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What is Revenant supposed to do in PvP?


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Rev is actually really good in the current meta. Boon corrupts and condis still are abit of a problem but rev still has a ton of evades if used correctly you can sustain alone for quite long even outnumbered. All these complaiments sound more like l2p-issues since rev is probably the hardest class learn to utilize it's full potential.

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@Spicy.2481 said:Rev is actually really good in the current meta. Boon corrupts and condis still are abit of a problem but rev still has a ton of evades if used correctly you can sustain alone for quite long even outnumbered. All these complaiments sound more like l2p-issues since rev is probably the hardest class learn to utilize it's full potential.

Ya power rev is okay in this meta, but far from being good. And this hardest class to learn is the biggest bullshit that gets stupidly repeated. It is not. It is just poorly designed. Plain and simple. This is why it has been either on the fringe of viability or nearly useless for over a year now.

And the only build that is somewhat viable is power shiro/glint with sword and staff. Nothing else is even remotely viable in any competitive PvP scenario.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Spicy.2481 said:Rev is actually really good in the current meta. Boon corrupts and condis still are abit of a problem but rev still has a ton of evades if used correctly you can sustain alone for quite long even outnumbered. All these complaiments sound more like l2p-issues since rev is probably the hardest class learn to utilize it's full potential.

Ya power rev is okay in this meta, but far from being good. And this hardest class to learn is the biggest kitten that gets stupidly repeated. It is not. It is just poorly designed. Plain and simple. This is why it has been either on the fringe of viability or nearly useless for over a year now.

And the only build that is somewhat viable is power shiro/glint with sword and staff. Nothing else is even remotely viable in any competitive PvP scenario.

Hardest class to learn and poorly designed are not contradictory adjectives. In all reality, the rev is a little harder to learn than most because of it's percieved design flaws.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:During teamfights it feels like yes, I can burst and even down players but as long as the fight is going I have no way to secure the stomp. And it feels like any profession has something to do so - wars can pop stances, guardians have multiple block choices, necros are tanks by design, thieves can stealth, eles can block or mistform, mesmers... hehe, engineers can eli S, rangers same as necros + stealth. With rev it feels like if I allow myself to stop - I'm dead.

Well, as a general rule, Revenant's shouldn't stomp since they have the strongest down cleave in the game. The Impossible Odds change (nerf) did knock this down quite a few pegs, but it's still quite strong.

If you do want to stomp somebody you aren't without your tools tho... You can use Gaze of Darkness to blind their down-cc while you stomp them, and if you are for whatever reason playing Hammer Rev in a post IO nerf world, you can use hammer 4 to block the downstate with positioning--much like how DH's do with f3. You can also use Facet of Light to cover yourself while doing so. Is it as strong as shadowstep stomping or distorting? Obviously not... But there ARE ways of making it happen if you really wanna shame somebody with your finisher.

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@narcx.3570 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:During teamfights it feels like yes, I can burst and even down players but as long as the fight is going I have no way to secure the stomp. And it feels like any profession has something to do so - wars can pop stances, guardians have multiple block choices, necros are tanks by design, thieves can stealth, eles can block or mistform, mesmers... hehe, engineers can eli S, rangers same as necros + stealth. With rev it feels like if I allow myself to stop - I'm dead.

Well, as a general rule, Revenant's shouldn't stomp since they have the strongest down cleave in the game. The Impossible Odds change (nerf) did knock this down quite a few pegs, but it's still quite strong.

If you do want to stomp somebody you aren't without your tools tho... You can use Gaze of Darkness to blind their down-cc while you stomp them, and if you are for whatever reason playing Hammer Rev in a post IO nerf world, you can use hammer 4 to block the downstate with positioning--much like how DH's do with f3. You can also use Facet of Light to cover yourself while doing so. Is it as strong as shadowstep stomping or distorting? Obviously not... But there ARE ways of making it happen if you really wanna shame somebody with your finisher.

What you say is true, and I used these things (especially blind from facet) a lot. However it works mostly in duels, while teamfights are different thing and in that context my previous post was written.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:During teamfights it feels like yes, I can burst and even down players but as long as the fight is going I have no way to secure the stomp. And it feels like any profession has something to do so - wars can pop stances, guardians have multiple block choices, necros are tanks by design, thieves can stealth, eles can block or mistform, mesmers... hehe, engineers can eli S, rangers same as necros + stealth. With rev it feels like if I allow myself to stop - I'm dead.

Well, as a general rule, Revenant's shouldn't stomp since they have the strongest down cleave in the game. The Impossible Odds change (nerf) did knock this down quite a few pegs, but it's still quite strong.

If you do want to stomp somebody you aren't without your tools tho... You can use Gaze of Darkness to blind their down-cc while you stomp them, and if you are for whatever reason playing Hammer Rev in a post IO nerf world, you can use hammer 4 to block the downstate with positioning--much like how DH's do with f3. You can also use Facet of Light to cover yourself while doing so. Is it as strong as shadowstep stomping or distorting? Obviously not... But there ARE ways of making it happen if you really wanna shame somebody with your finisher.

What you say is true, and I used these things (especially blind from facet) a lot. However it works mostly in duels, while teamfights are different thing and in that context my previous post was written.

But in team fights, maybe once in fifty downs is it a better idea to stomp instead of cleave... Obviously that's a made up statistic, but the idea behind it holds true. Generally the only reason you'd stomp in a team fight (unless you are a mesmer or a thief) is to show the other team how bad you think they are.

To elaborate: First and foremost, a revenant's cleave finishes somebody faster than a stomp animation does anyways... The only situation where a stomp would be faster is if they have multiple rezers. But if the other team is power rezing, not only will they likely complete the rez before your stomp animation finishes, but that's the OPTIMAL time to be cleaving anyways since it lets you to put huge pressure on three targets at once with little personal risk. Even if nobody is trying to rez, cleaving isn't negated by unavoidable class mechanics such as wisp form/downstate teleport and if you get interrupted or have to bail out, your time wasn't wasted since you pushed the person that much further towards being dead/increased the time that they are downstate and out of the fight.

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I'm currently low Platinum and I've been playing Rev. I feel it's a really strong + 1 fighter because you can chill/slow twice on top of immobilize and pull in like few seconds so it usually ends 2v1s very fast. I don't recommend using hammer but it does work well in lower ranking games where you get away with slamming CoR without ppl jumping on you..

For team fights so far it seems like a bad idea to jump in first because you are very squishy, rather jump in later after a clear target is seen and time your infused light properly.

I think Rev overall has better team fight aoe damage than other super powerful +1 fighters like thief and mes, but less ways to disengage than them without sacrificing a lot of good stuff.. And I guess that is to say if I see a mes and thief on my team, I should probably consider switching to a class that holds a point better. I guess you could swap into some ventari blow people off the point alacrity build and trait in the 50% dmg/condi reduction for the team when ur in dwarf (to be tried)

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@narcx.3570 said:

Well, as a general rule, Revenant's shouldn't stomp since they have the strongest down cleave in the game. The Impossible Odds change (nerf) did knock this down quite a few pegs, but it's still quite strong.

Heard about Scourges, Tempest, Weavers?

Also, every time I read about how fine is working Rev in plat/leg tiers in random matches of pugs wielded by capable players and how good is as a +1 I wonder why is then so largely absent in relevant places at the automated monthly tournaments since the PoF release. I guess that when you play in a conformed team with a clear plan and the goal of winning it's real value (or the lack of it) in the light of filling one of those five slots becomes more evident. Once you have 4 slots (lets say Mesmer, Guardian, Necro, Thief) there's not much sense in having around a Revenant if you can run instead a Warrior, Ranger, Engineer or even Ele.

So yes, once you discard the other 8 classes in the game the Rev feels really strong, solid and robust (specially compared to keeping the slot empty); too bad there's no structured PvP game mode for 10 vs 10...

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"narcx.3570" said:

Well, as a general rule, Revenant's shouldn't stomp since they have the strongest down cleave in the game. The Impossible Odds change (nerf) did knock this down quite a few pegs, but it's still quite strong.

Heard about Scourges, Tempest, Weavers?

Also, every time I read about how fine is working Rev in plat/leg tiers in random matches of pugs wielded by capable players and how good is as a +1 I wonder why is then so largely absent in relevant places at the automated monthly tournaments since the PoF release. I guess that when you play in a conformed team with a clear plan and the goal of winning it's real value (or the lack of it) in the light of filling one of those five slots becomes more evident. Once you have 4 slots (lets say Mesmer, Guardian, Necro, Thief) there's not much sense in having around a Revenant if you can run instead a Warrior, Ranger, Engineer or even Ele.

Scourges down cleave is nowhere near as strong as a revenant? Downstates don't even have any boons to corrupt... Yeah, they can drop a shade on the corpse, but that's whatever, it might deter a few people, but it is no where near as punishing to somebody who's prepared for it and looking to rez as your sword cleave is. I guess ya, a zerker weaver also would have a very strong down cleave (tempest not so much), but they can't stand there and do it with the dedication that a rev can because they are squishpants to the max... Literally nobody is going to just let a weaver stand back and unleash max deeps--once you see they're not running a support ele build, they're going to be the #1 first priority target every fight, kind of like a rifle deadeye meme'er, except w/o the escape.

Also, I never said Revenant was the strongest class in the game, or even mentioned how the were working fine at high levels... I was just giving tips to somebody who said they were having a hard time trying to secure stomps on their Revenant? Just trying to make somebody's experience a little better, not trying to convince anybody to "pleeeease, stick with your rev, they're great, I swear!" In fact, I kind of wish a lot of people would stop playing rev so I don't have to see daily QQ about how it's unfair to have to manage their energy, only have two legends for the two minutes a month they spend underwater, and that they can't use a great sword to complete their edgemaster cosplay. :tongue:

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@narcx.3570 said:In fact, I kind of wish a lot of people would stop playing rev so I don't have to see daily QQ about how it's unfair to have to manage their energy, only have two legends for the two minutes a month they spend underwater, and that they can't use a great sword to complete their edgemaster cosplay. :tongue:

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@narcx.3570 said:

Well, as a general rule, Revenant's shouldn't stomp since they have the strongest down cleave in the game. The Impossible Odds change (nerf) did knock this down quite a few pegs, but it's still quite strong.

Heard about Scourges, Tempest, Weavers?

Also, every time I read about how fine is working Rev in plat/leg tiers in random matches of pugs wielded by capable players and how good is as a +1 I wonder why is then so largely absent in relevant places at the automated monthly tournaments since the PoF release. I guess that when you play in a conformed team with a clear plan and the goal of winning it's real value (or the lack of it) in the light of filling one of those five slots becomes more evident. Once you have 4 slots (lets say Mesmer, Guardian, Necro, Thief) there's not much sense in having around a Revenant if you can run instead a Warrior, Ranger, Engineer or even Ele.

Scourges down cleave is nowhere near as strong as a revenant? Downstates don't even have any boons to corrupt... Yeah, they can drop a shade on the corpse, but that's whatever, it might deter a few people, but it is no where near as punishing to somebody who's prepared for it and looking to rez as your sword cleave is. I guess ya, a zerker weaver also would have a very strong down cleave (tempest not so much), but they can't stand there and do it with the dedication that a rev can because they are squishpants to the max... Literally nobody is going to just let a weaver stand back and unleash max deeps--once you see they're not running a support ele build, they're going to be the #1 first priority target every fight, kind of like a rifle deadeye meme'er, except w/o the escape.

Also, I never said Revenant was the strongest class in the game, or even mentioned how the were working fine at high levels... I was just giving tips to somebody who said they were having a hard time trying to secure stomps on their Revenant? Just trying to make somebody's experience a little better, not trying to convince anybody to "pleeeease, stick with your rev, they're great, I swear!" In fact, I kind of wish a lot of people would stop playing rev so I don't have to see daily QQ about how it's unfair to have to manage their energy, only have two legends for the two minutes a month they spend underwater, and that they can't use a great sword to complete their edgemaster cosplay. :tongue:

The scourge Rez cleave is not about cleaving the downed person but the rezers. Considering it can be performed at range, dish insane amount of damage, and corrupt and corrupt stability, it is currently the king downed cleave. No power build on any class has that capacity. You might be able to deal more damage, but that does not mean much, if you cannot remove the rezers.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@narcx.3570 said:In fact, I kind of wish a lot of people would stop playing rev so I don't have to see daily QQ about how it's unfair to have to manage their energy, only have two legends for the two minutes a month they spend underwater, and that they can't use a great sword to complete their edgemaster cosplay. :tongue:

200% this

Can we have a day without daily necro/mesmer qq?

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Had a very strange match last night at gold tier 2 in Kyhlo. I was running marauder herald with hammer + sword + axe, the enemy team had a power Herald with staff + sword + shield; our team had a Scourge, theirs had two.

We won the first teamfight at the clock, but the match went even up to the 250/250 score. I noticed that the Rev had a lot of sustain, and our team was unable to down him at their home (He died a couple of times at middle, but after long fights). He ended decaping our home, and was pretty much unkillable in 1 vs 1. I tried to figure which build was using, and this is my best guess:


I don't known if He was using Celestial amulet; maybe was Avatar, Maybe Paladin. His damage wasn't high, but the current meta is mostly power, and due the wide array of cc the build has and His smart use of Crystal Hybernation and Infuse Light He was able to contest a point for ages, forcing us to go 2 vs 1 and making us to lost the match by a broad margin. Not sure of how viable could be at higher tiers (maybe is just a poor's man version of a bunker Firebrand, and while hard to kill wasn't much a menace in terms of pressure), but I'm intrigued about using one to contest the enemy node and to force them to waste resources contesting their base. I'm having good time with the hammer (scoring 15+ enemy kills with almost no death when we win) but that kills oftenly isn't transpiring in more wins.

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@otto.5684 said:

Well, as a general rule, Revenant's shouldn't stomp since they have the strongest down cleave in the game. The Impossible Odds change (nerf) did knock this down quite a few pegs, but it's still quite strong.

Heard about Scourges, Tempest, Weavers?

Also, every time I read about how fine is working Rev in plat/leg tiers in random matches of pugs wielded by capable players and how good is as a +1 I wonder why is then so largely absent in relevant places at the automated monthly tournaments since the PoF release. I guess that when you play in a conformed team with a clear plan and the goal of winning it's real value (or the lack of it) in the light of filling one of those five slots becomes more evident. Once you have 4 slots (lets say Mesmer, Guardian, Necro, Thief) there's not much sense in having around a Revenant if you can run instead a Warrior, Ranger, Engineer or even Ele.

Scourges down cleave is nowhere near as strong as a revenant? Downstates don't even have any boons to corrupt... Yeah, they can drop a shade on the corpse, but that's whatever, it might deter a few people, but it is no where near as punishing to somebody who's prepared for it and looking to rez as your sword cleave is. I guess ya, a zerker weaver also would have a very strong down cleave (tempest not so much), but they can't stand there and do it with the dedication that a rev can because they are squishpants to the max... Literally nobody is going to just let a weaver stand back and unleash max deeps--once you see they're not running a support ele build, they're going to be the #1 first priority target every fight, kind of like a rifle deadeye meme'er, except w/o the escape.

Also, I never said Revenant was the strongest class in the game, or even mentioned how the were working fine at high levels... I was just giving tips to somebody who said they were having a hard time trying to secure stomps on their Revenant? Just trying to make somebody's experience a little better, not trying to convince anybody to "pleeeease, stick with your rev, they're great, I swear!" In fact, I kind of wish a lot of people would stop playing rev so I don't have to see daily QQ about how it's unfair to have to manage their energy, only have two legends for the two minutes a month they spend underwater, and that they can't use a great sword to complete their edgemaster cosplay. :tongue:

The scourge Rez cleave is not about cleaving the downed person but the rezers. Considering it can be performed at range, dish insane amount of damage, and corrupt and corrupt stability, it is currently the king downed cleave. No power build on any class has that capacity. You might be able to deal more damage, but that does not mean much, if you cannot remove the rezers.

To add to this scourge shade skills are instant cast and which makes them much better at cleaving through counter cc, and lastly they have access to aoe poison (albeit not as much as reaper) which is huge for preventing rezes.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:Isn't staff/sw+sh standard bunker rev setup? If so, his build must be on metabattle

Technically there's not such thing as a "bunker rev", at least not since the nerfs to the retribution traitline in October 2016. Last year Ventari got buff to have enough cc to disrupt control points and to force decaps, but was later debufed due the spammy (and annoying) nature of the build. Currently metabattle lacks any Conquest build for Rev (probably for better).

As I said, this is new to me: didn't saw a Glint+Shiro build geared towards sustain in a long, long time, and yesterday the performance surprised me. Again, this was in gold tier 2, so doesn't mean that would work at plat/leg, but I'll probably try it a bit with my second Rev.

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:Isn't staff/sw+sh standard bunker rev setup? If so, his build must be on metabattle

Technically there's not such thing as a "bunker rev", at least not since the nerfs to the retribution traitline in October 2016. Last year Ventari got buff to have enough cc to disrupt control points and to force decaps, but was later debufed due the spammy (and annoying) nature of the build. Currently metabattle lacks any Conquest build for Rev (probably for better).

As I said, this is new to me: didn't saw a Glint+Shiro build geared towards sustain in a long, long time, and yesterday the performance surprised me. Again, this was in gold tier 2, so doesn't mean that would work at plat/leg, but I'll probably try it a bit with my second Rev.

Did you get excited and instantly PT+sw4/2 crit him for 13k+ when you saw him pop Crystal Hibernation? Those are the sitting duck moments I dream of, but never get to see...

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@narcx.3570 said:

Did you get excited and instantly PT+sw4/2 crit him for 13k+ when you saw him pop Crystal Hibernation? Those are the sitting duck moments I dream of, but never get to see...

Multiple Unrelenting Assault vs UA, Crystal Hybernation, Warding Mist and Surge of the Mist happened by my part, for sure (He also casted UAs and SotM vs my Phase Smash), because when a fight last more than 3 minutes silly things happens.

By the way, was testing amulets vs golems and I'm prone to think that was either an Avatar, Paladin or Menders: Celestian with the current stats in PvP seems a waste. Would you think that healing power is a factor here? Paladin and Avatar do similar damage but Avatar sacrifices armor for healing power; Mender's brings a little less damage ikn the trade of more healing power, but with low armor as Avatar. Not sure what would work better. Any tips?

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@Buran.3796 said:

Did you get excited and instantly PT+sw4/2 crit him for 13k+ when you saw him pop Crystal Hibernation? Those are the sitting duck moments I dream of, but never get to see...

Multiple Unrelenting Assault vs UA, Crystal Hybernation, Warding Mist and Surge of the Mist happened by my part, for sure (He also casted UAs and SotM vs my Phase Smash), because when a fight last more than 3 minutes silly things happens.

By the way, was testing amulets vs golems and I'm prone to think that was either an Avatar, Paladin or Menders: Celestian with the current stats in PvP seems a waste. Would you think that healing power is a factor here? Paladin and Avatar do similar damage but Avatar sacrifices armor for healing power; Mender's brings a little less damage ikn the trade of more healing power, but with low armor as Avatar. Not sure what would work better. Any tips?

The last season before PoF came out I was playing quite a bit of Hybrid Sage Rev and felt that the healing power was pretty noticeable... Regen was ticking for over 200, the Mallyx heal was quite chunky, and shield 4/5 didn't feel so useless. I'm not sure how great toughness really is for Revs in sPvP tho cuz it does nothing vs. condi's and Herald already has plenty of defenses against power damage in the form of i-frames/protect/chill/weakness, which feels like more than enough with how fast the fights are compared to say WvW where toughness is a lot more useful due to the lengthy drawn out encounters...

If I had to go for some tankiness beyond Marauders, I would probably do Healing or even just extra Vitality, but in this metascape I still think it'd better just to focus on pure damage (with maybe Hardening Persistence as an extra cushion for cleaving downs or really stepping into a kill) since not even Nomads or Minstrels would let you stay on a point. I mean with Surging gone, you're pretty much going to be running Leadership every game (so thats some free t/v/hp), unless you just decide to go crazy and meme hard with Scholars or Rage or something. But if you do want to go Healing Power, I would drop Aassassins Annihilation and Shiro because hp scales terrrrrrrrribly with life steal.

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@"narcx.3570" said:

But if you do want to go Healing Power, I would drop Aassassins Annihilation and Shiro because hp scales terrrrrrrrribly with life steal.

...So the healing power from the Avatar amulet wouldn't worth it in terms of scaling with Shiro/Assassin's Annihilation, but could help better other skills and traits? Well, Paladin rises the armor from ~2300 to ~2800, and in the current "meta" only Scourges and a few Engineers and Thieves run condi damage, so is not that bad (the goal is not to being able to endure the control point vs everything but having sustain enough to make the fight long and even better to force enemies to rotate 2+ players against you).

I mean: going for pure damage with marauder and axe or off hand sword is better in the large scheme of things, but while playing against pugs I was testing yesterday some matches with Avatar amulet and shield (but changed the absorption sigils for escape) and did work well in maps as Nifthel, Kyhlo or Foefire (in which you can reach the far node very fast), but went to hammer again any time large maps with wide lines of vision as Capricorn or the Colliseum arised.

Need to test more and try Paladin also, but the builds seems to be decent at the task of being annoying :)

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"narcx.3570" said:

But if you do want to go Healing Power, I would drop Aassassins Annihilation and Shiro because hp scales terrrrrrrrribly with life steal.

...So the healing power from the Avatar amulet wouldn't worth it in terms of scaling with Shiro/Assassin's Annihilation, but could help better other skills and traits? Well, Paladin rises the armor from ~2300 to ~2800, and in the current "meta" only Scourges and a few Engineers and Thieves run condi damage, so is not that bad (the goal is not to being able to endure the control point vs everything but having sustain enough to make the fight long and even better to force enemies to rotate 2+ players against you).

I mean: going for pure damage with marauder and axe or off hand sword is better in the large scheme of things, but while playing against pugs I was testing yesterday some matches with Avatar amulet and shield (but changed the absorption sigils for escape) and did work well in maps as Nifthel, Kyhlo or Foefire (in which you can reach the far node very fast), but went to hammer again any time large maps with wide lines of vision as Capricorn or the Colliseum arised.

Need to test more and try Paladin also, but the builds seems to be decent at the task of being annoying :)

Sigil of escape is my jam... I slowly went from running it in a few select matchups to just all the time because all anyone does is immob spam in team fights.

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Five Necros One Hammer:

Disclaimer: the footage could hurt Scourge's sensitivities; lots of "broken" Necros.

This was funny but depicts a lof of my matches with Hammer Rev in open maps: tons of damage, a large amount of kills with barely any death but oftenly not necessarily conductive to a victory. Had some struggle selecting targets due recently one of the keys from my Mamba passed away, so had to place the function in the wheel and my muscle memory is still adapting to the change.

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@"Buran.3796" said:Five Necros One Hammer:

Disclaimer: the footage could hurt Scourge's sensitivities; lots of "broken" Necros.

This was funny but depicts a lof of my matches with Hammer Rev in open maps: tons of damage, a large amount of kills with barely any death but oftenly not necessarily conductive to a victory. Had some struggle selecting targets due recently one of the keys from my Mamba passed away, so had to place the function in the wheel and my muscle memory is still adapting to the change.

nice vid and i am happy you took the time and put it up

some notes for me as i try to compare hammer to SByou hardly hit phase smash. mostly it hits on the down and when 2 necro once stood on point.phase smash had a nice hit on necro when he was out of endurance and just walk backward at the end of the fight. you hit 7k.drop the hammer again hardly to never hits only on the downthe main dmg came from coalescence of ruine which hit less than 50% of the time on average of 4k dmgmost dmg came from AAyour AA did about 2k dps (dmg per second) with hammer and while on shiro you had around 4-10 might stackswhen you had nice fight dueling the ele the hammer didnt serve you at all.you couldnt pressure the necro on their point and they pushed you away from them with shade aoe.

your hammer was most effective where your team had the upper hand and winning already.

my sb AA hit more than 2k dps and bloodbane path does around 3k dps.scorchrazor hits more than drop the hammer slow animation

i think you should play with s/s especially versus necro as the opening with #4 and #5 can kill them so fast

continue to do more vids!!! pls

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