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Bug: The Charge [merged]

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@"damegreywulf.3829" said:Same thing happened, same place. The "fix" really seems to be to back off. Kind of annoying to just run in a circle and healing while waiting for her to be bothered enough to summon that final shade.

I tried that and she still wound up dying somehow; I don't know if she got too close while I was taking down the Dying Stars and she got hit by cleave, or Braham or Claw of Jormag killed her, but either way she died and never summoned that final shade, no matter how much I tried to avoid hitting her.

I honestly cannot get past this part until this is fixed.

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I just got to the step you described above and the same thing happened to my party. In The Charge instance my husband and I were able to kill Commander Lonai but "Send an energy signal to Blish" was only 2/3 of the way full. We were unable to further send any signal or get ourselves killed so we had to leave the instance unfinished. We will try again later but this is still a problem and is not fully fixed yet.

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@endirasae.3015 said:In the Jormag part of the mission, Lonai's dead, and no additional shades. Stuck. Can't continue, assume I'll have to log out to leave...

If you start the quest again it will bring you back to the Claw of Jormag with Lonai at about 15-20% health.

I have to say this ranks at #2 of my least favorite boss fights. #1 is the Caudecus fight from Season 3, episode 4 and #2 is Hounds fight from Season 3, episode 5.

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The same issue happens to me: Lonai is dead, I can't send a signal. Then I'm stucked with Broham and the Dragon. When I cloese the game and reenter the story she is already at low level and with all I tried (not to attack her) I never managed to get the signal to Blish done.


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Same here....what about my lost time ??? its not m fault this instance is still bugged after a week ...now i will lose another 30 minute to do all over again...and btw...i cant fight Lonai, i just cant manage her damage......i just dps her, retry when I die, dps again ...why the fights with the bosses are so poorly designed?

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i just did this one agen on my main thief and man this boss sucks to fight i killed the boss 4 times before i could get it to clear right this realy needs to be looked at hard so players dont just quiet for geting to frustrated with it from not being able to move on. i did notice one of the times i just though the fire ball at the boss and it killed her out right funy but buggy as heck if your trying to get the story finished. i have also noticed a lot of achevments are bugged as well making them inposible to get.

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Yet another "me too". Can't progress. Frustrating after going though the whole story (and running into a "you're stuck in the wall and can't do anything" problem which required a restart as well).

I guess I'll take this an an opportunity to work on being patient and wait for a patch before trying again.

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I got this bug yesterday too. Honestly it was the second big bug during almost 5 years because I don't pay much attention on small things. It's good that I could return to the chapter to the moment in Tundra. I tryed to hit balls more than Commander Lonai and she made 2 portals but haven't still created the last one - only balls. She was at 1-2% and I throw an enegry on her and got interrapted! Then she created the last portal and got downed. So I had my happy end. Anyway I hope that Anet will fix it for others. ^^

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