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chaithh builds


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I been playing engineer for years and everything feels like garbage. BUT i visited chaithh on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/chaithh

I tried some of his builds and man i started winning in spvp and wvw.

I just want to say a few things. Engineer has really low ball amounts of builds. Chaithh's builds work and after trying them i really can't bother to experiment or try anything else. I guess i am basically calling chaithh a god. His builds work. His builds actually keep engineer viable and probably are the reasons for so many dang nerfs.

Most of the engineer skills are garbage / same with traits. But chaithh actually is able to squeeze out some powerful builds out of the class.

I am not going to lie, before i started using chaithh's builds - i would always build garbage engineer builds and experiment and try different armors and amulets and constant stat swapping.

Engineer DOES'NT have a lot of viable builds - but chaithh has some good ones. And i think that after trying his builds - i can't really use anything else. Call me a cheater or a copy cat - but his builds are good. Everything else sucks.

I think if they fixed some of the traits and kits and skills - engineer would be more viable and have more open builds. But for now engineer has a few powerful builds and everything else is garbage.

I learn that engineer is highly build dependent. The right build can carry you and the wrong build will make you die and get eaten like a little shrimp.

Any ways you should check out chaithh on twitch -he's the best engineer player in NA and EU i think.


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guys engi has a lot of viable builds. at least holosmith has. But you have to understand what is your build made for. 1v1 on point? team fights? utility glass canon. if you get to know the synergy of the traits and you start using the skills correctly then you can play and create your own build that suits you better. Chaith was one of the reasons i started playing engi.

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@zoopop.5630 said:best? I don't know about that, but highly respected and looked upon? yes indeed he is.

If he isn't the best he is one of the best 2 or 3 come on now lol. Its almost impossible to say who the best is but what proof are you going to use to say he isn't. He is good enough to say subjectively that at least at some point he was the best engineer playing.

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@Lunateric.3708 said:Zan is probably the best engi PvP player for both servers with all honesty but Chaith isn't bad.

@Lunateric.3708 said:Zan is probably the best engi PvP player for both servers with all honesty but Chaith isn't bad.

Thanks for being so charitable lol. Have you made any money playing this game? I mean I don't even like Chaith on a personal level I feel like he is one of these types that always sides with the devs and he has actually gotten amulets removed from the game (because imo it hurt his team's perferred play style) when the devs used to listen very closely to top players and teams but come on now lol who are you to act like he isn't a great player. He is.

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@brannigan.9831 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:best? I don't know about that, but highly respected and looked upon? yes indeed he is.

If he isn't the best he is one of the best 2 or 3 come on now lol. Its almost impossible to say who the best is but what proof are you going to use to say he isn't.

matter of opinions.... personally helio is top 1 to me, but again it's a matter of opinions as to why.

chaith good possibly top 10 without a doubt maybe even top 5 but again it doesn't matter whos top 1 their all about the same level.

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Soooo... all the Chaith fan-ism and not so fan-ism is ok, but... what are the builds? How does he plays? Why are those builds recommendable? What is the purpose of this thread? Can you offer an overview of the 2 hour video, so we know if we want to see it all?

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@Ardid.7203 said:Soooo... all the Chaith fan-ism and not so fan-ism is ok, but... what are the builds? How does he plays? Why are those builds recommendable? What is the purpose of this thread? Can you offer an overview of the 2 hour video, so we know if we want to see it all?

most likely the basic current thumper build spec or rocket-boots with exilir U and S with tool trait-line instead of invent. Other then that not sure what other build he may be talking about unless it's Tool spec build.

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He uses maurader and zerker gear and rifle autos mixed melee rifle burst and grenade barrage damage as well as some utility like rifle net magnet pull holosmith stab

I like chaithh because for the longest time I had trouble doing damage as an engineer.

Now I can easily out burst most professions and their builds in wvw and spvp.

I think that grenade barrage and rifle blunderbuss buss and rifle jump can pretty much down anyone.

I don't think condition engineer is good and scrapper is too slow and defensive. Also holosmith is good but chaithh has a core engineer build in his twitch channel. Chaithh builds do a lot of damage. I love damage. I can screw thiefs necrosis and mesmerd easily in wvw and spvp

I use maurader armor maurader rifle and zerker back pack with knight jewelry. I am able to take out anyone in wvw 1v1 because the burst power damage is high. Ok I lie. I can't kill bunker builds. But they hit so weak I just run past them.

If you want your engineer to kill stuff chaithh has good builds in his twitch channel.

I never liked playing healer or defense. Engineer can do vicous burst damage. Also lots of utility and cc as well as defenses.

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@brannigan.9831 said:

@Lunateric.3708 said:Zan is probably the best engi PvP player for both servers with all honesty but Chaith isn't bad.

@Lunateric.3708 said:Zan is probably the best engi PvP player for both servers with all honesty but Chaith isn't bad.

Thanks for being so charitable lol. Have you made any money playing this game? I mean I don't even like Chaith on a personal level I feel like he is one of these types that always sides with the devs and he has actually gotten amulets removed from the game (because imo it hurt his team's perferred play style) when the devs used to listen very closely to top players and teams but come on now lol who are you to act like he isn't a great player. He is.

I haven't made any money, no, but Zan has and is the most successful PvP engi player the game has ever had ever. Didn't say Chaith was bad of course, just saying Zan is better and has bigger exploits in PvP overall.

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