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Obvious bug in new Homestead system: The Mining Collection box skips 2 nodes.


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So I've been trying this out for a while to be sure, and I'm confident now that every time you use the collection box in your home instance to gather your home instance nodes, it leaves 2 nodes untouched. Which ones seems to vary day by day, but it does leave behind 2 nodes for some reason. I don't think this is intentional.

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2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

This is super interesting, and I still wonder why this never happens to me. What glyph are you using? (I suspect it is connected to that.)

Scavenger glyphs on all 3. I have all the nodes. The other 2 boxes do not have this problem, only the mining box does. 


31 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Never happened to me, except leather, xmas tree, pinata and node from drizzlewood?

The node from drizzlewood is technically a normal mining node. Sometimes it is among the 2 nodes skipped but not always. Not even most of the time. My first personal theory was that it happens when you have too many nodes, but if ashantara has every mining node but doesn't encounter this, then that's not the cause either. 

Edited by GeraldBC.4927
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1 hour ago, GeraldBC.4927 said:

Scavenger glyphs on all 3. I have all the nodes. The other 2 boxes do not have this problem, only the mining box does. 


The node from drizzlewood is technically a normal mining node. Sometimes it is among the 2 nodes skipped but not always. Not even most of the time. My first personal theory was that it happens when you have too many nodes, but if ashantara has every mining node but doesn't encounter this, then that's not the cause either. 

Then I confused it with Kournan Supply Cache? I mean the one you dont mine but open. I have all nodes aswell so it is not the case for sure.

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Can verify, this is happening to me.  I have all nodes.  I have Volatile Magic glyph on Farming and Mining boxes, Watchknight glyph on the Lumber box.   Completely random which mining nodes it leaves behind.  The other day it was Prismacite and Platinum.  Day before that it was Bauble and ....now I can't remember.

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Ha, it just happened to me now, with iron and aurilium, either I never noticed before even though I believe I would cause I still always check mini map or it is just random when it happens. 

Only thing that changed to me is that I had Eldritch Horror tools today compare to other days but it should not matter at all since I used the collection box.

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I distinctly remember somebody on Reddit posting about this. If I recall correctly they suspected a gathering boost or something being activated. Like, outside of the homestead there's a chance if you used your regular mining tool the possibility of an additional strike would be activated. Since you are using the collection box in the homestead it only collects the 'first hit' and leaves the additional strike unused.


I'm not able to find that particular thread so I could be wrong, but worth investigating. It only happened to me with the mining nodes and not with the lumber nodes. So could be a bug.

Edited by Arduin.3029
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2 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

You know I wouldn't be surprised if this was a hit or miss bug per account, much like the handiwork mastery level that is affecting some accounts but not others.

It was affecting only those who did not maximize the Handiworker Mastery prior to said patch. Those you had already maximized it where not affected.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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1 hour ago, Arduin.3029 said:

I distinctly remember somebody on Reddit posting about this. If I recall correctly they suspected a gathering boost or something being activated. Like, outside of the homestead there's a chance if you used your regular mining tool the possibility of an additional strike would be activated. Since you are using the collection box in the homestead it only collects the 'first hit' and leaves the additional strike unused.

I will check consciously next time but I am pretty sure I did not use any boosters when opening the box, especially not every time. In fact I havent used a booster in weeks now. 


Just now, Cronospere.8143 said:

This only happens with me if i collect too fast after collecting the wood 

Interesting, I did open the box immediately after opening the wood box and gathering the present each time. I will try waiting between the wood box and the mining box next time. 

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For me it varies. Sometimes it skips out on 2, sometimes it skips all except 1 or 2, sometimes it mines all. Sometimes it even just harvest some partially.
Same also occurs for the garden crops when using the plant collector.
For me it also doesnt matter in what speed i go from box to box to collect all, neither does the order i visit those.

Btw using volatility glyph. And as the one above me mentioned, wintersday tree not at all, but since thats not a tool-eating tree and more a specialty, it could make sense

Edited by Virdo.1540
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Just to be clear, when ppls are saying the boxes 'skip' a node you mean that the node is still visible and available for harvesting after using the box correct? And not just that you don't see the relevant maps in inventory after using the box? Bc I'll be honest I just can't be arsed to manually look through my inventory and make sure I'm really getting everything I'm supposed to ; p

To add my experience: All nodes (except the enchanted chest from the treasure hunter cheeve but I assume we're not counting that one ; p), I manually move a volatile glyph from box to box as I harvest. Afaik the boxes have always harvested every node they are 'supposed' to, with the exception of one day the sickle box did not harvest any of my garden plot nodes. I have manually walked through the node farms to make sure they were all harvested, but I do not do that every day. I do check the minimap every day. When I say 'supposed to' it is my belief that the wintersday tree, cloth and leather racks, kourna & hot chests, pinata, found treasure chest and hp node are the only things that should be left after I use all three boxes . . .

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I have had this issue as well.  It seems that if I skip the nodes by the cooking station and deposit each collection after using the collector the problem has note occurred again for me.  I do have all the nodes as well.  I thought about the change due to going backwards twice during the mining (no problem), doing the wood ( no problem), getting items by the cooking station, and the harvest (saw the problem occur there).  I am thinking that it might be some type of buffer, or structure that looses some inside or thinks you have less room in you bags for the moment.


I did test collection on a almost full bag set and found the collection worked up to filling plus one item and stopped which is what I would expect to have happen.  Normally I have atleast 120 open slots in my bags and collect the deposit between stations.


I would love to see it fixed, but as a developer myself I know things like this can be really hard to find.

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5 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Just to be clear, when ppls are saying the boxes 'skip' a node you mean that the node is still visible and available for harvesting after using the box correct? And not just that you don't see the relevant maps in inventory after using the box? Bc I'll be honest I just can't be arsed to manually look through my inventory and make sure I'm really getting everything I'm supposed to ; p

Yes, I mean skip as in the nodes are still there afterwards and I can mine them. 

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Okay so I opened my boxes based on all the suggestions itt. I removed the scavenging glyph from the box, made sure that I DID NOT have a booster running and I took a break between the wood and mining box. And it worked, the box collected all the nodes this time. 

  • Glyph
  • Timing
  • no booster

One of those three is the key difference. And again, I'm pretty sure it's not the booster because I wasn't running one on most of the previous days either. So far, I'm thinking it's the glyph. Tomorrow I'll try again with the pause between boxes but with the scavenging glyph applied. 

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