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Having to choose between Infinite Horizon and Elusive Mind is cruel

Hot Boy.7138

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Choosing between: Reduced recharge time on focus and clean a condition per shatter is also curel.... (also the condi clean is something that i dont wanna miss, so that trait slot is permanently taken for this specific trait - line....)or: choosing between Staff reduction CD (wich is really long) or Condition Dmg based on Thoughness is also cruel...Having just 2 charges on heal mantra after they taken away the trait for 3 charges is also cruel.... having not so much options for heal - improvementsin the trait - lines is also not really good ( i mean: why dont we get a heal per critical hit for sword as baseline, thief has it as trait already and we are squishy too....)We cant move with sword 2 without canceling it, sword 3 is ( on uneven ground) not working good, it goes sometimes on CD and nothing happens (and i am in range from the enemies)..., the block from sword 3 is over after 1 enemie hits you (ok, the block from scepter too)....the block from shield is better, it is over after full cast-time...I made some improvement - suggestions in the threads from OriOri (Small staff / GS rework suggestions and Weapon skills discussion), but i think they never will read this threads...or even making some changes to old weapons.....

Choosing between Infinite Horizon and Elusive Mind is my smallest problem....I like the mesmer, but i was hoping to get some more improvements (good improvements) in the PoF release patch...

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@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:From my experience, Infinite horizon doesn't do much. The clones only do 10% of the damage that you do on ambushes, so really the trait is just an elaborate "do 30% more damage on ambushes".

Yeah. What's the point of the ambushes anyway? I was running around with a Power Sword/Sword spec earlier, and it felt like the ambush was a DPS loss (unless used as a gap closer).

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@Abelisk.4527 said:What about the conditions from the clones? I saw someone earlier stacking like 12 conf using clones.

sitting behind clones and let them do dmg for you never worked for pvp .everyone said this to anet before gw2 launched 5 years ago . and we still got this crap with devs trying to make "new dodge let mesmer hide behind clone ". this design choice is flawed , it made mesmer the noob killer and gathered so much hate from new pvp players while the skilled players will easily target real mesmer will shut it down .but hey anet balanced gw2 around random idea anyway .

you can do that with chrono already and you wont have issue to generate clones or have to worry about random AA kill your clones , thats all your dmg source .and you can use phants without hitting your dps .

there are so much wrong with this spec . it might work with an interrupt power build .but other classes still have easier time to dash out dmg .

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@musu.9205 said:

@Abelisk.4527 said:What about the conditions from the clones? I saw someone earlier stacking like 12 conf using clones.

sitting behind clones and let them do dmg for you never worked for pvp .everyone said this to anet before gw2 launched 5 years ago . and we still got this crap with devs trying to make "new dodge let mesmer hide behind clone ". this design choice is flawed , it made mesmer the noob killer and gathered so much hate from new pvp players while the skilled players will easily target real mesmer will shut it down .but hey anet balanced gw2 around random idea anyway .

you can do that with chrono already and you wont have issue to generate clones or have to worry about random AA kill your clones , thats all your dmg source .and you can use phants without hitting your dps .

there are so much wrong with this spec . it might work with an interrupt power build .but other classes still have easier time to dash out dmg .

You misread my comment, I meant my scepter clones doing Ether Barrage (the ambush) from IH.

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@Abelisk.4527 said:

@musu.9205 said:

@Abelisk.4527 said:What about the conditions from the clones? I saw someone earlier stacking like 12 conf using clones.

sitting behind clones and let them do dmg for you never worked for pvp .everyone said this to anet before gw2 launched 5 years ago . and we still got this crap with devs trying to make "new dodge let mesmer hide behind clone ". this design choice is flawed , it made mesmer the noob killer and gathered so much hate from new pvp players while the skilled players will easily target real mesmer will shut it down .but hey anet balanced gw2 around random idea anyway .

you can do that with chrono already and you wont have issue to generate clones or have to worry about random AA kill your clones , thats all your dmg source .and you can use phants without hitting your dps .

there are so much wrong with this spec . it might work with an interrupt power build .but other classes still have easier time to dash out dmg .

You misread my comment, I meant my scepter clones doing Ether Barrage (the ambush) from IH.

oh anyway , for that you need more than one clone and its not ideal for pvp .sitting behind your illusion and let them do dmg for you. it did not work . it will not work in pvp. not to mention you have to use dodge or a skill to trigger ambush which makes it totally worthless .

in pve . 3 iduelist still does better dps (hard numbers).but number can be changed to favor more clone play . also we really need new playstyle like what other elites got . right now , even IH with clone is stupid passive playstle .

what i wanted : a way to shatter for better dps in pve . but what we got : exactly same build as condi mesmer with a bit of dmg increase from axe aa. and btw condi mes is only strong for carin and matt where you may want to use a ranged weapon .

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I agree it is sad - if IH was gm minor and we could take both these traits together, mirage would be exponentially more fun to play.

While Elusive Mind is a decent trait and pretty much mandatory in any form of pvp or wvw, IH is far more fun and gives a flavour to mirage that makes it unique and more interesting than core mesmer or chrono.

It's really cool to see 3 staff clones all throwing out chaos vortex, or axe clones throwing out all the axes - but it's not functional to ignore Elusive Mind in a competitive environment.

Currently I'd rather gimp myself and use IH for mirage because it's more fun, or otherwise just go back to shatter spam chrono which is better.

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