try "fixing" something that aint broken as it will probably get worse.

Edited by Nimris.3781
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5 hours ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

As said in my first post, it would be on top of the existing rewards, not in place of them.

you did not specifically said it would be on a top of existing rewards, moreover when you start with "fractal CMs are pure dailies" and move to "Daily priority fractal CM (randomly one fractal CM)"  it suggest changing daily system, which no one really wants.  and fractals dont need even more rewards

5 hours ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

Let's say 50 fractal relic for doing the daily priority fractal CM, and extra 100 fractal relic for doing all of them in the week.
So if you only do each fractal CM once a week when they're priority, you would get 800 fractal relic instead of 500 fractal relic.
If you do every CM every day for a week, you would get 3950 fractal relic instead of 3500 fractal relic

fractals have really decent reward structure and cm's give a lot of currency thats needed for progressing titles. basically you want titles, do cm's

right now its 500 fractal relics just for cm's 96-99, but if you do t4 (another ~60) or have bonus relics from titles (for savant +5per t4, so +35 for cm-100+t4,  than ~+70 for prodigy, 100+ champion etc), number can get up to 700 per day.  on a top of that you can do recs for another ~80 relics if you refund pots. also they recently introduced 5th cm which is another boost to relics

it was a lot slower when only nightmare and shattered had cm's but currently cm's boost relic gain by a lot and fractal god is easiest of 3 god titles to get.

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On 7/18/2024 at 7:32 PM, Kulvar.1239 said:

Currently, fractal CMs are pure dailies and I think it would be beneficial if they got a similar treatment that strikes got.

  • Daily priority fractal CM (randomly one fractal CM)
  • Weekly fractal CM (do each fractal CM once).

It would reward either fractal relic or pristine fractal relic up to ArenaNet.

Those who farm CM every day would get a bit more out of it.

Speaking as someone who has farmed fractal CMs mostly on a daily basis in the recent years: I don't know what I'm supposed to use more fractal relics and pristine fractal relics for.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Katary.7096 said:

Speaking as someone who has farmed fractal CMs mostly on a daily basis in the recent years: I don't know what I'm supposed to use more fractal relics and pristine fractal relics for.

You can buy Mystic Clovers, or ascended recipes you can sell on the TP. But that's not about that. You may not need them, good for you, but it won't change that some people still do and daily priority fractal CM + weekly fractal CM would make for a better reward structure and incentivize people who currently don't do any CM to do them a little.

9 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

you did not specifically said it would be on a top of existing rewards, moreover when you start with "fractal CMs are pure dailies" and move to "Daily priority fractal CM (randomly one fractal CM)"  it suggest changing daily system, which no one really wants.  and fractals dont need even more rewards

fractals have really decent reward structure and cm's give a lot of currency thats needed for progressing titles. basically you want titles, do cm's

right now its 500 fractal relics just for cm's 96-99, but if you do t4 (another ~60) or have bonus relics from titles (for savant +5per t4, so +35 for cm-100+t4,  than ~+70 for prodigy, 100+ champion etc), number can get up to 700 per day.  on a top of that you can do recs for another ~80 relics if you refund pots. also they recently introduced 5th cm which is another boost to relics

it was a lot slower when only nightmare and shattered had cm's but currently cm's boost relic gain by a lot and fractal god is easiest of 3 god titles to get.

That's your imagination. I said "Those who farm CM every day would get a bit more out of it." and never said anything about removing the existing rewards.

And those achievements specifically would ask you to do CM so I don't understand what point you're trying to make.
Except being salty that people get rewarded a bit more for doing a bit of CM?
Having more CMs available only compound into an all or nothing situation. With people either doing no CMs or no-lifing them.

Those achievements would make for a more progressive experience.
Some people would still do all CMs every day for maximum progression, some would only do the daily or the weekly according to their availability.
It's also a saner design as it allows people to do other activities without feeling like they're losing something. Now they would have the excuse of further CMs being slightly less rewarding.

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41 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

Except being salty that people get rewarded a bit more for doing a bit of CM?

whats the point of giving even more rewards for cms? cms are already more rewarding than t4 and are one of the most g/h rewarding places. you are acting here unreasonable, trying to slap even more rewards somewhere they are not needed.

cms giving 500+ relics on a top of more gold, compared to t4 giving ~60 relics or rec giving ~80 if you do potion conversion. in fact doing single cm will give you about as much relics as doing t4+rec, yet you want to slap even more relics to cms... there is no justification for that.

53 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

Having more CMs available only compound into an all or nothing situation. With people either doing no CMs or no-lifing them.

there are still sometimes cm-100-99 groups or rarely cm96+97.  cms been around for so long that if someone didnt do them by now, he is probably not intrested.

besides its exactly the same for raids, if group is doing FC with cms, they are not gonna pick 1 or 2 cms, but do all (and maybe skip the most annoying one to save time)

58 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

Those achievements would make for a more progressive experience.
Some people would still do all CMs every day for maximum progression, some would only do the daily or the weekly according to their availability.

if someone was not doing cms until now, daily for him would mean "maybe doing nightmare or shattered", so out of 5 dailies maybe 2 would see some intrest, but generally this would only benefit veterans


also going back do your strike comparison, you miss the most important part, priority strike mission is on NM. cms are considered bonus content that have some rewards but are in no way part of daily/weekly reward system. this is true for all cms, so fractals, strikes and raids

and just like there are cm+t4 daily groups, there are FC raids with cm groups and doing cms is not considered obligatory.

1 hour ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

It's also a saner design as it allows people to do other activities without feeling like they're losing something

fomo should never be a reason to do changes, because fomo is individual problem, with which said person has to deal by himself.

moreover your suggestion of bringing cm as daily would actually introduce more fomo by making 1 cm feel obligatory...    not well thought out idea 🤦‍♂️

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