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Harvest Shore Salmon Run is TOO TOUGH

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First off I love the salmon races. I spent so long trying to get the gold and finally did it! It didnt feel great though, because for how janky the terrain and route is in many parts, I think 2:30 is way too tight! 2:45 seems more fair, considering only about 300 people managed to get under 2:30 since launch! 

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300 people under 2:30 since launch and 2 hours spend ant not managed it? This does not seem too awful for now. I had beetle races in core maps where it too me hours to train. And I did not even play until this new race adventure here. Give it a week or two. A lot might only start to play for real at the weekend.

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It is really tough and definitely needs some practise. Some tips on how to make things a little easier: 
#1 use gear with with concentration so the swiftness lasts longer 

#2 equip relic of speed for a little bit faster movement speed

#3 swim in first person to avoid getting caught on the surface

hope these help 🙂

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Skill #2 / cannons are an issue too ; so many times I jump and hit a random obstacles, or jump right next to cannon without triggering it.

Otherwise : spam swiftness and if possible alacrity before start. Have a scrapper friend to spam superspeed the first meters. But I still didn't do it in 2:30.

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Agree this is harsh and cannons and terrain feel awkward in some of the areas feels like press 2 in area of cannon and hope for the best.  Terrain and views of the cannon are hard  will teyvtops on 1st person views as I keep getting stuck on surface and cant see my skills 

Edited by godsie.2864
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10 hours ago, McMarc.1276 said:

It is really tough and definitely needs some practise. Some tips on how to make things a little easier: 
#1 use gear with with concentration so the swiftness lasts longer 

#2 equip relic of speed for a little bit faster movement speed

#3 swim in first person to avoid getting caught on the surface

hope these help 🙂

Unfortunately, Number 3 has never worked for me. Still keep breaking that surface. 

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8 hours ago, Zhaid Zhem.6508 said:

Skill #2 / cannons are an issue too ; so many times I jump and hit a random obstacles, or jump right next to cannon without triggering it.

Otherwise : spam swiftness and if possible alacrity before start. Have a scrapper friend to spam superspeed the first meters. But I still didn't do it in 2:30.

I'd say the second jump skill is just pure jank. It either doesn't work or throws you 10k in the air with varying ability to actually control you're fall. Its like a (not fun) lottery! Are we going to hit the cannon? Overshoot? Jump straight up in the air and fall exactly back down where we were? 

Its just less noticeable in the downstream version, because you need to jump like twice there. 



Also stop locking all the adventures when the map event happens. Really annoying that. 

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Designer of this needs to be put to jail. Basically everything of this is broken. Canons not working properly. Camera forces you out of perspective to surface so you loose speed. Rings not properly detecting a swim though.

And time limit is ridiculous. 02:37 was my cleanest run and 7 seconds are a lot! The very least we can expect when hard content is put in is that this content works at least. 

Fix this S*#@ and reduce the time



With buff food (Orrian Truffle Stew) and all Diviner Gear I was able to reach 2:29 and did this thing (and I will never ever look back)

Still the problem is that it's bad design if you need special/dedicated equipment to make it. 

Edited by Nun Arg.5842
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The salmon run activity in general is a hateful, bug-filled mess regardless of which one you run.

The salmon itself tends to get "stuck" on the surface of the water, really forcing you to point straight down to get unstuck. Now I understand that the salmon being unable to use skills on the surface is because this game has two different states: "swimming at surface" and "swimming underwater". That said... this is incredibly dumb. Fish can swim at the surface just fine, for one, but for two, the fact it can be a struggle to get under the water so your skills can function again is kind of unforgivable.

Salmon skill #2 is also horrendously buggy and inconsistent, and honestly I don't know why. Sometimes it can fail to function and gets you stuck on the surface instead of breaching it (and if this happens at basically any point during Harvest Shore's run, your gold time is lost to you.) Other times it can launch you directly into the air higher than a springer could jump at full charge. The fact this skill doesn't consistently work and also only has three charges means you can lose a gold Harvest Shore run to bad jump luck and the skill then being on cooldown.

Canons in Harvest Shore are also unreliable, inconsistent and buggy. They can sometimes not register when you land on them, not firing you into the air. The first canon at the bottom of the run can sometimes shoot you vertically straight up, eliminating the chance to go for gold as you then have to wait to fall back down and try again. The second canon that you use as you begin the waterfall ascent can sometimes not properly land you onto the outcropping and can instead send you face-first into the cliff before you have to plummet back down, also ending any chance to go for gold on a run. The third canon seems to be the least problematic in my experience, if you can make it there in time. Can still sometimes just not register you there though.

All of these three issues combine to make Harvest Shore Salmon Run just miserable in general to play, even without trying to go for gold. But if you want to get the mastery, gold is mandatory, and as somebody who managed to get gold I think the timing is much too unforgiving for how horrifically designed Salmon Run is overall. If these mechanical issues can't be fixed so the gameplay is actually fun, then at the very least, a minimum of 10 or so seconds (potentially even 15) need to be added to the gold timer so that people can still stand a chance of getting gold in the VERY LIKELY EVENT that the activity mechanically breaks on them.

Because it's more consistent to see the canons not work or the salmon get stuck on the surface or the salmon's jump fail to properly work than it is to see consistent runs of the activity to completion.

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2 hours ago, Airyll.7849 said:

The salmon run activity in general is a hateful, bug-filled mess regardless of which one you run.

The salmon itself tends to get "stuck" on the surface of the water, really forcing you to point straight down to get unstuck. Now I understand that the salmon being unable to use skills on the surface is because this game has two different states: "swimming at surface" and "swimming underwater". That said... this is incredibly dumb. Fish can swim at the surface just fine, for one, but for two, the fact it can be a struggle to get under the water so your skills can function again is kind of unforgivable.

Salmon skill #2 is also horrendously buggy and inconsistent, and honestly I don't know why. Sometimes it can fail to function and gets you stuck on the surface instead of breaching it (and if this happens at basically any point during Harvest Shore's run, your gold time is lost to you.) Other times it can launch you directly into the air higher than a springer could jump at full charge. The fact this skill doesn't consistently work and also only has three charges means you can lose a gold Harvest Shore run to bad jump luck and the skill then being on cooldown.

Canons in Harvest Shore are also unreliable, inconsistent and buggy. They can sometimes not register when you land on them, not firing you into the air. The first canon at the bottom of the run can sometimes shoot you vertically straight up, eliminating the chance to go for gold as you then have to wait to fall back down and try again. The second canon that you use as you begin the waterfall ascent can sometimes not properly land you onto the outcropping and can instead send you face-first into the cliff before you have to plummet back down, also ending any chance to go for gold on a run. The third canon seems to be the least problematic in my experience, if you can make it there in time. Can still sometimes just not register you there though.

All of these three issues combine to make Harvest Shore Salmon Run just miserable in general to play, even without trying to go for gold. But if you want to get the mastery, gold is mandatory, and as somebody who managed to get gold I think the timing is much too unforgiving for how horrifically designed Salmon Run is overall. If these mechanical issues can't be fixed so the gameplay is actually fun, then at the very least, a minimum of 10 or so seconds (potentially even 15) need to be added to the gold timer so that people can still stand a chance of getting gold in the VERY LIKELY EVENT that the activity mechanically breaks on them.

Because it's more consistent to see the canons not work or the salmon get stuck on the surface or the salmon's jump fail to properly work than it is to see consistent runs of the activity to completion.

Thank you for consistently summurizing everything I have been thinking. 

For anyone whose having trouble shaving those last few seconds of their time: swap all your leggy stuff to diviners (or get the character who has diviners), switch to relic of speed, and eat endurance regn food. (several tips copied from higher in the thread). 

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16 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

You gotta be kidding me... How is this a thing!

God bless that one guy in map chat that made me aware of this. The concentration usage is the most impactful, you can basically have it up all the time which is a really great bonus for the run. 

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If the adventure needs specific gear to make it to gold consistently, its not a correctly optimized adventure.

The cannons do not launch correctly on occasion, this needs fixing on the launch mechanics/launch detection if possible.

The checkpoints need increased sphere size and detection range, having a run ruined cause a checkpoint fails to register passage sucks.

The race variant needs a proper option to reset the attempt for bronze/silver/gold, as is they only apply on first try, then a player is stuck waiting for event end to be able to try for gold again, why?

The best i can do is 2min.40sec. even with concentration gear. This is not working well at all.


Edited by Altriba.8092
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Had a friend attempt to help me out by superspeeding me through the ground section and then again later at various points, also with relic of speed & sigils of speed. I still had jump/cannon bugs a lot, one time the cannon killed me by dropping me way down from where it's supposed to go and I hit the ledge and died. Best run after several attempts was still 4 seconds off gold 😕 it's basically impossible with my crappy ping rubberbanding me every time I use the jump/cannons, and don't even get me started on getting stuck on the surface unable to do anything about it. Please either make the time more forgiving, or fix the issues so we can get it done without having to cheese it, feels really bad when it seems impossible without certain gear or boosts and even then is still so rough.

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This golden medal is painfull but i succeed this morning. I will copy pasta what i give as tips on discord :

For people wanting to do it, here is sopme tips :

- Use concentration gear + speed boost + relic of speed. Use rune of speed too.
- Use first camera (really important). Some passage are though so don't rush it, better to be a little slow than losing 5 second because you increase your speed and miss à  checkpoint.
- At first canon, you aren't forced to use the jump skill. You can use speed + jumping (space bar). The second canon is the most problematic. You can do use 2 jump skill since you didn't use your first at the first canon. The third one be carreful too. look where is the canon and use jump but be carreful with being in the water and at surface of the water since it can break your skill jump or speed skill.
- When you use your speed skill be carreful to not be near the surface because you will lost your speed boost.

You will need definitively some practice. Because comon mistake is using speed boost by exemple when you are in the water and near the surface of the water and you will lose your speed boost when you reach the surface (same things with jumping skill, if you use it near the surface and reach the surface in same time, you will lose your jump).

Courage friends, it's difficult and you will have probably the desire to throw your keyboard but you can do it. !!! 👍

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I got gold for it without any gear/food/outside buffs in roughly 20minutes, its definetly doable. The main problem is the jump sometimes not working. First person is a must to stay under water and having an easier time to aim for the boosts later.

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