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A Public Service Annoucement About PUSH:

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its worth mentioning that they added a debuff...i think it was very recently where if you stay on the node you accrue it : It reduces damage dealt and healing taken by 10% per stack till it hits 10 stacks. 

Generally speaking, fight near the node, but got to be a bit more careful with standing on it unlike yesterday heh

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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47 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

its worth mentioning that they added a debuff...i think it was very recently where if you stay on the node you accrue it : It reduces damage dealt and healing taken by 10% per stack till it hits 10 stacks. 

Generally speaking, fight near the node, but got to be a bit more careful with standing on it unlike yesterday heh

I actually think that mechanic is more complicated than any mechanic in conquest. Poor newb bunkers... poor support trying to heal said bunkers.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Ok look, it's not that you have stand on the node 100% of the time.

But you do have to be near the node to help roll on and off of it, to prevent enemy push progress, and to progress your own push progress.

Matches cannot be won without players playing the node.

One person can't yolo 5 people and hold the node alone.

Go to the node.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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16 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Ok look, it's not that you have stand on the node 100% of the time.

But you do have to be near the node to help roll on and off of it, to prevent enemy push progress, and to progress your own push progress.

Matches cannot be won without players playing the node.

One person can't yolo 5 people and hold the node alone.

Go to the node.


its funny : It's really hard to screw up playing this game mode when it has one objective. i also like how i can explain the maps mechanics in about a sentence : "go to node" lmao

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This is the same advice as 'stand on the point' in conquest...

You don't 'stand on the point' to win, the game is won via fights and THEN standing on the point.  If you encourage mindlessly standing on the point, then you also encourage 1 by 1 feeding into it as people try to 1v5 and the game becomes unwinnable.

It's farthest push distance wins.  You only need to stall the point longer than the opponent to win.  

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7 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

This is the same advice as 'stand on the point' in conquest...

You don't 'stand on the point' to win, the game is won via fights and THEN standing on the point.  If you encourage mindlessly standing on the point, then you also encourage 1 by 1 feeding into it as people try to 1v5 and the game becomes unwinnable.

It's farthest push distance wins.  You only need to stall the point longer than the opponent to win.  


4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Ok look, it's not that you have stand on the node 100% of the time.

But you do have to be near the node to help roll on and off of it, to prevent enemy push progress, and to progress your own push progress.

If none of your players stand on the node for even like 5 seconds, the node is just gone man.

People have to go to the node and take turns diving on and off of it.

I don't care WHAT they think they're doing when they are 4000+ range from the node locked in a combat, they are not helping if their team is losing the node push. The #1 priority in this mode is having bodies on that node, first and foremost before anything else. The objectives are important yes, but they are not as important as the node. The node ultimately wins or loses the game. If your team is losing the node and it is being pushed to enemy goal, no amount of objectives or fighting off node will stop that from happening. The only thing that stops the enemy from pushing the node to their goal, is your team's bodies on the node.

The tutorial is now complete. Enjoy the PUSH game mode boys.

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23 minutes ago, coro.3176 said:

We can quibble about whether you should be on the node, or just slightly off the node, or whatever, but I think we can agree that this reaper in the top right corner off in kittening Narnia (and running away from the point toward opponent's spawn), is doing it wrong, and needs to hear this PSA

Should be reportable. Get a 5 minute timeout for monkeying like that.

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Might be wrong but from what I think Ive seen is Tranq lets you push the node even when the opponent is standing on it - which is good for getting it away from your spawn or for getting the final push to the line. It's a pretty good way to secure the win when it's stalling out on the opponents spawn side. Also 20% team dmg buffs are insane for just nuking people.

This isn't what Trevor is saying but there has been a lot of people encouraging everyone to be on node or grouped when there's 20% dmg buffs and 10% defence debuffs which is pretty crazy. 

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5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I don't care WHAT they think they're doing when they are 4000+ range from the node locked in a combat, they are not helping if their team is losing the node push. The #1 priority in this mode is having bodies on that node, first and foremost before anything else. The objectives are important yes, but they are not as important as the node.

The buffs are powerful, and as long as one person drives the node the other 4 can do really whatever around it.  As long as a big teamfight isn't going on, it's not super important to be in that circle.  

I do think kills should still award points (even if it's like +2) and disable rallies.  It may alleviate what you are seeing in that people are fighting for the sake of fighting.  Put a little more consequence on that, and they may stay closer to the node.  

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49 minutes ago, Twigifire.8379 said:

This isn't what Trevor is saying but there has been a lot of people encouraging everyone to be on node or grouped when there's 20% dmg buffs and 10% defence debuffs which is pretty crazy. 

Of course we want to get the 20% damage buff and prevent the other team from getting the 20% damage buff. But there are a lot of players who really are just tunnel visioning fights and roaming way way too far from the node when there aren't even objectives spawned to fight over.

In example:

  • I'm standing on a node holding it yolo. I have 2 players on me, a Willbender and some Scourge or something.
  • I have about 10s to tank all this before it becomes dangerous to stay on the node due to debuffs. I have about 20s if I plan on dying on the node to full stall push progress while in downstate.
  • I start calling for help in /t chat "node, go to node". But no one goes to the node.
  • I look to see where they are. No objectives are spawned. I have a Reaper and a Scrapper chasing around an Axe Thief 4000 range from the node. Then I have a Ranger trying to fire a longbow from max range at the node, who thinks he's safer by staying at max range away from our party, but doesn't realize that he's making himself more prone to being +d burst ganked very easily because he's no where near me for me to help him when that +2 comes to him. And then I have a glass Scrapper trying to deal DPS to the node while running around the node, who never wants to actually contribute going on the node, who stealths and runs any time someone targets him.
  • What's wrong with this situation? Very simple. Even if I am making god tier plays and somehow surviving this yolo node hold, I won't be able to do it while actually standing on the node all the time. So each time I have to roll off and kite for a second or two, we loss progress and the node gets pushed towards the enemy goal. Because the enemy always has 2+ guys at the node, usually 3, the entire game, taking turns standing on the node when others have to hop off. This way, they slowly push the node when I hop off to kite, no matter what I do. And I can't kill them quickly enough to ever get them ALL off the node at the same time to be able to get push progress when I'm the only one standing on the node.
  • Why is the other team winning? Because even though we are technically winning the combat and killing those players nearly twice as often as they are killing us, they just keep going back to the node immediately off respawn. Because the enemy team zergs the node, they always have a body on the node to prevent my push progress. And when I have to roll off to survive, they gain a bit of push each time.
  • I keep saying "go to the node" but no one does because they are "off node doing what they want" which doesn't win push matches.

I don't know what else to say about it. Players have to go to the node and help stand on it at times if they like winning push matches.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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In this gamemode people spawn super fast.  It isnt a bad idea to have a few good players " catch respawns"  to prefent them from getting to the node in the first place. Comparable to conquest to some degree really. 

Quite often i see 2-3 players sitting on and escorting an empty node while i try to cap the buffs and prefent the inc ressers from reaching the node. 

Its like playing football with half of your defenders standing on the goal line.

Or you have people getting mass cleaved down while standing mid point with the 3 of them.  You cant cap or push when dead.  I see some players dying 10+ times per game since they have to stand on point perse.  Thinking they contributed while all they did was ralley opponents. 

Edited by Locuz.2651
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Wouldn't play the node in Push. (But I will try to avoid that game mode anyways.) In conquest it is fun. (And there still it is possible to have situations where it is better to not immediately run for the node.)

Push at max I can see myself ranging a bit from afar. Trying to look for players that move away. Otherwise too many focusing at one point. I just don't like that mode. 😄 Going melee into it could mean like other 9 players just spamming AoE everywhere near one point with it getting to hard to figure out what is going on.

Also in the 3 matches I played I found it hard to find the node again - on the mini map. When it does not have priority (players nearby overlap the icon on the mini map). Someone told the cloud would indicate it but I noticed places where it is possible to not see the cloud from very far away.

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