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At the end of the day a WvW strike (as in stop participating) is the only thing to get anet's attention.


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Complaints / feedback / suggestions don't seem to be working, the only way they might get the picture is by analyzing data and viewing the metrics so if anyone wants WvW to change or go back to the old system I propose people to stop playing the game mode. Continuing to play it only continues to push an agreement with what they have changed (Balance / restructuring changes etc) so I suggest if people are truly worried for the direction of the game mode and the health of the mode and wish to see the changes reverted to just abstain from playing the mode all together.

Of course this would take a large amount of people to actually do it in order to be successful but everything has to start somewhere. 

Feel free to say Its a bad idea or to agree / disagree in the comments.

(its unfortunate because WvW is really the only reason I play GW2 anymore but if these changes are made permanent I as well as others I assume might just stop playing altogether)

Edited by Scyndek.5273
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I believe people will gradually stop playing, start avoiding WvW or simply swing by to brainless farm loot/chests/Gifts of Battle if the WR system doesn't work and deliver the expected and satisfactory experience and more importantly isn't in some level in par with the previous system(s). I want to say that I already see symptoms of such gameplay and behaviour happening but if the majority aren't satisfied, it'll show even more sooner than later.

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1 hour ago, Scyndek.5273 said:

Of course this would take a large amount of people to actually do it in order to be successful but everything has to start somewhere. 

Surely you've seen how tricky it can be to assemble an organized group of 5 or 10, yet you're suggesting that every player of the mode go "on strike?"

Good luck with that.

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Either the game or the game mode is interesting and entertaining enough to play or it's not, easy as that. And data will show any changes in that.

You are not forced to or need to play a game, or this specific game, so it doesn't need a "strike". It lives and dies by its consumers. Who might have different opinions than you. And changes in data might drive decisions that's the opposite of what you actually want.

But, uh, good luck organizing people that has an interest in a game (mode) and therefore is still around to stop playing it.

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Here are the 4 main issues:

1. Logistics - Organizing enough players to strike via not only reach but also have everyone agree on time frame, region coordination, etc. 

2. Congruence - Your suggestion entirely relies on the assumption that the vast majority agree with your dissatisfaction. That might not even be the case, which means you now not only have to logistically organize this but also convince others.

3. System - the new WR system can deal with large fluctuations of players, at least within certain time frames. Which limits the impact of a strike. Sure you could strike a day or a weekend, but ultimately anything longer would result in the system adapting.

4. Developer necessity - there is a good chance that the final move to implement the WR system is a step to make this mode ready for minimal or no developer attention, for example in case of the entire game going into maintanance mode (not today or tomorrow, but down the road. Some decisions are made years in advance). In which case no strike or even player majority will have any effect.

So yeah, good luck.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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4 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Wvw playerbase: goes on a strike, stops playing it.

ANET: Finally they gave up playing wvw, we can shut it down!

literally what happened to pvp and raids, theres not enough ppl interested in it = why spend dev time in it

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