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[Resolved] In-game Browser (CEF) buggy?

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my rewards tab doesnt load on my main acc and on my other acc i have it does load normal strange stuff, i tried all things that is said about helping with the wizards vault problems. 

like cach clearing and so on nothing helped

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Reward tab doesn't load on any of my accounts and none of the suggested fixes from https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231273908-Troubleshooting-Trading-Post-Wizard-s-Vault-Errors helped. Opened a ticket, which I'd suggest everyone with that problem to do so as well. Not  being able to spend currency - Astral Acclaim - is not good to say the least.

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this worked for me eventually zoning. It worked for me in my guild hall, but wasn't working before that. So it appears to be either something tied to the zone you're in OR tied to nothing at all and you just need to keep trying. 😞

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This is extremely frustraiting.

Earlier in the afternoon it worked well for the majority of the time. After a game reboot it stopped working  on one of the my accounts, so I went trough all of the troubleshooting advises that were mentioned in any of the forum posts about this issue. Great, now it stopped working on any of them. 😞 

The only thing I refuse to try is using a VPN. I know too many people in the game who got accidentially banned for being false positive flagged for something because used a VPN. I am not willing to risk this so close to the JW release.

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I have a seeminly related non-identical issue - the Objectives and Astral Rewards tab load for me, but Legacy Rewards is just the default background.   I noticed this a couple of days ago and I have also gone through all the troubleshooting steps with no change.

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I had this happen on one of my 3 accounts.  2 worked fine but the third one simply would not load the reward page.  I logged out of my account and back in on the same character - no difference.  Then I tried quitting the game and logging in on a different character and everything was fixed.  No idea why that way but it seemed to work.

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I tried the Hotspot thing with my phone, doesn't work for me, VPN is not an option for me.

I also created a ticket but so far the only response is the generic "try stuff that we have listed on the following link" which did not help at all.
I have two accounts and both are capped now, hope they'll get a fix soon.

My friend has no issue at all

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Posted (edited)

Okay, my issue is definitely connected to using both, Healix's GW2 Launcher and ArcDPS. I removed ArcDPS yesterday and have not had any CEF loading issues since.

Maybe the creators should look into this.

Problem solved by swapping the install locations of ReShade (now goes into /bin64/cef/) and ArcDPS (now goes into game's root directory).

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Florimel.8069 said:

No ArcDPS, no launcher, still no Astral Rewards page.

Yes, I get that. I wrote "my issue", so... 😄

The thread is obviously not about the issue other people are currently experiencing with the WV. There seem to be different things at work here. Very strange.

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Well, it turned into one since a lot of ppl reported the same issue with them here. And Ruby was called here too. I don't think anet likes it when everyone opens a new thread with the same problem.

So it's fine for you that you figured out how to fix it for you but maybe other ppl still have the problem. My post was btw not directed to you.



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I have the same problem since yesterday. Game repair and the three DNS commands didn't fix it either (GW2 and chromium.exe are whitelisted in firewall). Since I changed nothing on my pc setting the last few weeks I hope they fix it on there end.

Edited by Nakaa.6304
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4 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Okay, my issue is definitely connected to using both, @Healix.5819's GW2 Launcher and ArcDPS. I removed ArcDPS yesterday and have not had any CEF loading issues since.

Maybe the creators should look into this. 🤔

good observation i was able to made it load when closing one of the multiple chromium procceses when i encountered this issue, however it can happen when not using gw2 launcher and no arc dps as well (sometimes i only have one process and closing it and reloading that vault page that wasn't loading it loads)

Edited by Nor.2057
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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey all, we're looking into this. I just finished catching up on the posts from this weekend and it sounds like there may be more than one issue in play here. I'm updating the team so we can try to get this sorted out as soon as possible--thank you for continuing to post the details on what you're running and what you've been doing to troubleshoot!

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FWIW, this has been happening to me since they switched to CEF. It will sometimes fail to load any content which uses CEF - gemstore, TP, etc.. Then I can't even quit the game properly - I need to force quit. It usually works again once I've restarted (until the next time).

I have not noticed a pattern - happens no matter where I am in the game, randomly. Nothing to do with my network - it's solid.

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2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey all, we're looking into this. I just finished catching up on the posts from this weekend and it sounds like there may be more than one issue in play here. I'm updating the team so we can try to get this sorted out as soon as possible--thank you for continuing to post the details on what you're running and what you've been doing to troubleshoot!

Thank you, I hope it gets resolved before JW launches to claim the rewards 🙂 

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3 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey all, we're looking into this. I just finished catching up on the posts from this weekend and it sounds like there may be more than one issue in play here. I'm updating the team so we can try to get this sorted out as soon as possible--thank you for continuing to post the details on what you're running and what you've been doing to troubleshoot!

Thanks for the answer, I also have the issue. Is there something we can do on our side? I am also capped by 1300 Astral Acclaim. Maybe this issue can get a high priority? 


Did already, and not helped:

  • ipconfig/flush dns
  • disable third party software
  • cleared cache
  • add gw2.exe and  cef-host.exe to allowed apps under windows defener


Edited by DeluXee.1853
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