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Can't use Warclaw's Lance Ability

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33 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

What you are suggesting is a workaround, but not a fix for the underlying bug. Again: Why are you defending those software bugs? 

It doesn't matter if a software perfectly met the requirements 12 years ago. If software requirements change over a period of 12 years, you can try to adapt it with minimal changes/fixes (because there is no time, no money, etc. for a good solution) but in the end you build up a "technical debt" which eventually leads to errors later on that can only be fixed with great effort (if they are not ignored).

And it's not true that the errors are only now occurring. There were already such mapping errors in the IBS (the story mission with the tank), then later in EoD (Skiff). So there have been error messages (ignored/unanswered by Anet) in the bug forum for many years. But these were just marginal phenomena for some users, which could then be ignored. But now that the Warclaw and its functions are the focus in PvE in the JW expansion, more and more users are noticing these errors.


That's not a workaround, that's the actual fix that need to be done.

Actually the workaround is what is suggested by many people (having a whole set of keybind for mount) as it doesn't solve the problem ( = having consistant keybind on the left part of the bar) as you will have consistant keybind on everything, except mount and other thing coded as mount (and it could be anything, chair are mount) where you got an entirely different set of keybind, great...

Can't wait to guess every time I interact with something that change my skill if it will use weapons skills or mount skills

So, why are you defending bad design?

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2 hours ago, Bowdidly.7401 said:

 agree, also IMO one other HUGE option concerning skill bars which would be "up to date" with 90% of other MMO's would be to have the actual skills movable on the skill bars, you can already do it with the profession and race skills, they are "customizable" why not mount and also weapon skills ? that would be a absolute massive QOL leap forward

  They could also have a "tick" option box to either use "default" bind options or "customizable binds" so to make it easy for people who are happy how things are.

Perhaps make sure of the Weaponskill menu in the Hero panel.  allow us to re-arrange skills there.  could add a tab for mounts there as well.  Especially the big ones: Warclaw PvE and PvP versions, Seige Turtle, and skyscale, but might as well add all of them.  Who knows maybe soon we'll get skills for Jackal, springer, and Raptor which I would say are the most underused mounts save for very niche things.  We already got upgrades for Skyscale and warclaw... who knows?  I personally would love more reason to use my jackal.

Edited by Darkvulpine.5720
brain farts, missing words.
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4 minutes ago, Darkvulpine.5720 said:

Perhaps make sure of the Weaponskill menu in the Hero panel.  allow us to re-arrange skills there.  could add a tab for mounts there as well.  Especially the big ones: Warclaw PvE and PvP versions, Seige Turtle, and skyscale, but might as well add all of them.  Who knows maybe soon we'll get skills for Jackal, springer, and Raptor which I would say are the most underused mounts save for very niche things.  We upgrades for Skyscale and warclaw... who knows?  I personally would love more reason to use my jackal.

Yeah Agree, In Janthir you only use Skyscale and Warclaw, very occasionally the Skimmer, but currently Springer, Jackel ,Turtle and Raptor are useless , thats 4 mounts !

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Just now, Bowdidly.7401 said:

Yeah Agree, In Janthir you only use Skyscale and Warclaw, very occasionally the Skimmer, but currently Springer, Jackel ,Turtle and Raptor are useless , thats 4 mounts !

to be fair, I shift to griffon often.  Especially in the Lowlands!  Incredibly easy to get high enough for it to be useful.  Maybe it'll eventually get an ability that'll allow it to get altitude on a 2 minute cooldown or something

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2 hours ago, Darkvulpine.5720 said:

One thing they will need to make sure if they were to do this going forward, not just with mount skills but most systems for keybinds.  Consistency.  A hotkey should always be similar. 

For the most part the mount skills are in fact similar.  I would say one inconsistency that comes to mind would be Skyscale and Griffon. 

Mount skill 1 for griffon that descends, the same button is the dash for the Skyscale. 

Mount skill 2:  Griffon -Ascend,  Skyscale -Descend

These abilities I assigned to both 4 and 5 on my keyboard, but more importantly: my side buttons on mouse.  bottom mouse for griffon descend, top mouse for ascend.

I don't know my order but i did the same thing i think 5 is assigned to V and 4 assigned to C (I also keybind my weapon skills so let me translate that to wasd/ default binds - 2 is special mount ability 1 and 3 is special mount ability 2 - you know next in line skills on the mount ui bar back when there weren't any other skills there.) Which means some buttons on skiff and warclaw (for me) aren't going to be working. If they had just not made "Special mount ability buttons" in the first place and made them specific skills to the mount and included them on the ui bar, that overall i think would have eliminated the issues I and others are experiencing now. but they also code mount skills as weapon skills, so its a mess!

Edited by Kelly.7019
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12 hours ago, Atraleos.5849 said:

Yes it is very frustrating that they have broken the mount functionality a couple times now. I ended putting mount ability 2 on shift, but it isn't ideal.

You might consider moving the movent skills to ESDF instead of WASD. Doing this means abilities can be on AQWRT.

the problem here is that people keybind differently(i dont use wasd). So it shouldn't be specific keys fix it, it should be how priority works and allow people to rebind their mount skills which could be totally different then their weapon skills. and by this i mean if weapons are 12345 that should not effect mount skills if mount skills are 6543T, When mounted mount skills take priority so buttons like 543 do not conflict with weapon skills.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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26 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

That's not a workaround, that's the actual fix that need to be done.

I haven't written anything about other users' suggestions, only yours. And your suggestion of a "safe guard" so that users cannot set certain combinations is a workaround, not a real fix. A real fix would be if users could continue to make these settings without the error occurring.

30 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

So, why are you defending bad design?

Haha, I understand what you did there. But that doesn't make what you wrote any more correct.  So I'm going to end this discussion with you now because it's just going around in circles. You're welcome to have the last word. 

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4 hours ago, Bowdidly.7401 said:

Definatly a game issue since Janthir patch last week and it is only with the Warclaw mount keybinds,  I have yesterday rebound every key to DEFAULT, { which is default C and  V still does not work, deleted "data" file in app data, repaired game files etc , done everything and still when on Warclaw AND ONLY WARCLAW mount action button is bugged, if I bind it to a key were it does finally work it messes up with the Skiff and fishing binds

 Since patch and Warclaw was added to PVE game with its Lance ability the ONLY way I can get it to work were it is Playable and NOT affecting other mount/fishing binds is to MANUALY mouse click button 3 when on my Warclaw, defiantly a software issue since Janthir wilds patch

it's not only the warclaw mount skills , it's just others have become aware of their (bad?) coding style thru the most recent warclaw update. the same priority/weapon/mount skills issues have existed since PoF Skyscale

again how they code is WILD! Fishing binds should override other binds when FISHING Anet!

Edited by Kelly.7019
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20 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

YES DO NOT MAKE MOUNT SKILLS WEAPON SKILLS THIS CAUSES MAD PROBLEMS! they should have known this since Skyscales Fireball!

1) I think the key here is priority. if mounted mount skills should override weapon skills.

2) all mount skills should be listed on the ui . I know originally they weren't but since they've added more, and they added the special mount ability 1 and 2 to the ui bar as well, it's messed up, but its been like that for a while, it's just more people get to discover their wonderful coding style. It would have made more sense to begin with to have the special mount ability 1 and 2 just be normal mount skills specific to the mounts and be on the ui bar as skill 2 and 3.

3) make the  mount skills rebindable. much like you can keybind your weapon skills , allow us to rebind mount skills. (this is important because probably people might like their binds they've been using since Pof*) 4 slots currently being used  let us rebind those to whatever we want then make mount skills the priority when we are mounted.

* this is the problem for me, there is something off in their coding since Skyscale was introduced.(warclaw and skiff also has these problems and skimmer dive- all introduced after skyscale fireball!) it's probably the priority issue and  mount skills are coded as weapon skills. Since PoF I have had to accept buttons just will not work and i have to click on them with my mouse to get them to activate. The Gods told me a long time ago unless a lot of people have an issue with it, they won't bother fixing it.


edit: I highly suggest you guys keep this page active or tell others to come and comment on it, since its only 1 page long that doesn't look good for them fixing it.

The problem is exactly as I stated: Mixed weapon skills and mount skills on the same bar make for conflicting input. They introduced the original issue by adding "mount skills" with the introduction of skyscale's fireball. Then they further screwed things up by adding warclaw's 4th ability as a weapon skill and they appear to have an "empty" mount skill that takes priority for the warclaw's lance ability.

This entire thing can be verified very simply:

Assume you bind weapon skills 1 through 5 to their same number.

Then bind Mount Skill 2 to C and Mount Skill 1 to V.

Make sure Mount skills are NOT bound to any numbers (no secondary binds)!

You'll see the following button bindings for each mount:

Raptor, Springer, Jackal, and Turtle : [1][ ][ ][ ][V]

Skimmer, Griffon, Beetle: [1][ ][ ][C][V]

Skyscale: [1][2][ ][C][V]

Warclaw: [1][ ][ ][4][V]

This shows a few key features of their design:

Mount Skill 1 always replaces Weapon Skill 5.

For Skyscale, Skimmer, Griffon, and Beetle Mount Skill 2 is replacing Weapon skill 4.

Some reason Mount Skill 1 always comes after Mount Skill 2 on the bar (probably because Mount Skill 2 is optional and Mount Skill 1 is not).

Warclaw has a Weapon skill 4.

If Mount Skill 2 is bound to '4' then the warclaw's lance is disabled. This seems to indicate warclaw has an "empty" Mount Skill 2.


So as I stated before, if all the mounts had mount skills 1-5 in the correlated button slots then all the problems would go away. Players that wish to use the buttons exactly the same as their weapon skills would be free to do so. While players that wish to use special buttons for different mount skills would be free to do so. Additionally if they introduced permanent and custom weapon skill and mount ability ordering in the Hero -> Build Tab -> Weapon Skill Panel (and a new mount panel) then players would be free to set things up exactly as they need.

However, the simplest fix (for PVE) will be moving warclaw's new lance ability from weapon skill 4 to mount ability 2. This won't fix the changes for WVW, but I'm not familiar enough with WVW to say much about it other than I miss the WVW warclaw double jump (I don't have the double jump mastery).




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5 hours ago, Atraleos.5849 said:

So as I stated before, if all the mounts had mount skills 1-5 in the correlated button slots then all the problems would go away. Players that wish to use the buttons exactly the same as their weapon skills would be free to do so. While players that wish to use special buttons for different mount skills would be free to do so. Additionally if they introduced permanent and custom weapon skill and mount ability ordering in the Hero -> Build Tab -> Weapon Skill Panel (and a new mount panel) then players would be free to set things up exactly as they need.

Exactly what I suggested!  I think this would also just be a great tool for everyone, to allow us to customize our controls per weapon!  

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On 8/23/2024 at 8:10 AM, Atraleos.5849 said:

Some reason the keybind for warclaw's lance ability isn't working for me. I failed a couple different warclaw races because I couldn't hit the targets. Turns out I have to click the ability to get it to activate. I've rebound 4th weapons skill to 'R' and "Mount Ability 2" also to 'R'. Utility skill 3 is Ctrl + R. This configuration has worked on all mounts for a very long time and only broke with this expansion.

Disable windows sticky keys...

Edited by Chip.9267
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11 hours ago, Darkvulpine.5720 said:

Exactly what I suggested!  I think this would also just be a great tool for everyone, to allow us to customize our controls per weapon!  

Yes we are agreeing! I phrased it the first part of the post poorly and gave it the wrong tone.

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right now for me the lance isn't broken nor is double jump, but sniff and a slew of other stuff/ mount skills are.

22 hours ago, Atraleos.5849 said:

However, the simplest fix (for PVE) will be moving warclaw's new lance ability from weapon skill 4 to mount ability 2. This won't fix the changes for WVW, but I'm not familiar enough with WVW to say much about it other than I miss the WVW warclaw double jump (I don't have the double jump mastery).

Yea, don't do this, If they're not going to fix the overall problem (like you suggested) any minor tweaks will probably just break others peoples layouts.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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On 8/23/2024 at 8:52 PM, Maienstern.2154 said:

I've had that issue twice now. I am trying to learn griffon stunt flying and it's incredibly annoying that I have to change my keybinds every few months, especially since the original was very comfortable for me. By default the griffon's dive is bound to v and 2 and the climb is bound to c and 3. I was using 2 and 3 on my gaming mouse a lot for my griffon and had just gotten used to the weird feeling of pressing 2 for the ability in the 5th slot. It was very comfortable to reach for me. Then I got into SotO and started to train the skyscale masteries and dash and fireball were now overlapping, preventing me from using the fireball. I really wanted to prioritize the griffon and rebind the fireball, but I couldn't, which was really confusing to me. Why is that not a mount skill? Anyway, after searching in vain for a solution I finally, very reluctantly, rebound dive and climb to 5 and 4. It's not the most comfortable to reach for me, but at least it's inline with the UI. And now that I have finally gotten used to the new setup, I run into the same issue with the warclaw. And this time I am out of keys, that I can comfortably reach. I would just ignore the warclaw's lance, but it's so nicely integrated, that it really hampers my game play and takes a lot of fun out of it. I want to be able to do the warclaw race adventure and stunt flying is hard enough without having to complety relearn how you control your character. And this time around I really don't get why this happened. It's not like the warclaw had a different ability in that slot. I don't know the first thing about programming, so I can't make a constructive suggestion about how to fix this, but it's a serious blemish on an otherwise really excellent mount system.

I would have started my own thread, but since this issue is already being discussed, I figured it's better to just join in here. I really hope this is just one of the new expansion growing pains and will be fixed soon. 

I used this exact same setup and I did the exact same retraining of the griffon skills during SotO. I think I may have found a work around for not having to retrain the griffon skills once more. For Weapon Skill 4, I set the alternate keybind as Ctrl+4. It's not ideal, but when I'm on the warclaw I can tap the Ctrl with my pinkie and 4 on my mmo mouse thumbkeys. This allows me to keep the mount keys I use for the griffon the same.

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4 hours ago, Trojun.4751 said:

I used this exact same setup and I did the exact same retraining of the griffon skills during SotO. I think I may have found a work around for not having to retrain the griffon skills once more. For Weapon Skill 4, I set the alternate keybind as Ctrl+4. It's not ideal, but when I'm on the warclaw I can tap the Ctrl with my pinkie and 4 on my mmo mouse thumbkeys. This allows me to keep the mount keys I use for the griffon the same.

I'm definitely gonna try that, thanks. My thoughts had started to wander in that direction, but I had little hope it would work. Better one mount with a messed up keybind, than 5. 

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On 8/23/2024 at 7:10 AM, Atraleos.5849 said:

Some reason the keybind for warclaw's lance ability isn't working for me. I failed a couple different warclaw races because I couldn't hit the targets. Turns out I have to click the ability to get it to activate. I've rebound 4th weapons skill to 'R' and "Mount Ability 2" also to 'R'. Utility skill 3 is Ctrl + R. This configuration has worked on all mounts for a very long time and only broke with this expansion.

Edit - TLDR for anyone else with this problem: Make sure Weapon Skill 4 and Mount Ability 2 do not have the same keybind. Hopefully an ArenaNet dev sees my later post in this thread where I give more diagnostic details.

I'm experiencing the same and I think it has to do with the Feral Fury Mastery since it only started after I got that.

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What drives me nuts is that this is an ongoing issue.

I play on a controller already as is on account of my arthritis, so having to go and faf around with key bindings every time I want to use my warclaw's skills because I can't rely on a C and V key but rather have to rely on my controller's layout (2-5 are on the D pad with autoattack/1 being on the right trigger).   My skyscale's up and down, my griffon dive and rise, my everything but dodge, dismount, and jump on a mount have to be bound to a different key that correlates to a key already bound to my controller's layout.

As per anet's rules, I cannot have D-pad right be both 4 and C or numpad-4 or whatever.  I cannot use the default keybindings. 

And before, I had the keybindings for the mount skills set for the griffon rise/skyscale rise as Dpad ^ or 3, and the dive/sink as D-pad down or 5.  Even if I used alternate key bindings as 4 and 5, that's messed up my habits.  I would be OK with that if it actually worked, but it doesn't work.

I have found that if I put 4 and 5 as alternate keybinds for my weapon skills, then the 3 skill on the warclaw works again, and the 5 key works again, but the 4 key doesn't. 

I don't care how they fix it in the code.  I just want to be able to play the game, and right now, there are a lot of things that are inaccessible and needlessly difficult for me.

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On 8/23/2024 at 1:10 AM, Atraleos.5849 said:

Some reason the keybind for warclaw's lance ability isn't working for me. I failed a couple different warclaw races because I couldn't hit the targets. Turns out I have to click the ability to get it to activate. I've rebound 4th weapons skill to 'R' and "Mount Ability 2" also to 'R'. Utility skill 3 is Ctrl + R. This configuration has worked on all mounts for a very long time and only broke with this expansion.

Edit - TLDR for anyone else with this problem: Make sure Weapon Skill 4 and Mount Ability 2 do not have the same keybind. Hopefully an ArenaNet dev sees my later post in this thread where I give more diagnostic details.

I recently discussed this issue in /m chat with 40 players and we figured out what the problem is.

So uuuh, how to explain this:

  1. In the control keybind settings, there is "mount ability 1" and "mount ability 2"
  2. The warclaw dash that is set to weapon skill 5 counts as mount ability 1. It allows you to set keybinds to alter this or to set two keybinds. For example, I have my keybind set to 5 so that it actually works like a normal weapon skill when I push 5. Additionally, I have a 2nd keybind set to V. This way, when I'm on a skyscale, I can dash with V.
  3. The warclaw's lance however, although it shows that it is weapon skill 4 and should count as mount ability 2, it doesn't work if you set the keybind to 4. Why? No idea. I've also had problems with it not working when setting 2nd keybinds as well. But we noticed that if you remove all keybinds and let it be default, it for some reason will work on normal 4 press, like any other kit skill.

Whatever is going on here is buggy. Arenanet needs to figure it out.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

The warclaw's lance however, although it shows that it is weapon skill 4 and should count as mount ability 2, it doesn't work if you set the keybind to 4. Why? No idea. I've also had problems with it not working when setting 2nd keybinds as well. But we noticed that if you remove all keybinds and let it be default, it for some reason will work on normal 4 press, like any other kit skill.

Simple, Warclaw 4th skill is and had always been weapon skill 4, so, if you set weapons skill 4 and mount ability 2 on the same keybind, that doesn't work.

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On 9/1/2024 at 12:38 AM, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Simple, Warclaw 4th skill is and had always been weapon skill 4, so, if you set weapons skill 4 and mount ability 2 on the same keybind, that doesn't work.

Its ALL because when you mount Warclaw the game automatically disables input from weapon button "4"  if its bound to number "4" and its only with the Warclaw,  clearly something that was overlooked in the Janthir update, why the hell they changed  binding option for only the warclaw is anybody's ghess but it is broken and breaks other things that have worked fine for years.

  Another clear mistake by ANET is on skyscale  the button you press to "CLIMB" is the same button on Griffon for "DIVE"  also the  Skimmer 🤬   too, whomever wrote the coding for mounts literally had no idea what they were doing and certainly never checked or tried them in game , I did think maybe it was something that was overlooked as more mounts were added to the game,  Skyscale was added to the game in Living World S4 so that discrepancy between griffon, Skiimer and Skyscale started then because the Skyscale bindings didnt follow the mounts from PoF,  this was not fixed and I guess people just got used to it but now in Janthir the new version of Warclaw just completely screws up mount bindings

 Really annoying part is this would be a very easy fix for ANET all that have to do is make Warclaws  5 action bar buttons and key Bindings work exactly the same as Skyscales, common sense would  lead you to think that would be how they work anyways by default

Edited by Bowdidly.7401
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On 9/8/2024 at 3:31 PM, Bowdidly.7401 said:

Its ALL because when you mount Warclaw the game automatically disables input from weapon button "4"  if its bound to number "4" and its only with the Warclaw,  clearly something that was overlooked in the Janthir update, why the hell they changed  binding option for only the warclaw is anybody's ghess but it is broken and breaks other things that have worked fine for years.

Wrong, the spear is linked to weapon skill 4 and work perfectly with that binding.

On 9/8/2024 at 3:31 PM, Bowdidly.7401 said:

Another clear mistake by ANET is on skyscale  the button you press to "CLIMB" is the same button on Griffon for "DIVE"  also the  Skimmer 🤬   too, whomever wrote the coding for mounts literally had no idea what they were doing and certainly never checked or tried them in game , I did think maybe it was something that was overlooked as more mounts were added to the game,  Skyscale was added to the game in Living World S4 so that discrepancy between griffon, Skiimer and Skyscale started then because the Skyscale bindings didnt follow the mounts from PoF,  this was not fixed and I guess people just got used to it but now in Janthir the new version of Warclaw just completely screws up mount bindings

Well, you kinda have to change the way you think, instead of think with the direction of the mouvement, you have to think with the concept of primary and secondary action, and the fact that the primary action is the one costing endurance.

That's why every dash, which consume endurance, the skimmer hover doing the same and the rollerbeetle boost all are on mount ability 1. Mount ability 2 is usually a secondary action that complete or expand the mount kit.

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46 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Wrong, the spear is linked to weapon skill 4 and work perfectly with that binding.

Thats not the case because if you assign a key bind to "mount ability  1" as long as you do not use number "4"  that new key overrides weapon skill binds when mounted, but still uses "4" as weapon key bind and also if you bind "mount ability 1" to "4"  it does not work at all when mounted, this is the whole issue people are having there is a internal coding conflict of mount binding keys

Edited by Bowdidly.7401
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58 minutes ago, Bowdidly.7401 said:

Thats not the case because if you assign a key bind to "mount ability  1" as long as you do not use number "4"  that new key overrides weapon skill binds when mounted, but still uses "4" as weapon key bind and also if you bind "mount ability 1" to "4"  it does not work at all when mounted, this is the whole issue people are having there is a internal coding conflict of mount binding keys

That's a whole different problem. All weapon skills keybind works on mount, they aren't disabled like you say, but it's lacking the protection to prevent binding mount abilities and weapons skill on the same keybind (the same way you can't bind weapon skill and dodge on the same keys)

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