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Playing Guild Wars 2 on Linux - Performance optimizations and more.

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5 hours ago, Sina.9208 said:

I just wish there was a way to bypass the launcher, I'm using scripts to switch between my two accounts anyway. I would imagine many of you are the same. (I already did this before I migrated to Linux)

Look at this 'awful.menu' I made to manage GW2 :-).




I assume that it should be possible to make an alternate launcher since people have done it for other MMOs (the example that comes to mind is XIVLauncher for FFXIV).

I would however prefer that Anet updates the -autologin command line option to bypass the launcher entirely if you already have credentials saved and your game is up to date. It would also be an improvement to the experience for people with Steam accounts since they wouldn't need to press Play again in the GW2 launcher after pressing Play in Steam.

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In case someone is a bit of a Linux noobie, but is still using an Arch derivative, then this is what they have to do to TEMPORARILY fix this problem:

(Be advised that this is the exact practice that often breaks Arch systems down the road, though it's an easy fix)

run this:

sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/p/pixman/pixman-0.42.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

And then edit your pacman.conf to disable updates for this package. (for example: sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf )


IgnorePkg   = pixman

to the [options] section!



Edited by Sina.9208
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On 1/11/2024 at 11:58 PM, Nemecyst.5437 said:

I assume that it should be possible to make an alternate launcher since people have done it for other MMOs (the example that comes to mind is XIVLauncher for FFXIV).

Another alternative would be to have some way to just run the launcher in a regular window. Its incredibly likely that the transparency effects used to create the irregularly shaped window cause these issues. Some launch option to just run it without fancy graphics would be nice.

I'm relatively sure ESO's launcher has the exact same problem if you run pixman 43.0-1, along with any other launcher/program that uses that kind of transparency.

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So... Arch still has the old version of pixman for 32-bit 😑

I've posted my current findings to the pixman issue tracker, after trying to build and load pixman myself.

Please, ArenaNet, stop relying on 32-bit in your game.


Edit: While I still maintain abolishing 32-bit, the actual problem seems to be quite weird. Having "0.43.0" as the version of pixman causes hangs, but changing the number (even arbitrarily!) makes all the hangs go away! I smell an xorg bug...

Edited by Hell Nirvana.9045
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The launcher still "works" for me but my entire system sans the launcher is unresponsive while it's running. After the game boots up everything goes back to normal. Running on an Arch system and using Proton Experimental via Steam to launch the game.

I'm using X11 via Cinnamon, GPU is Radeon RX Vega 6

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7 hours ago, Hell Nirvana.9045 said:

Edit: While I still maintain abolishing 32-bit, the actual problem seems to be quite weird. Having "0.43.0" as the version of pixman causes hangs, but changing the number (even arbitrarily!) makes all the hangs go away! I smell an xorg bug...

Just changing the version number fixes it? lol

That's pretty much all i can say. I'm hoping this will be fixed with plasma 6 if nothing else. It does seem to be kwin/plasmashell that are freaking out after all.

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9 hours ago, PzTnT.7198 said:

It does seem to be kwin/plasmashell that are freaking out after all.

It's not related to Plasma or Kwin. It's easy to reproduce this crash on virtually any DE or WM config.



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14 hours ago, PzTnT.7198 said:

I'm hoping this will be fixed with plasma 6 if nothing else.

Pixman is a central library for pixel manipulation on Linux; it's not limited to Plasma.


4 hours ago, Sina.9208 said:

It's easy to reproduce this crash on virtually any DE or WM config.

Yup! My money is on an obscure xorg bug that doesn't like the number 0.43.0 😂

Edited by Hell Nirvana.9045
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44 minutes ago, Hell Nirvana.9045 said:

Yup! My money is on an obscure xorg bug that doesn't like the number 0.43.0 😂

It would be interesting to try running GW2 with the new Wine Wayland beta, or whatever it's called.

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On 1/14/2024 at 4:22 PM, Hell Nirvana.9045 said:

Yup! My money is on an obscure xorg bug that doesn't like the number 0.43.0 😂

So the answer for everything is not 42 but 43? Those mices miscalculated something or it is a floating point rounding error...

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1 hour ago, zistenz.1945 said:

So the answer for everything is not 42 but 43? Those mices miscalculated something or it is a floating point rounding error...

Yes. Just because the meson.build file is at version "0.43.0", somehow causes these freezes.

This might go all the way to compiler, which would be GCC in this case.

Edited by Hell Nirvana.9045
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That makes the solution fairly straightforward at least. Just put pixman and lib32-pixman on the ignore list until they release their next stable version, which should be 0.43.2. At least how i understand their weird version number scheme.

Edited by PzTnT.7198
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6 hours ago, Hell Nirvana.9045 said:

I wouldn't blame Arch completely, version 0.43.0 is listed as part of the stable releases by upstream.

See list of stable versions: https://cairographics.org/releases/

Versus list of development versions: https://cairographics.org/snapshots/

My guess is that pixman got handed over to a different maintainer who wasn't aware of the versioning scheme either.

Edited by Nemecyst.5437
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On 1/16/2024 at 11:24 PM, Nemecyst.5437 said:

My guess is that pixman got handed over to a different maintainer who wasn't aware of the versioning scheme either.

The person who made the version bump doesn't have a lot of commits on the project, but the oldest ones are from 2021. Perhaps this was just a slip-up.


Edit: And an oopsie it was.

Edited by Hell Nirvana.9045
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Can confirm that this bug iz reproducible on anything that uze wayland: Gnome, KDE, Hyprland, Zway.... or with XFCE4 (X11) if I uze Linux-zen kernel and azzociate nvidia-dkmz driver on real hardware.

Im uzing GarudaLinux KDE (Wayland to X11 bridge) on Azpire 7 (AMD 5650U 32GB 512GB Nvidia 3050 Mobile variant).

It iz downright annoying every 3 monthz that I need to wipe my ZZD on thiz laptop.

Edited by Mai Le Nhat Khanh.9561
Changed "Wayland with X11 bridge" to "Wayland to X11 bridge"
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Since the last update, the launcher is totally bugged on Wine/Linux.
Me and my partner are touched.

The system just freeze as soon as I start the game, and the launcher is strange, with missing part.
No input form, no Asura NPC displayed, sometime transparent part…
I'm not able to do a screenshot because all is freeze at this time.

Seems reducing the FPS with the -fps option or via DXVK_FRAME_RATE seems reducing the trouble, with at least a way to click on the "Start" button, but I bet we will no more be able to play the day when we will be requested to input our password…
The launcher seems just hammering the GPU/CPU with something.

Perhaps it's something related to


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On 1/20/2024 at 12:27 PM, aeris.5846 said:

The launcher seems just hammering the GPU/CPU with something.

Please read the last 2 pages in this thread. You'll find the answer as to how to fix it & what's causing it. Though if you are using Manjaro the downgrade process could be different. (though I think pacman is still pacman, so it should work.

Edited by Sina.9208
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from 12th december path i take a very strange bug.unpredicate but game is like to lost conenction  with server.it can be happens after 2 min of game or after 2 hours... ofc arc metric is show gray digits in column of server response.  kitten happens as within arc that without. as in lutris that in pure steam run. any  XD idea to where i need dig for spotted that error and try to fix?

other games is ok even path of exile in a long maps run

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It bugged me without end: the game was very smooth, except when on the launcher. The launcher pushes the CPU to 100% and I can't even enter the 2FA for the network.

Switched (on manjaro) from pixman 0.43.0 to pixman-git 0.43.0.r1.g8e4be8c-1 from AUR and everything works fine now.

As a side note, using both steam with proton experimental and lutris with wine-ge-8-25.

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