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Episode 3 Date Speculation.

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Here I come again using my prophet powers that I stole from Glint. And as she said sometimes the visions are blur, and you aren't able to predict every single detail.

So I predicted Episode 1's release date (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/264345#Comment_264345)And I almost predicted the date of 2nd one if it wouldn't be delayed: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/23441/lets-speculate-about-episode-2s-release-date#latest

Episode 1 was on November 28Episode 2 was on March 6

It's April Fools' Day today, so it's been almost a month.

SAB lasts till April 19.

It's very likely this episode will be released in 2-month-cadence, but if it will be on the same high level as Ep. 2 map and story, I can even wait 5 months for it.

Also it's very likely it'll be a fractal release, and I think the new raid wing will be released in episode 4.

So 2,5 month-cadence is my guess, so I think the episode 3 will be released on May 15, so the trailer will be released on May 8.

Name guess? "Devastation".

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Keep in mind that E2 was 'finished' sooner then released. To say. All skins, artwork, dialogues, scripts where in place. Just a single bit of script was bugged and holding back release. This also means, besides the techs handling the script, most devs had allready moved on to the next episode. Maybe for as long as a month.Season 3 lasted for 14 months (from release of E1, to the release of PoF). So this makes an average of 2.3 months. I think most delay happens in the summer, and fall (summer due to hollidays and having less people in the office, fall cause of ingame events like halloween and wintersday)

So I am inclined to say it is reasonable to speculate on an earlier date, maybe around april 24.

But most important, it is the quality that matters, not the quantity. I rather wait a bit longer on the high quality content we are used too, then on low quality stuff that is rushed to be released.

Also and advice to the devs. Never name an episode something like a bug in the system. You saw what came from it!!

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3 months will likely be the norm this time, otherwise they'll need more episodes or will have a longer downtime at the end. Consider that there was an average of 73 days between episodes during season 3, and that the first episode started 9 months after HoT, giving PoF that much more time. Depending on what ArenaNet has planned for E3 this year, they may especially want to take the full 3 months for episode 3, which would mean launching the week before E3.

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@Menadena.7482 said:Remember they are separate teams so the break between Ep2 and EP3 will be shorter than the EP1/EP2 break.

Yeah, but I dont think it will be released on April while this month is the time for SAB. I hope they will never do the same mistake as they did with HoT release when there was also Halloween event released.

I think May will be the best time to release new episode and maybe fractal or raid wing.

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May something st the earliest. I think they’re trying to keep all the episodes at the end of the 3 month period. If the pvp season upcoming ends in July, I could see there being s patch in May and then the next a couple weeks or so after this pvp season ends. Who knows though. Are they even still separate teams?

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@Alga.6498 said:I am hoping somewhen in May, :)

I noticed a very nice scheme of the releases, if not this delay before A Bug in the System it would be like that:1) Ep1 S3- July2) Ep2 S3- September3) Ep3 S3- November4) Ep4 S3- February5) Ep5 S3- May

6) Ep6 S3- July7) Path of Fire- September8) Ep1 S4- November9) Ep2 S4- February (should be)10) Ep3 S4- May???

All signs point that the episode 3 will be on May. :D

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