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You need to increase map capacity if the meta event DPS checks will stay this tight.

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14 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I have not seen the meta fail even once since release, so the capacity of players seems to be adequate.

Pretty much my experience too, I've not seen a problem on the couple of times I did the meta, players spread themselves pretty evenly and the bosses were ground down as expected.

Map capacity is not a problem however there's not much point in doing the meta, apart from the champ bags. The SotO metas had rewards needed in largish amounts for the armour (the items worth 250 of the map currency, for example) this does not reward anything like that and, I think, there is only a single Achievement for doing the event once so my guess is a lot of people just aren't bothering with it right now. 

Edited by Pifil.5193
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To me it feels like the Syntri map is too big. I realized that it's actually much bigger than the Lowlands map. The Syntri map feels unstable at times especially in the middle section around the heart vendor. I  suspect that large maps have an increased player cap but this is possible because players tend to be spread out more over the map but when they get together like for the Jungle Wurm in Caledon Forest it gets too much for so many players being concentrated in one place. It might also be an optimization issue but I would think that's much easier to resolve with a map that's not so big.

Now Syntri has 2 bosses that need to be downed at the same time. I feel that that's their solution to the Caledon Forest issue because players need to divide themselves in 2 groups: but there are still many players there for other reasons than the World Bosses.

So for me the solution would be to make these World Bosses work like a convergence; so you get separate instances for them. I mean you don't have to call it a convergence if you don't want to give out those currencies (rift essences) but I do feel it would help a lot if you could create dedicated instances for these world bosses.

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7 hours ago, Radiancee.6537 said:

I listen to all dialogue when playing content for the first time. Now check my kp.

KP means nothing to me. See what I mean about different playstyle? What's the name of the grieving kodan mother than and where can you find her? Did her story make you tear up?

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47 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

KP means nothing to me. See what I mean about different playstyle? What's the name of the grieving kodan mother than and where can you find her? Did her story make you tear up?

You are talking about Ardent Gale, Eifriger Sturm in my language. You can find her in the Maul Boneyards next to the Kodan Landspeaker Scout. There is a Kodan Wildstalker with more text dialogue to the right. You can also talk to the Wildstalker at the entrance. There is a collection item with some text next to the mastery point. Now, do we wanna speak about the dialogue inside the Bastion of the Penitent? Especially the hidden ones? Or the hidden NPC in The Key of Ahdashim?

I wanted you to check my kp for a specific reason, not to show you my kp. But you didn't get the point at all.

Edited by Radiancee.6537
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1 hour ago, merliora.9214 said:

You are reaching so far you've left the universe.
1. This player is trying his best by the sounds of it, no one and I mean no one has to right to say this type of player is at fault. If a player is doing that sort of DPS but is actively trying to do mechanics then that is all anyone needs to ask for.
2. Same as 1. People make mistakes. Failing mechanics is not the same as ignoring mechanics.
3. Builds do mean something. If you want to do great in open world a build will get you there. Playing the game how you want to play is also important. We again though go back to my point. No matter what sort of player you are, if you are ignoring mechanics just to be lazy, you are the problem. I don't care if you were pumping 25-30k just sat there but down stating constantly. You are creating issues for the other players around you.
4. No comment needed.

As a frequent commander I will take players who are willing to play the game even if they have some homemade build and does 5k DPS. If they are actively trying to do mechanics and not sit there AFK or leeching then I will never have a problem with it.

Quality over quantity just about sums this up.

Edit: To add as well to the main point of the topic, the DPS check, I have yet to see this fail with 'low' DPS. What I have seen this fail on is players refusing to play the game as intended or go AFK and stay dead in the fight (leech).

i think i have to correct it. the actual meaning was as for convergence cms aiming accordingly to the dps checks doing mechanics such as portals to heal zojja upkeep alive while upkeeping the dps in order to get gold medal-especially for umbriel cm for convergence title. there are sure basic mechanics how to place large scale mass damage aoes to not downstate people but they are related to everyone. healing zojja is on the other hand to upkeep is everyones job. although special tasks such as portals are for mesmer/scourge users.

that beeing mentioned healers gets tasks such as provide resistances etc stab and aegis aswell as scg barrier overlapping to other subs which is considered 'cheese' in order to make sure upkeep the people alive who did errors failing mechanics could completely kill them and the squad members

eparch meta kind of consists of certain dps check aswell since the players assisting the group on the boss-are ones doing the rifts has a higher chance to downstate especially if the subs has to split close two rifts at once and cc burst then cleave the spawns right away. the 5-6k dps role players are often those who do not relate in these groups. they are numbered so having many of then becomes a struggle for the group to clear. 


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54 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

KP means nothing to me. See what I mean about different playstyle? What's the name of the grieving kodan mother than and where can you find her? Did her story make you tear up?

kp is not reflection of player skill but rather an indicator they did certain content successfully number of times. that also comes for those that has for example convergence champion. they either got carried there otherwise contributed themselves in one way or another in order to clear  every cm conv boss instance of under 20minutes. which is the indicator they player might know what the situation ia having incompetently low dps players group in your squad for such encounters aswell.

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On 8/26/2024 at 2:58 AM, Zenith.7301 said:

You pretty much need to land on the map 20+ minutes fully organized before the meta event is even announced or you stand no chance at even making it through the queue for the meta maps.


Maps that don't fill up completely with at least 2 commanders with 50 person squads pretty much are a waste of time and guaranteed to fail.


This is not good design. Stop the tight DPS checks if you won't allow people the chance to get into organized maps. Increase the timers or increase the map capacity.

Here's a way to increase your overall damage on Of Mists and Monsters. Stay alive. SC builds are fully useless for this, HS builds are mostly useless for this since they focus on DPS rather than situational awareness, and Metabattle builds are mostly the same since they're made by people who focus on DPS rather than situational awareness.

People going down have incredibly low DPS and the people ressing them have none. If they die and have to run from the WP then their DPS will be zero.

Of Mist and Monsters is, like Umbriel, incredibly well-designed in that the defining thing that the player must have is situational awareness rather than rotation DPS, and every death people have on those two encounters is fully their responsibility.

If you experience that Of Mist And Monsters have a tight DPS check then start by telling people that they should ditch their MAX DPS builds for builds that help them stay alive and that they should focus more on the battlefield than their rotation since there are so many things happening that maintaining a rotation is impossible anyway.

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3 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Here's a way to increase your overall damage on Of Mists and Monsters. Stay alive. SC builds are fully useless for this, HS builds are mostly useless for this since they focus on DPS rather than situational awareness, and Metabattle builds are mostly the same since they're made by people who focus on DPS rather than situational awareness.

People going down have incredibly low DPS and the people ressing them have none. If they die and have to run from the WP then their DPS will be zero.

Of Mist and Monsters is, like Umbriel, incredibly well-designed in that the defining thing that the player must have is situational awareness rather than rotation DPS, and every death people have on those two encounters is fully their responsibility.

If you experience that Of Mist And Monsters have a tight DPS check then start by telling people that they should ditch their MAX DPS builds for builds that help them stay alive and that they should focus more on the battlefield than their rotation since there are so many things happening that maintaining a rotation is impossible anyway.

i agree on this. but it cant be totally sacrificed especially if aiming certain result. probably by now you've noticed its priority to have tanky built healera in givers/minstrels rather full harriers set upsbin order to have the group survive inconvenient damage attacks from the boss

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29 minutes ago, HanYanrou.8629 said:

i agree on this. but it cant be totally sacrificed especially if aiming certain result. probably by now you've noticed its priority to have tanky built healera in givers/minstrels rather full harriers set upsbin order to have the group survive inconvenient damage attacks from the boss

I do Power damage. Relic of Zakiros is my healer 😛

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4 hours ago, Radiancee.6537 said:

You are talking about Ardent Gale, Eifriger Sturm in my language. You can find her in the Maul Boneyards next to the Kodan Landspeaker Scout. There is a Kodan Wildstalker with more text dialogue to the right. You can also talk to the Wildstalker at the entrance. There is a collection item with some text next to the mastery point. Now, do we wanna speak about the dialogue inside the Bastion of the Penitent? Especially the hidden ones? Or the hidden NPC in The Key of Ahdashim?

I wanted you to check my kp for a specific reason, not to show you my kp. But you didn't get the point at all.

No, you don't get the point. Can I find that information in-game? No? I need to go to a third party to get that information? If GW2 wanted to be the kind of game where people had to care about kill proof we would have an easy way to get that info from the game client itself. 

But hey, at least you seem to be halfway there when it comes to understanding open world explorers. And as soon as the Bastion of the Penitent is doable with 5k DPS, we can talk about that dialogue as well. I would love to explore that part of the game, but I understand that it's created for players who like to push their numbers. Which I don't. So I accept, that I won't get the reward of interacting with that dialogue.

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5 hours ago, HanYanrou.8629 said:

kp is not reflection of player skill but rather an indicator they did certain content successfully number of times. that also comes for those that has for example convergence champion. they either got carried there otherwise contributed themselves in one way or another in order to clear  every cm conv boss instance of under 20minutes. which is the indicator they player might know what the situation ia having incompetently low dps players group in your squad for such encounters aswell.

I am not sure, what you are trying to say? That it's silly to care about kp anyway, because it's basically meaningless?

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1 hour ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

I am not sure, what you are trying to say? That it's silly to care about kp anyway, because it's basically meaningless?

what he means that you have no idea of actually the storyline and conversation paths related to POF-living world seasons for seasons of dragons achievements for legendary prismatic regalia amulet. that beeing said-you haven't done your all joy for interracting with the game storyline by skiping the raids :) -the key of ahdashim for example. and theres some more things related to other raid wings.

some of achievements are highly related to the storyline which(possibly) also linked to some of fashion stuff that you can receive for doing the achievements, for example the chair) :) 

and for my point-you have no idea why we take that luxury having certain open world;ish-instance based content achievements done as an indicator. we want those small things in our accounts. i am sure you;d understand if you tried contribute yourself to do for example "convergence challenge mode: master" achievement. 

Edited by HanYanrou.8629
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@HanYanrou.8629 Wait? Do I understand you correctly: Random people can just get that information about MY account? Is there anyway of blocking that? 

I started playing in 2013, played quite intensive until HoT and took a LONG break. I have only been back since last Halloween, but only really got back to playing regularly earlier this year. Give me some time to catch up, before you judge how much I care about immersing myself in Tyria. 

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1 hour ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

@HanYanrou.8629 Wait? Do I understand you correctly: Random people can just get that information about MY account? Is there anyway of blocking that? 

I started playing in 2013, played quite intensive until HoT and took a LONG break. I have only been back since last Halloween, but only really got back to playing regularly earlier this year. Give me some time to catch up, before you judge how much I care about immersing myself in Tyria. 

well since you do not seem to use kp.me known as killproof or any other api's related websites, they can not get information about you unless you share it and if-you actually make API yourself even for keeping it privately. so according to that yes, they can get infomation about your account one way or another. some discord servers for example requires API verification in order to contribute in their activities such as plain chats or discussions or guild-public and private events aswell. API is also needed for participating into gw2 efficiency give away events(or least an account id that you must insert in order to get the reward) so that the staff and administration of the team could reach out to you in game or within discord in order to send a prize. one way or another you need API's that can be used for killproof, or discord servers even for give away competition that is just sign up in order to win something, can be a dye, mystic coins, t6 matts, ectos, legendary weapon-s or their precursors. there are variety of ways people can get information about your account. on the other hand if you want to publicize some of it-it's all up to you.

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2 minutes ago, HanYanrou.8629 said:

well since you do not seem to you kp.me known as killproof or any other api's, they can not get information about you unless you share it and if-you actually make API yourself even for keeping it privately. so according to that yes, they can get infomation about your account one way or another. some discord servers for example requires API verification in order to contribute in their activities such as plain chats or discussions or guild-public and private events aswell. API is also needed for participating into gw2 efficiency give away events so that the staff and administration of the team could reach out to you in game or within discord in order to send a prize.

I know about kp.me, but I never looked into it myself, since it doesn't interest me to know that information. And quite frankly, I find it a bit toxic. So I am not familiar with the ins and outs of it. I am not registered anywhere that requires API, so I find the idea very concerning, that someone could still get that information about my account. And I am still not sure what you are trying to tell me. If I didn't share API anywhere, they could get that info, but if I don't they, can't?

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7 hours ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

I know about kp.me, but I never looked into it myself, since it doesn't interest me to know that information. And quite frankly, I find it a bit toxic. So I am not familiar with the ins and outs of it. I am not registered anywhere that requires API, so I find the idea very concerning, that someone could still get that information about my account. And I am still not sure what you are trying to tell me. If I didn't share API anywhere, they could get that info, but if I don't they, can't?

well basicly what i meant is that as soon as you add api made inside your anet account into third party website even if you keep it private-certain information already puts you known(anonymouslly) let;s say gw2 efficiency can give you value of your account in raw-liquid gold. some your storage through a third party addon website and such. usually people use those things for themselves and see where they stand amongst others worldwide. it;s a handy thing honestly. API infact in some communities that are made for trading allows you to join a market circle between players without using trading post.


sure it has its own cons but also there are pros-you can free of charge taxation trade with other players and hire middlemen for more expensive deals-trades. which is very useful.

@Maienstern.2154 i honestly do not understand why are you afraid of that people would know how much your account value is in terms of liquid gold lol.

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Please don't nerf these bosses. Most of the open world content we have you can already win by auto-attacking. There's nothing wrong with having a couple metas that are at least a tiny bit challenging, especially if it's boss-like encounters like these. These should serve as a good introduction to the public raid bosses coming with the next update.

The DPS check isn't even that big to begin with. If you absolutely have to change anything, maybe tone down Greer's aoe spam a little bit and give a better tooltip explanation on how to do Decima's mechanic (it *technically* gets taught to us in the story instance, but even there the explanation is almost non-existent and doing it is optional). Teach people the mechanics and how to stay alive, and this meta is quite easy to do even without big DPS and you definitely don't need to organise a group to do it (unlike something like Dragon's End when it first came out, which had real DPS checks).

(Also purely anecdotal, but since this meta's bugs have been fixed, I've seen it fail once and I've done it like 13 times and I have never seen anyone tag up, let alone organise a squad for it.)

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10 hours ago, Minax.3284 said:

Please don't nerf these bosses. Most of the open world content we have you can already win by auto-attacking. There's nothing wrong with having a couple metas that are at least a tiny bit challenging, especially if it's boss-like encounters like these. These should serve as a good introduction to the public raid bosses coming with the next update.

The DPS check isn't even that big to begin with. If you absolutely have to change anything, maybe tone down Greer's aoe spam a little bit and give a better tooltip explanation on how to do Decima's mechanic (it *technically* gets taught to us in the story instance, but even there the explanation is almost non-existent and doing it is optional). Teach people the mechanics and how to stay alive, and this meta is quite easy to do even without big DPS and you definitely don't need to organise a group to do it (unlike something like Dragon's End when it first came out, which had real DPS checks).

(Also purely anecdotal, but since this meta's bugs have been fixed, I've seen it fail once and I've done it like 13 times and I have never seen anyone tag up, let alone organise a squad for it.)

Agreed! There needs to be content that forces players to actually play this game and work for rewards rather than getting everything given to them by just AFK auto-attacking. There is absolutely no reason to change this, other than maybe what you stated about the AoEs being slightly over-tuned for the average player.

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The bosses just need an HP nerf, or they need the boon corrupt to be nerfed. The boon corrupt on the bosses probably costs about 50% DPS. It certainly did for me when I couldn't channel axe 5 when I was playing soulbeast there, because I got feared almost every time as soon as I pressed the skill.

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21 hours ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

But hey, at least you seem to be halfway there when it comes to understanding open world explorers.

Ah, I see. Since I'm doing endgame content, I can't be one of the people exploring the open world too. What a weird logic.


17 hours ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

And quite frankly, I find it a bit toxic.

And there we go. Since when did the word "toxic" got so overused.

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1 hour ago, Radiancee.6537 said:

Ah, I see. Since I'm doing endgame content, I can't be one of the people exploring the open world too. What a weird logic.


Do you know what a strawman argument is? Because I never said that. Off course it's possible for raiders to explore the open world as well. But whether you are a raider or an explorer depends on your mindset. If I set foot into a raid wing, I won't magically turn into a raider, now would I? If you play open world with the same play style as you do raids, you're still a raider in the open world. Do you turn off your add-ons when you play open world? Do you shut off the part of your brain, that cares about and knows the proper rotations? You weren't even able to make your point earlier, because you neglected to give necessary context. That's exactly what I meant earlier. You are demonstrating a complete unwillingness to communicate in a way that would be understandable to people who don't share your play style. Proving my point, that raiders lack understanding for open worlders.

But why am I even arguing with someone who prefers to build a strawman? I thought this could be a constructive discussion, but clearly I was wrong. 

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Bro... I mean this as nicely as I can, chill out. You're not being at all productive, either, and have been guns out and blazing at "raiders" since the beginning.

Most people who play this game aren't 1 dimensional. Some big loreheads and OW fanatics happen to also be raiders or minmaxers or theorycrafters or whatever. This game benefits you most when you play multiple gamemodes rather than only focusing on one. 😕

I don't like raids, but I like doing big pewpew DPS. Massacring things is great. I use Snowcrows OW/raid builds (power reaper, power slb, condi virt) because they're smarter than me and have figured out how to make the numbers go up. I learned a long long long time ago that doing big damage plus dodging/moving is part of what can makes GW2 combat enjoyable for me. Found the classes that work for me, and so I mostly play those.

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
Back to work, can't expound on anything atm. Sorry it's disjointed
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