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@"sorayuki.8906" said:My hope is some players from SoS will share their views, and whoever is matched up with BG & YB next week can follow up.

It could be nothing, but here's my view having played on SoS for the last 9 months: BG & YB are working together to deny any other servers enough points to remain in T1.On EBG, you see BG objectives untouched while SoS objectives are flipped faster than they can be reclaimed.On other BL's, you see the BG zerg coming to defend YB objectives.The 2v1-ing is seen time and time again.

SoS spent a good 6+ months in T1, but 2 weeks ago something changed. I'd love to know what so as a server we could adapt and resume our fight to beat BG for once. But if it's a rigged game, that's uh, not cool, ya know ?

I could definitely believe this; now that SoS is out of T1, they aren't being propped up anymore. They lose nearly every fight and seem to lose their EBG keep regularly. Same happened on BG, if SoS wasn't around to prop them up, BG would routinely lose nearly all their fights. But a 3 way match is built for a 2 vs 1; however, the coverage issues will end soon enough. I think it'll be fairly hard to maintain any type of "unspoken" 2vs1 as there is no more server identity.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

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@Actium.8765 said:honestly i think any server in t1 should just double team BG since they have the coverage and people to fight both at the same time.

You would think, would make things interesting in tier one for a change rather than the usual ktraining.On the other hand that would mean playing hardcore ppting to win, which is now pointless when original servers will be dead in the near future.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

15 is enough to take on 25 no-skill BG. Kek.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

I dont understand, what were they supposed to do just let you pass by?

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@X T D.6458 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

I dont understand, what were they supposed to do just let you pass by?

I think maybe people want a group to count how many are there and only have that number respond.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

I dont understand, what were they supposed to do just let you pass by?

I think maybe people want a group to count how many are there and only have that number respond.

If only that were possible everytime I ran into a map blob :/

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@Eremes Guile.1480 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

15 is enough to take on 25 no-skill BG. Kek.

haha... well yes if the 15 are skilled and organized and not a random pug group like ours... ;)... although when I say at least 25 I mean more like 30 or more... when they descended on us we disappeared amongst them... that's how many there were... we looked like a few ants on an ant hill.

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@X T D.6458 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

I dont understand, what were they supposed to do just let you pass by?

You misunderstand the purpose of my post. I'm not complaining. As I said, it is what it is. Most people may or may not send some roamers or a small group to defend a camp, esp one that's just T1... BG sends a zerg/blob pretty much every time. Not complaining seriously... it's just the way of things and that's all I was trying to point out.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

I dont understand, what were they supposed to do just let you pass by?

I think maybe people want a group to count how many are there and only have that number respond.

lol oh come on... I'm not saying that at all. The facts are the facts... BG sends BIG numbers to defend even a paper structure or camp.. Most other servers... well any other server that I've come up against doesn't do that. I'm not complaining.. no sense in complaining.. it is what it is.. and THIS is the BG way.. that's it :P

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BG and YB seemed to made an agreement to only focus the third server.YB never touch any BG stuff and BG seems to avoid going after YB stuff as well, at least to some degree.Both server seems to zerg only the third server's home BLs.This is at least what I have noticed in the last 2 weeks.

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@XenesisII.1540 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@XenesisII.1540 said:Must be a lot of new people on SoS or something..

New linking... BP linked with SoS this run...

I mean to come in here and complain about what's happening to them being red in t1 when it's been happening for 9 months with their involvement.Tables turned 0 sympathy.

hmmm... ok must be talking about the original op then.. no complaints here though. Just a good ol ( and definitely not young), guy having fun! wp mastery and all.

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@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

Sooo.... sometimes it is organised......

Im not scared of BG or their size... dont care about being mutilated and run over by a 60 strong blob, I enjoy it... thats wvw, been going on since day one... dont give a crap about AJs. AJ is part of the fun. 3 way fight is fun, like 2 blobs are fighting and no.3 blob comes along what are they sposed to do, stand there and watch? thats ridiculous and no fun....

Dont give a crap about an occasional spur of the moment d/t like once or twice in a week but what happened that one week was extreme and clearly not an accident :P

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@Lady Sapphirah.6234 said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

Sooo.... sometimes it is organised......

Im not scared of BG or their size... dont care about being mutilated and run over by a 60 strong blob, I enjoy it... thats wvw, been going on since day one... dont give a crap about AJs. AJ is part of the fun. 3 way fight is fun, like 2 blobs are fighting and no.3 blob comes along what are they sposed to do, stand there and watch? thats ridiculous and no fun....

Dont give a crap about an occasional spur of the moment d/t like once or twice in a week but what happened that one week was extreme and clearly not an accident :P

No idea, I dont get involved in server politics. And I was not there for the particular incident you were describing so cant specifically comment on that. Usually we just follow the ojs and fight whoever is there. The payback part doesn't have to be organized, for example SoS blocks us from defending SMC, so we might go after them when given an opportunity when they are attacking or defending.

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@Vova.2640 said:BG and YB seemed to made an agreement to only focus the third server.YB never touch any BG stuff and BG seems to avoid going after YB stuff as well, at least to some degree.Both server seems to zerg only the third server's home BLs.This is at least what I have noticed in the last 2 weeks.

Focusing on the third server is true only if that third server is SoS.

BG will want to 'unofficially 'coorodinate with any server against SoS. They are seeing SoS as a thread in T1. Admit it.

Not too long ago, BG teamed up with Mag to cap SoS garri in EBG. I was there that evening and I remember very well. Mag hit us on the North wall while BG hit our Southern gates. We managed to hold for like 30 mins. When SoS managed to push Mag to retreat, BG will hit us from behind, but when Mag pushed us, BG stood and watch. So, eventually we were being pushed to our spawn fort. I could see not far behind the fighting group, there were two other groups standing very close to one another, BG (green) and Mag (red). They just stood there, not fighting each other. The team-up was very obvious on the map too. EBG was evenly split between the two servers, half green and half red, blue is left with just their spawn area.

And lately a spy has been pulling our EBG EWP all day. Yes, SoS is so good that they have to stoop to that low tactics : D

If given a choice, I would rather be in T2. T1 is boring because BG is boring. Really.

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@Tiny Doom.4380 said:This is a match up thread so it's going to get locked. Personally I think it was always a mistake to ban match up threads. WvW was intended to be a team competition and if the official forums deny players the opportunity to discuss the outcome of matches in a league then it undermines the whole principle of the competition. Match up threads need to be heavily moderated but they should never have been outright banned.

That said, the YB/BG position, as I see it from YB, is that some on YB feel they'd rather not be in T1 while others feel it's fine to stay as long as we can hold our place. There is no collusion whatsoever between BG and YB and there isn't likely to be, ever. BG have the coverage to do pretty much what they want but over the past few months they've fallen into the habit of getting a big lead at the weekends then slacking off because the third team has always given up. YB doesn't generally give up and at the moment we are very strong in NA and have some good coverage in OCX and EU, meaning we can compete to an extent. That means BG has had to do a bit more work to keep its comfortable lead, which probably means BG hitting the third team (currently SoS) harder than they're used to.

If there was going to be any organized double-teaming, which there won't be because, contrary to opinions often expressed, it's incredibly hard to organize and even harder to maintain, it would be more likely to involve YB and the 3rd team vs Blackgate, which is the only way BG will ever be pegged down from the top spot. SoS and YB hate each other far too much for that to happen. It could, conceivably happen with another server - TC would probably be the most amenable to trying it - but it almost certainly never will. BG will sit on their coverage and the top spot until the revamp breaks them up forever.

That explains why I see so few thread discussing other servers. I feel like my question has been answered, so mods can close this.Thanks to everyone for the replies! ^_^

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I am not sure if it is double team or not since I am not there to witness it.

However, there certainly is such possibility but the other possibility is higher which is just the circumstance call for it.

If a zerg keep losing fights, there is little reasons why the zerg will keep trying to bash the same enemy over and over again. This is especially the case when one has more numbers than the other though many or majority do not have that capability to eye estimate that differences. Regardless, one will start to avoid that enemy thus going for the weaker opponent. This can be applied to the opponent as well. Eventually, the strongest one will keep targeting the 2nd strongest while the weakest will hit the 2nd strongest, creating a illusion of double team.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@X T D.6458 said:Sometimes its map politics,Sometimes its payback,Sometimes its for funsies.

lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

i mean, it's wvw, it's not like a walk in the park, you know..

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