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A New PvP Mode is Coming to Guild Wars 2--We Need Your Help Developing It!

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- Make the score of team proportional to the max distance they moved the capture point, and show that at all times. Example: point moved for half the max distance ->250 points

- Make so that stacking all teammates on the point is a disadvantage otherwise this gamemode will promote only ultrabunker aoe spamm high evade/block/invuln builds.

- The speed of movement of the capture point should be dependent on the number of players inside

-Incentivize kills outside of the capture point in different ways and kills inside the capture point in another, for example kill outside point should increase defence stats inside the point to promote the outsiders going it, the one inside to move out by increasing attack stats only when out of the point.

- Create buffs that can be captured, that increase move speed of node or grants other special mechanics such a full node knockback, something that roamers can fight for thus decreasing the amount of players standing on point

The general idea I am suggesting is rotational team pushing, it should not be just a team fight where who spam more wins, it should promote instead coordinated role switching between attackers and defenders/node movers.


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23 minutes ago, Demeth.5816 said:

I noticed the side objectives that give buffs just make it that the game mode is even more bursty. Everyone gets downed constantly. This wont help new players at all, it's actually one of the biggest issue with PvP;

100% this!

There is a lot of preemptive measures in the mode to prevent excessive bunkering, but getting instantly nuked and not doing much other than watching  a grey screen and running back feels a lot less fun than even and protracted fights around the node with lots of back and forth. 

In a drawn out duel between two tanky builds, both are playing the game (and hopefully having fun). In a "fastest triggerfinger wins" duel between two glasscannons, only one person is playing the game (and hopefully having fun). 

Edited by Wulfhearth.7962
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3 minutes ago, King xiuras.3615 said:

The mode is fun.

But please: NERF AXE THIEF. ITs making the mode unfun because of the kitten cluster bombs. Axe is so rigged as hell.

bruh this post isnt about thief and thief is kinda useless in the mode all you need to do is bring projectile blocks and reflects and theyre literally useless because there is no side nodes. 1 rev bubble makes thief useless.

Edited by ArcanistSeven.8720
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Just now, King xiuras.3615 said:

Well as a matter of fact: axe thief is very new player unfriendly. It can just down people instantly. Even 3 at the same time. Its not a matter of reflects. Axe is bugged and rigged as hell.

So is spear willbender. And they can't even be reflected. 

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I’m not a fan of the principle where the team that pushes the furthest wins when the timer runs out. In PvP, many players tend to write "gg" early, and this game mode doesn’t seem to offer much hope of turning things around—especially when you’re forced to push from your side and then further into the opponent’s, which can feel even more discouraging if your team composition seems to put you at a disadvantage from the start.

I’d prefer a system where the team that has pushed closest to the enemy's side from the midpoint wins. This would make the game more exciting, keeping the outcome uncertain until the very end. It would also leave room for small and larger mistakes to affect the game, meaning that even a seemingly weaker team could still pull off a victory with the right plays. This change would create more tension and excitement throughout the match, and players wouldn’t feel defeated too early.

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49 minutes ago, Carliskaya.3612 said:

I’d prefer a system where the team that has pushed closest to the enemy's side from the midpoint wins. 

How exactly would this work, the point snaps back to middle when it is contested? Or would there be two phases, one for each team to try pushing the circle?

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   Second match. This is much worse than 2 v 2, I think only Stronghold is worse. I think I'll take a 2 week vacation from PvP to save myself from this. The only reason to play are the chest from reward track but I think the rest will be better than enduring this crap.

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31 minutes ago, Wulfhearth.7962 said:

How exactly would this work, the point snaps back to middle when it is contested? Or would there be two phases, one for each team to try pushing the circle?

The ground rule stays intact: You win by pushing the cloud to the opponent's spawn. However, if time runs out and neither team has done so, the team with the cloud closest to their spawn at that moment loses.

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55 minutes ago, cephiroth.6182 said:

Fights near one team's base end up in a respawn clown fiesta. There needs to be some sort of penalty for respawn rushing.

no, because this way there is easier to make some comeback. And in the future if they fix some issues with this game mode currently, this will work even better.

And if you're really the winning team and stronger, you go eitherway over them in these last seconds, so I don't see the problem

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8 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

use other stuff while he has that on, he becomes vulnerable to some other ways more when this is on...

That may not be an option because currently the node is plastered with aoe of all kinds from tempests, necros (scourge and reaper), mesmers etc.

Playing melee on this just seems a little pointless unless you have an absurd amount of blocks, luck or a 2nd health bar.

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Everyone playing normal conqest will transfer over to this game mode. and it won't be pretty for NEWPLAYERS trying to get into this game .   <----

From Teamcomp issues with out support or boon riping classes/Bunkers. 
Good luckeveryone :") the "Better Team wins "

And duo q's being a being a menace or 5 man stacks in normal q's it's a Successful in PLayers numbers but a failure in what it was trying to do  which is a place which new players can learn               THEY ARE GONNA LEARN TODAY XDDDDDD   😂

and play and have fun.  🤠                   How to fix this issue i have no clue.  Good luck ArenaNetDevs o7  thoughts and prayers 😘



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Reflection after 15+ games

  • Mode seems like a full brawl where the team with most area/condition damage emerges victorious.
  • There is no posssible counterplay, other than running straight to your doom as you respawn once they get near the base.
  • There are still people that don't understand the mode and keep going away from the fight around the cloud, making their team go downhill very fast.
  • Sometimes the cloud stops and goes white when no enemy player nearby, even with 3 or 4 team members inside the mark (the circle on the ground, not the aura) and don't understand why.
  • Very frustrating mode, you either get a beating or an easy victory, mainly depending on your team comp.
  • This mode should be out of the ladder until completely tested.
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I have played about 10k games in conquest and so far 15 games in push. Other than the classic beta issues ( i.e. interface still under development, clarity of text on entry, and map aesthetics with reused assets) that I will not cover in this small review I have found the mode generically very enjoyable.

  • the whole thing seems to me mainly based on teamfight skills and that is good because it makes everything easier to understand ( deathmatches are the easiest fights to understand. If you kill more than your opponents you win if you get killed more you lose )
  • At the moment the goal of pushing the pillar instead of being central to the mode seems more of an alternative to killing opponents (if there are no opponents it is obviously easy to push). This can create confusion.  I would prefer that everything is more coherent like:
    • If the kills are the main objective,  killing opponents near the pillar push it in the direction of your team  ( the souls that load a pillar? )
    • If the pillar is central instead, people far from the pillar who do not cooperate should receive a debuff for not being near it ( is the pillar a protection for the sun's rays? XD )
  • The defuff "Mortal Contest" (contesting a point results in a ramping reduction of incoming healing and increase of incoming damage) which makes it harder to stay inside the pillar area to push it encourages not to stay all grouped on the point. This is good because it eliminates the problem of people bunkering on the point and encourages swapping with your allies. However, I think it needs to be even more punitive to be completely clear. Max health reduction like Harbinger's Blight could be an interesting thing to add. In my opinion, people should be forced to participate more in this push if this is the goal of the mode.
  • It would be nice to have some damage resistance buffs in addition to dealing more damage. I understand that killing opponents quickly is more satisfying and makes the mode faster but this seems a bit too much especially when combined with the Mortal Contest debuff and all the ranged and aoe damage currently in the game.
  • The current speed of the pillar seems very high. It really only takes a few seconds for an uncontrolled person to change the outcome of the game. The opposing or allied team must have more time to react by positioning themselves correctly or using map buffs.
  • In addition to the increased damage or resistance buffs, add pillar control buffs like:
    • make the Mortal Contest debuff more impactful for the enemy
    • immobilizes the pillar regardless of the people inside
    • make the pillar slower or faster to move for a certain amount of time

Seeing the mode so raw and still to be shaped, several ideas came to mind that I'll leave written like this to collect them somewhere:

Light mode:

  • the map is green and in the center there is a kind of windmill built on a cart that is pushed by the wind.
  • the cart beyond the sail has a shaded area under it. The sun is vertical and very strong and applies a burning debuff to those who are not in the shade.
  • The wind is guided by buffs that appear around the ground. the more you take from a team the more the wind is in one direction otherwise the wind pulls in the opposite direction.
  • More buffs means more movement speed. The cart must be driven by a person so it is necessary that the capture area must be from a team as in the current state

Dark theme:

  • it would be nice to see a push mode but more based on kills where the aesthetic theme is dark and that of transporting a crystal loaded with souls to the afterlife. A kind of charon.
  • people are forced by a debuff that takes away life over time to stay near the pillar. A sort of protection given to the ferrymen.
  • the kills of enemies near the pillar push it in the direction of your team
  • the point debuff is very impactful but the allies near the pillar can help it resist with a special action to be cast correctly to each other to always keep it active
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Just played a few more, its burst meta on steroids. Not worth my time anymore. Literally giving everyone 20% buffs to damage is obscene considering the nerfs required to keep certain specs in check. Had a bunker chrono able to easily wipe 2-3 players, catalyst just plastering the nodes with aoes so if you did go in to cap you got a litany of condis.

PvP just seems broken now for me.

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Feedback after just playing two games.

First game felt like fun. It was a close back and forwards around middle of the map with two even teams. Constant combat, just full game time of action.
Second game was a stomp. I ended up not enjoying it at all. Our team fell down to dying one by one, not focusing targets and running back from spawn one by one without regrouping.

I never noticed the side objectives during the game - or had time to pay attention to them. The time went flying by and there was a constant need to be around the objective - or the team fight would be lost. (I was playing support tho.)
I assume they were the same buffs from Colosseum, based on the quick look I took at the events. And then one being the thing that stops cap/movement for X amount of seconds. I feel like these buffs, although potentially powerful, feel useless if the team fight is lost while fetching one. I would almost love a PERMANENT effect buff, in a game mode this short. Maybe a TEAM wide buff for the capture. Something very powerful that would force attention on it.

And maybe not having 3 buffs at 3 locations - but just ONE in the middle of the map. Highlighted by a massive beam of light and offering a powerful effect. It needs to be worth the risk of leaving your team potentially outnumbered - and forcing enemy to rotate after you.

 I would also add more kiteable terrain around the route - some areas leave you just flat vulnerable to range attacks.

To me, it feels like the game mode has potential. But being in the early state lacks some epic 2nd objective. (I'm thinking of summoning of the Ent in Alterac Valley WoW scale PvP event to support the push. Doesn't have to be a PVE mob you summon, but something that feels as epic.)

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7 hours ago, Demeth.5816 said:

I noticed the side objectives that give buffs just make it that the game mode is even more bursty. Everyone gets downed constantly. This wont help new players at all, it's actually one of the biggest issue with PvP;

Played a few more games last night. 

I definitely agree with this. This is not so much a problem with the mode but just PvP in general. In conquest you can find 1v1’s and 1v2’s and the damage doesn’t feel as bad(still really high though). But when you have 4 or 5 people targeting you at once, it’s A LOT of damage. And the side node buff makes it worse. One idea I can think of is instead of just giving the group a blanket party wide damage buff, make the buff a damage increase against players in the push objective specifically. Not sure if this is possible to code and have it not be buggy. Or maybe add in some of the old defensive amulets for this mode during the next beta and see how that goes. 

I do feel like there is too much pressure to always be at the main objective though. The buffs come up but it’s hard to pull myself away from the circle because I feel if I leave they are going to gain a ton of ground. 

I think the base of the modes idea is solid though. There is just issues of feeling forced to stay on the main objective at all times, as well as the pure amount of damage being dealt when the team focuses. 

another idea maybe but to slow the progress of the main push node and also slow the respawn timer for people. But then your gonna slow the whole game down and I take it that’s not the main idea with this mode. You could also slow the node progress but make it move faster for each person in the node. 

Edited by calva.2914
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I have played 4-5 games so far as a support and had a blast.  Mode is heavily focused on combat which is good. Mode is short enough and that's good: fast win or short hell if grifters or face roll teams are around, balanced matches end with timer which has been my most common result so far.

More polish and this mode should be a fun casual option for PVP (at last!). Couple that with class / spec balance and we're set.

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