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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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@PeterBorsilli.3560 said:This Boss fight was the dumbest thing ever. Ive been stuck on it for hours and have made no progress. and now dont even want to play the story anymore since this whole chapter already took another 2 hours with the first boss fight and wander around lost. Please change this boos fight.

Learn your class to play.. waiting for a break bar to turn blue and use a hard CC skill of your class isn't hard, while you prepared before the mob with movement impairing conditions like cripple, chill, blindness, immobilize, yeah even weakness helps alot, before this actually happens and the very moment a fly fart hits him, his bar will break instantly and you can deal massive damage to him for quite some decent time you should use to burst him with your high dps skills, before you return quickly after that to condition preparement and preparing your hard cc skill for the next round of breaking his bar.Repeat this step like 3 times or so and any good dpsing player should easily have killed him by now in this time, without having been attacked just one single time by its absorb attack...

Make sure, your game isn't lagging , so that you won't miss the chance to break its bar, if neccessary reduce visual clutter for that battle, if it must be to ensure you wont lag, if you don#t have a good internet connection speed.. but thats just being now super precautious on a high level that isn#t really necessary, but in the end I know peopel woudl be super upset, if they fail the battle, due to a lag being the reason happening at the worst moment possible ... just because you wanted to have a "pretty looking" battle

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OK, let me just say to start with that you are thrown into this situation with no warning whatsoever on how to fight this very badly designed PoS other-wise-might-as-well-be trash mob, and I had to strategize completely on the fly with my Mirage build, so there are probably better methods to complete this. Once I figured out my plan, I ganked this PITA pretty quick though.

Once I realized he absolutely can not drain clones this was a breeze, in fact.

I run a/p and staff, staff is the important part in this because of it's skills 2, 3 and 5.Run around him at just barely skill 5 distance IN HIS AREA (that way he doesn't sprint up on you barely ever).Use every means possible to keep fresh illusions on him while staying in staff mode (my build utilizes Mirror Images and the Dueling spec Deceptive Evasion).DON'T BOTHER WITH SHATTERS HE EATS THE BOONS.Keep cycling through Staff 2 to 3 to 5 while keeping just inside 1s range.If he does happen to still close distance on you (F-ing stupidly fast, I might add), use dodges or Staff 2 or Illusionary Ambush aand Jaunt to get right back out of range of his stupid lifetap.

After I got into the rhythm it took less than a minute to cut this sucker down.I hope it works out well for others!

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I love this mission so much! I’ve battled with this delightful creature for 6 hours and I still haven’t beaten it. So riviting and pleasing. I’ve never had a fight on gw2 I couldn’t beat with the help of friends/guild members or soloing it makes it the best fight in all of ‘guild’wars. I just can’t stop playing. Although it does worry me that (Spoiler!!!!) aurene’s dead, I’m dead, and Balthazar destroyed the planet and there was nothing Captain Planet could do about it. Truley amazing story telling right there.

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I finished the story but I can definitely see how it can be hard for a lot of players, I think for me personally the biggest issue was the time available for the cc bar - especially with an Australian ping was far too short, so I ended up kiting him the whole time, personally would prefer if this was an optional boss that gave a reward skin or something as I can understand how casual players could be frustrated by this boss.

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I just did the Departed instance. I finished it on my Warrior (with no Elite spec). I beat the Eater of Souls by using my rifle. I ran in circles and watched my cool down on my 4 and 5 skills (14 seconds each). I waited until they came back up then I turned and let the Eater of Souls hit me a couple of times. The Eater of Souls would jump and I would hit the 5 skill so that it would hit him as he landed. This would stun him. I would then use my 4 skill to get away from him. I would unload the rest of my rifle skills.. I would then start running in circles again until my 4 and 5 skills were up.

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Reporting in that, while I'm really not that good at this game, the fight didn't last long with a few tips from this thread.
I read some Guardians are having a hard time, so here's how I did it:

I ran into it completely unsuspecting with my usual blah greatsword/scepter/torch and carrion gear, but it does in fact not really matter.
It worked out well once I stopped to desperately keep my distance from that thing all the time.

The things I had to pay attention to were:
A) While it's preferable to not get too close (to have some buffer when running away), I did use the scepter and greatsword equally. Most of the time I could just stand on top of him and it worked out okay, I managed to run at the right time.
B) Burn it allC) Heed the small ground target circle of his attack before he tries to suck the death out of me; turn around, dodge once, use greatsword 3 to get away further, run until he's done, then get back to him.
D) do the same when he starts his angry bull charge thing towards me.

I did not have much attention left for CC, it didn't matter.

By the way, trapping him behind the cage did not work out for me. He jumped right through it when he got the opportunity (which he always got, because see first sentence.)
He also followed me quite some way into the forest(?) instead of staying at the clearing as mentioned here (and he was then teleported back to said clearing, which seemed rather odd).

I agree it's rather bad that the thing comes at the end of a long chain of story which you'd have to repeat if you really fail. I feared I would have to do exactly that (get out, get better gear, etc.) and that thought was very frustrating at that point, which is not a quality I look for in video games.
However, given the fact that you are dead during the whole thing, it would make little sense if you got the opportunity to walk around buying gear and stuff, so idk.

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Facerolled it with my condi ranger, barely managed to win with my mesmer, and completely failed with my melee retaliation guardian. That last one isn't going to happen with my reaction speeds, unless I completely change the build.

Very console-style battle, not the kind of thing that I enjoy in MMORPGs.

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@Zephyr.3972 said:Words could not express how pissed off this whole mission has been. I feel like i did something horrible to the devs because honestly how can they make something this frustrating and charge for it? I spent forever trying to kill Balthazar because i kept getting downed and took quite a while to chip his health down, only to get lost in spirit land finding mystical crates for weapons. Finally get to the soul eater thing and spent literal hours trying to get passed it, only to finally kill it and have my build restart.

I'm guessing it went faster the second time? I had to play the whole instance three times, but only because I was at this stage when all the especially bad DCing was happening. I thought it was very well structured to provide challenge. You really have to learn to watch where you're standing in the Balth fight, and you have to learn to be attentive to more subtle tells during the Eater fight. I went in blind with no ranged weapons. I died once, and he healed to full. So I dipped in, and I got away from him when his life steal attack was coming. I had the good fortune to be running a fairly bursty condi build, so this was made more effective, but I don't doubt the same strategy would have worked with a power build almost as well.

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I am sorry but it's shit like this that will prevent GW2 from ever being truly successful. Not only does shipping with this encounter on story-mode make Anet look incredibly bad at their jobs, but it really sours new players very quickly. There is no excuse for a solo boss fight tuned liked this (so it's almost impossible with some builds and much easier with others). And the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet makes Anet look even worse. It's like they don't want millions of people playing this game.

No warning about the fight. No ability to easily change your build. And a prologue before the fight that lasts for fucking ever.

Whoever was in charge of this story episode should not be in charge of anything ever again.

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@pah.4931 said:I am sorry but it's kitten like this that will prevent GW2 from ever being truly successful. Not only does shipping with this encounter on story-mode make Anet look incredibly bad at their jobs, but it really sours new players very quickly. There is no excuse for a solo boss fight tuned liked this (so it's almost impossible with some builds and much easier with others). And the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet makes Anet look even worse. It's like they don't want millions of people playing this game.

No warning about the fight. No ability to easily change your build. And a prologue before the fight that lasts for kitten ever.

Whoever was in charge of this story episode should not be in charge of anything ever again.

The game is already successful and has been for 5 years and already have million of people playing.The encounter is easy to anyone who's able to spam 1 and dodge.This is for lv80, not for new players.The boss is possible to every builds. You don't even need a build, just a weapon.There is warning about the fight. The Judge tell you to go fight it and you are the one who engage the fight. Fighting is to be expected in a game about fighting stuff in a story against the god of war.You can change build at anytime out of combat as soon as you have found your weapons.

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@Haishao.6851 said:

@pah.4931 said:I am sorry but it's kitten like this that will prevent GW2 from ever being truly successful. Not only does shipping with this encounter on story-mode make Anet look incredibly bad at their jobs, but it really sours new players very quickly. There is no excuse for a solo boss fight tuned liked this (so it's almost impossible with some builds and much easier with others). And the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet makes Anet look even worse. It's like they don't want millions of people playing this game.

No warning about the fight. No ability to easily change your build. And a prologue before the fight that lasts for kitten ever.

Whoever was in charge of this story episode should not be in charge of anything ever again.

The game is already successful and has been for 5 years and already have million of people playing.The encounter is easy to anyone who's able to spam 1 and dodge.This is for lv80, not for new players.The boss is possible to every builds. You don't even need a build, just a weapon.There is warning about the fight. The Judge tell you to go fight it and you are the one who engage the fight. Fighting is to be expected in a game about fighting stuff in a story against the god of war.You can change build at anytime out of combat as soon as you have found your weapons.

You can only change your build to the extent of traits and skills if you don't have any extra gear or weapons in your current inventory. I think that's what is meant by can't easily change build. The realm of the dead portion locks you out of your inventory panel so you can't open up bank expresses or trading post expresses.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:

@pah.4931 said:I am sorry but it's kitten like this that will prevent GW2 from ever being truly successful. Not only does shipping with this encounter on story-mode make Anet look incredibly bad at their jobs, but it really sours new players very quickly. There is no excuse for a solo boss fight tuned liked this (so it's almost impossible with some builds and much easier with others). And the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet makes Anet look even worse. It's like they don't want millions of people playing this game.

No warning about the fight. No ability to easily change your build. And a prologue before the fight that lasts for kitten ever.

Whoever was in charge of this story episode should not be in charge of anything ever again.

The game is already successful and has been for 5 years and already have million of people playing.The encounter is easy to anyone who's able to spam 1 and dodge.This is for lv80, not for new players.The boss is possible to every builds. You don't even need a build, just a weapon.There is warning about the fight. The Judge tell you to go fight it and you are the one who engage the fight. Fighting is to be expected in a game about fighting stuff in a story against the god of war.You can change build at anytime out of combat as soon as you have found your weapons.

You can only change your build to the extent of traits and skills if you don't have any extra gear or weapons in your current inventory. I think that's what is meant by can't easily change build. The realm of the dead portion locks you out of your inventory panel so you can't open up bank expresses or trading post expresses.

Well, if you could beat Balthazar you don't really need anything more for that fight. It's only a bit harder than a veteran risen subjugator.I'm not opposed to allow inventory. It doesn't make sense on a story level, but neither is having our weapon and armor anyway. I doubt it would help people though.

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Perhaps this has already been tuned since my kill on day 2, but the tactics people are describing for an easy kill using his break bar were not working in my instance. Even with an immediate dodge on charge followed by a signet of disruption break, he would full heal all the damage my mesmer could put into him if even a single frame of his drain attack hit. I fought him for nearly 40 minutes nonstop. I finally cheesed him down with pistol phantasms and using a rock to prevent his super charge in between refreshes, but this fight has driven at least two people I know to take breaks from the game already in its present state. It definitely needs a balance pass. I suspect the life drain affecting clones if you are in range to be hit is the major issue for mesmers, but I cannot speak to other classes.

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@Orimidu.9604 said:What were you thinking anet?! A boss that self heals way too often in a mission where your party members get bugged because it’s focused on the instance owner? I can’t pass this solo and it’s impossible to do in a group.

How does he heal though? Maybe insread of mashing buttons, use game mechanics to avoid his heals, etc. This boss has a Defiance bar, tried breaking that?

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This fight just shows how unimaginative the general gaming crowd has become. After the 2nd death I noticed it was a life steal skill. The second thing I noticed was that he uses it always after his leap. Just disengage after his leap and you'll be fine.

The guys who complain should all play some Demon's Souls/Dark Souls or Bloodborne before playing any other game.

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@Haishao.6851 said:

@pah.4931 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:

@pah.4931 said:I am sorry but it's kitten like this that will prevent GW2 from ever being truly successful. Not only does shipping with this encounter on story-mode make Anet look incredibly bad at their jobs, but it really sours new players very quickly. There is no excuse for a solo boss fight tuned liked this (so it's almost impossible with some builds and much easier with others). And the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet makes Anet look even worse. It's like they don't want millions of people playing this game.

No warning about the fight. No ability to easily change your build. And a prologue before the fight that lasts for kitten ever.

Whoever was in charge of this story episode should not be in charge of anything ever again.

The game is already successful and has been for 5 years and already have million of people playing.The encounter is easy to anyone who's able to spam 1 and dodge.This is for lv80, not for new players.The boss is possible to every builds. You don't even need a build, just a weapon.There is warning about the fight. The Judge tell you to go fight it and you are the one who engage the fight. Fighting is to be expected in a game about fighting stuff in a story against the god of war.You can change build at anytime out of combat as soon as you have found your weapons.

You're not very bright are you? Every one of your points is just false (except
the first one, though I REALLY doubt they have over 1 million active players -- neither of can prove it so OK).

You definitely need to do more than just "spam 1 and dodge" (break bar is necessary).

They give players a level 80 boost when they buy the expansion. Whether YOU think the player should play a few hundred hours before going straight to the new content is irrelevant; this expansion is WITHOUT A DOUBT designed for new players. And if they want to attract new blood, this will not do it. This is made worse by the fact that you can't play with friends in this one zone.

Having more stuns and break bar abilities (without long set-up / cast time) is incredibly important. And if you have another set of armor or weapons in the bank, then OH WELL.

This story instance begins with the Bal fight. So... no. You aren't warned. Obviously I didn't mean "I didn't know I'd have to fight..." But there is no warning that this type of fight that requires certain builds / weapon to do optimally. Or that the instance will last a LONG time (even if you perfect it). If you get disconnected, then have fun starting from the very beginning.

GW2 is a great game, but you just cannot objectively defend this terrible design choice.

p.s. I've already beaten it. I just think it's really bad game design.

None of my points are false.Break bar is in no way necessary. You can dodge the drain attack and move away. That said it is probably more effective to cancel the skill and every classes have access to hard CC. I tried to only walk away and that didn't work because his skill actually drag you towards him if it hits. So you do have to dodge. Dodging twice back is the most effective way to make sure you wont get hit. Blocking works too (hard block from weapon, not boons like aegis). So you can dodge once then block.

Being given a level 80 boost doesn't mean content will be dumbed down to your inexperience. It just mean you have a way of getting level 80. You are expected to be intelligent enough to understand that you are inexperienced and that lv 80 is max level in this game and you are skipping to it without learning how to play.I don't think lv 80 boost should have been usable by people who don't already have a lv 80 character. It was an extremely kitten decision from anet. Especially since they had just came up with the stupidity that is "New Player Experience" that was supposed to help new players.

Bad design was caudecus fight, and only because the room was too small for the amount of things going on. This fight is nothing more than a very simple 1 minute trash mob fight. There's no need for "warning" whatever. Not any more than for the ghost fight in ToPK or for any other fight you'll have to face later. You can also change build and switch equipment with whatever you're carrying with you by using [H] window.

There's no special design to the fight and it doesn't require any special build. He leech HP, you either dodge or cancel it. That's it.It's not really different that a mordrem leeching trasher or a risen subjugator. They leech HP, you either dodge or cancel it. Eater of Soul only have a bit more HP, but really not that much more than a veteran.

This!You worded this really well.

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@pah.4931 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:

@pah.4931 said:I am sorry but it's kitten like this that will prevent GW2 from ever being truly successful. Not only does shipping with this encounter on story-mode make Anet look incredibly bad at their jobs, but it really sours new players very quickly. There is no excuse for a solo boss fight tuned liked this (so it's almost impossible with some builds and much easier with others). And the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet makes Anet look even worse. It's like they don't want millions of people playing this game.

No warning about the fight. No ability to easily change your build. And a prologue before the fight that lasts for kitten ever.

Whoever was in charge of this story episode should not be in charge of anything ever again.

The game is already successful and has been for 5 years and already have million of people playing.The encounter is easy to anyone who's able to spam 1 and dodge.This is for lv80, not for new players.The boss is possible to every builds. You don't even need a build, just a weapon.There is warning about the fight. The Judge tell you to go fight it and you are the one who engage the fight. Fighting is to be expected in a game about fighting stuff in a story against the god of war.You can change build at anytime out of combat as soon as you have found your weapons.

You're not very bright are you? Every one of your points is just false (except
the first one, though I REALLY doubt they have over 1 million active players -- neither of can prove it so OK).

You definitely need to do more than just "spam 1 and dodge" (break bar is necessary).

They give players a level 80 boost when they buy the expansion. Whether YOU think the player should play a few hundred hours before going straight to the new content is irrelevant; this expansion is WITHOUT A DOUBT designed for new players. And if they want to attract new blood, this will not do it. This is made worse by the fact that you can't play with friends in this one zone.

Having more stuns and break bar abilities (without long set-up / cast time) is incredibly important. And if you have another set of armor or weapons in the bank, then OH WELL.

This story instance begins with the Bal fight. So... no. You aren't warned. Obviously I didn't mean "I didn't know I'd have to fight..." But there is no warning that this type of fight that requires certain builds / weapon to do optimally. Or that the instance will last a LONG time (even if you perfect it). If you get disconnected, then have fun starting from the very beginning.

GW2 is a great game, but you just cannot objectively defend this terrible design choice.

p.s. I've already beaten it. I just think it's really bad game design.

"break Bar is necessary" I'm sorry, and you're the one saying someone's not bright? Literally just walk away when his stun bar comes up and he doesn't heal, I beat it with a soldier statted engie without stunning it once.

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@Inazuma.2795 said:

@pah.4931 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:

@pah.4931 said:I am sorry but it's kitten like this that will prevent GW2 from ever being truly successful. Not only does shipping with this encounter on story-mode make Anet look incredibly bad at their jobs, but it really sours new players very quickly. There is no excuse for a solo boss fight tuned liked this (so it's almost impossible with some builds and much easier with others). And the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet makes Anet look even worse. It's like they don't want millions of people playing this game.

No warning about the fight. No ability to easily change your build. And a prologue before the fight that lasts for kitten ever.

Whoever was in charge of this story episode should not be in charge of anything ever again.

The game is already successful and has been for 5 years and already have million of people playing.The encounter is easy to anyone who's able to spam 1 and dodge.This is for lv80, not for new players.The boss is possible to every builds. You don't even need a build, just a weapon.There is warning about the fight. The Judge tell you to go fight it and you are the one who engage the fight. Fighting is to be expected in a game about fighting stuff in a story against the god of war.You can change build at anytime out of combat as soon as you have found your weapons.

You're not very bright are you? Every one of your points is just false (except
the first one, though I REALLY doubt they have over 1 million active players -- neither of can prove it so OK).

You definitely need to do more than just "spam 1 and dodge" (break bar is necessary).

They give players a level 80 boost when they buy the expansion. Whether YOU think the player should play a few hundred hours before going straight to the new content is irrelevant; this expansion is WITHOUT A DOUBT designed for new players. And if they want to attract new blood, this will not do it. This is made worse by the fact that you can't play with friends in this one zone.

Having more stuns and break bar abilities (without long set-up / cast time) is incredibly important. And if you have another set of armor or weapons in the bank, then OH WELL.

This story instance begins with the Bal fight. So... no. You aren't warned. Obviously I didn't mean "I didn't know I'd have to fight..." But there is no warning that this type of fight that requires certain builds / weapon to do optimally. Or that the instance will last a LONG time (even if you perfect it). If you get disconnected, then have fun starting from the very beginning.

GW2 is a great game, but you just cannot objectively defend this terrible design choice.

p.s. I've already beaten it. I just think it's really bad game design.

"break Bar is necessary" I'm sorry, and you're the one saying someone's not bright? Literally just walk away when his stun bar comes up and he doesn't heal, I beat it with a soldier statted engie without stunning it once.

Either you're lying or I (and seemingly many others) had some serious PING issues. Because dodging did absolutely nothing to prevent the self-healing.

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