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Woad Armor

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15 hours ago, Zoid.2568 said:

Woad should be obtainable in PvE as Janthir Wilds is a PvE expansion

The day anet stops delivering gameplay features with pve content, I'll be ok with saying that something is pve-only. Season episodes were mainly like that. 

Turns out JW was also shipped with a rework for the warclaw in WvW, 9 new weapons, 24 new relics and a new WvW reward track with an exclusive armor set. Homestead also includes buffs for WvW.  That reward track is part of he marketed content for the expac. 

In short : you are wrong. JW is not PvE-exclusive, it's a game-wide expac. And the woad armor set should not be available with only pve means, in the meaning there is nothing mandatory for that at all. 

You want it, do the content. You don't want to do the content ? Then don't get it. It is as simple as that. 

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I e been ruining peoples ratings in season pvp because I suck at it but its the fastest way I know to get it, (faster than nonseasonal pvp due to the reward chests)  I do not want to be there, I just not afk during game because am not an kitten but I  actually enjoy being afk more than doing pvp/wvw... yet as a rolepalyer heavy woad armor (without the helmet) is the one that suits my character most so, what I do for  the fashionwars...

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I do not mind an exclusive WVW armor, but it still feels really weird that the armor more linked to the pve part of the expansion... is the woad one... I would totally have chosen the titan one to be the WvW pvp one, makes more sense to me than the woad.  something tells me they made the mistake of witch one was gonna be the  pvp one  and now they can't backtrack it and they are saying it was intending like that

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45 minutes ago, latlat.4516 said:

You want it, do the content. You don't want to do the content ? Then don't get it. It is as simple as that. 

and please do not complain then (not saying you do it but  several people do) if people  are just roaming around not being useful in pvp/wvw cause after all only intrested in the reward track not in participating. and In wvw once you have the participation capped, you can just   kill dolyaks  to keep it like that and do nothing more (done that several times for the thingie you need for the legendary)

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18 hours ago, Zoid.2568 said:

No it's 18 pieces. I play PvP but hate WvW, I have unlocked 4 pieces in 3 days. It's really a grind. In PvE it would be faster.

I have highlighted you problem.
There is no need to rush the unlocks! If you want the Woad armour for the 300 AA in the Wizard's Vault, you still have 81 day to get 2 pieces to complete.
If you just want the 300 AA, that's 6 weekly tasks (out of eight) or six dailies.
There is no fashion war to lose, if you can't present all your weight classes in Woad armour by midnight.
A guildy of mine, who hates WvW, is currently high on boosters in WvW and get 445 rank points a tick. This means you can finish a track in less than four hours (with all the tips of minimal effort already mentioned in this thread). Use that for either the Woad armour acquisition or GoBs.

Edited by Gorani.7205
corrected the AA after checking in game, it is still very obtainable
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38 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, i am sure those 20+ people i saw recently just sitting at alpine spawn flipping nearby camps every 7-8 minutes were a lot of help /sarcasm

I am almost certain there weren’t 20+ people just sitting at spawn waiting to flip a camp, but whatever. Probably they were gathering for a raid, that’s when you often see a lot of players waiting at spawn. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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On 8/29/2024 at 11:40 AM, yoni.7015 said:

Nothing was stolen and people paid also for the new WvW reward track. 
The Woad armor is obviously not part of the PvE content, otherwise it would be obtainable in PvE. 

They kinda did tho.
Said armor is a piece of expansion, and it's also the only one that looks remotely good, compared to the other 2 pieces.
There are good reasons why a lot of people just don't like the PvP aspect of guild wars 2, and then forcing people to spend around 100h in that gamemode is kinda sad.

You are talking to people that are below rank 149, don't get almost any extra pips, have no abilities unlocked, their gear is not made for WvW content, and now you gonna face them against people who are slaves to the meta, min max everything, have a 50 subscribers yt channel for thier "montages" that feed their ego, and will just spawn camp you.
That doesn't sound even remotely like fun.

But you say "there's also squad play".
With the not so recent changes to how WvW operates, it's more orientet around guilds, rather than servers, and those guilds have requirements to join, and
it really feels lucky if you get any open squad going around nowdays.

Also, calling an open criticism "crying" is kinda a foreshadowing of what kind of people play the PvP content in Guild Wars 2 ^^ 

Edited by HuszKusz.1920
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4 minutes ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:

and then forcing people to spend around 100h in that gamemode is kinda sad.

No one is forcing you to do anything, you want the reward? Do what is required just like everyone else. 


5 minutes ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:

You are talking to people that are below rank 149, don't get almost any extra pips

Soon you will be able to buy the armor with badges of honor and memories of battle. 


5 minutes ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:

it really feels lucky if you get any open squad going around nowdays.

There are still many open tags around. 

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

No one is forcing you to do anything, you want the reward? Do what is required just like everyone else. 

It's a piece of expansion, wdym? It doesn't even belong there. There's noting related between it, and the WvW gamemode.
But you know what is it related to? The new PvE expansion ^^

7 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

There are still many open tags around. 

If you are lucky to be on a server that runs those, as most of them just don't. I believe you just made that up XD

You are defending that gamemode, like it's a religious artifact, while you can't even contain yourself from being passive agressive.
Get the point, people don't want to be in an environment with people like you, and they shouldn't be punished for chosing so.

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2 hours ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:

It's a piece of expansion, wdym? It doesn't even belong there. There's noting related between it, and the WvW gamemode.
But you know what is it related to? The new PvE expansion ^^

get it in your head : JW is not (as in : negative sentence, meaning the negation of an affirmation) a PvE expansion. It is packaged with gameplay features, and was marketed with the reward track. 


2 hours ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:

If you are lucky to be on a server that runs those, as most of them just don't. I believe you just made that up

You know what's the best way to have an open tag ? Open one. Or play with a guild that organizes them. There are plenty of guild organizing WvW content and not asking anything of you, providing environnements that are secure from the big bad angry WvW people. 


2 hours ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:

You are defending that gamemode, like it's a religious artifact, while you can't even contain yourself from being passive agressive.

You are the one claiming content was stolen from you because you can't get one shiny toy that you didn't read its acquisition method before buying (if you even bought the expac for that armor skin, which I doubt).


If you were to listen to that logic, anything that has a link with GW2 lore and is a bit fashionable should obtainable through PvE. Looking at the concurrence, even FFXIV has armor skins that you can get only though thir PvP system. WoW as transmogs you can only get with PvP gear. TESO as entire gear sets only available in Alliance war.



2 hours ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:

Also, calling an open criticism "crying" is kinda a foreshadowing of what kind of people play the PvP content in Guild Wars 2

2 hours ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:

while you can't even contain yourself from being passive agressive.

Don't worry, you'll fit just fine in WvW if that's what you are afraid of.

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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, i am sure those 20+ people i saw recently just sitting at alpine spawn flipping nearby camps every 7-8 minutes were a lot of help /sarcasm

actually yes, they are.

we had an issue last night on our guild raid, that we had supply issues as we were firefighting trying to keep out gari and spawn towers on HBL,but no roamers we capping camps. We'd have loved some woad farmers to come to the map and flip the camps on cd for us.

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7 minutes ago, latlat.4516 said:

You know what's the best way to have an open tag ? Open one. Or play with a guild that organizes them. There are plenty of guild organizing WvW content and not asking anything of you, providing environnements that are secure from the big bad angry WvW people. 

It takes different set of skills and experience to lead a group in WvW, than it is in PvE, and it's straight up delusional to ask people to get in the process of learning all that stuff, just so they can get armor that's not even related to WvW, don't you think? 
WvW is now Guild/Alliance oriented, and god forbid you are a casual trying to join one of those tags, as you will be deemed not worthy.
There are requirements as to even post your demo's of how you play WvW, it's more gatekept than raids.

19 minutes ago, latlat.4516 said:

 providing environnements that are secure from the big bad angry WvW people.

People don't want to get involved in your toxicity, and i think that's resonable, i don't know why do you think that's funny.
Look at the way you guys interact on this forum. Anyone with a different opinion is just "confuse" reacted, like you can't swallow the fact that there's quite a lot of people who don't want to be involved in that gamemmode because of people like you. You don't respect people, behave with a toxic attitude, and that doesn't quite happen too often in a PvE.


27 minutes ago, latlat.4516 said:

get it in your head : JW is not (as in : negative sentence, meaning the negation of an affirmation) a PvE expansion. It is packaged with gameplay features, and was marketed with the reward track. 

It's the only armor that actually looks like it belongs in that expansion, and so you should be able to get it by playing in said expansion.


30 minutes ago, latlat.4516 said:

If you were to listen to that logic, anything that has a link with GW2 lore and is a bit fashionable should obtainable through PvE. Looking at the concurrence, even FFXIV has armor skins that you can get only though thir PvP system. WoW as transmogs you can only get with PvP gear. TESO as entire gear sets only available in Alliance war.

There's an exclusive legendary armor related only to WvW, on top of other exclusive stuff. This one shouldn't be exclusive to gamemode that didn't get expanded by expansion LOL
I do believe you are really unable to see through the entire argument, and you are just bias to your favorite gamemode, and so i think there's no point really continuing this discussion.


36 minutes ago, latlat.4516 said:

Don't worry, you'll fit just fine in WvW if that's what you are afraid of.

Trust me, you can't be more wrong 🙂

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42 minutes ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:

It's the only armor that actually looks like it belongs in that expansion, and so you should be able to get it by playing in said expansion.

I think the part that you are missing is that the reward track IS part of the expansion, so by playing the reward track (or other wvw features that came with the expansion) you ARE playing the expansion in wvw.

That being said, I'm not one of the posters here who wants to keep woad armor gated behind wvw, and I'm happy to support it being available in pve. As soon as we can get Astral Ward armor and homesteads in wvw, without having to play pve.

Edited by Gaiawolf.8261
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10 minutes ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

I think the part that you are missing is that the reward track IS part of the expansion, so by playing the reward track (or other wvw features that came with the expansion) you ARE playing the expansion in wvw.

Doesn't quite feel like Janthir, when you fight an axe/pistol daredevil, or oneshot mirages.
There's nothing about WvW that feels like expansion.

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Just now, HuszKusz.1920 said:

Doesn't quite feel like Janthir, when you fight an axe/pistol daredevil, or oneshot mirages.
There's nothing about WvW that feels like expansion.

The expansion is more than just Janthir. It's also gameplay features, like spears, new rewards, relics, and (kinda) warclaw skills (tho I think that's technically core now, but still released with the expac). Janthir is a much bigger part of the expac sure, enough to name it after the pve maps even, but not all of it. Some people bought JW just to be able to use the new spears and relics and stay competitive or rock the new skins while doing it (not by playing pve). Please don't disrespect their interests and their support for the game. Like I said before, I don't necessarily support exclusive content, but that has to go both ways. 

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4 hours ago, HuszKusz.1920 said:
On 8/29/2024 at 3:40 AM, yoni.7015 said:


They kinda did tho.
Said armor is a piece of expansion, and it's also the only one that looks remotely good, compared to the other 2 pieces.
There are good reasons why a lot of people just don't like the PvP aspect of guild wars 2, and then forcing people to spend around 100h in that gamemode is kinda sad.

Everything here is completely subjective, not objective. WvW is part of the game, this armor is part of the expansion, obviously intended to be only in competitive modes. No one is being victimized or discriminated against. Play the game as intended to get the skin you want, if you want it

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24 minutes ago, genjonah.1253 said:

Everything here is completely subjective, not objective. WvW is part of the game, this armor is part of the expansion, obviously intended to be only in competitive modes. No one is being victimized or discriminated against. Play the game as intended to get the skin you want, if you want it

You are missing the whole point about Guild Wars 2 i think. Nothing about that game ever felt like mandatory, you could just find your own niche, and just stick to it, that's what made the game great. Once you get to your first legendary, you are kinda already prepared for your GoB, and it's only a single reward track that you are done with in no time, no matter what you do.

Now you release an expansion with an amazing atmospheric, and the only armor that really fits said atmospheric is... locked... behind 100h of gameplay in WvW. Doesn't quite click right.
Any other WvW exclusive items/armors/leggie was sensible, it made sense, as they were stylized around whatever WvW is.
It is clear that this armor doesn't scream "WvW exclusive", what it rather screams is "Anet want you to play WvW".

I guess there's no real point to this discussion, as Anet already stated that it you will be able to grab it without spending hours in WvW, which i'm glad that they made this decision 🙂

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The problem for most people isn't that the expansion included a WvW/PvP exclusive armor set, it's which armor set is exclusive. The Woad armor is what the lowland Kodan are wearing! Why am I not able to buy that armor from the lowland Kodan? It really does feel like Woad armor was designed to be a heart reward but for some reason they decided to make it competitive only.

Polychromatic is obviously tied to the homestead because it has the same stained glass patterns as the house. Titanplate doesn't seem to be connected to the PvE content in any way. It doesn't look anything like any of the titans I've seen so far. Maybe that will change in future updates, but so far it feels like Titanplate should have been the competitive armor. It doesn't make sense that an armor set so closely tied to the PvE content of the expansion is not obtainable in PvE.

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On 8/30/2024 at 4:30 PM, alastor.4691 said:

and please do not complain then (not saying you do it but  several people do) if people  are just roaming around

What is this even supposed to mean here? Roaming is part of wvw, maybe someone complained about it somewhere (not even the person you're trying to respond to here) for whatever reason -so what?
Is this supposed to be responded to with "but don't complain when someone plays a different event than you on the same map!!!" ? "Maybe you didn't complain about it, but someone did!"  -Does this response have any value for you? It shouldn't, so hopfully you understand how what you said above also have no value here because it's just you trying to invent a problem that isn't exactly there.


8 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, i am sure those 20+ people i saw recently just sitting at alpine spawn flipping nearby camps every 7-8 minutes were a lot of help /sarcasm

Interesting how I don't see the same afking groups you allegedly do.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 hours ago, divineDerivative.5194 said:

The problem for most people isn't that the expansion included a WvW/PvP exclusive armor set, it's which armor set is exclusive.


so its ok to be exclusive wvw gear as long as its the bad looking stuff?



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On 8/29/2024 at 6:12 PM, Firefly.5982 said:

As a WvW main...18 tracks is ridiculous and we don't even get a spear for completing the collection unlike the PvE set xD

As wvw main you find repeating a track 18x ridiculous?

Desert track anyone?

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