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Can we skip Prologue: The Tyrian Alliance? Stop shoving boring story down our throat

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2 hours ago, Rose Solane.1027 said:

I don't understand the complaints about an unskippable prologue. Most of the dialogue in the prologue is skippable. How long will the prologue take if you skip all the optional dialogue? Five minutes? Five minutes to start a new expansion, is that too much?

None but one part is skippable. What are you talking about? The whole stand at the podium thing is unskippable, unless you don't want the achievement, then you can just jump to Jennah.

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1 hour ago, misterman.1530 said:

Holy crap balls. Am in Janthir, finally. And MORE TALKING. Seriously, does anyone listen/read whatever is being said? I just zone out until they finish blathering on.

I'm fine with the kodan but everything related to old characters like Jennah and the rest... it is just so boring. I just want these characters gone, except the charrs and asuras, they're cool.

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I dont think a skip option is a bad idea but, complaining that the game needs less story doesn't represent all players. Personally, I think it's kind of insulting toward the devs and the community how some of these complaints are presented. They're more toxic than constructive. I liked the story so far, and while the OP suggests the devs have learned nothing, for me it appears that they have at least elevated in the quality of their story telling. 

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2 hours ago, Scar.1793 said:

I'm fine with the kodan but everything related to old characters like Jennah and the rest... it is just so boring. I just want these characters gone, except the charrs and asuras, they're cool.

(Poe's Law is in full effect in text.. so I'll say up front that this is intended as humour)

TL;DR Norns deserve love and respect in the story. All others can jump a too-wide gap. I am a human supremacist and have never played a Norn.

See, now I'd be fine if we got more human politicking and griping on about issues that a good dose of joining the United Federation of Planets would cure.
It's all the YIFFing that I can't be bothered with. Oh my Lord, I don't care which Charr are doing the nasty, and I don't give a sod what dumb-smart hairball the Asurans are ADHD hyper-focused on today.

They both need to be neutered and/or spayed (Get your cats fixed, it's healthier for them in the long term), and given a back seat. IBS was their time to shine, and it was terrible, and it was entirely focused on them.
I'm even going to throw Sylvari under the bus. They're cute little plant people that are new and.. innocent. Even the dark edgy ones don't really know how to be dark and edgy yet. So adorable.

Sylvari, as a species, have the same problem participating in the grander scheme of things in the same way that an under twenty-one year old has a problem participating in conversations with over thirties.
It's wonderful and grand that you've been born and you've """struggled""", but.. the adults are busy talking about trying to make one another's lives easier and figuring out world peace. Sorry boo, you don't have enough experience just existing to be taken seriously in anything yet. We'll all politely give you a nod and an, "Ah-hah," while not really considering what you're saying, because in terms of geopolitical anything, you're still figuring out how to grow hairs all over.
Like, the tree god-gifted them prior knowledge, aaaaaaand..? Why does anybody care what the new people on the block have to say? How have they survived long enough to not have been singed to a crisp by napalm?

Full respect.
Mad respect.
Ain't no shade to throw their way.
They're real OGs.
Been through the hard yakka, been through the hard times, put in the blood, sweat, and tears - and done it all for the sake of everyone else on stage. Shame they haven't ever really gotten much spotlight and that any time the limelight is on them, one of the other stage actors feel the need to butt their ways in on it (Looking DIRECTLY at you, Charrs).

Obviously you'll have figured out I'm a human supremacist at this point, and despite my comment above regarding an impending Starfleet invasion force, I'm tired of seeing them on-screen. Every single choice the humans make is baffling and represents no standing in logic, every action they decide on is ill-thought out and ill-conceived, and every concern they have eternally ends up becoming a selfish endeavour for the individual rather than the collective.
Could, please, the last dredges of humanity on Tyria be wiped out and consumed from existence by a Blue Rinse, by Baelfire, by some other form of, "Get out of existence, your place here makes no sense."
Let humanity fall into older habits and start anew as unthinking, unlearned barbaric savages befitting the mindset and actions that they make at all story beats. I don't doubt that they will still eke out an existence and, in fact, rise to dominance and maintain a domineering position once more, Charr or no Charr existing to attempt to kowtow them. After all, they are still humans as baffling as their current society's existence is at present.

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For the love of God please tell me you don't have to redo the prologue on multiple characters after doing it one time. Most of it is not able to skip , you cannot advance through tons of slow moving voice dialogue and repeated back and forth's ,

Once is enough , surely they won't make alts redo all that ?

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4 hours ago, misterman.1530 said:

Am sorry. Someone was confused by my comment. Were there too many words with more than one syllable? Was "blathering" an unfamiliar word?

It's the fanboys using "confused" responses on anything they disagree.

And since they disagree on everything that isn't "worship the game".....

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20 minutes ago, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

*Looks into a Quggan Artifact for answers* *Whoooooooom*


"Heed these words brave adventurer;

"A GW2 Player is only Human. When the Mind Matures; so does their perception of things. Indeed... One can even "Outgrow" the excitement of immersive wonder lust."


*The Artifact Breaks*


Is the issue that some have outgrown the sense of wonder and immersion or that the form it takes in this instance does not facilitate those sensations for some people?

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8 hours ago, Scar.1793 said:

You don't do that by dumping info in a 1h prologue... you want interesting characters you care for ?

There's none of that here. That's why people barely remember the characters.

Sure, the beginning is very introduction-heavy and if you don't know the characters yet and aren't interested in them, the beginning won't change that for you.


8 hours ago, Scar.1793 said:

Meanwhile I can still remember characters from WoW, ESO or FFXIV.

I can't remember any characters of them.  However, the GW2 forum is not intended for discussions about these games, so I won't go into them any further.


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5 hours ago, misterman.1530 said:

None but one part is skippable. What are you talking about? The whole stand at the podium thing is unskippable, unless you don't want the achievement, then you can just jump to Jennah.

So it is skippable. Yes, you miss out on an achievement, but it is skippable. And there is more skippable. You don't have to mingle before you take your place at the podium . You don't have to discuss further plans with two groups, only with the group with Crecia and Frode.

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Both Statements hold great truth. 

One can indeed "outgrow" certain aspect in video games (it varies per individual) . reasons for this could be: RL obligation prioritized over video game/ a family.  A sense of a dulled/Numbing/stale perception of playing games anno 2024 as a result of playing too much games in the past (you have seen it all/ stuff has become more of the same flavorless pizza. basicly they have "outgrown" the old formulas and want something new exciting)


In the case of the OP; it could crudely mean something along the lines of:

"The form it takes in this instance does not facilitate those sensations i crave simply because:

"this new story feels so immensely bland, shallow, uninspiring, written down to the level of a child's mindset; devoid of intricate mature storytelling only a mature audience could really comprehend/appreciate "


Personally; I haven't gotten Janthir yet (cant find time for that yet).   But for all other expansions/any game really my personal mentality has been:

"some can be good, some can be bad; but if the Good overshadows the Bad; then i consider myself properly entertained enough to validate the purchase and to continue on this path.

If not, lesson learned; time to move on and try another path.

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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I, personally, loved all the voiced dialogue and updates on story we’ve experienced over the years. It helps to give NPCs life and it feels like they've been doing stuff while we’ve been gone, instead of just waiting around for our return.  And there are sooooooo many characters. It helped to reintroduce some we may have forgotten and remind us of their relevance. I got a little giddy when I saw Dougal Keane. 

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I think it started getting really crappy (unskippable) when they switched from the old school dialogue textboxes to characters moving around talking. 


I have the vague impression they couldn't figure how to enable dialogue skips and proper save points in case of disconnection and whatever after that.


Then they really got crazy with the dialoguing. On and on and on. The speech timing is all unnatural. And it's all unskippable omg. 


I know the current system needs much more effort and passion, but omg. Kittens and puppies!


Wanting to not miss the 'easy' achievements along the way because I will never ever sit through that again (willingly) .... 


Previously, dcing or going out of bounds requiring a reset omg.




The world is in peril (again) and everyone is dying and we are rushing against time and the characters are trying to make jokes and all those weird pauses between each recorded line.


I have loved reading since I was 7. I need need need to be able to skip gw2 story dialogue.


Story challenges and lore dialogues should continue to be shippable but accessible anytime in instances (especially for achvs) once you've gone through it once.

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As someone who actually enjoys the story, I feel the prologue was sensible and much needed. Would you have rather been dropped off in Janthir with no ties or acknowledgement from the rest of Tyria? The NPCs have agency, and that's what keeps things interesting.  The Commander is a political figure, they don't just exist to punch things.

Felt a little like the Council of Elrond if I'm honest. A bunch of representatives coming together to figure out what to do next. Very interesting to see the political stuff for once lol

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I feel the original Tyria maps still have the best map design in GW2. You can explore them all without going through the story and they are so nicely designed you can replay them.

The expansions and most living story maps have been disappointing map design and I don't understand why to gate content behind story, which has slowly moving NPCs and dull dialogue and convoluted story, which makes me fall asleep. I rather read a good book or watch well-written film or TV series, but seriously GW2 writing & stories are not that level. There is a very good reason why many other games have a "skip" button.

New maps, new abilities, new monsters are all good. Forcing players to play through story = bad.

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Could they even add a skip button? Yes it's instanced but its not cut scenes, its kinda instanced open world dialog, so not sure it could even be skipped? I could get it being annoying after playing through more than once though, but the story is nice so far.

Maybe they will add it so you can skip the whole scene instead. 

Open world dialog was meant to feel more involved than lots of cut scene's i think so they changed it 

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I love story. And I think voices and acting are great. But... well... I love to play with alts, too. And I want to play with them, not listen to neverending podcasts again and again. So, I think the skip option is a must QoL, not now with JW, since a long time ago. And, of course, I understand it's even worse for those who don't enjoy story like me.

Edited by Derdhal.6908
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On 8/21/2024 at 11:52 AM, Amantiel.3542 said:

It's the fanboys using "confused" responses on anything they disagree.

And since they disagree on everything that isn't "worship the game".....

Yeah. I've been saying all along that the Confused and Sad emojis are trolling. To make it less so, if you select one of those, you should be forced to put in a coherent reason why you're confused or sad. If you don't, you can't use them.

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13 hours ago, RyasmaRaven.6018 said:

As someone who actually enjoys the story, I feel the prologue was sensible and much needed. Would you have rather been dropped off in Janthir with no ties or acknowledgement from the rest of Tyria? The NPCs have agency, and that's what keeps things interesting.  The Commander is a political figure, they don't just exist to punch things.

Felt a little like the Council of Elrond if I'm honest. A bunch of representatives coming together to figure out what to do next. Very interesting to see the political stuff for once lol

No, I'd rather the option to skip through the dialog. I read quite a bit faster than the actors speak their lines. I don't need them to act out what I just read.

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33 minutes ago, misterman.1530 said:

No, I'd rather the option to skip through the dialog. I read quite a bit faster than the actors speak their lines. I don't need them to act out what I just read.

So you're annoyed that they have good voice acting in a fully-voiced game? This kind of scene is nothing new in GW2, I just surprised people are complaining about it know when slower, info-heavy scenes have happened before.

I don't like the annoyingly long story boss fights, but I don't complain about them. Eh, to each their own.

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