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Why can I not find any confirmation/updates on bugs that have plagued this game for literal years?

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Every post someone mentions a valid bug/exploit, is met with a 'Anet will not fix it' or some variation of it.

Why does Anet not address these bugs? I'm not trying to be salty or anything, just looking to understand how gamebreaking bugs are allowed to exist for years..?

Why are people claiming Anet will not fix it, ever? Have they taken an official stance on it?

I cannot find any confirmation on bug reports either.

Does anyone have links to statements of Anet on these issues or something? I find it quite intriquing tbh.

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I'm going to presume it's down to some kind of costs/benefits decision. 

None of the existing bugs mean the game cannot be played so unless they can prove to the purse holders that bug x had lost us a certain amount of players and income they will be prioritised far lower than developing something new that could bring players in/ be sold in the cash shop. 

I've worked for a number of companies (not games) and each one had something that didn't work right and as long as it didn't stop the company making money it wasn't a priority, no matter how much it annoyed the end user. 

Unfortunately there's no way anet is going to openly say we can't fix the holes in wvw maps as it'll cost to much time so instead we just get the constantly ignored posts about it. 

Please take this as your friendly reminder that cooperations are not your friends and no matter how much you love what they do you are just part of a figure on a spreadsheet


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24 minutes ago, Wafflebasket.5649 said:

Every post someone mentions a valid bug/exploit, is met with a 'Anet will not fix it' or some variation of it.

Why does Anet not address these bugs? I'm not trying to be salty or anything, just looking to understand how gamebreaking bugs are allowed to exist for years..?

Why are people claiming Anet will not fix it, ever? Have they taken an official stance on it?

I cannot find any confirmation on bug reports either.

Does anyone have links to statements of Anet on these issues or something? I find it quite intriquing tbh.

do you maybe want to be a little less vague, maybe cite an actual instance of this happening?

because you're asking a lot of open "Blanket" questions that could refer to anything, almost as though you just trying to stir up trouble.

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Further to this, and this is purely guess work but I suspect the developers are as frustrated as we are with some of the bugs. But end of the day they are employed to do specific jobs and unless they can prove the worth of it they'll be stuck doing the money making work

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No, Anet has obviously not said anything about them not fixing old bugs. They still do fix some of them sometimes, in fact - it's just extremely rare.

When we're saying that something won't get fixed, we're generally speaking from experience. If you play long enough, you start to notice very fast that Anet is very fast in fixing any exploits that benefit players, but much slower in fixing issues where the fix would be beneficial, for example. Also, following every patch, there's several weeks of bugfixing where they try to address the most recent issues, but after that the chance of a bug/exploit that still persist getting fixed goes down significantly. And then goes down even more with each subsequent patch, and full release cycle. And if the developer responsible for original code leaves the company, the chances of someone else making a pass over their code go down again.

So, in general, the longer the bug stays up, the less likely it is to get fixed. That way there are known issues that persist in this game since original launch. Especially famous for this are dungeon bugs, that persist due to dungeon team getting dissolved very early in game history, dungeons getting abandoned, and dungeon code being especially known for its spaghettification.

Short version: Anet prefers to make new stuff rather than fix old issues.

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1 hour ago, Parasite.5389 said:

do you maybe want to be a little less vague, maybe cite an actual instance of this happening?

because you're asking a lot of open "Blanket" questions that could refer to anything, almost as though you just trying to stir up trouble.

I'm sorry you read it in such a negative way.
I'm simply inquiring about the communications around long standing bugs, I could simply point you to the bug forum where it will become very clear what I'm talking about. So for being a little less vague, go to the bug report forum.
I find it telling that you interpret this as  'stirring up trouble' .
I'm asking about a common response I see people give, and wondering where they're coming from. Maybe there's some official information I'm missing.

As for the rest of the people who are actually responding to my question in an intellectual honest way,  thank you.
It now makes a lot more sense why longstanding bugs are less likely to be fixed as time goes on.
Thanks for taking the time to explain the workings on these things.

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Sometimes it's about whether they can replicate them. Often a bug has been around for years, but it may not be reported or reported with enough information to identify and fix it

Sometimes it gets fixed and it breaks again

Sometimes it falls down the list of priority because of finite resources and mmo bugs usually list in the hundreds if not thousands. Prioritising the overwhelming number bugs in any given MMO must be a full time job alone

Sometimes they just (seem) to get ignored. The disappearing backpack bug has been around for many years despite in depth reports. The disappearing flame sword effect has been around for months. They merged the threads on that one and there was plenty of context for it, but it remains an issue

It's frustrating. The known issues page alone is barely populated with actual issues and it used to be a reliable indicator of tracked bug fix progress (unless I'm looking at the wrong one, but the current one on the support page has half a dozen JW issues and that's it). However, a lot of players think it's just flicking a switch and done within a day. Unless a bug gets plenty of context to find ouit how to reproduce it internally, it's going to be hard to ever get fixed


Edited by Randulf.7614
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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

but much slower in fixing issues where the fix would be beneficial, for example.

It took them a suspiciously long time to fix that bug where the Trading Post icon stayed active and prominent.
I jest, and this is proper conspiracy-level thinking. But still, it would be interesting to see if that affected purchases during that time.

Edited by Mungrul.9358
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24 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I want examples of said "Game breaking bugs" 

And no. "Just look at the bug forum" Is not an answer. 

This is not meant in a negative way, Im just really curious. 

The closest I can think of is the fishing bug that won't grant the title and stuff, which means can't get the spiritwood rod and some other fishing things. Been around for 2 years with no fix. 

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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

If you play long enough, you start to notice very fast that Anet is very fast in fixing any exploits that benefit players, but much slower in fixing issues where the fix would be beneficial, for example.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

If there was a bug that would unlock every skin in the game, or generated infinity gold that would get done and fixed quick!

When the Heritage armor was being unlocked improperly they squashed that bug in hours.

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1 hour ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

If there was a bug that would unlock every skin in the game, or generated infinity gold that would get done and fixed quick!

When the Heritage armor was being unlocked improperly they squashed that bug in hours.

Similarly, the bug that let players trade in the eldritch tools after buying the deluxe edition of janthir  post-launch thus getting a total of six glyphs was fixed pretty fast! The fix, however, has bugged the eldritch tool trade in for many pre-order players who hadn't done it yet so now a bunch of people just can't and have been told by support they're working on a fix. Janthir adventures were found to be giving heart tokens for every completion, that was patched within 24 hours of its discovery IIRC, and while not a bug they removed the deep fishing nodes from the homestead.

Meanwhile there are a handful of base game story quests, events, and even event chains that are so buggy and broken that they've been bugged and broken longer than they were ever functional

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It could be any number of reasons.  They might not think it's worth the effort to fix certain bugs or they simply might not have the talent to do so because contrary to popular belief, there is no magic button that one presses to automatically fix a bug.


I will say that I'm leaning a bit towards them not wanting to fix said bugs when there's already other glaring issues not being addressed that aren't bugs.  I mean, I'm probably one of the few people who actually likes to go around to all of the NPCs and read what they have to say but the amount of typos and broken english I come across tells me that "quality" isn't exactly a top priority.  Especially when quite a few of the NPCs are just clones with different names...in a game where you can instantly randomize an appearance in less than a second.

Edited by EDOTDOT.9265
I corrected a typo!
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The fishing CSAMM title being impossible for some people for years since the collections are stuck is one that has becoming more noticeable as more people have spoken about it.

Other bugs/issues I've constantly encountered is: Recent materials list blocking the map zoom and layer buttons. Trophies from bags are not being converted by jade bot upgrades. While the crafting window is open, losing all FPS when auto researching crafted item stacks. Time Running Out from opening small Arcane chests not going away and causing fall damage to not be negated from gliding.

Players claiming anything absolutely game breaking 99% won't say what the bug is, which lets me believe they are liars.

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17 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

If there was a bug that would unlock every skin in the game, or generated infinity gold that would get done and fixed quick!

When the Heritage armor was being unlocked improperly they squashed that bug in hours.

Well, I don't think there is a single multiplayer game where exploit aren't in the top priority bug fixes.

That and game breaking/progression blocking bug

Every thing else depend on ressources, they are limited, so not everything can be done instantly.

And with the continuous addition of content (and so, bugs), low priority bugs can probably stay at the bottom of the backlog for a long time.

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15 hours ago, sasya neko.1985 said:

because money, if they can't squeeze money out of it they don't care.

there are bugs in the game since the literal launch of the game, still not addressed.

I'm not quite as cynical about it as this, but this is essentially the issue.

The development team have limited time and money, and therefore, they have to focus on those things that will keep them afloat. It's not done out of any malice towards players, and I'm sure they would love to go back and fix things. But they're on a tight turn-around schedule, where they're now effectively releasing a new expansion every year. This leaves very little time for addressing bugs, old or new.

I would say that maybe they should have a sub-division dedicated to this kind of stuff, but I suspect they're not big enough to be able to accommodate such a team. In fact, I would be very surprised if they hadn't already explored this as an option and ruled it out because of the financial realities of their situation.

That's just how business works unfortunately.

Edited by Mungrul.9358
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