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Ranked Matchmaking for PVP Rigged against older players?!

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On 7/21/2024 at 7:14 AM, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

The matchmaker 100% does not take into account how old or new your account is. That would be stupid as kitten. You just got lucky matches vs bad players 

So I explain that your PVP rank is the factor that they take into account for matchmaking, along with your current rating, not your accounts age. This basically is punishing players with more time in PVP and older pvp players is more what I meant than older accounts. This is a fact by the way you can look up Anet algorithm, they punish you for being dragon rank. 

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On 7/22/2024 at 2:41 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

waiiit....  first of all... you are making things up......   and secondly:

are you saying that its a bad thing, when a game tries to match people with more experience against people with more experience?

Are you saying its a bad thing, when low level players, tend to face other low level players? 


is that the essence of this Thread?      really bro? 

First, what am I making up...

Second, for Ranked Gameplay yes, the age/playtime of an account should have no affect on who you match with, this should be strictly determined by your current ranked rating. 

Third, no new and low level players have a place, inexperienced players should be either in unranked to practice and low skill players should be in low ranks like bronze and low silver, we shouldn't be seeing them in gold when gold is currently the second highest rank in the game since nobody can get past Platinum due to the poorly made matchmaking system...

So no that's not the essence of the thread, but nice chat.

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On 7/20/2024 at 10:54 PM, Last Crab.6054 said:

he didnt play on his brothers account, that is a typo. 

he would never violate terms of service

I did, it's not a typo and I don't see anything saying I can't play another account in TOS, would you mind linking it.

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37 minutes ago, Whalekisses.1345 said:

I did, it's not a typo and I don't see anything saying I can't play another account in TOS, would you mind linking it.

"You may not buy, sell, trade, share, or transfer access to any Account, including Operator Accounts or advertise the purchase, sale, or other transfer of the same."


ArenaNet Code of Conduct


that right there is a violation. SHARING

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On 7/20/2024 at 8:53 PM, Whalekisses.1345 said:

So, crazy thing happened, the PVP rush even comes up and I completed it for myself and while doing so I am having these crazy volatile matches where some games my team can play well and sometimes they can't. I end up getting top stats and am in a position that wherever I'm not currently at on the map my team is losing. I go on a losing streak and go from Gold 2 to bottom of Gold 1 almost top of Silver. I get myself halfway back up by sweating my brains out, but I manage to do it with the teams being so 50/50.


Now here's where it gets interesting. My brother is on a work trip and wants the rewards for PVP rush, but due to the length of the trip he will surely miss the event. So I play his account for him, recreate my character and use one of my builds and I destroy. He is on bottom of Gold 1 and I win 6 games in a row, and win 7 of 8 games. Now I would think this is a coincidence and just good RNG with who I played against, but it wasn't. Not only were my enemies worse at the game, but so were my allies. I was destroying the enemy team getting over 400k damage per match without issue. And if I did less it's because the game ended so early and I easily destroyed multiple players alone over and over. I take his rank from bottom of Gold 1 to just below middle of Gold 2 in just 8 games, something I can't do on my own account with the same build in 50 games. It's consistent, whenever I play on his account the game is easy and I rank up without issue on my account I sweat my kitten off to barely make ground and even sometimes get unlucky and go on a losing streak. I wondered what could cause this drastic variation between the two accounts and player skill and I found that the GW2 algorithm doesn't just use rating to determine who you face, but also takes your overall PVP rank into account.


This essentially punishes you for having more time in PVP and intentionally places players with more time in pvp with players with similar times in pvp without giving them the propper rating since other players with less time just won't face them. This creates a system where newer less skilled players can easily outrank better high skilled players with more time in pvp. WHY?! Why do this? Why make it easier for less skilled players with less time to rank up? Remove the ranked weight it should only go off current rating! Why are we punishing players for having more time in the games pvp? Those players should just be facing each other at the top of the leaderboards. To anyone that doesn't believe it, I challenge anyone who's ranked dragon or higher to make a smurf account and see for yourself. Post what you find here, let's get people together to bring this to Arenanets attention and show them how offal this system is, give us proper ranks based on our skill rating, let everyone be capable of climbing on an even playing field. No wonder people hate the PvP constantly rigging the matchmaking against better players. This system needs to be changed, I don't know who thought this would be a good idea, but it's a massive reason for why the games feel so volatile and 50/50. If they changed this balancing between player skills would mellow out and make a better experience over all for the entire player base. 

this must be the typo i was referring to

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On 7/24/2024 at 12:56 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

For example, I'll notice that on my main account if I play at prime time, it will often throw me into games that look the final rounds of an MAT, even when I'm in like gold 3. But on that alt with 600-700 total games, I won't even see games like that until I'm nearing plat 2, like around 1580+.

Trevor, king...

You are such an old wise man who played this game for ten thousands of hours. You played this game more and longer than any other pvp'er. You should know better.

Your matchmaking is also based on your rating from past seasons. That means if you were in plat1 for the past 20 seasons it will see you as a plat1 skilled players. If you dropped to g3 it will still see you as plat1 skilled player and match you like that.

On a fresh account that information about past seasons rating doesnt exist, which means you will be put into higher matches once you reached higher rating.

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The matchmaker is extremely outdated and desperately in need for a revision, but unfortunately the guy who originally coded it (Justin O'Dell) left Arenanet years ago. I strongly suspect that no one has looked at the Matchmaking algorithm since and probably nobody among the current Anet employees is even familiar with it.

The metrics games played and rank are definitely a huge problem for veteran players, because alts are SUPER common among top players. Most top players play 3, 4 or even more accounts these days, and rarely go on their mains for Ranked. And besides those there is a significant number of players in that crowd who got their accs banned/dishonored, so those couldn't even play their main accs if they wanted to.  So as someone who has played his main like 99% of the time over the course of the last 12 years and raked up a ton of games on it, I end up with hilariously unbalanced matches a lot of the time because said alt accs with few games massively skew the matchmaking.

Edited by Falan.1839
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On 7/24/2024 at 10:17 PM, Whalekisses.1345 said:

So I explain that your PVP rank is the factor that they take into account for matchmaking, along with your current rating, not your accounts age. This basically is punishing players with more time in PVP and older pvp players is more what I meant than older accounts. This is a fact by the way you can look up Anet algorithm, they punish you for being dragon rank. 

Homie you aren't reading it properly. Your PAST RANK from PREVIOUS SEASONS will influence where you are placed AFTER your placement matches. After your placement matches are over and you are assigned a rank, it no longer takes into account your past elo. You are then matched based solely on your current rank 

To put it simply, if you were plat rated for the past 8 seasons, you will initially get placed higher than a newer account that's never been rated after placement matches. This is assuming both accounts win the same ammount of placement games  

You're getting all of this confused, please read more throughoutly. Whether or not you're dragon rank has nothing to do with it. ANet has two different things called rank, one is like your PvP "level" and the other is your rank as in silver, gold, platinum. Idk why they did that

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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10 minutes ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

Thats not right. You have a rank even before doing your first placement match. 

Regardless of that being true or false, as soon as you are done with your placements, it doesn't matter. Your past elo effects what rank you get after placement, then uses your current rank for match making 

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2 minutes ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

No, thats not how it works. Your past elo effects at what rank you start at your first placement.


we're literally having a semantics argument right now. I don't care

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6 minutes ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

I care about you not spreading false information on a topic that you seem to have not too much knowledge. 



   - The past seasons' ratings influence the initial placement but do not continue to weigh heavily on the ongoing adjustments within the new season.



OMG WOW I WAS CORRECT ALL ALONG. The glicko 2 system uses past ranks to influence your initial placement, mean AFTER PLACEMENTS. Jeez I can't believe I humored your ignorant take on this


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9 minutes ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

OMG WOW I WAS CORRECT ALL ALONG. The glicko 2 system uses past ranks to influence your initial placement, mean AFTER PLACEMENTS. Jeez I can't believe I humored your ignorant take on this

Who hurt you, that you get so upset?

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4 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

Your PAST RANK from PREVIOUS SEASONS will influence where you are placed AFTER your placement matches

This is incorrect mate.

2 minutes ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

insulting my intelligence

I said you spread misinformation about a topic you seem to have not enough knowledge. How does that insult your intelligence?

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I remember finishing a season at a previous  placement was a thing that an Anet dev stated, but it doesn't feel like it works that way anymore. I always finish the season in plat, but it's a 50/50 as to whether or not I end up in Gold2 or upper Gold 3 after my placements. 

Albeit, I lose 2 or 3 placement matches but it's always a grind going back up to Plat1. Sometimes I do excellent in my placements by winning 9 out of 10 games and I end up in upper plat.... but it's completely inconsistent.

Last season I ended up in Gold1 and it was a wild climb back up to plat. Like... what?

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5 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

I remember finishing a season at a previous  placement was a thing that an Anet dev stated, but it doesn't feel like it works that way anymore. I always finish the season in plat, but it's a 50/50 as to whether or not I end up in Gold2 or upper Gold 3 after my placements. 

Albeit, I lose 2 or 3 placement matches but it's always a grind going back up to Plat1. Sometimes I do excellent in my placements by winning 9 out of 10 games and I end up in upper plat.... but it's completely inconsistent.

Last season I ended up in Gold1 and it was a wild climb back up to plat. Like... what?

You're thinking about it in terms of win or loss, but the glicko 2 system is way more nuanced and complex than that. It takes everything into consideration. How many people are currently rated, who is on your team/enemy team when you win/lose your placements etc. 

As the population shrinks, it's less and less likely to get placed in plat after placements, because less people are ranked. 

6 hours ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

This is incorrect mate.

I said you spread misinformation about a topic you seem to have not enough knowledge. How does that insult your intelligence?

You're incorrect mate. Just accept it. I know it's hard to understand, but you're wrong and just making yourself look worse

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17 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

Your PAST RANK from PREVIOUS SEASONS will influence where you are placed AFTER your placement matches.

I know its hard to understand, but this is incorrect. Your past rank from THE previous season will influence where you are placed BEFORE your placement matches. 


Every season will start with a soft reset of the previous season’s rating (Your initial rating before the new season's placements get calculated like this: (YourRating + 1200) * 0.5). (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_League)

Now im actually gonna question your intelligence, since you dont even know the difference between "after" and ''before''.


Edited by Mne Malo Tebya.2965
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Starting ELO for new season is (1200 + your ELO from the last season YOU PLAYED)/2. For example, if you end up with 1500 last season, your starting elo before placements will be (1500+1200)/2=1350. For an absolutely new account starting ELO will be 1200.

And I don't know any other PROVEN cases where your rating or number of matches from previous seasons or you pvp rank will be taken into account for matchmaking algorithm. Only current season's number of matches is taken into account for rating volatility.

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I don't think you understand how weighted the first 10 games are. The cap after placements is -50, in placements there is no cap you can check gw2efficiency to see. If you lose a game you were supposed to win due to the playerbase, you'll be dragged down with them. The actual games you get placed in are purely population issues, ranked is working as intended. Que during hot times or l2carry people that seemingly have no fingers. Your rating is gonna be volatile, because that's the nature of the game. Just play for fun, for brain aneurysms, or whatever it is we play this game for. 


Also a little side note, you can't complain about rating being weird and so low and then complain about being placed against top 10ers on the next post, that's just bonkers. It gave you your shot. 

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3 hours ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

I know its hard to understand, but this is incorrect. Your past rank from THE previous season will influence where you are placed BEFORE your placement matches. 

Now im actually gonna question your intelligence, since you dont even know the difference between "after" and ''before''.



Primary article: PvP Matchmaking Algorithm
The PvP matchmaking algorithm is the Glicko2 matchmaking rating (MMR) and helps match players with other players with similar skill levels



**Post-Placement Rating**:
   - After placement matches, the Glicko-2 system combines the player's historical rating data with the results of the placement matches.
   - This integration helps refine the initial placement by balancing past performance with recent match outcomes.
   - The final rating after placements will be influenced by both the player's historical ratings and the results of the placement matches, providing a comprehensive estimate of their current skill level.

Bro you wanna read this one out loud to avoid confusion? Thnx and plz stop with the condescending attitude 

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