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Daily Achi cap

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:This is an old discussion and I do not believe there is an easy answer. If you compare the current system with gw1, I prefer this one. In GW1 it is possible to gain the highest title (God walking amongst mortals) within 6 months. After that, all there is to repeat or play game formats you might not like.

So it is good that arenanet wants to keep offering us challenges and rewards, but also that it is exponentially tiered.

yes but its sad i'm here since beta and i'm only at 33k! can't even get the hellfire backpack! also if you check most of the achievements introduced in the pof or other living season are just 1AP / achievement! it is very very low.So if in gw1 you could reach gwamm in 6 months, well here 6 years and just half way and no way to gain more, stuck waiting new content which just give 1AP.sight...

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@HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

A possible solution we worked on last time (which does not even violate the official purity of purpose):

  • Dailies give 10 AP per completion until the cap of 15,000 is reached
  • Then dailies give 5 AP per completion until the cap of 30,000 is reached
  • Then dailies give 2 AP per completion until the cap of 45,000 is reached
  • Then dailies give 1 AP per completion without a cap

this is good! even if 1 AP is low but at least something!

I did pvp / wvw / pve! even got the legendary weapons to get the APs too much grinding and yet low reward.

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@Shaman.4513 said:

@mercury ranique.2170 said:This is an old discussion and I do not believe there is an easy answer. If you compare the current system with gw1, I prefer this one. In GW1 it is possible to gain the highest title (God walking amongst mortals) within 6 months. After that, all there is to repeat or play game formats you might not like.

So it is good that arenanet wants to keep offering us challenges and rewards, but also that it is exponentially tiered.

yes but its sad i'm here since beta and i'm only at 33k! can't even get the hellfire backpack! also if you check most of the achievements introduced in the pof or other living season are just 1AP / achievement! it is very very low.So if in gw1 you could reach gwamm in 6 months, well here 6 years and just half way and no way to gain more, stuck waiting new content which just give 1AP.sight...

I have been here for the same amount of time and are below 25k.To me rewards needs two things.1: they need to feel like a reward. I really should have earned it and make me feel unique.2: they should not feel like a choir. I do not want to feel force to get them.

One thing about gw1 titles that bothered me was how the Legendary Defender of Ascalon developed.It started about a few players finding way to overcome the level cap in pre seering in a very impressive and ingenious way. They got rewarded by arenanet with this title. To those who do not know, I’ll add the original way to do this at the bottom. So the title was introduced and almost instantly, people complained it was too hard and finally arenanet gave in to the pressure and offered alternative more boring and easy ways. To me this destroyed this title. It cancelled the value. I still have the satisfaction of having it the old way, but still

The background explaination. The title was about reaching max level 20) in pre seering, this was a tutorial area used for low level experience. To gain levels you needed to kill foes in gw1. When a foe is 5 levels below your own you don’t gain any experience. In the pre seering area, the max level of the foes was 11. So once you hit level 16 you do no5 have any obvious means of leveling. The way people solved it was to let the lvl 11 foes kill themselves over and over, the npc’s gained xp and levelled up. Once they did a few times they killed them for a tiny bit of XP. Then they repeat. They even had an AFk way to get killed over and over (Yes afk farming is illegal, but afk getting killed is allowed). Then arenanet introduced level 16 foes cause people complained the title was too hard,

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Removing the dailies cap is not the answer. The answer is for ANet to give us AP rewards on the same level that the core game and LWS1 gave out AP rewards. Getting 10 ap a day if they removed the cap on dailies will take you literally decades to get to that level as long as Anet keeps releasing new AP at the same rate

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@maddoctor.2738 said:What you are missing is that achievement rewards are not a reward track because it has no upper limit. .Yes it is . . .@maddoctor.2738 said:Simple solution so nobody complains: don't make the rewards of endless reward tracks visible

See . . ?

But it doesn't have to contain unique rewards. They could just repeat the same few rewards every interval and then the inability to advance the track wouldn't be a big deal . . .

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@Randulf.7614 said:Dailies aren't the issue, it's the lowered ap rewards given with content these days. I'm not sure why they want to slow ap gain down - surely encouraging play is good for the game.

This. The 15k daily cap is fine.

Maybe bring back monthlies, and give them a 5k cap, with dailies keeping the 15k cap, but there should be a cap somewhere, and real achievements should start giving more achievement points.

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@"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:This discussion again. I say again, because we have it on the forums once in a while, we even had it in the old ones. As far as I remember the cap was placed, so the new players can "catch up" with the veterans over time in terms of achievements. We all know that this is never going to happen, thanks to locked/old content.

A possible solution we worked on last time (which does not even violate the official purity of purpose):

  • Dailies give 10 AP per completion until the cap of 15,000 is reached
  • Then dailies give 5 AP per completion until the cap of 30,000 is reached
  • Then dailies give 2 AP per completion until the cap of 45,000 is reached
  • Then dailies give 1 AP per completion without a cap

Note: To reach the first cap, you need to do 1,500 dailies, which is more than 4 years, in case you never miss a single day. To reach the second cap, you need to do 3,000 dailies, which would be ~ 8.5 years. When you reach the 2nd cap you played the game for at least 12.5 years. The longest mmo I ever played was 7 years. For the last cap you need to add another 7,500 dailies, more than 20.5 years - total of 33 years. If you are still worried, WoW is out since 2005 (EU), that is barely 13 years XD.

Now a newbie could argument, that veterans are still far ahead of them and that this system would not help newer players to catch up in time. Well, personally I would be fine with 1 AP per daily, once the 15,000 AP cap is reached. This would give the players a decision: If you still want to get 10 AP for free, you have to do 10 dailies. If you do not want to wait that long, do any of your unfinished achievements. Purity of purpose!


About that 60,000 AP rewardIf you create a system of values, you always want to have scales which are beyond the maximum reachable value. Else you cannot overview it properly and everything looks mixed up. If you make a graph with %, you do not let the scales end at 50%? I do not think the 60,000 AP is there to be reached by any player ever. It is there to indicate the end of the system. And even if we get close to that in a few years, they will increase the scale to 100,000 AP.

I already suggested something like this in Oct 2017.

@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:It would be nice to change the hard cap of 15,000 to a system without cap but diminishing returns.

Like:10Ap/day for the first 15,0005Ap/day for 15,000 - 25,0003Ap/day for 25,000 - 35,0002Ap/day for 35,000 - 45,0001Ap/day for 45,000+

Numbers can be changed and are just to indicate the principle.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/202581/#Comment_202581

I would love to see something like this implemented to the game sooner or later.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:I'll never be able to catch up because content that granted lots of AP has been removed. Even though I desire to earn those achievements like those before me.

There's about 4k that is no longer obtainable. The people with the most AP have about 37k. So that's about 15% extra available to people who didn't miss a week during game's first two years, have all the expansions and LS/DLC. In contact, there's 15k available from dailies, representing nearly 50% of what's available to people who started playing after.

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