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Free Account bought Janthir Wilds and having Mount access trouble.

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I apologize if this has been addressed elsewhere, I could not find it. Long story short, my friend decided to try out the game (finally) and got into the free version. At level 10, he got the raptor trial and when it ran out he wanted to get it back. According to him, the game instructed him to "buy any expansion" to unlock his Raptor permanently. I suggested that he buy Janthir Wilds, knowing that it will not go on sale any time soon, and wait for the earlier expansions to have a decent sale. Upon taking my advice, he was frustrated to learn that he did NOT gain access to his raptor. He has since used the level 80 boost, completed the entire Zhaitan story, and still has no mount access. I cannot seem to find anything online as to why Janthir Wilds did not qualify his account for Raptor access, so I feel bad having given him incorrect advice. Is this an intended feature of Janthir Wilds, like 'buy any expansion except Janthir Wilds to get the raptor', or is his account somehow bugged for mounts because of the order in which he experienced things?  I have more friends deciding to check into the game, but when they ask me the most economic way to unlock their Raptor, I don't know what to tell them.

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I can't see anything specific from anet about the janthir wild release including access to raptor (or springer) but I too am under the impression that any paid player is supposed to have access to the basic version of both of those mounts. When you say your friend has 'no mount access', are you saying they cannot unlock warclaw either . . ?

My first instinct would be to level another toon to level ten naturally, it takes less than fifteen minutes these days. The see how the game reacts to the raptor at that point. If that didn't resolve the problem I'd send a ticket . . .

Hopefully someone who knows more than me will be along to offer better advice shortly . . .

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According to the wiki at least Janthir Wilds should give an account gliding, the raptor, the springer and the warclaw. I would suggest your friend contact support about this. Apart from that maybe leveling an alt to 10 might unlock it for him?

( @Gop.8713In 2022 they said that buying any expansion would unlock the raptor so JW should unlock it. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2022-08-02#New_Player_Experience_Improvements )

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i think you can't permanently unlock the raptor if you're already level 80, as its only unlocked in increments of ten levels. the solution of course is to create an alternate character and then play a few missions until the raptor is unlocked on the account.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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10 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

since you had to go into EoD to pop access to raptor springer and basic gliding

Interesting. What about SotO? All that +skyscale?

12 hours ago, Kopiikat.4089 said:

He has since used the level 80 boost

Eww and robbed himself of the "level and equip what you find and get experience".

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1 hour ago, Tula.6021 said:

Interesting. What about SotO? All that +skyscale?

Eww and robbed himself of the "level and equip what you find and get experience".

SotO afaik gave raptor, skyscale (free on SotO maps, elswhere after quest) and gliding (during first Soto story)

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springer in EoD is a heart quest.

I haven't heard anything specific about Janthir but I assumed basic versions of raptor and gliding would be included. However might have to hit level 10 or some multiple of 10, otherwise I agree with the suggestion to contact support. 

I suppose it's remotely possibe that "any expansion" means "any Seasons of the Dragons expansion" since I recall that being before SotO, but in that case they should grant raptor to people like your friend and clarify the wording so future people know ahead of choosing a purchase.

Speaking of, my advice on buying Seasons of the Dragons is to wait for a sale on the entire set, that way the living worlds are included. 

Edited by willow.8209
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