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Revert The Supportive Pet Soulbeast Change


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I was actually worried that Spiritual Reprieve would no longer heal the caster at all. Luckily it at least heals the caster for the base amount, despite not mentioning self in the description. Which is more confusing?

And yeah, ways a merged soulbeast can heal allies: Water Spirit, Nature Spirit, Healing Spring, Spiritual Reprieve, Regen (healing spring, traited warhorn, traited spirit), traited Bear Stance effect? Given the spec and the skills it has at its disposal, the +25% healing shouldn't have a restriction.The pet is being supportive/ supporting the ranger. Why shouldn't the ranger benefit? You are making other sacrifices to take a supportive pet; should it not be useful to you as well?

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Ya i guess just voice your discontent here and hopefully they listen. Take brown bear for example. It's a crap pet. But it's soulbeast skills are good. However they have a long cooldown, so there is literally no point in going into merge with that pet unless the cooldowns are up now that the 25% healing is gone. Before you could dip in to use ur heal skill, boost ur prot heal or regular regen, etc. Now that whole level of play is gone and it makes the supportive pets as a whole much less desirable.

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@Chrury.4627 said:I was actually worried that Spiritual Reprieve would no longer heal the caster at all. Luckily it at least heals the caster for the base amount, despite not mentioning self in the description. Which is more confusing?

And yeah, ways a merged soulbeast can heal allies: Water Spirit, Nature Spirit, Healing Spring, Spiritual Reprieve, Regen (healing spring, traited warhorn, traited spirit), traited Bear Stance effect? Given the spec and the skills it has at its disposal, the +25% healing shouldn't have a restriction.The pet is being supportive/ supporting the ranger. Why shouldn't the ranger benefit? You are making other sacrifices to take a supportive pet; should it not be useful to you as well?

Are you sure that Soulbeast don't benefit from those 25%? Did you test before and did you test now?

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

@Chrury.4627 said:I was actually worried that Spiritual Reprieve would no longer heal the caster at all. Luckily it at least heals the caster for the base amount, despite not mentioning self in the description. Which is more confusing?

And yeah, ways a merged soulbeast can heal allies: Water Spirit, Nature Spirit, Healing Spring, Spiritual Reprieve, Regen (healing spring, traited warhorn, traited spirit), traited Bear Stance effect? Given the spec and the skills it has at its disposal, the +25% healing shouldn't have a restriction.The
is being supportive/ supporting the ranger. Why shouldn't the ranger benefit? You are making other sacrifices to take a supportive pet; should it not be useful to you as well?

Are you sure that Soulbeast don't benefit from those 25%? Did you test before and did you test now?


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@Zuko.7132 said:It's also in the patch notes

I know it is in patch notes, but I didn't check before if in Soulbeast with Supportive pet, I got more healing from my Troll Unguent than without a Supportive pet. I didn't tested. That's why I'm asking if someone tested and if was a real 25% healing increase or less ... like happened with Sic'Em! who gives you only 25% more damage instead of 40% like skill said. Maybe the Supportive bonus was only for allies and not for our self ... Once again, just asking if someone did the proper test.

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

@"Chrury.4627" said:I was actually worried that Spiritual Reprieve would no longer heal the caster at all. Luckily it at least heals the caster for the base amount, despite not mentioning self in the description. Which is more confusing?

And yeah, ways a merged soulbeast can heal allies: Water Spirit, Nature Spirit, Healing Spring, Spiritual Reprieve, Regen (healing spring, traited warhorn, traited spirit), traited Bear Stance effect? Given the spec and the skills it has at its disposal, the +25% healing shouldn't have a restriction.The
is being supportive/ supporting the ranger. Why shouldn't the ranger benefit? You are making other sacrifices to take a supportive pet; should it not be useful to you as well?

Are you sure that Soulbeast don't benefit from those 25%? Did you test before and did you test now?

I use/used Fern Hound on my fractals soulbeast. As recent as Sunday, I could hit Spiritual Reprieve (with traited Invigorating Bond ) and heal for 8-9k. I lose at least 1.5k healing from that on myself after the change (tested).

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@ProtoMarcus.7649 said:Yeah Soulbeast mode is mainly supposed to benefit The Player - the supportive bonuses should apply to the player aswell so in the case of the Supportive Bonuses, Player + Allies.

Otherwise we lose 1 of the 2 stat bonuses from merging with the pet, so we're not getting all benefits of merging...

Ya in all solo situations it becomes completely useless. And even in a group situation if we were maxed out for healing it would still be crap cause soulbeast doesn't have access to a lot of group heals and adding enough to take what meager advantage of the buff we can would make your build useless.

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:They did this change to the archetype and still didn't bother giving us a Support Moa (preferably the White Moa because what in the blazes is it doing as a Deadly pet). :expressionless:

Put stout on the white one and supportive on the blue one.

Although they should revert the change. It gave fantastic synergy with rugged growth and predators cunning and even natural healing.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:

@Wondrouswall.7169 said:They did this change to the archetype and still didn't bother giving us a Support Moa (preferably the White Moa because what in the blazes is it doing as a Deadly pet). :expressionless:

Put stout on the white one and supportive on the blue one.

Although they should revert the change. It gave fantastic synergy with rugged growth and predators cunning and even natural healing.

Ya I loved all the stuff you could do with it. Now it's just trash.

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@"shadowpass.4236" said:I'm angry over this change.

Why was core and soulbeast nerfed more than druid? Mind boggling.

it's because Soulbeast, in my opinion, is supposed to be more of an offensive kind of spec, where druid is more supportive/defensive. I could be wrong though, hence why I added "in my opinion".

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@Ghos.1326 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:I'm angry over this change.

Why was core and soulbeast nerfed more than druid?
Mind boggling.

it's because Soulbeast, in my opinion, is supposed to be more of an offensive kind of spec, where druid is more supportive/defensive. I could be wrong though, hence why I added "in my opinion".

Soulbeast is all about self buffs. This took away one of our self buffs.

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What's odd to me about this change is that pretty much every skill in the game which benefits allies will also apply that effect to the caster as the caster is considered to be an ally. Why the buff for merging with a supportive pet should be different, I don't know.

I tested out Troll Unguent in WvW last night. Prior to this patch, each tick of the heal when merged with Jacaranda would be around 1330, giving a 10.6k heal overall. The heal's ticks now, after this patch, are the exact 1060 the tooltip states when merged with a supportive pet.

It's also odd that the patch notes are calling this change a bug fix, implying that the 25% heal increase was never meant to apply to the caster but to their allies instead. If that's the case, if the buff's previous behavior was indeed a bug, then the bugged supportive buff makes far more sense for soulbeast than their fixed version. I'd rather have the 25% heal increase for the soulbeast and give allies only the base healing from Spiritual Reprieve since the previous version of the buff could apply to everything a soulbeast might do for self-sustain: their heal skill, Spiritual Reprieve, Rugged Growth, Jacaranda's beastmode Photosynthesize, etc.

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@Shadowcat.2680 said:What's odd to me about this change is that pretty much every skill in the game which benefits allies will also apply that effect to the caster as the caster is considered to be an ally. Why the buff for merging with a supportive pet should be different, I don't know.

I tested out Troll Unguent in WvW last night. Prior to this patch, each tick of the heal when merged with Jacaranda would be around 1330, giving a 10.6k heal overall. The heal's ticks now, after this patch, are the exact 1060 the tooltip states when merged with a supportive pet.

It's also odd that the patch notes are calling this change a bug fix, implying that the 25% heal increase was never meant to apply to the caster but to their allies instead. If that's the case, if the buff's previous behavior was indeed a bug, then the bugged supportive buff makes far more sense for soulbeast than their fixed version. I'd rather have the 25% heal increase for the soulbeast and give allies only the base healing from Spiritual Reprieve since the previous version of the buff could apply to everything a soulbeast might do for self-sustain: their heal skill, Spiritual Reprieve, Rugged Growth, Jacaranda's beastmode Photosynthesize, etc.

Ya i agree. I would happily give up the affecting allies to get it back for soulbeast.

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