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What would need to happen for you to consider Mirage?


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I think the single biggest thing is that all of the ambush skills need drastic buffs. These need to feel really punchy because the entire class concept is built around them. Instead, they feel really wimpy with the possible exception of sword due to the cc aspect of it. I find myself often just ignoring them because they're so underwhelming, even if they're technically worth using.

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After playing a dire/trailblazer condi spec in wvw, while I'm annoyed by the movement speed, it feels insanely strong. Running Staff Axe/Torch and the condi pressure /clone generation with deception skills is great. I'm using perplexity runes and the new access to good amounts of torment in ADDITION to confusion and other cover condis has me personally wondering if it's too much.

It'll take some time to really figure out how stronk or not stronk it is. I want to try power but I see it being a bit weak.

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@rogerwilko.6895 said:The main reason I don't (can't) play Mesmer, not only Mirage is the pink theme and the butterflies.

There's rev if you want spikes and brooding.

Honestly the main issue is the lack of tutorial for elites, especially the ones that change play as radically as Mirage does, I feel like having a mini-story instead of just a HP grind would be the better option, if only to unlock the tree rather than every ability.

Some of the traits feel like they should be baseline, and probably will end up being a few patches down the line.

Also Mirage as a trait line doesn't do enough to boost confusion which should be its main condition (and maybe also finally have a traitline with a +precision trait)

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@Riku.4821 said:Honestly, I'd love to see the mesmer down skills get reworked. Being that Mirage is more of a mesmer rework than a new elite spec, that could be a nice selling point.

Honestly though, I've played my Mesmer/Mirage for a couple of months now, and it just seems so stupidly weak while downed compared to other professions? Like I recall having played other classes where you could, at times, pull off some clutch kill while downed (if lucky). But with Mesmer I've noticed that if I went down, and none of the monsters around me are low-ish, I'd better just give up and await death.

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@tnhalbertsma.7682 said:Honestly though, I've played my Mesmer/Mirage for a couple of months now, and it just seems so stupidly weak while downed compared to other professions? Like I recall having played other classes where you could, at times, pull off some clutch kill while downed (if lucky). But with Mesmer I've noticed that if I went down, and none of the monsters around me are low-ish, I'd better just give up and await death.

I too have played Mirage for a couple of months no- oh wait...

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@Esplen.3940 said:

@tnhalbertsma.7682 said:Honestly though, I've played my Mesmer/Mirage for a couple of months now, and it just seems so stupidly weak while downed compared to other professions? Like I recall having played other classes where you could, at times, pull off some clutch kill while downed (if lucky). But with Mesmer I've noticed that if I went down, and none of the monsters around me are low-ish, I'd better just give up and await death.

I too have played Mirage for a couple of months no- oh wait...

Mesmer/Mirage, learn to read. Obviously meant Mesmer for a couple of months, and Mirage as soon as it became available. Glad it's been typed out, just should've known I had done so in a way overcomplicated manner in the first place.

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@rogerwilko.6895 said:The main reason I don't (can't) play Mesmer, not only Mirage is the pink theme and the butterflies.

Aww that's what I love most about mesmer tbh. That originally attracted me to the class when GW2 first released. I do think mirage still needs a bit more tlc.

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-Infinite Horizons baseline. Replaced by a new GM trait that helps shatter builds.-The middle trait line seems pretty sparse. Two of those traits could roll into one and give Mirage another new GM or Master trait. My suggestion: Roll Protection, stunbreak and Stab into one GM trait. Add a new Master trait that removes conditions for every tick of regen you receive.-Mirror Mirage removed or completely reworked. It's just too inconvenient and obvious to enemies to work well in any situation. This gimmick is the replacement for the extra endurance bar that the last dodge-based elite spec got. Except an extra endurance bar gives control to the player and works in multiple settings. Mirror Mirages are completely frustrating and an inadequate solution to the issue of "dodge thirst" that a dodge spec has.-Most other condi trait lines have a trait that increases the effectiveness of a certain condition. Mirage has one that increases duration of other conditions. This frees up stat points from expertise, but that trade-off doesn't seem as strong as a flat % increase of condition damage.-Completely selfish in design if you want to make it effective. It neuters the utility and support of Mesmer for minimal DPS gain (if any at all, once we can compare properly to power core).-Improve/Fix/Remove various skills and animations. The teleport re-targets still put the mesmer in poor spots. Ill Ambush often leaves you out of melee range. It is random and it shouldn't be. The only point of the randomness is the naive idea it will fool players. It will only fool bad players, which means it won't serve high level play. As well, the Mirage Advance is a poor man's Shadowstep. It has a clunky and obtrusive animation wind-up and gets blocked by any line of sight. It's not really a teleport as much as a leap. It's targeted because it does an attack and blind, but that does not seem to be worth the otherwise gimped nature of it.--As a subset of this issue: Axe 2 skill would be a good PVE dps boost because of its effectiness in combo fields, yet it creates clones that overwrite phantasms and so it cannot be used. Give this scepter behavior and you up the raid dps for a spec that doesn't offer much other than condi dmg.-Increase Jaunt to 600 range. Remove the cooldown.

-And finally promise to never ever return to the ill-fated idea of the Mesmer as shell-game. It doesn't work in PVE and it doesn't work against decent players. You design the class around that and you're making it weak from the start. Next time, give Mesmers an elite spec that actually offers them something new rather than more of the same. ANet has done this with Ranger, Necro, and Engineer. It's time to address the Mesmers biggest holes: Weapon Damage and Power builds. You don't learn to value your auto attack on Mesmer because it's generally so weak. I suggest that next time you give Mesmers a Burst Skill mechanic powered up by Shatters. When you use the burst skill, you summon an Illusionary Weapon version of the Weapon being used. Boosts auto attack, scales well with power. So on and so on. You made Chronomancer which is Mesmer+++ and then you made Mirage which is Mesderpmer. Something fresh next time.

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@tnhalbertsma.7682 said:

@Riku.4821 said:Honestly, I'd love to see the mesmer down skills get reworked. Being that Mirage is more of a mesmer rework than a new elite spec, that could be a nice selling point.

Honestly though, I've played my Mesmer/Mirage for a couple of months now, and it just seems so stupidly weak while downed compared to other professions? Like I recall having played other classes where you could, at times, pull off some clutch kill while downed (if lucky). But with Mesmer I've noticed that if I went down, and none of the monsters around me are low-ish, I'd better just give up and await death.

Easy, don't get downed and you'll have no issues!

Edit: But really, downed state is not a PvE mechanic, it's a PvP/WvW mechanic. In PvE, getting downed means you screwed up and need to play better. Versus players, getting downed happens just because of how it goes. In player combat, a downed state is strong if it can avoid a stomp. The mesmer downed state is the second or third strongest in the game, after ele and maybe tied with thief. The 2 skill stealths the mesmer and guarantees denial of stomp attempts from any number of players unless somebody applies revealed.

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Ok having spent more time iterating towards the playstyle I prefer for mirage, I'm going to summarise the 3 key changes that are necessary to allow it to function effectively.

  1. Infinite Horizon baseline (moved to gm minor and speed of sand merged with adept minor).

  2. Jaunt 600 range.

  3. Lingering Thoughts given 3/4s evade frame (cooldown raised appropriately to compensate for potential evade spam).

Anything else is great, but those 3 changes I feel are absolutely necessary in order for mirage to function effectively.

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@etiolate.9185 said:-Infinite Horizons baseline. Replaced by a new GM trait that helps shatter builds.-The middle trait line seems pretty sparse. Two of those traits could roll into one and give Mirage another new GM or Master trait. My suggestion: Roll Protection, stunbreak and Stab into one GM trait. Add a new Master trait that removes conditions for every tick of regen you receive.-Mirror Mirage removed or completely reworked. It's just too inconvenient and obvious to enemies to work well in any situation. This gimmick is the replacement for the extra endurance bar that the last dodge-based elite spec got. Except an extra endurance bar gives control to the player and works in multiple settings. Mirror Mirages are completely frustrating and an inadequate solution to the issue of "dodge thirst" that a dodge spec has.-Most other condi trait lines have a trait that increases the effectiveness of a certain condition. Mirage has one that increases duration of other conditions. This frees up stat points from expertise, but that trade-off doesn't seem as strong as a flat % increase of condition damage.-Completely selfish in design if you want to make it effective. It neuters the utility and support of Mesmer for minimal DPS gain (if any at all, once we can compare properly to power core).-Improve/Fix/Remove various skills and animations. The teleport re-targets still put the mesmer in poor spots. Ill Ambush often leaves you out of melee range. It is random and it shouldn't be. The only point of the randomness is the naive idea it will fool players. It will only fool bad players, which means it won't serve high level play. As well, the Mirage Advance is a poor man's Shadowstep. It has a clunky and obtrusive animation wind-up and gets blocked by any line of sight. It's not really a teleport as much as a leap. It's targeted because it does an attack and blind, but that does not seem to be worth the otherwise kitten nature of it.--As a subset of this issue: Axe 2 skill would be a good PVE dps boost because of its effectiness in combo fields, yet it creates clones that overwrite phantasms and so it cannot be used. Give this scepter behavior and you up the raid dps for a spec that doesn't offer much other than condi dmg.-Increase Jaunt to 600 range. Remove the cooldown.

-And finally promise to never ever return to the ill-fated idea of the Mesmer as shell-game. It doesn't work in PVE and it doesn't work against decent players. You design the class around that and you're making it weak from the start. Next time, give Mesmers an elite spec that actually offers them something new rather than more of the same. ANet has done this with Ranger, Necro, and Engineer. It's time to address the Mesmers biggest holes: Weapon Damage and Power builds. You don't learn to value your auto attack on Mesmer because it's generally so weak. I suggest that next time you give Mesmers a Burst Skill mechanic powered up by Shatters. When you use the burst skill, you summon an Illusionary Weapon version of the Weapon being used. Boosts auto attack, scales well with power. So on and so on. You made Chronomancer which is Mesmer+++ and then you made Mirage which is Mesderpmer. Something fresh next time.

@being put in a random spot with the Illusionary Ambush skill, god yes. I thought it was fine until today.

I was soloing a Hero Point monster on the Desolation map with some broken armor. Basically, it was quite the fight, extremely close, was close to beating it. Used Illusionary Ambus which put me in the yellow pools of death and IN A SPOT I COULDN'T EVEN JUMP OUT ANYWHERE.

So, that's when the fight was decided. Literally any 'random' point around the target would've been totally fine. But nope, godlike randomly generated placement decided to put me in the exact square metre where there was literally nothing I could do. Couldn't even Jaunt out of there, what the actual fuck. First actual frustrating experience in gw2 where I couldn't even do anything but sit back and watch my character die a death that shouldn't have happened.

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