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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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This has probably been said multiple times, but I don't run cheat engines when playing multiplayer games because most of them have a guard program that either refuses to let you play or flags you for cheating even if the process is running.

That and, if the publisher were to assert I cheated in correlation with some jerk reporting me for being bad, I would be fighting a losing battle if they could point to a cheat engine process running at or around that time.

And I surely wouldn't do this for weeks on end.

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@Jason.5983 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Contracts. We all signed a contract. It's not a 'law', but a legally binding document. And there's a reason they make us click okay to it every time they update it.

Seriously? This is the discussion now? For the love of Pete, don't run cheat programs while playing an MMO.

You don't need legal knowledge to know this. Just use common sense.

There's a big difference between what you're saying, and what many others are saying.I for one, am more concerned with their methods and lack of transparency.

Perhaps looking into the variety of comments and issues raised would highlight that better.

what transparency do you need exactly for the windows api that is a basic function that has been used by programs for decades? They have told you they have checked running processes, not much more to tell. There's fear mongering going on this thread from people who don't seem to know very much about anything technically or even know what they want, i.e they want cheats caught without retrieving data from client pcs that are doing the cheating (psychic powers?)

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@Jason.5983 All that are attempts to muddy the waters and distract from the issue: cheating.

I worked in legal for years. Area Defense Counsel would beg military members to say nothing to the police. But it never happens. The guilty always must speak out on how unjust or wrong the methodology was to them . . . and every time they'd indirectly prove themselves guilty.

This thread is a case study. Let's say ANet was completely wrong on how they got this information. Fine. Most of the people here complaining would still be suspended because the indirectly ADMITTED they did it in this thread. And all ANet needs to do is show those comments of disclosed guilt . . . freely admitted on a public forum.

Again, seriously folks, stop posting about how you were wrong, but ANet was worst because of legal reason A, B, or C.

It's not helping your cause.

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@Jason.5983 All that are attempts to muddy the waters and distract from the issue: cheating.

I worked in legal for years. Area Defense Counsel would beg military members to say nothing to the police. But it never happens. The guilty always must speak out on how unjust or wrong the methodology was to them . . . and every time they'd indirectly prove themselves guilty.

This thread is a case study. Let's say ANet was completely wrong on how they got this information. Fine. Most of the people here complaining would still be suspended because the indirectly ADMITTED they did it in this thread. And all ANet needs to do is show those comments of disclosed guilt . . . freely admitted on a public forum.

Again, seriously folks, stop posting about how you were wrong, but ANet was worst because of legal reason A, B, or C.

It's not helping your cause.

Stop lying you claim a T&C is a legally binding document you have already shown you do not know what you are talking about

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@Jason.5983 All that are attempts to muddy the waters and distract from the issue: cheating.

I worked in legal for years. Area Defense Counsel would beg military members to say nothing to the police. But it never happens. The guilty always must speak out on how unjust or wrong the methodology was to them . . . and every time they'd indirectly prove themselves guilty.

This thread is a case study. Let's say ANet was completely wrong on how they got this information. Fine. Most of the people here complaining would still be suspended because the indirectly ADMITTED they did it in this thread. And all ANet needs to do is show those comments of disclosed guilt . . . freely admitted on a public forum.

Again, seriously folks, stop posting about how you were wrong, but ANet was worst because of legal reason A, B, or C.

It's not helping your cause.

I wasn't banned or suspended and I still think it was wrong, so

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Contracts. We all signed a contract. It's not a 'law', but a legally binding document. And there's a reason they make us click okay to it every time they update it.

Seriously? This is the discussion now? For the love of Pete, don't run cheat programs while playing an MMO.

You don't need legal knowledge to know this. Just use common sense.

There's a big difference between what you're saying, and what many others are saying.I for one, am more concerned with their methods and lack of transparency.

Perhaps looking into the variety of comments and issues raised would highlight that better.

what transparency do you need exactly for the windows api that is a basic function that has been used by programs for decades? They have told you they have checked running processes, not much more to tell. There's fear mongering going on this thread from people who don't seem to know very much about anything technically or even know what they want, i.e they want cheats caught without retrieving data from client pcs that are doing the cheating (psychic powers?)

Well to be honest - the end is somewhat nonsense, since you can catch cheaters without these methods.As for what more that could be disclosed; whether the data has been stored beyond its use, or deleted, is at least one issue, and I'm sure there are others.

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@JohnnySupernova.9182 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@Jason.5983 All that are attempts to muddy the waters and distract from the issue: cheating.

I worked in legal for years. Area Defense Counsel would beg military members to say nothing to the police. But it never happens. The guilty always must speak out on how unjust or wrong the methodology was to them . . . and every time they'd indirectly prove themselves guilty.

This thread is a case study. Let's say ANet was completely wrong on how they got this information. Fine. Most of the people here complaining would still be suspended because the indirectly ADMITTED they did it in this thread. And all ANet needs to do is show those comments of disclosed guilt . . . freely admitted on a public forum.

Again, seriously folks, stop posting about how you were wrong, but ANet was worst because of legal reason A, B, or C.

It's not helping your cause.

I wasn't banned or suspended and I still think it was wrong, so

Please note the use of the word 'most' and not the use of the word 'all' in the quoted text. But, by all means, please argue in the defense of the cheaters and against ANet's methods.

Hope you hear how that sounds when you remove all the subtext.

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@Yasi.9065 said:

@TexZero.7910 said:Additionally, it's not spyware when you consent which everyone using this service did. You voluntarily gave up whatever perceived right to privacy when you consented to the user agreement which states in pretty clear as day terms that anet can scan your system for any tools that may be used to cheat or otherwise gain an unfair advantage.

You would not say that if the tool had accessed your webcam and sent screenshots to Anet, just to monitor if nobody else is playing your account, because that would be against the ToS.

Or maybe you would, the slavish obedience expressed to authority in many posts here by several people horrifies me.

If i consented to it, i would allow it.However, i don't own a webcam so your hypothetical Orwellian scenario falls flat.

You know though whats even more horrifying than what you claim to be slavish obedience ? The sheer attempts to feign ignorance and pretending that anything you do online is protected. What you do online is about as protected as what you do in a park. Both are public spaces.

And still, personally, Im wearing clothes in park... you know, for protecting my privacy.

Wow are you intentionally missing the point.

What you do in said park is public, it has consquences. What you do online is also public, it has consequences.

If someone happens to catch you in the act of a crime in a public space, guess what....You're likely to face the consequences.You get caught running a tool that can be utilized to cheat at the same time (not happenstance, not accident) for a sustained period of time in a service where you've agreed not to... You face the consequences.

If you wish to continue to miss the point that's on you but i hope i dont have to explain this any further.

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@Jason.5983 All that are attempts to muddy the waters and distract from the issue: cheating.

I worked in legal for years. Area Defense Counsel would beg military members to say nothing to the police. But it never happens. The guilty always must speak out on how unjust or wrong the methodology was to them . . . and every time they'd indirectly prove themselves guilty.

This thread is a case study. Let's say ANet was completely wrong on how they got this information. Fine. Most of the people here complaining would still be suspended because the indirectly ADMITTED they did it in this thread. And all ANet needs to do is show those comments of disclosed guilt . . . freely admitted on a public forum.

Again, seriously folks, stop posting about how you were wrong, but ANet was worst because of legal reason A, B, or C.

It's not helping your cause.

You're conflating different issues that people are having. Whilst some I'm sure are guilty as charged and are trying to play a blame game or feign ignorance; others, who have not received a ban, are concerned with methods and transparency.

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@TexZero.7910 said:

@TexZero.7910 said:Additionally, it's not spyware when you consent which everyone using this service did. You voluntarily gave up whatever perceived right to privacy when you consented to the user agreement which states in pretty clear as day terms that anet can scan your system for any tools that may be used to cheat or otherwise gain an unfair advantage.

You would not say that if the tool had accessed your webcam and sent screenshots to Anet, just to monitor if nobody else is playing your account, because that would be against the ToS.

Or maybe you would, the slavish obedience expressed to authority in many posts here by several people horrifies me.

If i consented to it, i would allow it.However, i don't own a webcam so your hypothetical Orwellian scenario falls flat.

You know though whats even more horrifying than what you claim to be slavish obedience ? The sheer attempts to feign ignorance and pretending that anything you do online is protected. What you do online is about as protected as what you do in a park. Both are public spaces.

And still, personally, Im wearing clothes in park... you know, for protecting my privacy.

Wow are you intentionally missing the point.

What you do in said park is public, it has consquences. What you do online is also public, it has consequences.

If someone happens to catch you in the act of a crime in a public space, guess what....You're likely to face the consequences.You get caught running a tool that can be utilized to cheat at the same time (not happenstance, not accident) for a sustained period of time in a service where you've agreed not to... You face the consequences.

If you wish to continue to miss the point that's on you but i hope i dont have to explain this any further.

But my desktop isn't a public space its private.

What you do in said park is public, it has consquences. What you do online is also public, it has consequences.

It's like ANET looking through the window of my house, seeing i have a knife in my hand and assuming i'm going to murder someone and arresting me.

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@TexZero.7910 said:What you do in said park is public, it has consquences. What you do online is also public, it has consequences.

If someone happens to catch you in the act of a crime in a public space, guess what....You're likely to face the consequences.

That is an inaccurate comparison, I'm sure you can come up with something better.

Only a few things you do online are public, like writing here on these forums. But even then, you know nothing about me and if I insulted or shamed you, it would have no real consequences. If I did that in a park, you might smash my nose in. You would know how I look like, what kind of people I have with me, you could follow me home if you wanted. In a park or on the street, everybody can see you, you have no control over it. On the Internet, you can control what you provide to the public.

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@Jason.5983 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@Jason.5983 All that are attempts to muddy the waters and distract from the issue: cheating.

I worked in legal for years. Area Defense Counsel would beg military members to say nothing to the police. But it never happens. The guilty always must speak out on how unjust or wrong the methodology was to them . . . and every time they'd indirectly prove themselves guilty.

This thread is a case study. Let's say ANet was completely wrong on how they got this information. Fine. Most of the people here complaining would still be suspended because the indirectly ADMITTED they did it in this thread. And all ANet needs to do is show those comments of disclosed guilt . . . freely admitted on a public forum.

Again, seriously folks, stop posting about how you were wrong, but ANet was worst because of legal reason A, B, or C.

It's not helping your cause.

You're conflating different issues that people are having. Whilst some I'm sure are guilty as charged and are trying to play a blame game or feign ignorance; others, who have not received a ban, are concerned with methods and transparency.

Good luck with that. In the meantime, the game is now freer of many cheaters in PvE, PvP, and WvW. And all it took is what some on these forums would call questionable behavior from the game's developers and owners.

I don't know about you, but I consider that a bargain.

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@"BillC.4521" said:Now we only need someone to make post about windows and antivirus program using "SPYWARE COMPONENT" to scan your computer and gather your data.

If you afraid of gw2 doing this again then just delete/uninstall gw2 from your pc.Even the reddit post said its built in into the gw2 client but people keep saying as if anet installing separate program into their computer.And its only scanning for running processes and people keep saying about your picture video and webcam etc

You can install totally new functions into an existing program... the patching process itself is the installation.

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@Sojar.1495 said:

@"trueanimus.4085" said:all i can say is good riddance. if you had the program running, any of them, at the same time the GW2.exe was going, you cant prove that you werent using it just like they cant prove you were.

The point is... if you had those cheat programs running, you either knew how to cheat and didnt, or you were straight up cheating period.

end of story.

Thank you anet for finally showing some concern

Yes you can

I already outlined one way they could have used to determine whether or not the Cheat Engine process is attached to the Guild Wars 2 process by simply checking the handles the Cheat Engine process has open. So there are definitely ways to figure it out. It would take less than 15 minutes to implement and can be done in probably less than 20 lines of code as well. So this is not at all some kind of technical limitation.

ANET were just sloppy, made assumptions and banned innocent people.

You can prove you had Cheat Engine running multiple times in tandem with GW2, and did not use it for cheating in GW2?

Well then,, post your proof. I'll wait. Calling your bluff here and now. So, prove it!

The burden of proof is on the accuser not the accused

Wrong again. This isn't the public justice system. This is a private service.

You have no rights. No free speech. No right to freedom. No rights except what ANET grants you.

Also, still waiting on that proof, which you so confidently stated was able to be provided by the "innocent."You have no rights. No free speech. No right to freedom. No rights except what ANET grants you.

I have all of my rights as i live in the EU :)

Want to bet? Go setup shop.in Lions Arch and scream obsenities in map chat. See how fast your right to free speech evaporates away. You have NO RIGHTS. And if you'd like to take it to court to invalidate their ToS/UA, feel free. They'll refund you and then permanently ban you from the service. So go for it!

@"trueanimus.4085" said:all i can say is good riddance. if you had the program running, any of them, at the same time the GW2.exe was going, you cant prove that you werent using it just like they cant prove you were.

The point is... if you had those cheat programs running, you either knew how to cheat and didnt, or you were straight up cheating period.

end of story.

Thank you anet for finally showing some concern

Yes you can

I already outlined one way they could have used to determine whether or not the Cheat Engine process is attached to the Guild Wars 2 process by simply checking the handles the Cheat Engine process has open. So there are definitely ways to figure it out. It would take less than 15 minutes to implement and can be done in probably less than 20 lines of code as well. So this is not at all some kind of technical limitation.

ANET were just sloppy, made assumptions and banned innocent people.

You can prove you had Cheat Engine running multiple times in tandem with GW2, and did not use it for cheating in GW2?

Well then,, post your proof. I'll wait. Calling your bluff here and now. So, prove it!

The burden of proof is on the accuser not the accused

Wrong again. This isn't the public justice system. This is a private service.

You have no rights. No free speech. No right to freedom. No rights except what ANET grants you.

Also, still waiting on that proof, which you so confidently stated was able to be provided by the "innocent."You have no rights. No free speech. No right to freedom. No rights except what ANET grants you.

I have all of my rights as i live in the EU :)

Want to bet? Go setup shop.in Lions Arch and scream obsenities in map chat. See how fast your right to free speech evaporates away. You have NO RIGHTS. And if you'd like to take it to court to invalidate their ToS/UA, feel free. They'll refund you and then permanently ban you from the service. So go for it!

Honest question here. As you state, as a fact, that consumers have absolutely no rights here, are you claiming that ANet has a unique and singular exemption from consumer rights/protection laws (in their various forms in countries where ANet does business)?

I am not arguing that ANet is breaking any of those laws, but I am curious as to how you come to the conclusion that consumers in this instance have no rights despite the existence of legislation that says otherwise.

Personally the only specific applicable legislation that I know of regards the enforceability of modifications to the conditions of a contract when those modifications were not present at the time of the creation of the initial contract. This is state specific however and, very likely, is inapplicable for most players.

Still, nearly every western country has consumer rights laws of some sort.

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@Jason.5983 All that are attempts to muddy the waters and distract from the issue: cheating.

I worked in legal for years. Area Defense Counsel would beg military members to say nothing to the police. But it never happens. The guilty always must speak out on how unjust or wrong the methodology was to them . . . and every time they'd indirectly prove themselves guilty.

This thread is a case study. Let's say ANet was completely wrong on how they got this information. Fine. Most of the people here complaining would still be suspended because the indirectly ADMITTED they did it in this thread. And all ANet needs to do is show those comments of disclosed guilt . . . freely admitted on a public forum.

Again, seriously folks, stop posting about how you were wrong, but ANet was worst because of legal reason A, B, or C.

It's not helping your cause.

You're conflating different issues that people are having. Whilst some I'm sure are guilty as charged and are trying to play a blame game or feign ignorance; others, who have not received a ban, are concerned with methods and transparency.

Good luck with that. In the meantime, the game is now freer of many cheaters in PvE, PvP, and WvW. And all it took is what some on these forums would call questionable behavior from the game's developers and owners.

I don't know about you, but I consider that a bargain.

1500 accounts, can be estimated by probably many people just by the sheer amount of people who play the game, and vague estimates at how popular macros and bots are, to be a pretty dismal figure. I do not share the comfort you perhaps feel.

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@TexZero.7910 said:

@TexZero.7910 said:Additionally, it's not spyware when you consent which everyone using this service did. You voluntarily gave up whatever perceived right to privacy when you consented to the user agreement which states in pretty clear as day terms that anet can scan your system for any tools that may be used to cheat or otherwise gain an unfair advantage.

You would not say that if the tool had accessed your webcam and sent screenshots to Anet, just to monitor if nobody else is playing your account, because that would be against the ToS.

Or maybe you would, the slavish obedience expressed to authority in many posts here by several people horrifies me.

If i consented to it, i would allow it.However, i don't own a webcam so your hypothetical Orwellian scenario falls flat.

You know though whats even more horrifying than what you claim to be slavish obedience ? The sheer attempts to feign ignorance and pretending that anything you do online is protected. What you do online is about as protected as what you do in a park. Both are public spaces.

And still, personally, Im wearing clothes in park... you know, for protecting my privacy.

Wow are you intentionally missing the point.

What you do in said park is public, it has consquences. What you do online is also public, it has consequences.

If someone happens to catch you in the act of a crime in a public space, guess what....You're likely to face the consequences.You get caught running a tool that can be utilized to cheat at the same time (not happenstance, not accident) for a sustained period of time in a service where you've agreed not to... You face the consequences.

If you wish to continue to miss the point that's on you but i hope i dont have to explain this any further.

Actually, YOU are missing the point ;) What I do and write on the internet is public, what I do and write on my computer is private. My computer is NOT public property. Thats like saying your home is public because it has windows and doors and is connected to a public place called "streets".

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@Jason.5983 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Contracts. We all signed a contract. It's not a 'law', but a legally binding document. And there's a reason they make us click okay to it every time they update it.

Seriously? This is the discussion now? For the love of Pete, don't run cheat programs while playing an MMO.

You don't need legal knowledge to know this. Just use common sense.

There's a big difference between what you're saying, and what many others are saying.I for one, am more concerned with their methods and lack of transparency.

Perhaps looking into the variety of comments and issues raised would highlight that better.

what transparency do you need exactly for the windows api that is a basic function that has been used by programs for decades? They have told you they have checked running processes, not much more to tell. There's fear mongering going on this thread from people who don't seem to know very much about anything technically or even know what they want, i.e they want cheats caught without retrieving data from client pcs that are doing the cheating (psychic powers?)

Well to be honest - the end is somewhat nonsense, since you can catch cheaters without these methods.As for what more that could be disclosed; whether the data has been stored beyond its use, or deleted, is at least one issue, and I'm sure there are others.

companies already have to do that by law, they have a legal obligation to only use the bare minimum of data and only store it as long as needed. We do not need every single program to disclose every single bit of data they store 'just in case' a person with limited pc knowledge objects. This thread is paranoid nonsense, probably driven by those caught with their hands in the cookie jar. software does much more intrusive data mining on our pc's every time we use it.

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@"TexZero.7910" said:What you do in said park is public, it has consquences. What you do online is also public, it has consequences.

If someone happens to catch you in the act of a crime in a public space, guess what....You're likely to face the consequences.

That is an inaccurate comparison, I'm sure you can come up with something better.

Only a few things you do online are public, like writing here on these forums. But even then, you know nothing about me and if I insulted or shamed you, it would have no real consequences. If I did that in a park, you might smash my nose in. You would know how I look like, what kind of people I have with me, you could follow me home if you wanted. In a park or on the street, everybody can see you, you have no control over it. On the Internet, you can control what you provide to the public.

You are playing an MMO, and have voluntarily given up your right to privacy. Everything you do in said space of this MMO is public, to think otherwise is extremely foolish.The only protected data you have is what is legally required by Anet to protect Age, Name, Location, Spending. Outside of this you have near 0 protection.

But you're going to say something really silly like but but im protected! No, you're not. You sigend away those freedoms the moment you started paying for an online service. Your ISP is tracking you, have you complained to them ? Your local government tracks you on a daily basis have you complained to them ?

No instead you've come to the understanding that your "Freedoms" have a stopping point. You don't actually want real freedom, for that is anarchy. So every day you trade bits and pieces of your freedoms for the lifestyle you've grown accustomed too. Part of that that you're now unhappy about for some asinine reason is this game companies ability to monitor its users and their machines for the intent and means to cheat.

No one who got caught up in this ban wave was innocuous, they all had the programs running on their machines for sustained periods of time.

But hey, keep on complaining about it. Im sure you'll get some pro-bono lawyer to take your case, right before they get laughed straight out of court for the farce they are presenting.

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@Jason.5983 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@Jason.5983 One is still better than none, but again . . . good luck with convincing ANet otherwise.

I am doubtful I need to convince them.I have heard of some suspensions being lifted, and the backlash here in the discussion speaks for itself.

Damage to a companies reputation can have effects on sales, and so forth.

The ironic part is all this thread tells me is how good this game is, and how far people will go to convince ANet to let them play this game again if suspended from it.

But damage control and so-called reputations is a whole 'nother topic.

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