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List of Homestead bugs noticed by players

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I would like to know why are all my light armour Characters that I leave in the home instance, kept in a grotto, out back of the stables? I would like to have my characters around the central waypoint area so they are all easily accessible at any time.

I would like to request that the light armor and medium  classes be moved to near the garden beds or the black lion requisition post or maybe just random armor classes spread out around the area.

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4 hours ago, Infinity.6927 said:

I would like to know why are all my light armour Characters that I leave in the home instance, kept in a grotto, out back of the stables? I would like to have my characters around the central waypoint area so they are all easily accessible at any time.

I would like to request that the light armor and medium  classes be moved to near the garden beds or the black lion requisition post or maybe just random armor classes spread out around the area.

This sounds more like a request than a bug. 😜

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Just wanted to chime in on the thread to say the mining autoloot indeed doesn't always work. It'll sometimes mine all but usually I have 1-3 I need to manually gather. I haven't experienced this with the logging or the harvesting. 

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On 8/23/2024 at 5:39 PM, Mystflower.7319 said:

7. Mining store box doesn’t collect all nodes. After the update that added the Wintersday tree and the salvage pile the following mining nodes are skipped: 

orichalcum gets skipped aswell 🙂 and i believe yesterday i had a iron skip aswell

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29 minutes ago, Cambeleg.7632 said:

Crafted items keep disappearing randomly. It's annoying 'cos you lose the crafting items in the process.

Try to exit and re-enter your Homestead, the items will pop up in the decoration palette.

1 hour ago, MordekaiZeyo.7318 said:

Yes, everything is random, not only iron and orichalcum. It happen from day to day. It's already stated on the first post of this thread.

I am not experiencing any such bug. The Orrian Oysters are the only thing I need to harvest manually.

I am still suspecting this being related to the type of Glyphs used.

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Just now, Ashantara.8731 said:

Try to exit and re-enter your Homestead, the items will pop up in the decoration palette.

I already tried this and it didn't work. I crafted same item (Utensils rack) with two different characters: one disappeared, the other appeared. Clearly a bug.

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I try to keep my original post (on the first page) as updated as IRL lets me. Most bugs mentioned are on the 'list', and the list is long.
I wanted to add to that English isn't my native language (sadly) so I apologize if there are things on the list that aren't very clear when it comes to the description of the bug.

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I tried this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toggle_Manipulator_Alignment_(Local/Global)_(modify)

to see a bit how modifying works - testing it on the pre-existing decorations. (A carpet.) Wanted to see what this means. The wiki seems to give a bit a better explanation. I guess I would mostly stick with one mode.

The odd thing: I could not resize the carpet anymore. Rotating it on the floor (like with the char being the axis for example) did not work anymore.  Only rotating in odd directions (upwards so it would appear to stick out of the floor one half upwards and the bottom one into the floor).

Only going out of the mode and going into modify again ... made it work correctly. (Resizing then worked it seems.) Other odd thing - but that is intended I guess: The resize seems to make a duplicate icon - I guess there are not just two but it displays another one with the resized options until you confirm. But have not checked on that too much. Need to test more in the next days. A small table upstairs from the default deco did not show a 2nd object. Could be that the default thing actually really has 2 carpets at the bottom floor at the same position.


Gathering from the boxes seemed to work. Except the winter tree. I did check back on my home instance - was the only one not auto-gathered. This probably should work more like the stuff near the handiworker station - cause it is not wood that drops there. That is why they might have forgotten it at the wood collection box. Farm surprisingly collects even your garden stuff and the oysters (S3 thingy) that are a bit away from the other farm nodes.

It would be nice if the vendor finally could show an unlock state for nodes - that it offers as well (for statuettes like the statuette vendor). Showing "this node already has been unlocked". We won't want new players to purchase stuff twice.

OP post (list) reminded me to check the outside the circle thing again. Have full mastery unlocked. I need to try this again (at low mastery I could remove stuff but not place the grass outside there again - until I found the reset button to reset everything to default state).


Edit: Above seems to only have been temporarily for me. (Except the Winterstree that has been reported bugged by others as well.) I tried again and I can now place stuff outsice the circle. Also modifying works correct. Maybe it was a bug that did not appear again when I rejoined the homestead to try again. Or I was confused by the multiple carpets. There seem to be indeed more than 1 at that bottom location I tried - with the default stuff placed there.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 9/1/2024 at 12:55 PM, littledolores.9528 said:

When decorating in my friends homestead, I can make decorations with my materials, that end up in his homestead. 

Is it intended that I can make decorations for someone else? 

how do you grant permission?

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some assorted bugs i've noticed so far:

1. i think you can't summon an entrance door in any area that also blocks a united legions waystation (dry top, silverwastes, all instances, many jps). it seems directly linked to the ability to summon a waystation somehow, most likely due to some haphazard copy and paste?

2. the home portal stone doesn't seem to offer an option to go to the homestead, so there's no way to get there without a door.

3. all arena objects (traps, etc.) are off by default, when they should probably be on by default just like in the guild  hall. this makes them mostly useless i'm afraid, since no one is going to go through their whole house and turn all their (green, purple, etc.) torches on every time they enter!

4. it seems you can't modify an object if the area has hit the object limit; the object will always be red and say placement is invalid even if the operation you're trying to do is perfectly valid without increasing its sphere of influence; i.e rotating it on a single axis. this is more noticeable in the guild hall than homesteads, but it affects both of them once you hit the limits of decorations in the area (known informally as the chunk limit). please remove this limit as its likely overkill in such a small instance!

5. there seems to be a limit on how many light sources you can have, and when you exceed this limit they will start to get culled or flicker in-place indefinitely at night time. chandeliers seem to cause the most stress on the lighting system, and since players can't permanently turn off the light sources in objects such as candles, this needs to be addressed somehow to avoid triggering disabilities like epilepsy (plus its also very disorienting and makes me feel ill).

6. the campfires, bonfires and square firepits all have no fire and emit no light, and the kournan brazier has flames and emits light but has no firewood. the "lit" wagon is nothing like its picture and has only very small lights that don't actually emit any light.

7. the house windows don't emit any light at night, even when the rooms inside are fully lit up, leading to quite uncanny look. the windows do glow slightly but for the most part it looks like no one lives in your house when its night time.

8. it seems like many objects are very aggressively culled by the level of detail engine, even on the highest setting. smaller objects like pillar candles could be culled even on the other side of a large room, simply disappearing from view instead of reverting to a more basic model. other objects revert to basic models that make no sense, i.e an empty rectangular planter reverts to having shrubs planted in it when viewed from far away, or on low settings (???).

9.  the cooking station and other character-bound decorations interfere frequently with account-wide decorating. you can't place objects in an area until you've entered with every alt to make sure there's not going to be anything different there. i feel like there's no reason left for these to be character-bound like home instances; simply make everything an account-wide unlock so the homestead is in a consistent state on any character.

10. alternate characters, npcs, and home instance cats seem to clip into objects and walls instead of moving on top of or around them. cats will also sometimes shoot up into the tops of trees, or other tall, vertical objects such as columns. it seems that npcs are just missing pathing code entirely?

11. alternate characters are missing their backpieces, weapons and titles. while this wouldn't be a big deal otherwise, the fact that the homestead effectively replicates the purpose of the hall of monuments in the original guild wars means that everything you've achieved should be on display. i feel like all three of these things are deeply attached to a player;'s accomplishments and shouldn't be eliminated for performance reasons, therefor i consider this a bug.

12. it seems that nothing about the instance that you've set up at the npc is saved.

13. an honorary mention ,but you can't sleep on beds like in lowlands shore. this was probably a subtle bug that went under the radar, as no other beds in the world can be slept on outside of janthir, but i think it should at least be fixed for the homestead decorations.


i think many of these problems were shared with guild hall decorating, unfortunately years of threads on the subject since heart of thorns' release were kind of ignored and now they're translating over into homesteads. you should probably do a once-over on those old bug reports!

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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On 8/24/2024 at 10:57 PM, Merc The Forgotten.5610 said:

Wayfinder's versatile recipe is not unlocked account wide.

This means if you delete your character you will never again be able to craft this item that you paid extra for with the deluxe or ultimate version.


I wish I had known this before using it on a character that is my WvW character. I would have used it on my main character instead.

Hey Anet! How about since we paid extra for this, you make the recipe work for ALL characters?


Adding an edit here - When I went to craft a second table on my character who has it unlocked, I get a message that it is temporarily disabled. Doesn't say why, just that it is disabled.

Edited by Garreth MacLeod.4158
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2 hours ago, Garreth MacLeod.4158 said:

Thanks. I really need a map or list of where all the nodes are now. They were easier to find in the other home instance, imo.

For me they are way easier now lol.
They are mostly all together sorted by what tool you use to collect them, the only things  "out of the way" are the Lost Bandit Chest (which is around the building with all the chests) and the Orrian Pearls (on the dock near the skiff)

The rest is all  clustered in the groups 🙂

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4 hours ago, Garreth MacLeod.4158 said:

I wish I had known this before using it on a character that is my WvW character. I would have used it on my main character instead.

Hey Anet! How about since we paid extra for this, you make the recipe work for ALL characters?


Adding an edit here - When I went to craft a second table on my character who has it unlocked, I get a message that it is temporarily disabled. Doesn't say why, just that it is disabled.

As mentioned in the bug list I posted on page one, it's disabled due to an issue and the dev's are working on a solution (they working on it since launch 🤔)

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On 8/24/2024 at 3:39 AM, Mystflower.7319 said:

2. Items get lost after removing them, they aren’t in the decoration list. The item I’m personally (still) missing is this the Kodan Woven Divider. I figured out that when I restore my homestead it returns. But when I move it to a place I want it to be it at first stays but when I log out and go to the homestead with another character it has disappeared. It's also gone when I return with the character that initially moved it.
Additional note: Tested this also on my alt account and the same thing happens.


We tested this resetting the homestead over until the missing decorations showed and comparing without them.  Changing instance of homestead or character will either make them uneditable or vanish.  They can be visible for the owner (without being able to edit) and invisible to guests.

There are three missing total: Potted Blooming Moa Fern, Kodan Woven Divider, Potted Blue Orchid.

We are currently unable to craft any of these which may be a factor in them vanishing.  If you look at them with x-ray vision they usually aren't showing up like the rest of the decorations.

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Some things I've noticed:

  1. When I leveled up Homesteading mastery to current max, I got several system messages for homesteading recipe unlocks, which included a Kodan Mirror, Petite Statue of Joko, Fish Tank, Kodan Woven Divider and some more. But I cannot find any of those in Homesteading station to craft.
  2. Kodan Kitchen Hearth's hitbox is MASSIVE, ridiculously massive. If anything is placed near it or on top of of it, it cannot be targeted for editing, no matter how hard you try. I've placed a pot on it, and now cannot edit this bloody pot without first moving the whole hearth away.
  3. Infernal Facade is also pretty hard to select precisely, especially if it is near/on top of other things.
  4. Additionaly, would be nice if x-ray vision wasn't only for Erase mode, but for Modify and Place New as well. E.g. I've clipped Infernal Facade pretty far into the ground to use as a smoke effect for the campfire, but now it is very hard to target it for editing.
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