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Time Gated Tickets, AFK pip farming, Dead Maps and dead match ups need to go for good.


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It's not based on objectives because there's no way to fairly reward players otherwise and it disproportionately rewards more players for participating in some kinds of activities instead of others.

What you outline above would mean everyone playing for rewards would solely ktrain zerg, and it'd effectively punish the real backbone of the format which is defenders and small groups taking side objectives, denying yaks/supply, etc.

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@"DeceiverX.8361" said:It's not based on objectives because there's no way to fairly reward players otherwise and it disproportionately rewards more players for participating in some kinds of activities instead of others.

What you outline above would mean everyone playing for rewards would solely ktrain zerg, and it'd effectively punish the real backbone of the format which is defenders and small groups taking side objectives, denying yaks/supply, etc.

K trains happen because the game is unbalanced population wise. I dunno how many times i gotta state this. Defending is all about kills which = massive pips and they're bringing em right to your door. There is no reward for winning so anyone trying that hard aka"the backbone" to PPT has lost the plot.

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@Rennie.6750 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Getting pips outside of the participation timer promotes abuse and farming specific activities. You’d have trade killing and those between servers taking turns on flipping camps and such. The existing method promotes actually playing WvW.

You also do not need a squad in order to build and maintain participation. Dead maps don’t really matter.

While I don't agree with OP's proposals, I believe the WvW devs are way too paranoid about kill trading. sPvP has far better trading potential and it's not happening there, so giving more generous reward isn't a bad idea.

Because it’s random players each match which is much different than WvW.

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@hunkamania.7561 said:

@"DeceiverX.8361" said:It's not based on objectives because there's no way to fairly reward players otherwise and it disproportionately rewards more players for participating in some kinds of activities instead of others.

What you outline above would mean everyone playing for rewards would solely ktrain zerg, and it'd effectively punish the real backbone of the format which is defenders and small groups taking side objectives, denying yaks/supply, etc.

K trains happen because the game is unbalanced population wise. I dunno how many times i gotta state this. Defending is all about kills which = massive pips and they're bringing em right to your door. There is no reward for winning so anyone trying that hard aka"the backbone" to PPT has lost the plot.

If the gains are bigger when taking a structure like the OP proposed, then it's more logical to attack an enemy in the same way they're attacking you.

Ktrains don't happen because of population imbalances lol. They exist on T1 where everyone has a queue. Ktrains exist because people would rather farm bags than ram their faces into a gate all day to get a fight covered in siege and maybe take something. EotM is/was just a big ktrain and the teams willingly coordinated most times just to keep cycling the map flipping objectives for better loot. The WvW population at large at this point doesn't care about PPT. Most people just want bags. And if you nerf rewards to small-scale people, the support for PPT will just leave the format like how an overwhelming majority of havoc guild literally quit the game when HoT released because they could no longer afford to profit or even sustain themselves while roaming.

EBG is the proof here. BL's remain stagnant most times not because of population disparities but because the loot and action is better/faster in EBG.

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@"DeceiverX.8361" said:

Ktrains don't happen because of population imbalances lol. They exist on T1 where everyone has a queue.

What T1 match up is this? I see a lot of T3 stuff. the k train happens during the off hours m8



everything T3 sieged to the teeth. stagnant as it gets.

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@hunkamania.7561 said:GET RID OF TIME GATED TICKETS

Why are the tickets time gated?! If people want to play wvw a ton they should get rewarded for it and i don't get why you're putting a cap on these tickets.

  • Add more rewards and more skins. You have fans submitting art might as well put it to use and put these skins in the game because at the end of the day it's fashion wars 2.


The pip system isn't very well done. I think you should get pips for doing stuff(get pips for capping camps, towers, keeps and killing people) instead of participating. You're going to get more activity with this and less t3 structures with siege to deal with.

  • 1 pip for capping t1 structures
  • 2 pips for t2 capping structures
  • 3 pips for t3 capping structures
  • 1 pip for killing a player.

Something along those lines and That will increase activity and eliminate the afk crap.


I'm sorry but the server system as it is is not working well when you have a few dead maps during NA or EU prime with nothing to do on them. I think you're gonna have to look into something along the lines of mega servers to get the activity levels on all maps up. All the maps during PRIMETIME should have 3 way action and most the time you'll be lucky to get 2 servers with strong presence on the map(This has to do with servers being unbalanced). This makes the map and match up stale and stagnant. Guilds raid and have nothing to fight or do will most likely quit the game cause it's boring. Off hours is even worse when the few guilds that are left can only pvd and we all know that can only last for so long until they quit the game as well. Off hours needs to be mega servers for sure. Discord really helps with this as i'm sure most guilds and commanders have their own and can get the new players from other servers in comms with them ez pz.

i like. M9re acticity means more playmates

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OP please just stop. WvW has much bigger issues than time-gated tickets. These are time gated so that you have to actually play every day to get what you want. That is a very smart thing to do on Anet's part. Just like in life if you want something to cannot afford that day, you have to go work for it and save. Same concept here.

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@Sovereign.1093 said:

@shagwell.1349 said:How is being afk and getting pips a real problem? WvW has so much more important issues than some people standing somewhere leeching participation for gear they could get easier by leeching it in pve.

because they dont contribute actively. when u need to def, afk guys do nothing. by stander problem

Here is the problem I see every day (in T4). No one ticked siege cause they were too busy tagging in/out front of the castle. T3 tower is under attack, but they can't be bothered to defend it, because they are too busy tagging in the castle (they will come if the castle is quiet). Tower flips. Tagging in the castle is over. They gladly come help retake the tower (and every subsequent reflip cause it's paper) for the rewards.

I get that not everyone is playing for PPT. Hell, even I'm not playing for the PPT. But I do understand that it is easier to defend and farm enemies attacking a T3 tower than a paper one. And easier to defend a tower that has siege in it, than trying to build while being attacked. I take 1 minute here and there to tick siege, run supply to rebuild, etc.

If I see a player AFK in the keep, I'm not bothered. I have a toddler, I know that sometimes you have to get a snack, or go to the bathroom. What bothers me are the players that are too busy trying to tag everything in sight for themselves that they can't take 1 minute an hour to help their team.

I don't think AFK pip farming is the problem between the 2.

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@Sovereign.1093 said:

@shagwell.1349 said:How is being afk and getting pips a real problem? WvW has so much more important issues than some people standing somewhere leeching participation for gear they could get easier by leeching it in pve.

because they dont contribute actively. when u need to def, afk guys do nothing. by stander problem

In a non queued map likely.

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LOL i don't even know i bother to read this stuff anymore, probably just for the laughs i guess, all this people talking about kill trading and it's extremly dangerous potential outcome, when the game is dying drmatically, and the OP actually makes sense on every point he made is just a picture of why this game is beyond saving, the comunity left playing it fucking sucks, all the people that actually made this game fun to play, people we used to play with and against, are all gone, all that is left is a bunch of retards who think kill trading nearly as problematic as having a game where poeple just log in to sit on a T3 wall and shoot other people with arrowcarts, trade treb shots and repair walls for 3 hours and log out is just hilarous.Good job arenanet, you did it!!!! you finally got rid of all the toxic comunity that wanted actuall PvP combat, all you got now is a bunch of stupid carebears who do not even play the game yet the comment on this forums like they were actually relevant. Good fucking job!!!!

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@hunkamania.7561 said:

@hunkamania.7561 said:Who's gonna kill trade? Are you kidding me? No one does that lol

With the current pip system i'm repairing a wall in smc while watching tv and getting pips for it lol i guess that's pretty active system.

Now instead of k training we have a bunch of T3 keeps and towers full of siege that no one wants to take so it kills all the fights.

Dead maps dont matter?!!? then what's the point in having them if no1 wants to play on them aka the desert bl. It's a huge waste.

No1 does because it gives no advantages.Put something like your proposal and you will see ( though it's obvious that whenever there's the possibility to exploits, players will exploit ).

I'll tell you no good guilds or commanders will do that. If two groups did do that it would take extreme coordination and a third group could come in and farm them both because they would have nowhere to run or hide with OJ's popping on the map.

Of course they did not trade kills for the Ultimate Dominator Title in Obsidian sanctum until that was fixed. Never ever would anyone do that. And the last one to do that would be the hardcore guilds! /s

They are right and you are wrong. They did that before and they would do it again. Right now you should lose your pip participation the way you lose your outnumbered buff. After 5 minutes not participating not pips. 10 minutes for reward track. Still make it take 15 minutes to fully fade. get kicked after 15 just like now.This is the best way right now possible in my eyes. Still this would enforce blobbing because you Need to be fast to Keep pips up.

Concerning time gated tickets: i would make the repeatable Diamond chests drop a minor amount of tickets. Like 5 at max or even less. So the People farming can make more tickets but you do not get a great loss if you cant repeat it.

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@Rampage.7145 said:LOL i don't even know i bother to read this stuff anymore, probably just for the laughs i guess, all this people talking about kill trading and it's extremly dangerous potential outcome, when the game is dying drmatically, and the OP actually makes sense on every point he made is just a picture of why this game is beyond saving, the comunity left playing it kitten sucks, all the people that actually made this game fun to play, people we used to play with and against, are all gone, all that is left is a bunch of kitten who think kill trading nearly as problematic as having a game where poeple just log in to sit on a T3 wall and shoot other people with arrowcarts, trade treb shots and repair walls for 3 hours and log out is just hilarous.Good job arenanet, you did it!!!! you finally got rid of all the toxic comunity that wanted actuall PvP combat, all you got now is a bunch of stupid carebears who do not even play the game yet the comment on this forums like they were actually relevant. Good kitten job!!!!

Nailed it.

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