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Prediction for Meta of Next Season

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The Balance team seems to know nothing besides extremes. Instead of moderately toning down OP classes they always go full nuclear. I don't understand it.

Mirage is OP now but it will be destroyed into nothingness sooner or later.

As for listing, I agree with OP's list except change Holo and Scrapper positions.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@Shirlias.8104 said:No thief among the top tier classes?

However, why did you put DD/Core on the same lvl of a Deadeye, LOL.

Because of all thief nerf already present and incoming - thief can't compete with other above.And yeah, deadeye might be in the top, but this is only a prediction.

It's a prediction also that thief can't compete.Remember always this.

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@Shirlias.8104 said:

@Shirlias.8104 said:No thief among the top tier classes?

However, why did you put DD/Core on the same lvl of a Deadeye, LOL.

Because of all thief nerf already present and incoming - thief can't compete with other above.And yeah, deadeye might be in the top, but this is only a prediction.

It's a prediction also that thief can't compete.Remember always this.

Yeah, but even yesterday before pvp/pve split thief couldn't compete with spellbreaker, mirage, chronomancerm and druid. And those elites gain nearly no nerfs yesterday.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@Shirlias.8104 said:No thief among the top tier classes?

However, why did you put DD/Core on the same lvl of a Deadeye, LOL.

Because of all thief nerf already present and incoming - thief can't compete with other above.And yeah, deadeye might be in the top, but this is only a prediction.

It's a prediction also that thief can't compete.Remember always this.

Yeah, but even yesterday before pvp/pve split thief couldn't compete with spellbreaker, mirage, chronomancerm and druid. And those elites gain nearly no nerfs yesterday.

Thief is not for everybody, and needs a team to play with.Obviously there are easier classes to carry with.

@Imperadordf.2687 said:

@Shirlias.8104 said:No thief among the top tier classes?

However, why did you put DD/Core on the same lvl of a Deadeye, LOL.

Was just going to say that but y’know. I’m a Mesmer main.

I have your back Sir.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:wow is there new rev build emerging for pvp? or the old one left trash tier after nerfs?

Is nothing. The best one is still the same power Herald as always, and is worse than any of the 6 builds a Guardian can put in place instead. There's no much reason to spent a slot in a Rev anymore, except for muling/roleplay purposes.

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@Toron.4856 said:Spellbreaker is not really top anymore. Its viable imo but not top. Also core thief and daredevil are both top.

Also move berserker to trash tier pls lol

That was a good joke, thief being anywhere at the top

Where do you think all the new god-tier mesmer builds are going to be during matches? In mid fighting scourges and firebrands or on the side nodes laughing at thieves trying to dodge 16k hits from 8 clones while they afk in their dodge chain macro?

That was a rhetorical question, they will be in both places because portal.

I highly doubt there will be a thief build that can 1v1 mirage after this patch and I'm not entirely convinced mesmer is a viable +1 target either

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