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Did arenanet just nerf GW2 to the point of broken?

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So as we all know, Arena net hates bot farming or literally anything  that give you an edge even if it is technically is legit..... but now they have really began to descend into oblivion. So I am on my favorite map for farming  yellow Fangs and Scales, a particularly understandable pursuit when crafting , when suddenly I noticed....they stopped dropping!  The value for such items is at an all time high, so one might argue that this is a natural course of events...yet, if I can no longer farm them, then it means my only option is the lion market. I go from farming , which at one time was normal and even encouraged, to now everything is buy from the lion???? Now we have gone from Guild Wars 2  and transcended it into  Give Wallets 2. I for one am tired of arena net constantly patrolling just to tell me how to play a game, a game I paid for. Granted there are other games, and many of you will jump to tell me as such, but that is not a very good business model. I think a better solution is dedicate a server that  lets people do what they want, rather than punish players by nerfing the game in such a poor fashion.

Edited by Quasidivine.2591
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Linken, The mechanic you listed is indeed a troubling one at best, soo much so, that perhaps sourcing out another game that does not micromanage everything I do IS the best option. That said, in order to nerf rewards, I must first receive, them and in this case, I no longer receive any.

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41 minutes ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Linken, The mechanic you listed is indeed a troubling one at best, soo much so, that perhaps sourcing out another game that does not micromanage everything I do IS the best option. That said, in order to nerf rewards, I must first receive, them and in this case, I no longer receive any.

Just move maps.

Used to happen to my characters camping rhendark chest after afew days going into wvw for 30-40 mins every other day made it go away completely.


The more often a character loots from similar foes within an area, the more quickly DR triggers.

Once triggered, the impact of DR will increase until you won't get any loot at all anymore.

The only way to "remove" DR is to go somewhere else for a length of time that is partly random and partly dependent on how much DR that character has. Usually, it lasts no more than 15-20 minutes if the character actively participates in other content. AFK'ing on any map for about 30 minutes will reset it as well.

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The way I look at farming anything in GW2 is that I don’t want to be farming it at all. Instead, I want to be making gold effectively enough to purchase the item I need. The economy in GW2 is such that absolutely everything has a value in gold, and gold translates directly to time. Don’t worry about not being able to farm scales - try to find the most effective way to make the gold you need to buy them instead. There’s loads of ways of doing that, but I imagine for you it might involve parking loads of alts at gathering spawns and gathering them instead to sell.

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GW2 is different from other mmos regarding mats.  Farming mats is generally not efficient.  Play what you enjoy, the gold accumulates and you buy what you need after gathering what you can.  You can also buy mat boxes from magic vendors.  It's good advice to get early on rather than find out the hard way with lousy drop rates.  You might even find that there are enough mats sitting in your storage which you don't need that can be sold to buy what you do need.  Play long enough and you are bound to have stacks of useless (to you) mats that you feed into this system.

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As far as passive income generation, I mostly do:

  1. Scavenger Protocol Might/Magic
  2. Volatile Karma Tools (or Glyphs)
  3. Alt Parking (Bjora Marches Chests, Jade Runestones in Cantha, Crystal Oasis Sanctum, etc)

It's small, yeah, but with Weekly Convergences, Daily Fractals, Wizard's Vault, Metas, or just wandering around maps, it add some gravy to the real money-earners.

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13 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

As far as passive income generation, I mostly do:

  1. Scavenger Protocol Might/Magic
  2. Volatile Karma Tools (or Glyphs)
  3. Alt Parking (Bjora Marches Chests, Jade Runestones in Cantha, Crystal Oasis Sanctum, etc)

It's small, yeah, but with Weekly Convergences, Daily Fractals, Wizard's Vault, Metas, or just wandering around maps, it add some gravy to the real money-earners.

I mostly do


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Thank you everyone for the tips!!   In response to, "The way I look at farming anything in GW2 is that I don’t want to be farming it at all. Instead, I want to be making gold effectively enough to purchase the item I need." Answer. My issue is that now GW2 has become work and not playing the way I want. I can only do things gradually and if I am not on constantly, far reaching goals become nearly impossible. I have a life outside of GW2, believe it or not lol, and the time commitment is crunching into my real life goals. I can't stand arena net constantly nerfing and changing things to herd me into a specific way of playing. Like I mean, I paid money to play a game the way I want to. Forcing me to do otherwise begs to question, why does arena net need me playing at all? This constant nerfing is pushing me further and further away from the game. Same way other games have that I no longer play. They may as well just automate my character to do what they want.

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On 8/28/2024 at 5:44 PM, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Linken, The mechanic you listed is indeed a troubling one at best, soo much so, that perhaps sourcing out another game that does not micromanage everything I do IS the best option. That said, in order to nerf rewards, I must first receive, them and in this case, I no longer receive any.

This system existed in GW before you ever did.


They stopped dropping. That means it's kicked in. Working as intended. Go do something else in-game.

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The reason diminishing returns need to be in place is to stop people from flooding the market with the easiest to farm materials and dragging the prices down to nothing. As a player farming for their own use you shouldn't see any negatives here. You need multiple different items to craft your legendary gear, so you really should be looking to farm multiple different areas for different materials.

If you're just farming one thing constantly (enough to suffer from diminishing returns) then you're not doing yourself any favours. It's not an efficient use of your game time when farming for personal crafting. If you're doing it for profit, then letting you get away without diminishing returns would soon see your profits eaten up by the inevitable price crash that would follow from an oversaturated market. There are players out there who could efficiently farm those same items far faster and for longer than you.

In short, you can thank diminishing returns for the limited farming you can do remaining profitable.

My advice is to try finding a routine of profitable activities to do each day and to put up buy orders for your materials from the trading post. It is a more efficient use of your limited gaming time than farming the same area repeatedly for the same materials. If you really find grinding the same activities or areas to be the most enjoyable way to play, then I would recommend finding one or two more areas and just rotate between them when you see your drops start to dry up.

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Do something else!!!! Maybe you are happy being told how to play, but that isn't the way I roll. Have you noticed the price of gems going up n up n up? It used to be 100 gold for gems, now it's 170+. Yet my ways of making money are being nerfed constantly. So yeah, I do have issue with how my options are limited. They have a great economy for their profits, but at the expense of me having fun. Also people seemed confused with my other comment so I will try to explain better. The over all pace of the game has changed, so that if you are on constantly, doing what ever you will EVENTUALLY get to your goals. My issue, is that as they tweak the game, kill farming, etc...they require more and more of my real life time to accomplish those goals. Time...I don't want to spend here playing a game.

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DR has existed for 10+ years.  Its not new and your farming wasn't nerfed, you just finally started to see the effects of DR.  If you start getting DR you have to switch maps for a while.


As for Gold -> Gems, that is also exactly how it is supposed to work.  Its another system that has been in the game for like 10+ years.



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Diminishing returns was even a thing way back in Guild Wars 1. So it is not a new concept.

This game doesn't really have farming as you have it in other games. Instead of farming mobs, you just play the game and do anything you like, and then use the profits you get from it to buy the materials you need. If that's a problem for you, this game might simply not be for you.

The value of gems to gold/gold to gems is player controlled and always goes up and down. When there are sales, the prices tend to go up quite a bit, but they will come down again.

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On 8/29/2024 at 2:41 AM, Linken.6345 said:

Is it core maps if so your affected by diminishing returns.


While I didn't see it on the wiki page, are you implying DR is active only for core-maps?

@Quasidivine.2591 congratulations you have been caught in botting safety net. If you want to continue farming - have several characters and switch them every 15 minutes or so. Also, I see that wiki says that you should farm slower. So either switch chars or slow down 😉




  • Except for dungeons, DR is character based, which means:
    • Swapping characters results in a fresh start, with no DR.
    • Each individual character must leave the affected area for a time in order to reset the DR, i.e. swapping to a second character does not help reset DR on the first.
  • First tests lead to the conclusion DR for loot through mob killing is triggered when killing more than 5 mobs per minute on average.




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11 hours ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Do something else!!!! Maybe you are happy being told how to play, but that isn't the way I roll. Have you noticed the price of gems going up n up n up? It used to be 100 gold for gems, now it's 170+. Yet my ways of making money are being nerfed constantly. So yeah, I do have issue with how my options are limited. They have a great economy for their profits, but at the expense of me having fun. Also people seemed confused with my other comment so I will try to explain better. The over all pace of the game has changed, so that if you are on constantly, doing what ever you will EVENTUALLY get to your goals. My issue, is that as they tweak the game, kill farming, etc...they require more and more of my real life time to accomplish those goals. Time...I don't want to spend here playing a game.

Complaining about having only limited game time yet wanting to grind on the same mobs for the same passive drops simply don't add up.

You must understand that if they didn't curtail the drops with diminishing returns, your own profits would grind to a halt due to market saturation from actual farming bots, taking you even longer to reach your goals.

People have explained how best to make gold through various activities, even giving alternatives to farming mobs by changing maps every so often. I don't understand how you still have an issue. The diminishing returns you're complaining about have existed in the game basically since launch and it is now easier than ever to make gold (the reason why gems are more expensive).

What is your actual issue here?



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8 hours ago, RagiNagi.1802 said:

While I didn't see it on the wiki page, are you implying DR is active only for core-maps?

@Quasidivine.2591 congratulations you have been caught in botting safety net. If you want to continue farming - have several characters and switch them every 15 minutes or so. Also, I see that wiki says that you should farm slower. So either switch chars or slow down 😉




That is my understanding of it yea might have changed tho I dont stand still much at the same place anymore.

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20 hours ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Do something else!!!! Maybe you are happy being told how to play, but that isn't the way I roll. Have you noticed the price of gems going up n up n up? It used to be 100 gold for gems, now it's 170+. Yet my ways of making money are being nerfed constantly. So yeah, I do have issue with how my options are limited. They have a great economy for their profits, but at the expense of me having fun. Also people seemed confused with my other comment so I will try to explain better. The over all pace of the game has changed, so that if you are on constantly, doing what ever you will EVENTUALLY get to your goals. My issue, is that as they tweak the game, kill farming, etc...they require more and more of my real life time to accomplish those goals. Time...I don't want to spend here playing a game.

why so melodramatic? when you say 'they have a great economy' that 'they' includes you.  'They' haven't tweaked anything, the diminish returns is an age old mechanism. Do something else means move somewhere else and then do the same thing if you really want to.  

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